PersonContactService (Version 3 [UDV], 2020-1)

PersonContactService (Version 3 [UDV], 2020-1)

Denne service understøtter registrering og hent af borgeres kontaktpersoner, såsom koordinerende sagsbehandlere, personlig jobformidler, støtte-kontaktperson, kontaktperson i socialområde, bisidder, pårørende m.fl.

Bemærk: mht. mentor angives denne i forbindelse med ActivityService og vil derfor også fremgå som en del af Min plan.



Metoden henter en borgers kontaktpersoner afholdte samtaler for en borger

Denne metode gør det muligt at oprette (tilknytte) en kontaktperson af en given type til en eller flere borger.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|0000000000
CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR)

Unique identification of a person

The Civil Registration System contains:
- Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens.
As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st.
- Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP)
has also been given a civil registration number.
- Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes.

Value space:
The civil registration number consists of two parts.
The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY.
The following part is a serial number of four digits.
The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000.
This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown.

The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons.
The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals.

The civil registration number is not to be deleted.

1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.
-    PersonContactCollectionPersonContactCollectionType
0 - *Liste af borgens kontaktperson.
-    PersonContactPersonContactType
1Giver PersonContactInfo collection: Kontaktpersontilknytning, koordinerende sagsbehandler, personlig jobformidler m.m.
-    -    PersonContactIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}
Identifikation af kontaktpersontilknytningen.
-    -    PersonContactNameString_1_255
Base: string
Length: 1-2501Navn (fornavn, mellemnavn, efternavn) på kontaktpersonen.
-    -    PersonContactTypeIdentifierPersonContactTypeIdentifierType
-    -    TelephoneNumberIdentifierTelephoneNumberIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20}0 - 1Telefonnummer inkl. internationalt prefix
-    -    MobileNumberIdentifierMobileNumberIdentifierType
Base: TelephoneNumberIdentifierType

0 - 1Mobilnummer inkl. internationalt prefix
-    -    EmailAddressIdentifierEmailAddressIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ([^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{0,191}@[^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{1,64})0 - 1Emailadresse.
-    -    StartDatedateTime
1Startdato for tilknytning af kontaktperson.
-    -    EndDatedateTime
0 - 1Slutdato for tilknytning af kontaktperson.
-    -    CommentToCitizenString_1_255
Base: string
Length: 1-2500 - 1Kommentar/bemærkninger til visning for borger på Jobnet.
-    -    CommentToCaseWorkerString_1_255
Base: string
Length: 1-2500 - 1Kommentar/bemærkninger til visning for jobkonsulent i a-kasse og jobcenter.
-    -    ShowContactPersonInJobnetBoolean
1Skal kontaktpersonen vises på Jobnet med denne rolle for borgerne. Hvis den undlades, bliver kontaktpersonen vist
-    -    ResponsibleAuthority

1Den myndighed som har oprettet evalueringen
-    -    -    AuthorityCode

1Myndighedskode for ansvarlig myndighed
-    -    -    OrganisationTypeIdentifier

1Myndighedstype, ansvarlig myndighed
-    -    DFDGRegistrationDateTimeDateTime
1Tidspunkt hvor hændelsen/data er registreret i DFDG


Denne metode gør det muligt at oprette (tilknytte) en kontaktperson af en given type til en eller flere borger.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierCollectionPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierCollectionType
1 - *Liste af borgere der alle skal have samme kontaktperson med samme rolle
-    -    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR)

Unique identification of a person

The Civil Registration System contains:
- Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens.
As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st.
- Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP)
has also been given a civil registration number.
- Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes.

Value space:
The civil registration number consists of two parts.
The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY.
The following part is a serial number of four digits.
The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000.
This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown.

The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons.
The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals.

The civil registration number is not to be deleted.

1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.
-    -    PersonContactIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}1Identifikation af kontaktpersontilknytningen.
-    PersonContactPersonContactType
1Giver PersonContactInfo collection: Kontaktpersontilknytning, koordinerende sagsbehandler, personlig jobformidler m.m.
-    -    PersonContactNameString_1_255
Base: string
Length: 1-2501Navn (fornavn, mellemnavn, efternavn) på kontaktpersonen.
-    -    PersonContactTypeIdentifierPersonContactTypeIdentifierType
-    -    TelephoneNumberIdentifierTelephoneNumberIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20}0 - 1Telefonnummer inkl. internationalt prefix
-    -    MobileNumberIdentifierMobileNumberIdentifierType
Base: TelephoneNumberIdentifierType

0 - 1Mobilnummer inkl. internationalt prefix
-    -    EmailAddressIdentifierEmailAddressIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ([^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{0,191}@[^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{1,64})0 - 1Emailadresse.
-    -    StartDatedateTime
1Startdato for tilknytning af kontaktperson.
-    -    EndDatedateTime
0 - 1Slutdato for tilknytning af kontaktperson.
-    -    CommentToCitizenString_1_255
Base: string
Length: 1-2500 - 1Kommentar/bemærkninger til visning for borger på Jobnet.
-    -    CommentToCaseWorkerString_1_255
Base: string
Length: 1-2500 - 1Kommentar/bemærkninger til visning for jobkonsulent i a-kasse og jobcenter.
-    -    ShowContactPersonInJobnetBoolean
1Skal kontaktpersonen vises på Jobnet med denne rolle for borgerne. Hvis den undlades, bliver kontaktpersonen vist


-    EmptyResponseEmptyResponseType
1Tomt svar


1001Invalid cprThe submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date
1003Duration is negativeThe reported duration is negative, start date is greater than end date
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4405The person with specified cpr is deadThe person with specified cpr is dead
8105The PersonContactTypeIdentifier type is unknown.The PersonContactTypeIdentifier type is unknown.
8310Person contact enddate cannot be in the pastPerson contact enddate cannot be in the past


Denne metode gør det muligt at opdatere oplysninger på en kontaktperson af en given type, der er tilknyttet en eller flere borger. Denne metoder bør primært anvendes til ajoutfører stamoplysninger om kontaktpersonen. dvs.: 

  • Ændringer til Navn, Telefonnummer, Telefonnummer, Mobilnummer, Emailadresse, Kommentar/bemærkninger til visning for borger på Jobnet og eller Kommentar/bemærkninger til visning for jobkonsulent i a-kasse og jobcenter.
  • Påsætning af Slutdato 

Ændringer til eksisterende startdato og slutdato kan foretages, men opdateres de og er de i konflikt med senere startdato eller slutdato for senere registrering, vil de blive overrulet af den senere registrering i visning for borger på Jobnet.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierCollection

1 - *Liste af borgere der alle skal have samme kontaktperson med samme rolle
-    -    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001
CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR)

Unique identification of a person

The Civil Registration System contains:
- Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens.
As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st.
- Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP)
has also been given a civil registration number.
- Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes.

Value space:
The civil registration number consists of two parts.
The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY.
The following part is a serial number of four digits.
The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000.
This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown.

The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons.
The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals.

The civil registration number is not to be deleted.

1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.
-    -    PersonContactIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}1Identifikation af kontaktpersontilknytningen.
-    PersonContactPersonContactType
1Giver PersonContactInfo collection: Kontaktpersontilknytning, koordinerende sagsbehandler, personlig jobformidler m.m.
-    -    PersonContactNameString_1_255
Base: string
Length: 1-2501Navn (fornavn, mellemnavn, efternavn) på kontaktpersonen.
-    -    PersonContactTypeIdentifierPersonContactTypeIdentifierType
-    -    TelephoneNumberIdentifierTelephoneNumberIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20}0 - 1Telefonnummer inkl. internationalt prefix
-    -    MobileNumberIdentifierMobileNumberIdentifierType
Base: TelephoneNumberIdentifierType

0 - 1Mobilnummer inkl. internationalt prefix
-    -    EmailAddressIdentifierEmailAddressIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ([^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{0,191}@[^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{1,64})0 - 1Emailadresse.
-    -    StartDatedateTime
1Startdato for tilknytning af kontaktperson.
-    -    EndDatedateTime
0 - 1Slutdato for tilknytning af kontaktperson.
-    -    CommentToCitizenString_1_255
Base: string
Length: 1-2500 - 1Kommentar/bemærkninger til visning for borger på Jobnet.
-    -    CommentToCaseWorkerString_1_255
Base: string
Length: 1-2500 - 1Kommentar/bemærkninger til visning for jobkonsulent i a-kasse og jobcenter.
-    -    ShowContactPersonInJobnetBoolean
0 - 1Skal kontaktpersonen vises på Jobnet med denne rolle for borgerne. Hvis den undlades, bliver kontaktpersonen vist


-    EmptyResponseEmptyResponseType
1Tomt svar


1001Invalid cprThe submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date
1003Duration is negativeThe reported duration is negative, start date is greater than end date
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4405The person with specified cpr is deadThe person with specified cpr is dead
8105The PersonContactTypeIdentifier type is unknown.The PersonContactTypeIdentifier type is unknown.
8106A contact with the given identifier does not exist.A contact with the given identifier does not exist.
8310Person contact enddate cannot be in the pastPerson contact enddate cannot be in the past