Virksomhedsordning.FlexjobService (Version 1, 2025-1)
Siden opdateres automatisk til at afspejle koden.
GetFlexjob (POST /Flexjob/GetFlexjob)
Ikke defineret
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
x-requestId [Header] | string |
| 1 | Unikt id for requestet (typisk guid). Hvis api'et modtager samme requestId mere end én gang returneres http status kode 412. Max længde for id'et er 46 chars |
requestBody | GetCaseElementRequest |
| 1 |
- activeOrganisationHeader | ActiveOrganisationHeaderType |
| 0 - 1 |
- requestUserMetadataHeader | RequestUserMetadataType |
| 0 - 1 |
- getCaseElementRequestType | GetCaseElementRequestType |
| 0 - 1 |
- - caseElementIdentifier | uuid |
| 1 |
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
response | FlexjobOfferResponse |
| 1 |
- flexjobRequestResponseType | FlexjobOfferResponseType |
| 1 |
- - caseElementFlowState | CaseElementFlowStateType |
| 1 |
- - - jobOfferStatusIdentifier |
| 0 - 1 |
| |
- - - jobAllocationStatusIdentifier |
| 0 - 1 |
| |
- - - vitasCaseId | string | Length: 1-20 | 1 |
- - - vitasUrl | string | Length: 1-4000 | 1 |
- - - obtainedByExternalOperator | boolean |
| 1 |
- - - externalOperator | CompanyIdentifierType |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - cvRnumberIdentifier | CvrNummerDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - productionUnitIdentifier | ProduktionsenhedIdDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - responsibleCaseworker | CaseworkerType |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - responsibleCaseworkerName | PersonNavnDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - fornavn | string | Length: 1-50 | 1 |
- - - - - mellemnavn | string | Length: 0-40 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - - efternavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - responsibleCaseworkerMail | EmailAdresseDto |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - decisionDate | date-time |
| 0 - 1 |
- - company | CompanyType |
| 1 |
- - - companyIdentifier | CompanyIdentifierType |
| 1 |
- - - - cvRnumberIdentifier | CvrNummerDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - productionUnitIdentifier | ProduktionsenhedIdDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - companyName | string | Length: 1-1200 | 1 |
- - - companyPhoneNumber | string | Length: 3-21 | 1 |
- - - companyAddress | AdresseDto |
| 1 |
- - - - vejnavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - forkortetVejnavn | string | Length: 1-20 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - husnummer | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - - etage | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - sidedoer | string | MaxLength: 4 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - bygningNavn | string | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - bynavn | string | Length: 1-20 | 1 |
- - - - distriktNavn | string | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - postboksnummer | int32 | MinInclusive: 1 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - postnummer | string | Pattern: [0-9]{4} | 0 - 1 | Postnummer |
- - - - landekode | string | Pattern: [A-Z]{2} | 0 - 1 | Landekode (ISO 3166-1 alfa-2). |
- - - companyInformation | string | Length: 1-16000 | 0 - 1 |
- - - workplaceAddress | AdresseDto |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - vejnavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - forkortetVejnavn | string | Length: 1-20 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - husnummer | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - - etage | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - sidedoer | string | MaxLength: 4 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - bygningNavn | string | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - bynavn | string | Length: 1-20 | 1 |
- - - - distriktNavn | string | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - postboksnummer | int32 | MinInclusive: 1 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - postnummer | string | Pattern: [0-9]{4} | 0 - 1 | Postnummer |
- - - - landekode | string | Pattern: [A-Z]{2} | 0 - 1 | Landekode (ISO 3166-1 alfa-2). |
- - - companyResponsible | CompanyResponsibleType |
| 1 |
- - - - companyResponsibleName | PersonNavnDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - fornavn | string | Length: 1-50 | 1 |
- - - - - mellemnavn | string | Length: 0-40 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - - efternavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - companyResponsiblePhoneNumber | string | Length: 1-20 | 1 |
- - - - companyResponsibleEmailAddress | EmailAdresseDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - workplaceResponsible | WorkPlaceResponsibleType |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - companyResponsibleName | PersonNavnDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - fornavn | string | Length: 1-50 | 1 |
- - - - - mellemnavn | string | Length: 0-40 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - - efternavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - companyResponsiblePhoneNumber | string | Length: 1-20 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - companyResponsibleEmailAddress | EmailAdresseDto |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - companyCaseHandling | CompanyCaseHandlingType |
| 1 |
- - - companySigner | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - companySignerDateTime | date-time |
| 0 - 1 |
- - caseWorkerCaseHandling | CaseWorkerCaseHandlingType |
| 1 |
- - - signer | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - signerDateTime | date-time |
| 0 - 1 |
- - companyBusinessIdentifier |
| 1 |
| |
- - companyPublicIdentifier |
| 0 - 1 |
| |
- - flexjobOffer | FlexjobOfferType |
| 1 |
- - - jobDescription | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - personCivilRegistrationIdentifier | string |
| 1 |
- - - preferedStartDate | date-time |
| 1 |
- - - expectedWeeklyWorkingHours | double |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - companyResponsibleOfficeHours | string |
| 1 |
- - - companyContactOfficeHours | string |
| 1 |
- - - conceptUriDa | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - jobCenterCode | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - forwardedByEmailAddress | string |
| 1 |
- - caseElementIdentifier | uuid |
| 1 |
- - salaryInformation | SalaryInformationType |
| 1 |
- - - expectedSalary | SalaryType |
| 1 |
- - - - salaryIdentifier |
| 1 |
| |
- - - - salary | double |
| 1 |
- - - fullTimeSalary | SalaryType |
| 1 |
- - - - salaryIdentifier |
| 1 |
| |
- - - - salary | double |
| 1 |
- - - pensionPay | boolean |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - pension | PensionType |
| 1 |
- - - - employerPercentage | double |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - employeePercentage | double |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - holidayPay | boolean |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - holidayPayPensionable | boolean |
| 0 - 1 |
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
4575 | You are not authorized to execute the operation | You are not authorized to execute the operation |
80002 | Bevillingen kunne ikke findes. | Bevillingen kunne ikke findes. |
80003 | Bevillingen er i status 'Ukendt'. | Bevillingen er i status 'Ukendt'. |
GetFlexjobAllocation (POST /Flexjob/GetFlexjobAllocation)
Ikke defineret
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
x-requestId [Header] | string |
| 1 | Unikt id for requestet (typisk guid). Hvis api'et modtager samme requestId mere end én gang returneres http status kode 412. Max længde for id'et er 46 chars |
requestBody | GetCaseElementRequest |
| 1 |
- activeOrganisationHeader | ActiveOrganisationHeaderType |
| 0 - 1 |
- requestUserMetadataHeader | RequestUserMetadataType |
| 0 - 1 |
- getCaseElementRequestType | GetCaseElementRequestType |
| 0 - 1 |
- - caseElementIdentifier | uuid |
| 1 |
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
response | FlexjobAllocationResponse |
| 1 |
- flexjobAllocationResponseType | FlexjobAllocationResponseType |
| 1 |
- - caseElementFlowState | CaseElementFlowStateType |
| 1 |
- - - jobOfferStatusIdentifier |
| 0 - 1 |
| |
- - - jobAllocationStatusIdentifier |
| 0 - 1 |
| |
- - - vitasCaseId | string | Length: 1-20 | 1 |
- - - vitasUrl | string | Length: 1-4000 | 1 |
- - - obtainedByExternalOperator | boolean |
| 1 |
- - - externalOperator | CompanyIdentifierType |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - cvRnumberIdentifier | CvrNummerDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - productionUnitIdentifier | ProduktionsenhedIdDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - responsibleCaseworker | CaseworkerType |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - responsibleCaseworkerName | PersonNavnDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - fornavn | string | Length: 1-50 | 1 |
- - - - - mellemnavn | string | Length: 0-40 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - - efternavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - responsibleCaseworkerMail | EmailAdresseDto |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - decisionDate | date-time |
| 0 - 1 |
- - company | CompanyType |
| 1 |
- - - companyIdentifier | CompanyIdentifierType |
| 1 |
- - - - cvRnumberIdentifier | CvrNummerDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - productionUnitIdentifier | ProduktionsenhedIdDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - companyName | string | Length: 1-1200 | 1 |
- - - companyPhoneNumber | string | Length: 3-21 | 1 |
- - - companyAddress | AdresseDto |
| 1 |
- - - - vejnavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - forkortetVejnavn | string | Length: 1-20 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - husnummer | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - - etage | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - sidedoer | string | MaxLength: 4 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - bygningNavn | string | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - bynavn | string | Length: 1-20 | 1 |
- - - - distriktNavn | string | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - postboksnummer | int32 | MinInclusive: 1 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - postnummer | string | Pattern: [0-9]{4} | 0 - 1 | Postnummer |
- - - - landekode | string | Pattern: [A-Z]{2} | 0 - 1 | Landekode (ISO 3166-1 alfa-2). |
- - - companyInformation | string | Length: 1-16000 | 0 - 1 |
- - - workplaceAddress | AdresseDto |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - vejnavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - forkortetVejnavn | string | Length: 1-20 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - husnummer | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - - etage | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - sidedoer | string | MaxLength: 4 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - bygningNavn | string | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - bynavn | string | Length: 1-20 | 1 |
- - - - distriktNavn | string | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - postboksnummer | int32 | MinInclusive: 1 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - postnummer | string | Pattern: [0-9]{4} | 0 - 1 | Postnummer |
- - - - landekode | string | Pattern: [A-Z]{2} | 0 - 1 | Landekode (ISO 3166-1 alfa-2). |
- - - companyResponsible | CompanyResponsibleType |
| 1 |
- - - - companyResponsibleName | PersonNavnDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - fornavn | string | Length: 1-50 | 1 |
- - - - - mellemnavn | string | Length: 0-40 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - - efternavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - companyResponsiblePhoneNumber | string | Length: 1-20 | 1 |
- - - - companyResponsibleEmailAddress | EmailAdresseDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - workplaceResponsible | WorkPlaceResponsibleType |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - companyResponsibleName | PersonNavnDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - fornavn | string | Length: 1-50 | 1 |
- - - - - mellemnavn | string | Length: 0-40 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - - efternavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - companyResponsiblePhoneNumber | string | Length: 1-20 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - companyResponsibleEmailAddress | EmailAdresseDto |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - jobCenter | JobCenterType |
| 1 |
- - - jobCenterCode | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - jobCenterName | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - jobCenterAddress | AdresseDto |
| 1 |
- - - - vejnavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - forkortetVejnavn | string | Length: 1-20 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - husnummer | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - - etage | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - sidedoer | string | MaxLength: 4 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - bygningNavn | string | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - bynavn | string | Length: 1-20 | 1 |
- - - - distriktNavn | string | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - postboksnummer | int32 | MinInclusive: 1 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - postnummer | string | Pattern: [0-9]{4} | 0 - 1 | Postnummer |
- - - - landekode | string | Pattern: [A-Z]{2} | 0 - 1 | Landekode (ISO 3166-1 alfa-2). |
- - - jobCenterContactPerson | ResponsiblePersonType |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - responsiblePersonName | PersonNavnDto |
| 1 |
- - - - - fornavn | string | Length: 1-50 | 1 |
- - - - - mellemnavn | string | Length: 0-40 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - - efternavn | string | Length: 1-40 | 1 |
- - - - responsiblePersonPhoneNumber | string | Length: 1-20 | 0 - 1 |
- - - - responsiblePersonEmailAddress | EmailAdresseDto |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - - value | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - companyCaseHandling | CompanyCaseHandlingType |
| 1 |
- - - companySigner | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - companySignerDateTime | date-time |
| 0 - 1 |
- - caseworkerCaseHandling | CaseWorkerCaseHandlingType |
| 1 |
- - - signer | string |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - signerDateTime | date-time |
| 0 - 1 |
- - companyBusinessIdentifier |
| 1 |
| |
- - companyPublicIdentifier |
| 1 |
| |
- - caseElementIdentifier | uuid |
| 1 |
- - offerIdentifier | uuid |
| 1 |
- - flexjobAllocation | FlexjobAllocationType |
| 1 |
- - - conceptUriDa | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - jobDescription | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - personCivilRegistrationIdentifier | string | MinLength: 1 | 1 |
- - - companyContactOfficeHours | string |
| 1 |
- - - assessmentDecisionComment | string |
| 1 |
- - - specialConsiderationComment | string |
| 1 |
- - - salaryInformation | SalaryInformationType |
| 1 |
- - - - expectedSalary | SalaryType |
| 1 |
- - - - - salaryIdentifier |
| 1 |
| |
- - - - - salary | double |
| 1 |
- - - - fullTimeSalary | SalaryType |
| 1 |
- - - - - salaryIdentifier |
| 1 |
| |
- - - - - salary | double |
| 1 |
- - - - pensionPay | boolean |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - pension | PensionType |
| 1 |
- - - - - employerPercentage | double |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - - employeePercentage | double |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - holidayPay | boolean |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - - holidayPayPensionable | boolean |
| 0 - 1 |
- - - flexjobTypeIdentifier |
| 1 |
| |
- - - flexjobDurationIdentifier |
| 1 |
| |
- - - employedInOwnCompany | boolean |
| 1 |
- - - effectiveWorkingHoursFromOffer | double |
| 1 |
- - - effectiveWorkingHours | double |
| 1 |
- - - workLoad | int32 |
| 1 |
- - - calculatedWorkingHours | double |
| 1 |
- - - startDate | date-time |
| 1 |
- - - endDate | date-time |
| 1 |
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
4575 | You are not authorized to execute the operation | You are not authorized to execute the operation |
80002 | Bevillingen kunne ikke findes. | Bevillingen kunne ikke findes. |
80003 | Bevillingen er i status 'Ukendt'. | Bevillingen er i status 'Ukendt'. |
IsAliveAsync (POST /Flexjob/IsAlive)
Ikke defineret
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
x-requestId [Header] | string |
| 1 | Unikt id for requestet (typisk guid). Hvis api'et modtager samme requestId mere end én gang returneres http status kode 412. Max længde for id'et er 46 chars |
requestBody | IsAliveRequest |
| 1 |
- activeOrganisationHeader | ActiveOrganisationHeaderType |
| 0 - 1 |
- requestUserMetadataHeader | RequestUserMetadataType |
| 0 - 1 |
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
response | IsAliveResponse |
| 1 |
- isAliveResponseType | IsAliveResponseType |
| 0 - 1 |
- - isAlive | boolean |
| 0 - 1 |
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
4575 | You are not authorized to execute the operation | You are not authorized to execute the operation |