Fejlkode | FaultString | Beskrivelse | FaultCode | Aktør |
100 | dfdgping | dfdgping | 100 | |
1001 | Ugyldigt cpr-nummer | Ugyldigt cpr-nummer | 1001 | |
1003 | Den angivne varighed er negativ, startdato er større end slutdato | Den angivne varighed er negativ, startdato er større end slutdato | 1003 | |
1010 | Unknown cpr | Unknown cpr | 1010 | |
1011 | Internal error on server | Internal error on server | 1011 | |
1012 | Logon failed | Logon failed | 1012 | |
1013 | User has insufficient permissions to access this webservice | User has insufficient permissions to access this webservice | 1013 | |
1014 | The submitted message is not valid | The submitted message is not valid | 1014 | |
1100 | An error has occurred | An error has occurred | 1100 | |
1101 | Client certificate missing from request | Client certificate missing from request | 1101 | |
2001 | Invalid CodeList name | Invalid CodeList name | 2001 | |
2002 | Invalid CodeList value | Invalid CodeList value | 2002 | |
2003 | Use of expired CodeList value not allowed | Use of expired CodeList value not allowed | 2003 | |
4318 | Kaldet indeholder en eller flere ugyldige jobønsker | Kaldet indeholder en eller flere ugyldige jobønsker | 4318 | |
4353 | Den angivne kombination af CVR- og P-nummer findes ikke | Den angivne kombination af CVR- og P-nummer findes ikke | 4353 | |
4385 | The client does not have an unemploymentfund registration | The client does not have an unemploymentfund registration | 4385 | |
4405 | Borgeren med det specificerede CPR nummer er død | Borgeren med det specificerede CPR nummer er død | 4405 | |
4413 | The authoritytype of the requestheader is invalid | The authoritytype of the requestheader is invalid | 4413 | |
4575 | You are not authorized to execute the operation | You are not authorized to execute the operation | 4575 | |
4589 | Id ikke fundet | Id ikke fundet | 4589 | |
4695 | Det angivne jobcenter findes ikke | Det angivne jobcenter findes ikke | 4695 | |
4856 | Borgeren er ikke medlem af en a-kasse | Borgeren er ikke medlem af en a-kasse | 4856 | |
4933 | Kommentaren må ikke indeholde HTML | Kommentaren må ikke indeholde HTML | 4933 | |
4977 | Det angivne id findes allerede | Det angivne id findes allerede | 4977 | |
8103 | Dokumentet findes ikke | Dokumentet findes ikke | 8103 | |
8173 | OrganisationType is invalid according to the organisationTypeIdentifierCodeList. | OrganisationType is invalid according to the organisationTypeIdentifierCodeList. | 8173 | |
8174 | UserType is invalid according to the requestUserTypeIdentifierCodeList. | UserType is invalid according to the requestUserTypeIdentifierCodeList. | 8174 | |
8232 | The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader | The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader | 8232 | |
8233 | The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader | The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader | 8233 | |
8234 | Could not deserialize the Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader | Could not deserialize the Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader | 8234 | |
8235 | Could not deserialize the Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader | Could not deserialize the Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader | 8235 | |
8281 | ConceptUriDa findes ikke | ConceptUriDa findes ikke | 8281 | |
8282 | ConceptUriDa er udløbet | ConceptUriDa er udløbet | 8282 | |
9439 | En borger kan ikke registreres med samme ConceptUriDa mere end en gang | En borger kan ikke registreres med samme ConceptUriDa mere end en gang | 9439 | |
9450 | X-CorrelationId header could not be found in request as a guid | X-CorrelationId header could not be found in request as a guid | 9450 | |
9460 | Det er ikke tilladt at registrere oplysninger på borgers ikke-aktuelle personnummer | Det er ikke tilladt at registrere oplysninger på borgers ikke-aktuelle personnummer | 9460 | |
9470 | Din søgning gav for mange resultater. Begræns din filtrering | Din søgning gav for mange resultater. Begræns din filtrering | 9470 | |
40001 | The specified EscoStar Status does not exist. | The specified EscoStar Status does not exist. | 40001 | |
40002 | The specified EscoStar Type does not exist. | The specified EscoStar Type does not exist. | 40002 | |
40003 | The specified EscoStar Occupation does not exist. | The specified EscoStar Occupation does not exist. | 40003 | |
40004 | The specified entity does not exist. | The specified entity does not exist. | 40004 | |
40005 | The specified EscoStar Parent Occupation does not exist. | The specified EscoStar Parent Occupation does not exist. | 40005 | |
40006 | The specified EU Occupation does not exist. | The specified EU Occupation does not exist. | 40006 | |
40007 | The specified EscoStar Alias Origin does not exist. | The specified EscoStar Alias Origin does not exist. | 40007 | |
40008 | The specified EscoStar Alias Relation Type does not exist. | The specified EscoStar Alias Relation Type does not exist. | 40008 | |
40009 | The specified EuEscoStatus Type does not exist. | The specified EuEscoStatus Type does not exist. | 40009 | |
50001 | EscoStar PreferredLabelDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 512 characters. | EscoStar PreferredLabelDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 512 characters. | 50001 | |
50002 | EscoStar DescriptionDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 2048 characters. | EscoStar DescriptionDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 2048 characters. | 50002 | |
50003 | Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed for EscoStar AdditionalInformation. Maximum text length is 2048 characters. | Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed for EscoStar AdditionalInformation. Maximum text length is 2048 characters. | 50003 | |
50004 | EscoStar Status should be inactive when Esco Status is inactive. | EscoStar Status should be inactive when Esco Status is inactive. | 50004 | |
50005 | EscoStar Status can not be set to Inactive when Esco Status is active. | EscoStar Status can not be set to Inactive when Esco Status is active. | 50005 | |
50006 | The specified PreferredLabelDa is already in use by another occupation. This is not permitted as it must be unique | The specified PreferredLabelDa is already in use by another occupation. This is not permitted as it must be unique | 50006 | |
50007 | EscoStar AlternativeLabelDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 512 characters. | EscoStar AlternativeLabelDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 512 characters. | 50007 | |
50008 | EscoStar status can not be set to Active when set to Inactive origin by EU. | EscoStar status can not be set to Active when set to Inactive origin by EU. | 50008 | |
50009 | EscoStar ConceptUriDa is a required field. | EscoStar ConceptUriDa is a required field. | 50009 | |
50010 | Occupation specified by OriginConceptUriEu must be inactive. | Occupation specified by OriginConceptUriEu must be inactive. | 50010 | |
50011 | When having a OriginConceptUriEu, alias must be relationtype EscoOccupation. | When having a OriginConceptUriEu, alias must be relationtype EscoOccupation. | 50011 | |
50012 | EscoStar status can not be set to Deselected when set to Inactive. | EscoStar status can not be set to Deselected when set to Inactive. | 50012 | |
50013 | Alias having relationtype EscoOccupation must have OriginConceptUriEu specified | Alias having relationtype EscoOccupation must have OriginConceptUriEu specified | 50013 | |
50014 | EscoStar status can not be set to Inactive. | EscoStar status can not be set to Inactive. | 50014 | |
50016 | The specified AlternativeLabelDa is already in use by another alias. This is not permitted as it must be unique | The specified AlternativeLabelDa is already in use by another alias. This is not permitted as it must be unique | 50016 | |
50017 | EscoStar Alias relation type AltLabel can only be set by EU. | EscoStar Alias relation type AltLabel can only be set by EU. | 50017 | |
50018 | EscoStar Alias EscoStarStatus can not be set to Active when another active Alias having the same OriginConceptUriEu specified. | EscoStar Alias EscoStarStatus can not be set to Active when another active Alias having the same OriginConceptUriEu specified. | 50018 | |
50019 | EscoStar Alias EscoStarStatus can not be set to Active when another active Alias having the same OriginConceptUriEu specified. | EscoStar Alias EscoStarStatus can not be set to Active when another active Alias having the same OriginConceptUriEu specified. | 50019 | |
50020 | EuEscoStatus can not be changed from opdateret | EuEscoStatus can not be changed from opdateret | 50020 | |
50021 | EuEscoStatus must be changed to opdateret when changing preferredLabelDa, validFrom, validTo, descriptionDa or escoStatus | EuEscoStatus must be changed to opdateret when changing preferredLabelDa, validFrom, validTo, descriptionDa or escoStatus | 50021 | |
50022 | Alais EuEscoStatus must be changed to opdateret when changing alternativeLabelDa or escoStatus | Alais EuEscoStatus must be changed to opdateret when changing alternativeLabelDa or escoStatus | 50022 | |
50030 | HierarkiElementRelation forælder element findes ikke | HierarkiElementRelation forælder element findes ikke | 50030 | |
50031 | HierarkiElementRelation barn element findes ikke | HierarkiElementRelation barn element findes ikke | 50031 | |
50032 | HierarkiElementRelation findes ikke | HierarkiElementRelation findes ikke | 50032 | |
50033 | HierarkiElementRelation eksisterer allerede | HierarkiElementRelation eksisterer allerede | 50033 | |
50034 | HierarkiElementRelation forælder har forkert hierarkiniveau | HierarkiElementRelation forælder har forkert hierarkiniveau | 50034 | |
50035 | HierarkiElementRelation barn har forkert hierarkiniveau | HierarkiElementRelation barn har forkert hierarkiniveau | 50035 |