

1001Ugyldigt cpr-nummerUgyldigt cpr-nummer1001
1003Den angivne varighed er negativ, startdato er større end slutdatoDen angivne varighed er negativ, startdato er større end slutdato1003
1010Unknown cprUnknown cpr1010
1011Internal error on serverInternal error on server1011
1012Logon failedLogon failed1012
1013User has insufficient permissions to access this webserviceUser has insufficient permissions to access this webservice1013
1014The submitted message is not validThe submitted message is not valid1014
1100An error has occurredAn error has occurred1100
1101Client certificate missing from requestClient certificate missing from request1101
2001Invalid CodeList nameInvalid CodeList name2001
2002Invalid CodeList valueInvalid CodeList value2002
2003Use of expired CodeList value not allowedUse of expired CodeList value not allowed2003
4318Kaldet indeholder en eller flere ugyldige jobønskerKaldet indeholder en eller flere ugyldige jobønsker4318
4353Den angivne kombination af CVR- og P-nummer findes ikkeDen angivne kombination af CVR- og P-nummer findes ikke4353
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration4385
4405Borgeren med det specificerede CPR nummer er dødBorgeren med det specificerede CPR nummer er død4405
4413The authoritytype of the requestheader is invalidThe authoritytype of the requestheader is invalid4413
4575You are not authorized to execute the operationYou are not authorized to execute the operation4575
4589Id ikke fundetId ikke fundet4589
4695Det angivne jobcenter findes ikkeDet angivne jobcenter findes ikke4695
4856Borgeren er ikke medlem af en a-kasseBorgeren er ikke medlem af en a-kasse4856
4933Kommentaren må ikke indeholde HTMLKommentaren må ikke indeholde HTML4933
4977Det angivne id findes alleredeDet angivne id findes allerede4977
8103Dokumentet findes ikkeDokumentet findes ikke8103
8173OrganisationType is invalid according to the organisationTypeIdentifierCodeList.OrganisationType is invalid according to the organisationTypeIdentifierCodeList.8173
8174UserType is invalid according to the requestUserTypeIdentifierCodeList.UserType is invalid according to the requestUserTypeIdentifierCodeList.8174
8232The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader8232
8233The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeaderThe Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader8233
8234Could not deserialize the Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeaderCould not deserialize the Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader8234
8235Could not deserialize the Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeaderCould not deserialize the Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader8235
8281ConceptUriDa findes ikkeConceptUriDa findes ikke8281
8282ConceptUriDa er udløbetConceptUriDa er udløbet8282
9439En borger kan ikke registreres med samme ConceptUriDa mere end en gangEn borger kan ikke registreres med samme ConceptUriDa mere end en gang9439
9450X-CorrelationId header could not be found in request as a guidX-CorrelationId header could not be found in request as a guid9450
9460Det er ikke tilladt at registrere oplysninger på borgers ikke-aktuelle personnummerDet er ikke tilladt at registrere oplysninger på borgers ikke-aktuelle personnummer9460
9470Din søgning gav for mange resultater. Begræns din filtreringDin søgning gav for mange resultater. Begræns din filtrering9470
40001The specified EscoStar Status does not exist.The specified EscoStar Status does not exist.40001
40002The specified EscoStar Type does not exist.The specified EscoStar Type does not exist.40002
40003The specified EscoStar Occupation does not exist.The specified EscoStar Occupation does not exist.40003
40004The specified entity does not exist.The specified entity does not exist.40004
40005The specified EscoStar Parent Occupation does not exist.The specified EscoStar Parent Occupation does not exist.40005
40006The specified EU Occupation does not exist.The specified EU Occupation does not exist.40006
40007The specified EscoStar Alias Origin does not exist.The specified EscoStar Alias Origin does not exist.40007
40008The specified EscoStar Alias Relation Type does not exist.The specified EscoStar Alias Relation Type does not exist.40008
40009The specified EuEscoStatus Type does not exist.The specified EuEscoStatus Type does not exist.40009
50001EscoStar PreferredLabelDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 512 characters.EscoStar PreferredLabelDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 512 characters.50001
50002EscoStar DescriptionDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 2048 characters.EscoStar DescriptionDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 2048 characters.50002
50003Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed for EscoStar AdditionalInformation. Maximum text length is 2048 characters.Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed for EscoStar AdditionalInformation. Maximum text length is 2048 characters.50003
50004EscoStar Status should be inactive when Esco Status is inactive.EscoStar Status should be inactive when Esco Status is inactive.50004
50005EscoStar Status can not be set to Inactive when Esco Status is active.EscoStar Status can not be set to Inactive when Esco Status is active.50005
50006The specified PreferredLabelDa is already in use by another occupation. This is not permitted as it must be uniqueThe specified PreferredLabelDa is already in use by another occupation. This is not permitted as it must be unique50006
50007EscoStar AlternativeLabelDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 512 characters.EscoStar AlternativeLabelDa is a required field. Only plain text (no HTML) is allowed. Minimum text length is 2 characters and maximum 512 characters.50007
50008EscoStar status can not be set to Active when set to Inactive origin by EU.EscoStar status can not be set to Active when set to Inactive origin by EU.50008
50009EscoStar ConceptUriDa is a required field.EscoStar ConceptUriDa is a required field.50009
50010Occupation specified by OriginConceptUriEu must be inactive.Occupation specified by OriginConceptUriEu must be inactive.50010
50011When having a OriginConceptUriEu, alias must be relationtype EscoOccupation.When having a OriginConceptUriEu, alias must be relationtype EscoOccupation.50011
50012EscoStar status can not be set to Deselected when set to Inactive.EscoStar status can not be set to Deselected when set to Inactive.50012
50013Alias having relationtype EscoOccupation must have OriginConceptUriEu specifiedAlias having relationtype EscoOccupation must have OriginConceptUriEu specified50013
50014EscoStar status can not be set to Inactive.EscoStar status can not be set to Inactive.50014
50016The specified AlternativeLabelDa is already in use by another alias. This is not permitted as it must be uniqueThe specified AlternativeLabelDa is already in use by another alias. This is not permitted as it must be unique50016
50017EscoStar Alias relation type AltLabel can only be set by EU.EscoStar Alias relation type AltLabel can only be set by EU.50017
50018EscoStar Alias EscoStarStatus can not be set to Active when another active Alias having the same OriginConceptUriEu specified.EscoStar Alias EscoStarStatus can not be set to Active when another active Alias having the same OriginConceptUriEu specified.50018
50019EscoStar Alias EscoStarStatus can not be set to Active when another active Alias having the same OriginConceptUriEu specified.EscoStar Alias EscoStarStatus can not be set to Active when another active Alias having the same OriginConceptUriEu specified.50019
50020EuEscoStatus can not be changed from opdateretEuEscoStatus can not be changed from opdateret50020
50021EuEscoStatus must be changed to opdateret when changing preferredLabelDa, validFrom, validTo, descriptionDa or escoStatusEuEscoStatus must be changed to opdateret when changing preferredLabelDa, validFrom, validTo, descriptionDa or escoStatus50021
50022Alais EuEscoStatus must be changed to opdateret when changing alternativeLabelDa or escoStatusAlais EuEscoStatus must be changed to opdateret when changing alternativeLabelDa or escoStatus50022
50030HierarkiElementRelation forælder element findes ikkeHierarkiElementRelation forælder element findes ikke50030
50031HierarkiElementRelation barn element findes ikkeHierarkiElementRelation barn element findes ikke50031
50032HierarkiElementRelation findes ikkeHierarkiElementRelation findes ikke50032
50033HierarkiElementRelation eksisterer alleredeHierarkiElementRelation eksisterer allerede50033
50034HierarkiElementRelation forælder har forkert hierarkiniveauHierarkiElementRelation forælder har forkert hierarkiniveau50034
50035HierarkiElementRelation barn har forkert hierarkiniveauHierarkiElementRelation barn har forkert hierarkiniveau50035