IllnessRecoveryInformationService (Version 8, 2023-2)
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Denne metode benyttes af ydelsessystemet til at oprette sygemeldinger for sygedagpengemodtager fra ledighed og beskæftigelse (KG henholdsvis 25 og 24). DFDG foretager automatisk kontaktgruppeskift.
Ikke defineret
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
CreateIllnessRequest | CreateIllnessRequestType |
| 1 |
- PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier | PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType | Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|0000000000 | 1 |
- Illness | IllnessType |
| 1 | Indeholder data tilhørende en sygdomsregistrering. |
- - NemRefusionIdentifier | guid | Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Identifikation af NemRefusion (UUID). |
- - IllnessStartDate | dateTime |
| 1 | Første sygedag. |
- - IllnessEndDate | dateTime |
| 0 - 1 | Sidste sygedage, hvis sygdomsperioden er afsluttet. |
- - AbsenceCauseTypeIdentifier |
| 0 - 1 | Afslutningsårsag, hvis sygdomsperioden er afsluttet. | |
- - CompanyIdentifier | CompanyIdentifierType |
| 0 - 1 | CVR og P-nummer i tilfælde af, at sygefraværet er oprettet fra beskæftigelse. |
- - - ProductionUnitIdentifier | ProductionUnitIdentifierType | Length: 10 | 0 - 1 | En P-enhed får tildelt et entydigt identifikationsnummer, et P-nummer, som er et 10-cifret nummer. Et P-nummer vil altid være tilknyttet et CVR-nummer. |
- - - CVRnumberIdentifier | CVRnumberIdentifierType | Length: 8 | 1 | CVR-nummeret er et 8-cifret nummer, der er unikt for den enkelte virksomhed. |
- SustenanceSystemCaseTypeIdentifier |
| 1 | Sagstype fra eDagpenge. Angives i forbindelse med bevilling af sygedagpenge. |
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
CreateIllnessResponse | CreateIllnessResponseType |
| 1 |
- ServiceReceipt | ServiceReceiptType |
| 1 | Servicekvittering |
- - MessageIdentifier | guid | Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Unik identifikation af transaktion eller registrering |
- - EventDate | dateTime |
| 1 | Tidspunkt for transaktionen eller registreing |
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1001 | Invalid cpr | The submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date |
1010 | Unknown cpr | The submitted cpr is unknown to the system |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
4637 | The reported absence overlaps an existing absence of the same type | The reported absence overlaps an existing absence of the same type |
4645 | This person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this Contactgroup | This person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this Contactgroup |
4686 | This person must have an active contact group registration | This person must have an active contactgroupregistration |
5016 | Cvr number is required when contact group is 24, Sygedagpengemodtager for beskæftigelse | Cvr number is required when contact group is 24, Sygedagpengemodtager for beskæftigelse |
8080 |
8086 | The NemRefusionIdentifier is already in use | The NemRefusionIdentifier is already in use on an other person or an absence without the same start date |
8087 | The SustenanceSystemCase type is unknown. | The SustenanceSystemCase type is unknown. |
9336 | CV number has to be specified | CV number has to be specified |
9337 | Call to SetFlexijobApproved failed | Call to SetFlexijobApproved failed |
9344 | Missing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrieved | Missing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrieved |
9345 | Missing or incorrect data gives warning | Missing or incorrect data gives warning |
9346 | Call to CVServiceForDFDG failed | Call to CVServiceForDFDG failed |
9361 | AbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceType | AbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceType |
Denne metode benyttes af ydelsessystemet til at indberette ophør af fravær (raskmelding).
Ikke defineret
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
CreateRecoveryRequest | CreateRecoveryRequestType |
| 1 |
- PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier | PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType | Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|0000000000 | 1 |
- Illness | IllnessType |
| 1 | Indeholder data tilhørende en sygdomsregistrering. |
- - NemRefusionIdentifier | guid | Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Identifikation af NemRefusion (UUID). |
- - IllnessStartDate | dateTime |
| 1 | Første sygedag. |
- - IllnessEndDate | dateTime |
| 0 - 1 | Sidste sygedage, hvis sygdomsperioden er afsluttet. |
- - AbsenceCauseTypeIdentifier |
| 0 - 1 | Afslutningsårsag, hvis sygdomsperioden er afsluttet. | |
- - CompanyIdentifier | CompanyIdentifierType |
| 0 - 1 | CVR og P-nummer i tilfælde af, at sygefraværet er oprettet fra beskæftigelse. |
- - - ProductionUnitIdentifier | ProductionUnitIdentifierType | Length: 10 | 0 - 1 | En P-enhed får tildelt et entydigt identifikationsnummer, et P-nummer, som er et 10-cifret nummer. Et P-nummer vil altid være tilknyttet et CVR-nummer. |
- - - CVRnumberIdentifier | CVRnumberIdentifierType | Length: 8 | 1 | CVR-nummeret er et 8-cifret nummer, der er unikt for den enkelte virksomhed. |
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
CreateRecoveryResponse | CreateRecoveryResponseType |
| 1 |
- ServiceReceipt | ServiceReceiptType |
| 1 | Servicekvittering |
- - MessageIdentifier | guid | Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Unik identifikation af transaktion eller registrering |
- - EventDate | dateTime |
| 1 | Tidspunkt for transaktionen eller registreing |
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1001 | Invalid cpr | The submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date |
1003 | Duration is negative | The reported duration is negative, start date is greater than end date |
1010 | Unknown cpr | The submitted cpr is unknown to the system |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
4405 | The person with specified cpr is dead | The person with specified cpr is dead |
4417 | Client must be a member of an unemploymentfund to be an unemploymentfundrecipient | Client must be a member of an unemploymentfund to be an unemploymentfundrecipient |
4575 | You are not authorized | You are not authorized to execute the operation |
4615 | This absenceregistration must have an end-date | This absenceregistration must have an end-date |
4686 | This person must have an active contact group registration | This person must have an active contactgroupregistration |
4980 | Cause type identifier is required when setting illness end date | Cause type identifier is required when setting illness end date |
5016 | Cvr number is required when contact group is 24, Sygedagpengemodtager for beskæftigelse | Cvr number is required when contact group is 24, Sygedagpengemodtager for beskæftigelse |
6052 | Codelist value is only for internal use | Codelist value is only for internal use |
8088 | Unknown NemRefusionIdentifier | Unknown NemRefusionIdentifier |
8089 | Cannot perform Recovery on absence, already recovered | Cannot perform Recovery on absence, already recovered |
9336 | CV number has to be specified | CV number has to be specified |
9337 | Call to SetFlexijobApproved failed | Call to SetFlexijobApproved failed |
9346 | Call to CVServiceForDFDG failed | Call to CVServiceForDFDG failed |
9361 | AbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceType | AbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceType |
Denne metode benyttes af ydelsessystemet til at slette fejloprettede sygefravær på baggrund af NemRefusionIdentifier (UUID) eller situationer, hvor der gives afslag på sygedagpenge.
Ikke defineret
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
DeleteIllnessRequest | DeleteIllnessRequestType |
| 1 |
- PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier | PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType | Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|0000000000 | 1 |
- NemRefusionIdentifier | guid | Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Identifikation af NemRefusion fraværet (UUID), der ønskes slettet. |
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
DeleteIllnessResponse | DeleteIllnessResponseType |
| 1 |
- ServiceReceipt | ServiceReceiptType |
| 1 | Servicekvittering |
- - MessageIdentifier | guid | Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Unik identifikation af transaktion eller registrering |
- - EventDate | dateTime |
| 1 | Tidspunkt for transaktionen eller registreing |
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1001 | Invalid cpr | The submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date |
1010 | Unknown cpr | The submitted cpr is unknown to the system |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
4632 | The specified Absenceregistration is not known to the system | The specified Absenceregistration is not known to the system |
4682 | The specified absence is not registered with this client | The specified absence is not registered with this client |
4686 | This person must have an active contact group registration | This person must have an active contactgroupregistration |
8088 | Unknown NemRefusionIdentifier | Unknown NemRefusionIdentifier |
8095 | Delete only allowed for open illness | Delete only allowed for open illness |
9336 | CV number has to be specified | CV number has to be specified |
9344 | Missing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrieved | Missing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrieved |
9345 | Missing or incorrect data gives warning | Missing or incorrect data gives warning |
9346 | Call to CVServiceForDFDG failed | Call to CVServiceForDFDG failed |