
1000Message can not be nullThe message can not be nullClient
1001Invalid cprThe submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a dateClient
1002Error converting response messageError converting response message from XML stream to objectServer
1003Duration is negativeThe reported duration is negative, start date is greater than end date Client
1008Message replay detectedIt was detected that this exact message has been transmitted beforeClient
1009Configuration errorSystem incorrectly configuredServer
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the systemClient
1011Internal error on serverInternal error - unexpected end of data queryServer
1012Logon failedLogon failed for userClient
1013Insufficient permissionsUser has insufficient permissions to access this webserviceClient
1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated Client
1015The speciefied client is not enrolledThe specified client is not enrolledClient
4001Sequence is terminatedThe WS-RM Sequence Status is set to terminatedClient
4002Sequence is faultedThe WS-RM Sequence Status is set to FaultedClient
4003Sequence is endedThe WS-RM Sequence Status is set to EndedClient
4004Sequence is NoneThe WS-RM Sequence Status is set to None Client
4006Create sequence refusedCreate WS-RM Sequence refused, open sequence existsClient
4007Message not transmittedThe message has not been transmittedClient
4008Not all messages transmittedNot all messages in the WS-RM Sequence was transmittedClient
4009Max transmit attempts exceededThe number of WS-RM MaxTransmitAttempts has been exceededClient
4010Service not in inventoryThis service is not part of the selected sequence inventoryClient
4011Service requires WS-RMThis service requires the use of WS-RMClient
4013Unknown Client DestinationUnknown Client DestinationClient
4015Unable to get document - wrong IDUnable to get document - wrong IDClient
4016Unable to get document - unknown errorUnable to get document - unknown errorClient
4017Unable to get template from DB- unknown errorUnable to get template from DB - unknown errorClient
4018Unable to get template - template not foundUnable to get template - template not foundClient
4019Can't generate documentsCan't generate documentsClient
4020Can't transform XMl to PDF - Altsoft errorCan't transform XMl to PDF - Altsoft errorClient
4035Insufficient non-citizen recipient identificationInsufficient non-citizen recipient identificationClient
4047Invalid state changeInvalid state changeClient
4100CVCustomer in useThe CVCustomerIdentifier is in use on a different clientClient
4101Client has CVCustomerNumberThe client already has a CvCustomerNumberClient
4102Client not registered with this CvCustomerNumberThe client is not registered with this CvCustomerNumberClient
4103Client not registered with CvCustomerNumberThe client is not registered with a CvCustomerNumberClient
4105The person is not EnrolledThe person is not Enrolled, the CvCustomerNumber is only registred for Enrolled personsClient
4106The submitted CPR number does not match a CV numberThe submitted CPR number does not match a CV numberClient
4300The period is not within an enrollment durationThe period is not within an enrollment durationClient
4301Reported ill allreadyThe person has an open illness period, must be reported recovered before an new illness period can be reportedClient
4302Not reported illThe person does not have an open illness period to recover fromClient
4303Illness overlaps existing illnessThe reported illness overlaps an existing illnessClient
4304Illness duration to longThe reported ilness duration is longer than the allowed 21 daysClient
4305Vacation is more than five weeksThe duration of the reported vacation is to long, the maximum duration of a vacation is five weeksClient
4306Vacation overlaps an existing vacationThe reported vacation overlaps an existing vacationClient
4308Not allowed to vacate, to much vacation registeredClients are only allowed 25 days of vacation each yearClient
4310Exemption overlaps an existing exemptionThe reported exemption overlaps an existing exemptionClient
4311Exmption reason not knownThe submitted exemption reason is inknownClient
4312No such vacation existsAttempted to delete a nonexisting vacationClient
4313Invalid client category typeThe submitted client category type is no recognized as a valid client category typeClient
4314Invalid current unemployment status type identifierThe submitted identifier is not recognized as a valid unemployment status type identifier Client
4315Invalid unemployment fundThe submitted combination of unemployment fund and branch is invalidClient
4316Enrollment overlapThe submitted enrollment date lies within or before an existing enrollment period Client
4317No enrollment to endThe submitted person does not have an open enrollment to endClient
4318One or more profession is invalidThe submitted request contains one or more invalid profession identifiersClient
4319Invalid profession prioritizingThe submitted request contains one or more invalid profession prioritiesClient
4320Missing client insurance categoryThe submitted contained no unemployment insurance categoryClient
4321Invalid insurance categoryThe submitted request contained an invalid insurance category, only categories 'Deltidsforsikret' and 'Heltidsforsikret' are allowedClient
4322The cancellation date must be today, maximum 30 days after or 60 in case of a less intensive effortThe cancellation date must be today, maximum 30 days after or 60 in case of a less intensive effortClient
4323Exemption was not foundThe submitted exemption does not existClient
4324Only allowed to delete future exemptionThe requested delete could not be completed, only deletion of future exemptions is allowedClient
4325Invalid date updateIt is not allowed to set either the start or end date of an existing exemption to a date prior to current dateClient
4326Missing exemption end dateThe exemption is missing an end date which is required for this type of exemptionClient
4327Duration overlaps an existing durationThe submitted duration overlaps an existing duration.Client
4328Duration is missing an required enddateThe submitted duration is missing an enddate where it was requiredClient
4329The periodic circumstance was not foundThe periodic circumstance could not be deleted/changed as it does not existClient
4330Social aid duration overlapThe reported social aid duration overlaps or lies within an existing social aid durationClient
4331No social aid duration exists to endThere is no existing social aid duration to endClient
4332An open duration existsAn open social aid duration exixts, it must be closed before an new can be comitted Client
4333Client is not enrolledThe Client is not enrolledClient
4334The duration lies outside an active enrollmentThe reported duration lies outside an active current enrollmentClient
4335Change not allowed, either the old date or new date lies before todayChange not allowed, either the old date or new date lies before todayClient
4336The request could not be signedThe request could not be signedServer
4337The request could not be encryptedThe request could not be encryptedServer
4338The enrollment date must be of todays date or a maximum of 10 days prior to todays dateThe enrollment date must be of todays date or a maximum of 10 days prior to todays dateClient
4339Only clients Tilmeldt uden ydelse can have the unemploymentstatus ikke ledigOnly clients Tilmeldt uden ydelse can have the unemploymentstatus ikke ledigClient
4340The submitted CauseTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted CauseTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
4341Delete not allowed, the startdate lies before todayDelete not allowed, the startdate lies before todayClient
4342The Job Order Contact details did not contain all relevant informationThe Job Order Contact details did not contain all relevant informationClient
4343The JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not known - value range 1>14 inclusiveThe JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not known - value range 1>14 inclusiveClient
4344The DISCO AMS ID cannot be nullThe DISCO AMS ID cannot be nullClient
4345The Hiring Org Id cannot be nullThe Hiring Org Id cannot be nullClient
4346The JobOrder Start Date Cannot be nullThe JobOrder Start Date Cannot be nullClient
4347The JobOrder CVR number Cannot be nullThe JobOrder CVR number Cannot be nullClient
4348The JobNet User ID is invalidThe JobNet User ID is invalidClient
4349The JobLight Status is invalidThe JobLight Status is invalidClient
4350The amount of job placements is not validThe amount of job placements is not validClient
4351The Company name is either empty or corruptThe Company name is either empty or corruptClient
4352There is a maximum of 14 days when submitting historic illness reportsThere is a maximum of 14 days when submitting historic illness reportsClient
4353The combination of CVR and PNR doesn't existsThe combination of CVR and PNR doesn't existsClient
4354ResponseType was not suppliedThere was an error in the response from AMPClient
4355No RID was found in ResponseType.There is a problem in the response - missing RIDClient
4356Invalid SAML request.There is an internal error regarding the SAML requestClient
4357Did not find any office in Jobnet that matched the supplied office identifier.Did not find any office in Jobnet that matched the supplied office identifier.Client
4358Role does not have permission to perform action.Your user role does not have permission to perform action.Client
4359Failed unpublishing job ad.There was an error closing the JobOrder in JobnetClient
4360An unexpected error occured.An unexpected error occured.Client
4361Data is invalid.There is a data error which means message was possibly invalidClient
4362The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is malformed.The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is malformed.Client
4363The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing a mandatory tag.The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing a mandatory tag.Client
4364The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing mandatory data.The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing mandatory data.Client
4365The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing data and therefore cannot be published.The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing data and therefore cannot be published.Client
4366Historical date not allowedThe date must be a current or future dateClient
4367The person is not enrolledThe person is not enrolledClient
4368CV Status update not allowedOnly Unemploymentfunds are allowed to register CV’s for dagpengemodtagereClient
4369CV Status update not allowedOnly Jobcenters and Municipalitys are allowed to register CV’s for ansøgere/modtagere of kontanthjælp/uddannelseshjælpClient
4370CV Status update not allowedOnly Jobcenters and Municipalitys are allowed to register CV’s for personer der ansøger eller modtager kontanthjælp efter integrationsprogram.Client
4371Invalid date updateThe end date when changing a vacation period can not be before todayClient
4372Invalid date updateThe end date when changing a periodic circumstance period can not be before todayClient
4373ReferralIdentifier is unknownReferralIdentifier is unknownClient
4374Can not allow textnotification when no mobilenumberidentifier is specifiedCan not allow textnotification when no mobilenumberidentifier is specifiedClient
4375Can not allow e-mail notification when no EmailAddressIdentifier is specifiedCan not allow e-mail notification when no EmailAddressIdentifier is specifiedClient
4376The maximum duration of a temporary address is 90 daysThe maximum duration of a temporary address is 90 daysClient
4377The residence criterion is not satisfied. Hence access to view data is prohibitedThe residence criterion is not satisfied. Hence access to view data is prohibitedClient
4378Temporary foreign address can not be registered for persons with ClientCategory 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9Temporary foreign address can not be registered for persons with ClientCategory 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (Kontanthælpsansøgere/modtagere, herunder efter integrationsprogram, and uddannelseshjælpsansøgere/modtagere)Client
4379Unemploymentfundmembership registration failedUnemploymentfundmembership registration failedClient
4380Unemploymentfundmembership registration failed because that exact registration already exitsUnemploymentfundmembership registration failed because that exact registration already exitsClient
4381Creating a new unemployment registration failedCreating a new unemployment registration failedClient
4382Creating a future unemployment registration failedCreating a future unemployment registration failedClient
4383The operation can only be performed by the clients unemploymentfundThe operation can only be performed by the clients unemploymentfundClient
4384Deleting the current unemploymentfund registration failedDeleting the current unemployment registration failedClient
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationClient
4386Removing the unemploymentfund registration in error failedRemoving the current unemploymentfund registration failedClient
4387Replacing the unemploymentfund registration in error with the previous registration failedReplacing the unemploymentfund registration in error with the previous registration failedClient
4388Retrieving the list of unemploymentfund registrationlist failedRetrieving the list of unemploymentfund registrationlist failedClient
4389Retrieving the unemploymentfund registration log failedRetrieving the unemploymentfund registration log failedClient
4392Deleting the future unemploymentfundmembership registration failedDeleting the future unemploymentfundmembership registration failedClient
4393The sum of messages in the sms and email collection do not match the value NumberOfNotificationItemsThe sum of messages in the sms and email collection do not match the value NumberOfNotificationItemsClient
4394The value NumberOfNotificationItems is above the limit of 800The value NumberOfNotificationItems is above the limit of 800Client
4395No address text line specifiedA address text line was not specifiedClient
4396No street name specified in address text lineA street name was not specified in address text lineClient
4397Incorrect format of floor in address text lineIncorrect format of floor in address text lineClient
4398Incorrect format of suite in address text lineIncorrect format of suite in address text lineClient
4400CV Customer Number is unknownThe supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the systemClient
4401The end date has to be greater than start date for a temporary addressThe end date has to be greater than start date for a temporary addressClient
4402The end date has to be greater than today for a temporary addressThe end date has to be greater than today for a temporary addressClient
4403The start date and the end date has to be set for temporary addressThe start date and the end date has to be set for temporary addressClient
4404The person with specified cpr does not existThe person with specified cpr does not existClient
4405The person with specified cpr is deadThe person with specified cpr is deadClient
4406The country specified for a foreign temporary address can not be Denmark (DK)The country specified for a foreign temporary address can not be Denmark (DK)Client
4407Retrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failedRetrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failedClient
4408Retrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failedRetrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failedClient
4409Retrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failedRetrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failedClient
4410The specified KPI identifier is not validThe specified KPI identifier is not validClient
4411Illness registration not allowed when under 'løntilskud'Illness registration not allowed when under 'løntilskud'Client
4412The Jobordertype or CvrNumber has an invalid valueThe Jobordertype or CvrNumber has an invalid valueClient
4413The authoritytype of the requestheader is invalidThe authoritytype of the requestheader is invalidClient
4414Failed to save the cv collectionFailed to save the cv collectionClient
4415The retrieved JobOrder is not validThe retrieved JobOrder is not validClient
4416The JobOrder is not validThe JobOrder is not validClient
4417Client must be a member of an unemploymentfund to be an unemploymentfundrecipientClient must be a member of an unemploymentfund to be an unemploymentfundrecipientClient
4418An error occurred while trying to close joborderAn error occurred while trying to close joborderClient
4419An error occurred while trying to update joborderAn error occurred while trying to update joborderClient
4420An error occurred while trying to create joborderAn error occurred while trying to create joborderClient
4421Retrieving joborder failedRetrieving joborder failedClient
4422Failed to distribute joborder update to subscribersFailed to distribute joborder to subscribersClient
4423Failed to distribute cvcollection to subscribersFailed to distribute cvcollection to subscribersClient
4424An error occured while calling Jobnet method SetCVAvailabillityAn error occured while calling Jobnet method SetCVAvailabillityClient
4425The JobOrder that is being closed, does not existThe JobOrder that is being closed, does not existClient
4426The MobileNumberIdentifier for foreign numbers must be Swedish or German (+46 or +49) The MobileNumberIdentifier for foreign numbers must be Swedish or German (+46 or +49) Client
4427The MobileNumberIdentifier for danish numbers must be 8 digitsThe MobileNumberIdentifier for danish numbers must be 8 digits, first two digits cannot be 00, optional +45 prefixClient
4428Exemption of type availability cannot be registered for social aid applicant and receiptantExemption of type availability cannot be registered for social aid applicant and receiptantClient
4429Only unemploymentfunds are permitted to perform the operationOnly unemploymentfunds are permitted to perform the operationClient
4430Operation failed. No connection to Jobnet could be established. Try again laterOperation failed. No connection to Jobnet could be established.Try again later.Server
4432The specified unemployment enrollment warning is not know to the systemThe specified unemployment enrollment warning is not know to the systemClient
4433Periodic circumstance of type 'Midlertidigt arbejde' can max be of length 14 daysPeriodic circumstance of type 'Midlertidigt arbejde' can max be of length 14 daysClient
4434Periodic circumstance registration must have an end datePeriodic circumstance registration must have an end dateClient
4435User has insufficient rights to perform this operationOnly caseworkers of the unemploymentfund that the client is being transferred to can perform this operationClient
4436Vacation overlaps an existing periodic circumstanceVacation overlaps an existing periodic circumstanceClient
4437The organisationtypeidentifier does not match the corresponding value in the requestcertificate.The organisationtypeidentifier does not match the corresponding value in the requestcertificate.Client
4438The organisationcode does not match the corresponding value in the requestcertificate.The organisationcode does not match the corresponding value in the requestcertificate.Client
4439The specified exemption does not existThe specified exemption does not existClient
4440The specified exemption is registered for a different clientThe specified exemption is registered for a diffrent clientClient
4441The specified illness does not existThe specified illness does not existClient
4442The specified illness is registered for a different clientThe specified illness is registered for a different clientClient
4443The specified periodic circumstance does not existThe specified periodic circumstance does not existClient
4444The specified periodic circumstance is registered for a different clientThe specified periodic circumstance is registered for a different clientClient
4445The specified vacation does not existThe specified vacation does not existClient
4446The specified vacation is registered for a different clientThe specified vacation is registered for a different clientClient
4447Openended exemption existsA new exemption can not be registrered if an openended exemption existsClient
4448Exemption startdate must be after lastest exemption enddateAn exemption registrered without an enddate the startdate must be later than any other exemption enddate for this clientClient
4449The specified vacacation is historic and cannot be deletedThe specified vacacation is historic and cannot be deletedClient
4450Cannot update other exemption when openended exemption existsIf exemption had an open enddate it must be the one updatedClient
4451Openended illness existsA new illness can not be registrered if an openended illness existsClient
4452The openended illness registration overlaps an existing illness registrationif the illness registration does not have an enddate the startdate must not overlap an existing illnessClient
4453Caller not logged in and principal object not retrievableCaller not logged in and principal object not retrievableClient
4454Cannot update other illness when openended illness existsIf illness registration had an open enddate it must be the one updatedClient
4455Invalid delete of periodic circumstanceA historic or active periodic circumstance must not deletedClient
4456Openended periodiccircumstance existsA new periodiccircumstance can not be registrered if an openended periodiccircumstance exists of the same typeClient
4457The openended pc registration overlaps an existing pc registrationAn periodic circumstance registrered without an enddate the startdate must be later than any other periodic circumstance enddate for this clientClient
4458Cannot update other pc when openended pc existsAn illness can not be updated if an openended periodiccircumstance exists of the same type with an open enddateClient
4459Validationerror- Max. 4 different openinghours for jobcenter allowedValidationerror- Max. 4 different openinghours for jobcenter allowedClient
4460An historic enddate for a periodic circumstance period can not be changedAn historic enddate for a periodic circumstance period can not be changedClient
4501The identifier for referral program type not valid according to codelistThe identifier for referral program type not valid according to codelistClient
4502Invalid organisationtype usedInvalid organisationtype usedClient
4503Invalid periodiccircumstancetype specifiedInvalid periodiccircumstancetype specifiedClient
4504The specified vacation starts in the past and cannot be deletedThe specified vacation starts in the past and cannot be deletedClient
4505The specified vacation has startdate in the past, which is not allowedThe specified vacation has startdate in the past, which is not allowedClient
4506The start date for an exemption period cannot be before todayThe start date for an exemption period cannot be before todayClient
4507The start date for a periodic circumstance cannot be before todayThe start date for a periodic circumstance cannot be before todayClient
4508The start date when changing an illness cannot be before todayThe start date when changing an illness cannot be before todayClient
4509Periodic circumstance of type 'Barsel (max 14 dage)' can max be of length 14 daysPeriodic circumstance of type 'Barsel (max 14 dage)' can max be of length 14 daysClient
4510The specified periodic circumstance period matches several periods and cannot be updated The specified periodic circumstance period matches several periods and cannot be updated Client
4511The External operator is not allowed to view data for the personThe External operator is not allowed to view data for the personClient
4512The start date must be the old start date when updating an already started illnessThe start date must be the old start date when changing an already started illnessClient
4513The start date must be the old start date when updating an already started exemptionThe start date must be the old start date when updating an already started exemptionClient
4514The start date must be the old start date when updating an already started periodic circumstanceThe start date must be the old start date when updating an already started periodic circumstanceClient
4515The start date must be the old start date when updating an already started vacationThe start date must be the old start date when updating an already started vacationClient
4516An historic startdate for a periodic circumstance period can not be changedAn historic startdate for a periodic circumstance period can not be changedClient
4560The delivery subtype identifier does not match the provided delivery type identifierThe delivery subtype identifier does not match the provided delivery type identifierCLIENT
4561The delivery id cannot be retrived from databaseThe delivery id cannot be retrived from databaseClient
4562The uploaded fileformat does not match the chosen file typeThe uploaded fileformat does not match the chosen file typeClient
4563The authoritycode of the requestheader is invalidThe authoritycode of the requestheader is invalidClient
4564The supplied EventIdentifier does not exist in the databaseThe supplied EventIdentifier does not exist in the databaseServer
4565The supplied FileIdentifier does not exist in the databaseThe supplied FileIdentifier does not exist in the databaseServer
4566The supplied RetransmissionIdentifier does not exist in the databaseThe supplied RetransmissionIdentifier does not exist in the databaseServer
4567The person with supplied CPR number does not exist in the databaseThe person with supplied CPR number does not exist in the databaseClient
4568The person is CPR InactiveThe person is CPR InactiveClient
4569The person is not enrolled or insuredThe person is not enrolled or insuredClient
4571Person does not allow SMS notificationPerson does not allow SMS notificationClient
4572Unsupported moveUnsupported moveServer
4575You are not authorizedYou are not authorized to execute the operationClient
4576The submitted benefit registration overlaps a previously registered benefit registrationThe submitted benefit registration overlaps a previously registered benefit registrationClient
4577Benefit restriction covers duration with no unemploymentfund membershipBenefit restriction covers duration with no unemploymentfund membershipClient
4578startdate must lie before enddateThe Startdate of an benefit restriction must lie before the enddate of the registrationClient
4579StartDate must not lie before current dateStartDate must not lie before current dateClient
4580No matching batchjobinvokation, server name and invokation identifier was foundNo matching batchjobinvokation, server name and invokation identifier was foundClient
4581Benefit restriction registration could not be foundBenefit restriction registration could not be foundClient
4582Membershipstartdate predates previously registered membershipregistrationMembershipstartdate predates previously registered membershipregistrationClient
4583The cancellation of the membership predates the membershipstartdateThe cancellation of the membership predates the membershipstartdateClient
4584The specified UnemploymentFundBranchCode is invalidThe specified UnemploymentFundBranchCode is invalid (either the branch is no longer active or it does not exist)Client
4585The startdate of a membershipregistration must not lie in the futureThe startdate of a membershipregistration must not lie in the futureClient
4586Membershipregistrations must be made on behalf of the current requesting fundMembershipregistrations must be made on behalf of the current requesting fundClient
4587Membershipcancellation is not allowed to be registrered in the futureMembershipcancellation is not allowed to be registrered in the futureClient
4588Method cannot be usedThis method has been deprecatedClient
4589Unknown identifierThe submitted Identifier is unknown to the systemClient
4590The insurance benefit startdate must not predate the membership startdateThe insurance benefit startdate must not predate the membership startdateClient
4591Education is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationEducation cannot be registered for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4592Temp work with duration less than 15 days not allowed for this contactgroup/personcategory combiTemporary work with duration less than 15 days is not valid for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4593Two weeks maternity leave is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationTwo weeks maternity leave cannot be registred for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4594People in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are under 18 years of agePeople in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are under 18 years of ageClient
4595People in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are eligible for pension.People in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are eligible for pension.Client
4596Maternity leave is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationMaternity leave cannot be registred for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4597Absence because of vacant period is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence because of a vacant period is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4598Vacation is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationVacation cannot be registered for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4599Illness (AbsenceType 11) cannot be registered for current contactgroup/personcategory combinationIllness (AbsenceType 11) cannot be registered for current contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4600Absence because of Person cannot work is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcat.Absence because of illness (Person cannot work) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcategoryClient
4601Person cannot be activated is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcategoryAbsence because of person cannot be activated is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcategoryClient
4602Absence due to uncurable illness is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence because of uncurable illness cannot be registered for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4603Parttime employed (> 20 hours/week) not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiParttime employed (more than 20 hours/week) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4604Employment within 4 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationEmployment within 4 weeks cannot be registred for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4605Maternity leave within 4 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiMaternity leave within 4 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4606People in this CG/PC combination cannot be exempted because of participation in employmentoffersPeople in this contactgroup/personcategory combination cannot be exempted because of participation in employmentoffersClient
4607Absence taking care of own children not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence because of taking care of own children (illness) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4608Absence taking care of ill people not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence because of a taking care of ill people is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4609Absence because of draft is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationAbsence because of draft is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4610Special other absence is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationSpecial other absence is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4611Selfappointed education (Parttime) not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiSelfappointed education (Parttime) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4612Selfappointed education (Fulltime) not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiSelfappointed education (Fulltime) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4613Absence because of seniorjob is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence because of seniorjob is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4614The absence registration is not allowed due to invalid overlap between absence typesThe absence registration is not allowed due to invalid overlap between absence typesClient
4615This absenceregistration must have an end-dateThis absenceregistration must have an end-dateClient
4618This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 monthsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 monthsClient
4622This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 30 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 30 daysClient
4623This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 28 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 28 daysClient
4631This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 54 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 54 weeksClient
4632The specified Absenceregistration is not known to the systemThe specified Absenceregistration is not known to the systemClient
4633The end date when changing a reported absenceperiod cannot be in the pastThe end date when changing a reported absenceperiod cannot be in the pastClient
4634It is not allowed to delete this registration because the start date is in the pastIt is not allowed to delete this registration because the start date is in the pastClient
4635The reported startdate is in the past and cannot be changedThe reported startdate is in the past and cannot be changedClient
4636Enddate cannot be before startdateEnddate cannot be before startdateClient
4637The reported absence overlaps an existing absence of the same typeThe reported absence overlaps an existing absence of the same typeClient
4638This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 14 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 14 daysClient
4640Not required to meet at the jobcenter the next dayThis client has been enrolled in the past seven days and it is not required to meet at the jobcenter the next dayClient
4641This category is not allowed to be enrolledThis category is not allowed to be enrolledClient
4642The submitted Identifier is unknown to the systemThe submitted Identifier is unknown to the systemClient
4643The start time must not be in the pastThe start time must not be in the pastClient
4644This Client has an open existing contactgroupThis Client has an open existing contactgroupClient
4645This person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this ContactgroupThis person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this ContactgroupClient
4646The ContactGroupTypeIdentifier cannot be changedThe ContactGroupTypeIdentifier cannot be changedClient
4647The Startdate cannot be changedThe Startdate cannot be changedClient
4648The Enddate cannot be before todays dateThe Enddate cannot be before todays dateClient
4649The InterviewNoticeTime cannot be before todays dateThe InterviewNoticeTime cannot be before todays dateClient
4650It is not allowed to delete this registration because the startdate lies in the pastIt is not allowed to delete this registration because the startdate lies in the pastClient
4651The CorrectionComment can not be usedThe CorrectionComment can not be usedClient
4652The submitted personcategory value is invalidThe submitted personcategory value is invalidClient
4653The submitted date is not valid because it took place more than 7 days in the pastThe submitted date is not valid because it took place more than 7 days in the pastClient
4654This person has an absenceregistration that conflicts with the submitted personcategoryThis person has an absenceregistration that conflicts with the submitted personcategoryClient
4655This person must be unenrolled before this personcategory value can be appliedThis person must be unenrolled before this personcategory value can be appliedClient
4656This personcategory is not coherent with the person's enrollmentThis personcategory is not coherent with the person's enrollmentClient
4657The interviewtime cannot be in the futureThe interviewtime cannot be in the futureClient
4658Took place more than 7 days before the original registrationThe submitted date is not valid because it took place more than 7 days before the original registrationClient
4659The personcategory type identifier cannot be changedThe personcategory type identifier cannot be changedClient
4660The interviewtime cannot be a future date from the registrationtimeThe interviewtime cannot be a future date from the registrationtimeClient
4661Only Jobcenters and Municipalitys are allowed to approve CV’s for IntroduktionsydelseOnly Jobcenters and Municipalitys are allowed to approve CV’s for Introduktionsydelsesansøgere or IntroduktionsydelsesmodtagereClient
4662This client does not have a finished CVThis client does not have a finished CVClient
4663CvStatusTypeIdentifier cannot be changedCvStatusTypeIdentifier cannot be changedClient
4664The submitted PersonCategory value is invalidThe submitted PersonCategory value is invalidClient
4665The PersonCategory cannot be changedThe PersonCategory cannot be changedClient
4666The submitted PersonGroupProjectIdentifier is unknown to the systemThe submitted PersonGroupProjectIdentifier is unknown to the systemClient
4667You are not allowed to see this projectYou are not allowed to see this projectClient
4668The startdate must not be in the pastThe startdate must not be in the pastClient
4669The enddate must not be earlier than the start dateThe enddate must not be earlier than the start dateClient
4670The startdate must not be earlier than the project startdateThe startdate must not be earlier than the project startdateClient
4671The enddate must not be later than the project enddateThe enddate must not be later than the project enddateClient
4672This person is already associated with this project within this time frameThis person is already associated with this project within this time frameClient
4674The person has a positive consent and therefore you cannot create a new consentThe person has a positive consent and therefore you cannot create a new consentClient
4675The ContactGroupTypeIdentifier is invalidThe ContactGroupTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
4676The Client Interview Id does not existsThe Client Interview Id does not existsClient
4677This person does not have a submitted JobnetFlag attachedThis person does not have a submitted JobnetFlag attachedClient
4678Unemploymentfundbranchcode is already in useUnemploymentfundbranchcode is already in useClient
4679The submitted unemploymentfundbranchname is not uniqueThe submitted unemploymentfundbranchname is not uniqueClient
4680Date predates the branchs activationdateDate predates the branchs activationdateClient
4681The specified UnemploymentFundBranch is closedThe specified UnemploymentFundBranch is closedClient
4682The specified absence is not registered with this clientThe specified absence is not registered with this clientClient
4683The CorrectionComment must contain contentThe CorrectionComment must contain contentClient
4684The absence type is not a valid typeThe absence type is not a valid typeClient
4685The reported absence has a start date before todays dateThe reported absence has a start date before todays dateClient
4686This person must have an active contact group registrationThis person must have an active contactgroupregistrationClient
4687This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 weeksClient
4688This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 10 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 10 weeksClient
4689The client must be enrolled to register this absence typeThe client must be enrolled to register this absence typeClient
4690The client must have a CV to register this absence typeThe client must have a CV to register this absence typeClient
4691The reported absence has a start date before 13 days from todays dateThe reported absence has a start date before 13 days from todays dateClient
4692This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 weeksClient
4693The client must have a registered personcategory to register this absence typeThe client must have a registered personcategory to register this absence typeClient
4694This absence type is not allowed for a client with this contact group and personcategoryThis absence type is not allowed for a client with this contact group and personcategoryClient
4695The jobcenter does not existThe jobcenter does not existClient
4696The absencetype cannot be different from the registredThe absencetype cannot be different from the registredClient
4697Invalid cv numberInvalid cv numberClient
4698Parameter is negativeParameter is negativeClient
4699Startdate for an membershipregistration must lie max 14 days before current dateStartdate for an membershipregistration must lie max 14 days before current dateClient
4700The weekday must be between 1 and 5The weekday must be between 1 and 5Client
4701The hour must be between 00:01 and 23:59. Opening hour must be before closing hourThe hour must be between 00:01 and 23:59. Opening hour must be before closing hourClient
4702The submitted project type identifier is invalidThe submitted project type identifier is invalidClient
4703The submitted startdate have to be presentThe submitted startdate have to be presentClient
4704This submitted enddate must be earlier than the 18th year birthdayThis submitted enddate must be earlier than the 18th year birthdayClient
4705The startdate must be 14 days in the futureThe startdate must be 14 days in the futureClient
4706This Clientcategory cannot be visitatedThis Clientcategory cannot be visitatedClient
4707The submitted CvStatusTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted CvStatusTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
4708The submitted InterviewContactTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted InterviewContactTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
4709The submitted InterviewTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted InterviewTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
4710The submitted value of YearLastUsed is not a valid yearThe submitted value of YearLastUsed is not a valid yearClient
4711The submitted country code is not validThe submitted country code is not validClient
4712The specified time frame conflicts with the registered group markingsThe specified time frame conflicts with the registered group markingsClient
4713Only one schedule type can be specified for a jobOnly one schedule type can be specified for a jobClient
4714The batch job status has a date in the future.The batch job status has a date in the future.Client
4715The batch job invokation guid has already been usedThe batch job invokation guid has already been usedClient
4716This personcategory is not coherent with the person's contact groupThis personcategory is not coherent with the person's contact groupClient
4717No such email groupNo such email groupClient
4718No such job was found A job with the given name/server combination could not be found Client
4719A matching log entry could not be foundA matching log entry could not be foundClient
4720Person is not allowed to be enrolled because person is abroadPerson is not allowed to be enrolled because person is abroadClient
4721There already exists a client interview with the specified identifierThere already exists a client interview with the specified identifierClient
4722The reported vacation cannot be registered because it overlaps an activationThe reported vacation cannot be registered because it overlaps an activationClient
4723The reported vacation cannot be registered because it overlaps a meetingThe reported vacation cannot be registered because it overlaps a meetingClient
4724The interview time cannot be updated if older than 7 days.The interview time cannot be updated if older than 7 days.Client
4725This person cannot be enrolled because the person has a temporary foreign address registeredThis person cannot be enrolled because the person has a temporary foreign address registeredClient
4726It is not allowed to confirm enrollment because confirmation deadline is in the pastIt is not allowed to confirm enrollment because confirmation deadline is in the pastClient
4727Not a valid emailThe email is not in a valid formatClient
4728The interview must be later than the previous interview.The interview must be later than the previous interview.Client
4729The interview cannot be earlier than the current contact group.The interview cannot be earlier than the current contact group.Client
4730The project overlaps an existing project with identical name.The project overlaps an existing project with identical name.Client
4731Registration is not allowed because of an illegal combination of the contactgroup and enrollmentRegistration is not allowed because of an illegal combination of the contactgroup and enrollmentClient
4732It is not possible to update this interview, because it was registered as resettingIt is not possible to update this interview, because it was registered as resettingClient
4733The agreement description cannot contain html tagsThe agreement description cannot contain html tagsClient
4734The agreement description must contain textThe agreement description must contain textClient
4735Invalid insurance category typeThe submitted insurance category type is no recognized as a valid insurance category typeClient
4736The project has active group markingsThe project has active group markingsClient
4737Invalid base calender monthBaseCalenderMonth cannot be earlier than last full month or more than 3 months from todayClient
4738Invalid metrics calculation dateMetricsCalculationDate cannot be earlier than the first day in the month after BaseCalenderMonth.Client
4739It it mandatory to submit a country identification codeIt it mandatory to submit a country identification codeClient
4740Country identification code can only be ‘DK’Country identification code can only be ‘DK’Client
4741It is mandatory to submit a valid postal codeIt is mandatory to submit a valid postal codeClient
4742The enddate must not be before todayThe enddate must not be before todayClient
4743This registration cannot be deletedThis registration cannot be deletedClient
4744People in contactgroup For-revalident is not allowed in this personcategoryPeople in contactgroup For-revalident is not allowed in this personcategoryClient
4745Interview time must be within time interval of original contact group.Interview time must be within time interval of original contact group.Client
4746The interview must be before the next interview.The interview must be before the next interview.Client
4747The specified UnemploymentFundBranch cannot be closed as there are members associated to itThe specified UnemploymentFundBranch cannot be closed as there are members associated to itClient
4748The Enddate cannot be changedThe Enddate cannot be changedClient
4749The enrollment date must be of todays dateThe enrollment date must be of todays dateClient
4750The client has an absence registration that does not allow enrollmentThe client has an absence registration that does not allow enrollmentClient
4751The InterviewType cannot be changed because this interview has been conductedThe InterviewType cannot be changed because this interview has been conductedClient
4752Cannot register personcategory since warning letter date for an active illness reg. has passedCannot register personcategory since warning letter date for an active illness reg. has passedClient
4753The clients jobnet cv has been archivedThe clients jobnet cv has been archivedClient
4754The clients jobnet cv has been disabledThe clients jobnet cv has been disabledClient
4755The clients jobnet cv could not be foundThe clients jobnet cv could not be foundClient
4756Authentication failedAuthentication failedClient
4757Sms message could not be foundSms message could not be foundClient
4758The client interview has a cv status part and cannot be deleted with this methodThe client interview has a cv status part and cannot be deleted with this methodClient
4760The client interview has an illness benefit part and cannot be deleted with this methodThe client interview has an illness benefit part and cannot be deleted with this methodClient
4761It is not possible to update this illness because enddate is in the pastIt is not possible to update this illness because enddate is in the pastClient
4763A person who is 65 or older can only enroll as 'uden ydelse' from jobnetA person who is 65 or older can only enroll as 'uden ydelse' from jobnetClient
4764No search criteria is defined in the requestNo search criteria is defined in the requestClient
4765The InterviewTime cannot be changedThe InterviewTime cannot be changedClient
4766It is not allowed to send activation code for this client categoryIt is not allowed to send activation code for this client categoryClient
4767The booking has already been takenThe booking has already been takenClient
4768The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the systemThe submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the systemClient
4769The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be establishedThe connection to an external bookingsystem could not be establishedClient
4770There are no available booking optionsThere are no available booking optionsClient
4771Prevented from personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroupPrevented from personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroupClient
4772Expected full time work within 13 week is not allowed for people in this contactgroupExpected full time work within 13 week is not allowed for people in this contactgroupClient
4773Work partially resumed is not allowed for people in this contactgroupWork partially resumed is not allowed for people in this contactgroupClient
4774Planned operation within 13 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroupPlanned operation within 13 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroupClient
4775Illness prevents personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup Illness prevents personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup Client
4776This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 13 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 13 weeksClient
4781The Submitted input is not knownThe Submitted input is not knownClient
4782The AppendixIdentifier is unknown to the systemThe AppendixIdentifier is unknown to the systemClient
4783The BookingTime cannot be before todays dateThe BookingTime cannot be before todays dateClient
4784There submitted BookingIdentifier correlates with an existing BookingIdentifierThere submitted BookingIdentifier correlates with an existing BookingIdentifierClient
4785There submitted GroupBookingIdentifier correlates with an existing GroupBookingIdentifierThere submitted GroupBookingIdentifier correlates with an existing GroupBookingIdentifierClient
4786The person does not have a Jobnet Cv accountThe person does not have a Jobnet Cv accountClient
4787The BookingList contains one or more cpr numbers that are unknown to the systemThe BookingList contains one or more cpr numbers that are unknown to the systemClient
4788The BookingList contains one or more cpr numbers that are deadThe BookingList contains one or more cpr numbers that are deadClient
4789The BookingListIdentifier is unknown in the system.The BookingListIdentifier is unknown in the system.Client
4790The AppendixIdentifier is unknown to the systemThe AppendixIdentifier is unknown to the systemClient
4791The CancellationCause is required when InterviewStatus is 'Cancelled'The CancellationCause is required when InterviewStatus is 'Cancelled'Client
4792The BookingEndTime cannot be before BookingStartTimeThe BookingEndTime cannot be before BookingStartTimeClient
4793The SelfBookingDeadline cannot be after BookingStartTimeThe SelfBookingDeadline cannot be after BookingStartTimeClient
4794It is not allowed to create a booking with this InterviewStatusTypeIdentifierIt is not allowed to create a booking with this InterviewStatusTypeIdentifierClient
4795The absence comment may not contain htmlThe absence comment may not contain htmlClient
4796Expected to return to full time within 14 days after next contact is not allowed for this contactgrExpected to return to full time within 14 days after next contact is not allowed for this contactgroupClient
4797Follow up with no contact is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationFollow up with no contact is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4798This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 15 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 15 weeksClient
4799The appendix name is not uniqueThe appendix name is not uniqueClient
4800Booking length is too longBooking length is too longClient
4801Deadline cannot be specified if self booking is not possible.Deadline cannot be specified if self booking is not possible.Client
4802Deadline must be specified if self booking is possible.Deadline must be specified if self booking is possible.Client
4803The appendix exists in a active bookingThe appendix exists in a active bookingClient
4804The booking print comment must not include HTML tagsThe booking print comment must not include HTML tagsClient
4805The submitted InterviewFormTypeIdentifier is invalid.The submitted InterviewFormTypeIdentifier is invalid.Client
4806The submitted InterviewStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid.The submitted InterviewStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid.Client
4807The submitted CancellationCauseTypeIdentifier is invalid. The submitted CancellationCauseTypeIdentifier is invalid. Client
4808Parameter is invalidParameter is invalidClient
4809The correction comment may not contain htmlThe correction comment may not contain htmlClient
4810Cancellationcause cannot be set unless interviewstatus is cancelled AflystCancellationcause cannot be set unless interviewstatus is cancelled AflystClient
4811The self booking deadline must not be before todays dateThe self booking deadline must not be before todays dateClient
4812The booking does not allow selfbookingThe booking does not allow selfbookingClient
4813The booking cannot have a negative durationThe booking cannot have a negative durationClient
4815The booking has a cv status part and cannot be deleted with this methodThe booking has a cv status part and cannot be deleted with this methodClient
4816The booking has a illness benefit part and cannot be deleted with this methodThe booking has a illness benefit part and cannot be deleted with this methodClient
4817The agreement description may not contain HTMLThe agreement description may not contain HTMLClient
4818The correction comment may not contain HTMLThe correction comment may not contain HTMLClient
4819The BookingStartTime is no longer availableThe BookingStartTime is no longer availableClient
4820Cancellation is not allowedCancellation is not allowed, or cancellation deadline is exceededClient
4821The case does not belong to the specified personCivilregistrationIdentifierThe case does not belong to the specified personCivilregistrationIdentifierClient
4822Could not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RIDCould not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RIDClient
4823The clients jobnet cv is lockedThe clients jobnet cv is lockedClient
4827The submitted JoblogEntryCategoryTypeIdentifier is invalid.The submitted JoblogEntryCategoryTypeIdentifier is invalid.Client
4828The submitted JoblogEntryStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid.The submitted JoblogEntryStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid.Client
4829The submitted JoblogEntryTypeOfSubmissionTypeIdentifier is invalid.The submitted JoblogEntryTypeOfSubmissionTypeIdentifier is invalid.Client
4830The JoblogEntry was not foundThe JoblogEntry was not foundClient
4831The JoblogEntryTask was not foundThe JoblogEntryTask was not foundClient
4833The Joblog contains an invalid argumentThe Joblog contains an invalid argumentClient
4834The JoblogEntry status is already set to the same valueThe JoblogEntry status is already set to the same valueClient
4835Too many results foundToo many results foundClient
4850Citizen has already completed screeningCitizen has already completed screeningClient
4851Citizen not allowed to take screeningCitizen not allowed to take screeningClient
4852Screening result not foundScreening result not foundClient
4853Screening errorScreening errorClient
4855Citizen belongs to different jobcenterCitizen belongs to different jobcenterClient
4856Citizen not member of unemployment fundCitizen not member of unemployment fundClient
4857Citizen belongs to different unemployment fundCitizen belongs to different unemployment fundClient
4900The framework agreement does not existThe framework agreement does not existClient
4901The framework agreement is blocked and partial agreement cannot be createdThe framework agreement is blocked and partial agreement cannot be createdClient
4902The target group does not existThe target group does not existClient
4903The production unit identifier is not associated to the CVR number on the framework agreementThe production unit identifier is not associated to the CVR number on the framework agreementClient
4904The framework agreement is blocked and partial agreement cannot be updatedThe framework agreement is blocked and partial agreement cannot be updatedClient
4905The partial agreement does not existThe partial agreement does not existClient
4909The submitted cpr is not identical to the previous reported cpr for this runThe submitted cpr is not identical to the previous reported cpr for this runClient
4911The start date was more than eight months ago and cancellation is no longer possibleThe start date was more than eight months ago and cancellation is no longer possibleClient
4912The invoicing statement for the submitted partial agreement and month has not been calculated yetThe invoicing statement for the submitted partial agreement and month has not been calculated yetClient
4913The reconciliation statement for the partial agreement and month has not been calculated yetThe reconciliation statement for the submitted partial agreement and month has not been calculated yetClient
4914The submitted end date can not be prior to previous submitted end dateThe submitted end date can not be prior to previous submitted end dateClient
4915It is only possible to update id, name, production unit identifier and end dateIt is only possible to update id, name, production unit identifier and end dateClient
4916This CV number has an existing relation to another CPR numberThis CV number has an existing relation to another CPR numberClient
4917The partial agreement belongs to a jobcenter not associated with the request certificateThe partial agreement belongs to a jobcenter which does not match any corresponding value associated with the request certificateClient
4918The jobcenter identifier does not match any value associated with the request certificateThe jobcenter identifier does not match any corresponding value associated with the request certificateClient
4919The contact group can not be ended due to an active enrollmentThe contact group can not be ended due to an active enrollmentClient
4920The specified item does not existThe specified item does not existClient
4921User is not allowed to use webservicesUser is not allowed to use webservicesClient
4922User is not allowed to access the specified personUser is not allowed to access the specified personClient
4923User is not allowed to use the specified organisationUser is not allowed to use the specified organisationClient
4924User does not existsUser does not existsClient
4925User is not allowed to access the specified itemUser is not allowed to access the specified itemClient
4926Invalid authority typeInvalid authority typeClient
4927The jobcenter identifier does not match any jobcenter associated with the framework agreementThe jobcenter identifier does not match any jobcenter associated with the framework agreementClient
4928The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter associated with the partial agreementThe person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter associated with the specified partial agreementClient
4930The content must not include HTML tagsThe content must not include HTML tagsClient
4932It is not possible to remove future cancellation due to absenceIt is not possible to remove future cancellation due to absenceClient
4933The comment text cannot contain html tagsThe comment text cannot contain html tagsClient
4934Invalid authority codeInvalid authority codeClient
4935Invalid dateInvalid dateClient
4936Invalid itemidentifierInvalid itemidentifierClient
4937Invalid timeInvalid timeClient
4938It is not possible to update a cancelled runIt is not possible to update a cancelled runClient
4939This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 weeksClient
4940Absence work distribution is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationAbsence work distribution is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4941Absence efterloen within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence efterloen within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4942Absence pension within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence pension within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4943Absence work within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence work within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4944Absence maternity leave within 6 weeks not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcat. combiAbsence maternity leave within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4945Invalid type identifierInvalid type identifierClient
4946The framework agreement could not be verifiedThe framework agreement could not be verifiedClient
4947Invalid feed typeInvalid feed typeClient
4948The requested media type or version is unsupportedThe requested media type or version is unsupportedClient
4949A partial agreement has already been created with the specified partial agreement identifier.A partial agreement has already been created with the specified partial agreement identifier.Client
4950A run has already been created with the specified run identifier.A run has already been created with the specified run identifier.Client
4951The partial agreement identifier is unknownThe partial agreement identifier is unknownClient
4952The run identifier is unknownThe run identifier is unknownClient
4953The jobplan status type identifier is unknown or not allowedThe jobplan status type identifier is unknown or not allowedClient
4954The activity status type identifier is unknownThe activity status type identifier is unknownClient
4955The activity status cause type identifier is unknownThe activity status cause type identifier is unknownClient
4956The activity status type need activity status cause typeThe activity status type need activity status cause typeClient
4957The activity end date must be specifiedThe activity end date must be specifiedClient
4958The illness could not be foundThe illness could not be foundClient
4959The transtion in activity is not allowed new jobplan is requiredThe transtion in activity is not allowed new jobplan is requiredClient
4960The course type identifier is unknownThe course type identifier is unknownClient
4961The job type identifier is unknownThe job type identifier is unknownClient
4962The identifier is registered on another personThe identifier is registered on another personClient
4963Registration cannot be completed because start date is in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is in the pastClient
4964Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 7 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 7 days in the pastClient
4965Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 13 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 13 days in the pastClient
4966Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 4 weeks in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 4 weeks in the pastClient
4967Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 8 weeks in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 8 weeks in the pastClient
4968Registration cannot be completed because start date is before the latest person categoryRegistration cannot be completed because start date is before the latest person categoryClient
4969Registration cannot be completed because end date is more than 7 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because end date is more than 7 days in the pastClient
4970The submitted ItemIdentifier is unknown to the systemThe submitted ItemIdentifier is unknown to the systemClient
4971The ministerial department type identifier is unknownThe ministerial department type identifier is unknownClient
4972The Client does not have an active CVCustomerNumber to be used for cancellation of JobNet enrollmentThe Client does not have an active CVCustomerNumber to be used for cancellation of JobNet enrollmentServer
4973The sustenance type is unknownThe sustenance type is unknownClient
4974Vacation on socialaid is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationVacation on socialaid is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationClient
4976The activation type identifier is unknownThe activation type identifier is unknownClient
4977The submitted identifier already existsThe submitted identifier already existsClient
4978At least one CompanySearchItemType is corruptAt least one CompanySearchItemType is corruptServer
4979The specified absence cause type identifier is not known to the systemThe specified absence cause type identifier is not known to the systemClient
4980Cause type identifier is required when setting illness end dateCause type identifier is required when setting illness end dateClient
4981Absence comment required when updating illness start date and end dateAbsence comment required when updating illness start date and end dateClient
4982JobPositionPosting/JobPostionInformation/PositionTitle is MandatoryJobPositionPosting/JobPostionInformation/PositionTitle is MandatoryClient
4983JobPositionPosting/AmsHrXmlExtension/HiringOrganisationCVRnumberIdentifier is MandatoryJobPositionPosting/AmsHrXmlExtension/HiringOrganisationCVRnumberIdentifier is MandatoryClient
4984JobPositionPosting/AmsHrXmlExtension/HiringOrganisationCVRnumberIdentifier has invalid valueJobPositionPosting/AmsHrXmlExtension/HiringOrganisationCVRnumberIdentifier has invalid valueClient
4985Unknown unemploymentfundcodeUnknown unemploymentfundcodeClient
4986Unknown jobcentercodeUnknown jobcentercodeClient
4987Unknown municipalitycodeUnknown municipalitycodeClient
4989No NemRefusion registration match with the submitted dataThe submitted NemRefusionIdentfier does not exist, or does not match the submitted CvCustomerIdentifierClient
4990Illness is not possible because of open enrollmentIllness is not possible because of open enrollmentClient
4992The person must be enrolled or contactgroup endedThe person must be enrolled or contactgroup endedClient
4993The person has an open illnessThe person has an open illnessClient
4994This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 8 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 8 weeksClient
4995The submitted Compulsory Notification Event Type is not known to the systemThe submitted Compulsory Notification Event Type is not known to the systemClient
4996The submitted Compulsory Notification Event Type NUPH is not similar to whats known to the systemThe submitted Compulsory Notification Event Type NUPH is not similar to whats known to the systemClient
4997The submitted Job Referral Notification Event Type NUPH is not similar to whats known to the systemThe submitted Job Referral Notification Event Type NUPH is not similar to whats known to the systemClient
4998The submitted Job Referral Notification Event Type NUPH is not known to the systemThe submitted Job Referral Notification Event Type NUPH is not known to the systemClient
4999The submitted Job Referral Notification Event is already recalled.The submitted Job Referral Notification Event is already recalled.Client
5000The submitted Compulsory Notification Event is already recalled.The submitted Compulsory Notification Event is already recalled.Client
5001The submitted Compulsory Notification Event is unknown to the system.The submitted Compulsory Notification Event is unknown to the system.Client
5002The submitted Job Referral Notification Event is unknown to the system.The submitted Job Referral Notification Event is unknown to the system.Client
5003The submitted Availability Assessment Registration Type is not known to the system.The submitted Availability Assessment Registration Type is not known to the system.Client
5004The submitted Availability Assessment Event is already recalled.The submitted Availability Assessment Event is already recalled.Client
5005The submitted Availability Assessment Event is unknown to the system.The submitted Availability Assessment Event is unknown to the system.Client
5007Illness recovery and enrollment requires new contactgroup for illnessbenefit recipientIllness recovery and enrollment requires new contactgroup for illnessbenefit recipientClient
5008When absence end date is today, Enrollment date and ContactGroup start date must not be today.When absence end date is today, Enrollment date and ContactGroup start date must not be today.Client
5009When absence end date is today, ContactGroup start date must not be today.When absence end date is today, ContactGroup start date must not be today.Client
5010When absence end date is today, Enrollment date must not be today.When absence end date is today, Enrollment date must not be today.Client
5011The person was not enrolled at the time of the incident.The person was not enrolled at the time of the incident.Client
5012The person was not enrolled at the time of the incident.The person was not insured at the time of the incident.Client
5013Unemployment-level must be set when current ContactGroup is 1, DagpengemodtagerUnemployment-level must be set when current ContactGroup is 1, DagpengemodtagerClient
5014Unemployment-level only valid when current ContactGroup is 1, DagpengemodtagerUnemployment-level only valid when current ContactGroup is 1, DagpengemodtagerClient
5015Unemployment-level can not be changedUnemployment-level can not be changedClient
5016Cvr number is required when contact group is 24, Sygedagpengemodtager for beskæftigelseCvr number is required when contact group is 24, Sygedagpengemodtager for beskæftigelseClient
5017Cvr number and p number cannot be changedCvr number and p number cannot be changedClient
5018Update of illness for contactgroup 24 and 25 is not allowedUpdate of illness for contactgroup 24 and 25 is not allowedClient
5019CVR and P number are not allowed for the contactgroupCVR and P number are not allowed for the contactgroupClient
5020Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 60 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 60 days in the pastClient
6000Unknown DB errorUnknown DB errorClient
6001Can't generate documentCan't generate documentClient
6002Can't get XSD from DBUnable to get the XSD document from the DB. Sql ErrorClient
6003Can't get XSDUnable to get the XSD documentClient
6004Unable to get document due to missing access rightsUnable to get document due to missing access rightsClient
6005The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeaderClient
6006There is no open illness from work for this personThere is no open illness from work for this personClient
6007It is not allowed to update Jobordertype with a new JobordertypeIt is not allowed to update Jobordertype with a new JobordertypeClient
6008This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 190 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 190 daysClient
6009Invalid registrationdateThe absence registration for the absencetype may not start later than 30 days from the registrationdateClient
6014Illegal combination of the client category and unemployment statusRegistration is not allowed because of an illegal combination of the client category and unemployment statusClient
6015Visitationgroup is not coherent with the person's contact groupVisitationgroup is not coherent with the person's contact groupClient
6016Visitationgroup is missingVisitationgroup is missingClient
6017Visitationgroup cannot be changed in frozen zoneVisitationgroup cannot be changed in frozen zoneClient
6018The InterviewTypeIdentifier cannot be changedThe InterviewTypeIdentifier cannot be changedClient
6020The VisitationGroupTypeIdentifier cannot be changedThe VisitationGroupTypeIdentifier cannot be changedClient
6021Illness benefit category is missingIllness benefit category is missingClient
6022Personcategory is not coherentPersoncategory is not coherentClient
6023The activity supplement is not coherent with the person's contact, visitation group or ageThe activity supplement is not coherent with the person's contact, visitation group or ageClient
6024The activity supplement can not be within first 3 month of the visitation groupThe activity supplement can not be within first 3 month of the visitation groupClient
6026CV Status update not allowedFor Kontanthjælpsansøgere, Kontanthjælpsmodtagere, Uddannelseshjælpsansøger or Uddannelseshjælpsmodtager is it not allowed to register CV’s.Client
6027The interviewtype is not allowedThe interviewtype is not allowedClient
6029Visitationgroup “ikke visiteret” is not allowedVisitationgroup “ikke visiteret” is not allowedClient
6030The enddate must not be earlier than the eventdateThe enddate must not be earlier than the eventdateClient
6031The new eventdate is before the eventdate or enddate for an existing request for activation.The new eventdate is before the eventdate or enddate for an existing request for activation.Client
6033ContactGroup is not coherent with ageContactgroup cannot be created if age requirements are not metClient
6034Create contact group is only allowed if latest contact group was 13 or an open 6, 24, or 25.Create contact group is only allowed if latest contact group was 13 or an open 6, 24, or 25.Client
6040Date Publishing period is too long, max days: 35Date Publishing period is too long, max days: 35Client
6041Startdate must be later than application deadlineStartdate must be later than application deadlineClient
6042Error in joborder search listError in joborder search listClient
6043It is not allowed to change P-numberIt is not allowed to change P-numberClient
6044PositionTitle field should not contain open html tags or the double quotesPositionTitle field should not contain open html tags or the double quotesClient
6045Call to jobnet service failedCall to jobnet service failedClient
6052Codelist value is only for internal useCodelist value is only for internal useClient
6054InterviewWithMoreAuthorities must be true for this InterviewTypeInterviewWithMoreAuthorities must be true for this InterviewTypeClient
6055InterviewParticipant must be statedInterviewParticipant must be statedClient
6056ParticipationStatus must be statedParticipationStatus must be statedClient
6057The BookingIdentifier is unknown for the CitizenThe BookingIdentifier is unknown for the CitizenClient
6058Interviewtype is only allowed for this contactgroup when citizen has an illnessThe specified interviewtype is only allowed for this contactgroup, if citizen has a current absencetypeidentifier = 11Client
7000Could not create dataCould not create dataClient
7001Could not read dataCould not read dataClient
7002Could not update dataCould not update dataClient
7003Could not delete dataCould not delete dataClient
7004Could not process course caseCould not process course caseClient
7005Could not process applicationCould not process applicationClient
7006Qualification failed for course caseQualification failed for course caseClient
7007Course not specifiedCourse not specifiedClient
7008Educational institution not foundEducational institution not foundClient
7009Subject not specifiedSubject not specifiedClient
7010Subject not foundSubject not foundClient
7011Civil registration number not foundCivil registration number not foundClient
7012Signup deadline exceededSignup deadline exceededClient
7013Startdate exceededStartdate exceededClient
7014Available seats exceeds max number of participantsAvailable seats exceeds max number of participantsClient
7015Could not delete classCould not delete classClient
7016SubjectDefinition must be set.SubjectDefinition must be set.Client
7017No subject ID given.No subject ID given.Client
7018Title of subject must be set.Title of subject must be set.Client
7019Subject number of subject must be set.Subject number of subject must be set.Client
7020Id of parent category must be set.Id of parent category must be set.Client
7021Id of subcategory must be set.Id of subcategory must be set.Client
7022Name of subcategory must be set.Name of subcategory must be set.Client
7023Subcategory must be set.Subcategory must be set.Client
7024Country of location address must be set.Country of location address must be set.Client
7025City of location address must be set.City of location address must be set.Client
7026Postal code of location address must be set.Postal code of location address must be set.Client
7027Street name of location address must be set.Street name of location address must be set.Client
7028Name of location must be set.Name of location must be set.Client
7029Location address must be set.Location address must be set.Client
7030Location must be set.Location must be set.Client
7031A course must be set.A course must be set.Client
7032No course ID given.No course ID given.Client
7033No course name given.No course name given.Client
7034A course must have a location defined.A course must have a location defined.Client
7035A course must have at least one subject definition.A course must have at least one subject definition.Client
7036CourseCase does not originate from AKACourseCase does not originate from AKAClient
7037CourseCase is not in the correct stateCourseCase is not in the correct stateClient
7038CourseCase is not in the correct phaseCourseCase is not in the correct phaseClient
7039The citizen is already enrolled in a classThe citizen is already enrolled in a classClient
7040The application has already been received.The application has already been received.Client
7041Class must be set.Class must be set.Client
7042No class ID given.No class ID given.Client
7043Category name is not valid.Category name is not valid.Client
7044Id is empty.Id is empty.Client
7045Category must be set.Category must be set.Client
7046AKA connector failed to add application.AKA connector failed to add application.Client
7047Invalid originator for applications course case.Invalid originator for applications course case.Client
7048EASY connector failed to add application.EASY connector failed to add application.Client
7049Course case missing for application.Course case missing for application.Client
7050EASY returned an error.EASY returned an error.Client
7051EASY activity not mapped to class.EASY activity not mapped to class.Client
7052EASY activity not mapped to course.EASY activity not mapped to course.Client
7053Failed to fetch data from the EASY webservice.Failed to fetch data from the EASY webservice.Client
7054Educational institution is missing a CVR number.Educational institution is missing a CVR number.Client
7055Educational institution is missing a name.Educational institution is missing a name.Client
7056Educational institution is missing.Educational institution is missing.Client
7057AKA service failed to add application to class.AKA service failed to add application to class.Client
7058AKA service failed to cancel enrollment.AKA service failed to cancel enrollment.Client
7059AKA service failed to cancel class attendance.AKA service failed to cancel class attendance.Client
7060The absencetype is not allowed for visitationgroup 'ikke visiteret'The absencetype is not allowed for a client with this contactgroup and visitationgroup 'ikke visiteret'Client
7061AbsenceCause is not coherent with contact group.AbsenceCause is not coherent with contact group.Client
7062A ProfessionType must be set for this ClientCategory.A ProfessionType must be set for this ClientCategory.Client
8001A plan with the specified plan version identifier could not be foundA plan with the specified plan version identifier could not be foundClient
8002The specified citizen has no active planThe specified citizen has no active planClient
8005The Activity could not be foundThe Activity could not be foundClient
8006The specified citizen has no draft planThe specified citizen has no draft planClient
8008The PlanObjectiveIdentifier is readonlyThe PlanObjectiveIdentifier is readonlyClient
8011The IsActive is readonlyThe IsActive is readonlyClient
8012The CreateDate is readonlyThe CreateDate is readonlyClient
8013The LastModified is readonlyThe LastModified is readonlyClient
8014The acknowledged date has to be after version create dateThe acknowledged date has to be after version create dateClient
8015Goal has to be specified when publishing this plan typeGoal has to be specified when publishing a jobplan or an education plan in step 2 or step 3Client
8018The EducationPlanType.DeadlineDate (pålægsfrist) has to be greater than todays dateThe EducationPlanType.DeadlineDate (pålægsfrist) has to be greater than todays dateClient
8021The specified plan type identifier is not validThe specified plan type identifier is not validClient
8022The EducationPlanIdentifier is read onlyThe EducationPlanIdentifier is read onlyClient
8023The EducationPlanStepIdentifier is not validThe EducationPlanStepIdentifier is not validClient
8024The ReportToCaseWorkerDate is readonlyThe ReportToCaseWorkerDate is readonlyClient
8025The ActivityIdentifer is read onlyThe ActivityIdentifer is read onlyClient
8027HoursPerWeek is not allowed to be negativeHoursPerWeek is not allowed to be negativeClient
8028MinutesPerWeek is not allowed to be negativeMinutesPerWeek is not allowed to be negativeClient
8029The specified ActivityStatusTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified ActivityStatusTypeIdentifier is not validClient
8031The specified SustenanceTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified SustenanceTypeIdentifier is not validClient
8032The specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not validClient
8034The specified FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifier is not validClient
8035The specified EducationIdentifier is not validThe specified EducationIdentifier is not validClient
8036This is not historical activity. Not published in status Annulleret or EndDate is greater than todayThis is not historical activity. Not published in status Annulleret or EndDate is greater than todayClient
8037NumberOfWeeksWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeNumberOfWeeksWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeClient
8038HoursPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeHoursPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeClient
8039MinutesPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeMinutesPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeClient
8040The specified CourseTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified CourseTypeIdentifier is not validClient
8041The specified activity status is not allowedThe specified activity status is not allowedClient
8042Goal in education has to be specified when educationplan in step 2, 3, 4Goal in education has to be specified when educationplan in step 2, 3, 4Client
8043Wrong plantypeCannot use service, wrong plantypeClient
8044Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 30Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 30Client
8045The specified education does not belong to active planThe specified education does not belong to the active planClient
8051The specified goal identifier does not existThe specified goal identifier does not existClient
8052The specified goal identifier is in use and cannot be deletedThe specified goal identifier is in use and cannot be deletedClient
8053The specified goal does not exist on the education planThe specified goal does not exist on the education planClient
8054The specified education identifier does not existThe specified education identifier does not existClient
8055Responsible caseworker needs to be specifiedResponsible caseworker needs to be specifiedClient
8057The specified citizen has no legal planThe specified citizen has no legal planClient
8058The specified interviewtype is not coherent with the current contactgroupThe specified interviewtype is not coherent with the current contactgroupClient
8059Missing a legal personcategoryMissing a legal personcategoryClient
8060Operation is not allowed when citizen has no active contact groupOperation is not allowed when citizen has no active contact groupClient
8061Jobplan goal has to be specified as a valid occupationcodeJobplan goal has to be specified as a valid occupationcodeClient
8062A valid combination of contact group and person category is required for publishA valid combination of contact group and person category is required for publishClient
8063EventTime must be equal to or before contactgroup start.EventTime must be equal to or before contactgroup start.Client
8065EventTime can not be changed.EventTime can not be changed.Client
8066Subscription not possible. Citizen does not have an education planSubscription not possible. Citizen does not have an education planClient
8067Subscription not possible. Citizen has to be under 30 years oldSubscription not possible. Citizen has to be under 30 years oldClient
8068Subscription not possible. Citizen does not have an active contact groupSubscription not possible. Citizen does not have an active contact groupClient
8069Cancel subscription is not possible. Citizen does not have an education event subscriptionSubscription not possible. Citizen does not have an education event subscriptionClient
8070Subscription is not possible. Citizen does not have a danish residenceSubscription not possible. Citizen does not have a danish residenceClient
8071Enddate has to be before current dateEnddate has to be before current dateClient
8072Enddate can not be set so far back in the pastEnddate can not be set so far back in the pastClient
8073The person has moved to another unemploymentfund.The person has moved to another unemploymentfund.Client
8074Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 25Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 25Client
8075Plan description exceeds limit of charactersPlan description exceeds limit of charactersClient
8076Education plan does not contain education plan pdfEducation plan does not contain education plan pdfClient
8077When publishing in Step 4, ResponsibleCaseWorker Telephone and Email requiredWhen publishing in Step 4, ResponsibleCaseWorker Telephone and Email requiredClient
8078When saving EducationPlan in Step 4, educations must be presentWhen saving EducationPlan in Step 4, educations must be presentClient
8079The specified citizen has an open contactgroup 24The specified citizen has an open contactgroup 24Client
8081Cvr number or p number must be specified.Cvr number or p number must be specified.Client
8082CVR is not valid for paper form.CVR is not valid for paper form.Client
8084Activity start date should be less than 2 years back.Activity start date should be less than 2 years back.Client
8085Get company activity summaries result list has exceeded max count.Get company activity summaries result list has exceeded max count.Client
8086The NemRefusionIdentifier is already in useThe NemRefusionIdentifier is already in use on an other person or an absence without the same start dateClient
8087The SustenanceSystemCase type is unknown.The SustenanceSystemCase type is unknown.Client
8088Unknown NemRefusionIdentifierUnknown NemRefusionIdentifierClient
8089Cannot perform Recovery on absence, already recoveredCannot perform Recovery on absence, already recoveredClient
8090ActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifier is requiredActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifier is requiredClient
8091HoursPerWeek is required if WeeklyWorkTimeType is set to part time.HoursPerWeek is required if WeeklyWorkTimeType is set to part time.Client
8092The submitted JobSeekingStatusType is invalid.The submitted JobSeekingStatusType is invalid.Client
8093The submitted WeeklyWorkTimeType is invalid.The submitted WeeklyWorkTimeType is invalid.Client
8094HoursPerWeek can only be set if WeeklyWorkTime is set to part time.HoursPerWeek can only be set if WeeklyWorkTime is set to part time.Client
8095Delete only allowed for open illnessDelete only allowed for open illnessClient
8096The contact group change is not allowed.The contact group change is not allowed.Client
8097The JoblogEntry is not activeThe JoblogEntry is not activeClient
8098The format of the document is not valid.The format of the document is not valid.Client
8099The submitted DocumentTypeIdentifier is not valid.The submitted DocumentTypeIdentifier is not valid.Client
8101The document size is over maximum limit or empty.The document size is over maximum limit or empty.Client
8102The document is already deletedThe document is already deletedClient
8103The Document does not exist.The Document does not exist.Client
8104The submitted DocumentType is not valid.The submitted DocumentType is not valid.Client
8105The PersonContactTypeIdentifier type is unknown.The PersonContactTypeIdentifier type is unknown.Client
8107The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifierThe BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifierClient
8108The specified InterviewOptionID is not active or is unknown to the systemThe specified InterviewOptionID is not active or is unknown to the systemClient
8109The booking time is NOT within the allowed range of dates for this interview optionThe booking time is NOT within the allowed range of dates for this interview optionClient
8110The caseworker specified is not allowed for this interview optionThe caseworker specified is not allowed for this interview optionClient
8111An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierAn error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierClient
8112Price per hour should be greater than zeroPrice per hour should be greater than zeroClient
8113Price other should be greater than zeroPrice other should be greater than zeroClient
8114Price per hour is requiredPrice per hour is requiredClient
8115Price other is requiredPrice other is requiredClient
8116A jobplan must max contain one goal.A jobplan must max contain one goal.Client
8117The submitted JoblogApplicationSourceTypeIdentifier is invalid.The submitted JoblogApplicationSourceTypeIdentifier is invalid.Client
8118The UnemploymentBenefitRightsPeriodTypeIdentifier type is unknown.The UnemploymentBenefitRightsPeriodTypeIdentifier type is unknown.Client
8119JobSeekingStatusTypeIdentifier is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning'JobSeekingStatusTypeIdentifier is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning'Client
8120WeeklyWorkTimeTypeIdentifier is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning'WeeklyWorkTimeTypeIdentifier is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning'Client
8121JobSeekingStatusTypeIdentifier can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet'JobSeekingStatusTypeIdentifier can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet'Client
8122WeeklyWorkTimeTypeIdentifier can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet'WeeklyWorkTimeTypeIdentifier can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet'Client
8123JobApplicationSource is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning'JobApplicationSource is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning'Client
8124JobApplicationSource can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet'JobApplicationSource can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet'Client
8125Rebooking deadline cannot be specified if rebooking is not possibleRebooking deadline cannot be specified if rebooking is not possibleClient
8126Rebooking deadline must be specified if rebooking is possibleRebooking deadline must be specified if rebooking is possibleClient
8127Cancellation deadline cannot be specified if cancel booking is not possibleCancellation deadline cannot be specified if cancel booking is not possibleClient
8128Cancellation deadline must be specified if cancel booking is possibleCancellation deadline must be specified if cancel booking is possibleClient
8129An address is required for meetings with personal contactAn address is required for meetings with personal contactClient
8130End time or duration is required for bookings with this interview typeEnd time or duration is required for bookings with this interview typeClient
8131Phonenumber is required for bookings where the citizen is expected to initiate the interviewPhonenumber is required for bookings where the citizen is expected to initiate the interviewClient
8132The rebooking deadline must not be before todays dateThe rebooking deadline must not be before todays dateClient
8133The cancellation deadline must not be before todays dateThe cancellation deadline must not be before todays dateClient
8134The rebooking deadline cannot be after BookingStartTimeThe rebooking deadline cannot be after BookingStartTimeClient
8135Booking duration is greater than one dayBooking duration is greater than one dayClient
8136The cancellation deadline cannot be after BookingStartTimeThe cancellation deadline cannot be after BookingStartTimeClient
8137The submitted CitizenMessageChannelTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted CitizenMessageChannelTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
8138The submitted CitizenMessageContextTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted CitizenMessageContextTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
8139The submitted CitizenMessageResponseTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted CitizenMessageResponseTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
8140The submitted CitizenMessageStatusTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted CitizenMessageStatusTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
8141The submitted CitizenMessageEventTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted CitizenMessageEventTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
8142The submitted UserTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted UserTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
8143The submitted text length exceeds maximum length for the channeltypeThe submitted text length exceeds maximum length for the channeltypeClient
8144The requested message could not be foundThe requested message could not be foundClient
8145The message has an ResponseType which does not allow new replies.The message has an ResponseType which does not allow new replies.Client
8146The message has an ChannelType which does not allow new replies.The message has an ChannelType which does not allow new replies.Client
8147The message has a StatusType which does not allow new replies.The message has a StatusType which does not allow new replies.Client
8148The citizen does not belong to the requested recipient JobcenterThe citizen does not belong to the requested recipient JobcenterClient
8149A receiver must be specified when channel is 'MyndighedTilMyndighed'A receiver must be specified when channel is 'MyndighedTilMyndighed'Client
8150OrganisationType must be either A-kasse or JobcenterOrganisationType must be either A-kasse or JobcenterClient
8151OrganisationCode must be specified when channel is 'MyndighedTilMyndighed'OrganisationCode must be specified when channel is 'MyndighedTilMyndighed'Client
8152Only a message with channel 'Notifikation' or 'Myndighed til myndighed' can mark message as readOnly a message with channel 'Notifikation' or 'Myndighed til myndighed' can mark message as readClient
8153ResponseType is invalid.'Kan ikke besvares' is only allowed optionResponseType is invalid.'Kan ikke besvares' is only allowed optionClient
8154Title is not allowed when channelType is SMSTitle is not allowed when channelType is SMSClient
8155The citizen does not belong to the requested recipient UnemploymentfundThe citizen does not belong to the requested recipient UnemploymentfundClient
8156The reply has to be created by either the sending or receiving organizationThe reply has to be created by either the sending or receiving organizationClient
8157When ChannelType is not 'MyndighedTilMyndighed' then MessasgeRecipient must be nullWhen ChannelType is not 'MyndighedTilMyndighed' then MessasgeRecipient must be nullClient
8158Borger kan ikke svare på besked med given beskedtypeBorger kan ikke svare på besked med given beskedtypeClient
8159Sagsbehandler kan ikke svare på besked med given beskedtypeSagsbehandler kan ikke svare på besked med given beskedtypeClient
8160Status kan kun skiftes, hvis status er AktivStatus kan kun skiftes, hvis status er AktivClient
8162The requested change in status is not allowedThe requested change in status is not allowedClient
8163The status of the reply is required to be active to allow status changeThe status of the reply is required to be active to allow status changeClient
8164The requested reply could not be foundThe requested reply could not be foundClient
8165InterviewUnemploymentFundParticipation can only be set for bookings with InterviewType 17InterviewUnemploymentFundParticipation can only be set for bookings with InterviewType 17Client
8166The element InterviewUnemploymentFundParticipation is mandatory for bookings with InterviewType 17The element InterviewUnemploymentFundParticipation is mandatory for bookings with InterviewType 17Client
8167InterviewWithMoreAuthorities can only be set for bookings with InterviewType 17InterviewWithMoreAuthorities can only be set for bookings with InterviewType 17Client
8173OrganisationType is invalid according to the organisationTypeIdentifierCodeList.OrganisationType is invalid according to the organisationTypeIdentifierCodeList.Client
8174UserType is invalid according to the requestUserTypeIdentifierCodeList.UserType is invalid according to the requestUserTypeIdentifierCodeList.Client
8176The submitted ParticipationStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid.The submitted ParticipationStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid.Client
8177The submitted InterviewParticipantContactTypeIdentifier is invalid.The submitted InterviewParticipantContactTypeIdentifier is invalid.Client
8178The submitted ParticipantTypeIdentifier is invalid.The submitted ParticipantTypeIdentifier is invalid.Client
8179Price type registration is only allowed for subsidized employment and adult apprenticePrice type registration is only allowed for subsidized employment and adult apprenticeClient
8180The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for subsidized employmentThe reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for subsidized employmentClient
8181The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for adult apprenticeThe reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for adult apprenticeClient
8182The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for jobrotatonThe reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for jobrotatonClient
8184You are not allowed to update the date of the interviewYou are not allowed to update the date of the interviewClient
8186You are not allowed to update InterviewIdentifierYou are not allowed to update InterviewIdentifierClient
8187You are not allowed to update InterviewTypeIdentifierYou are not allowed to update InterviewTypeIdentifierClient
8188You are not allowed to update InterviewWithMoreAuthoritiesYou are not allowed to update InterviewWithMoreAuthoritiesClient
8190An active absenceregistration must exist to create the given categoryAn active absenceregistration must exist to create the given categoryClient
8192Person category cannot be created, there is a later person category or contactgroup registrationPerson category cannot be created, there is a later person category or contactgroup registrationClient
8193The PersonCategory is not coherent with the ContactGroupThe PersonCategory is not coherent with the ContactGroupClient
8194The PersonCategory cannot be in the futureThe PersonCategory cannot be in the futureClient
8195The PersonCategoryType is invalidThe PersonCategoryType is invalidClient
8196It is only possible to change status if the message channel is M2M or jobnet beskedbakkeIt is only possible to change status if the message channel is M2M or jobnet beskedbakkeClient
8197Participant is not found for the specified personParticipant is not found for the specified personClient
8198Participant is not found for the specified person interviewParticipant is not found for the specified person interviewClient
8199Existing end date is too fare in the past.Existing end date is too fare in the past.Client
8200Max lenth of the title is 200 charactersMax lenth of the title is 200 charactersClient
8201PersonalAssistance1TypeIdentifier is invalidPersonalAssistance1TypeIdentifier is invalidClient
8202PersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifier is invalidPersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
8203PersonalAssistancePopulation has to be greater than zeroPersonalAssistancePopulation has to be greater than zeroClient
8204HelpingDevicePrice has to be greater than or equal zeroHelpingDevicePrice has to be greater than or equal zeroClient
8205HelpingDeviceTypeIdentifier is invalidHelpingDeviceTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
8206HelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalTypeIdentifier is invalidHelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
8207HelpingDevice1TypeIdentifier is invalidHelpingDevice1TypeIdentifier is invalidClient
8208Activity end date must be activity start date or laterActivity end date must be activity start date or laterClient
8209The interviewtype is not allowed in bookings for UnemploymentFund meetingsThe interviewtype is not allowed in bookings for UnemploymentFund meetingsClient
8210You are not allowed to Update or Cancel this booking since you did not create it.You are not allowed to Update or Cancel this booking since you did not create it.Client
8211You are not allowed to Update this messagereply since you did not create itYou are not allowed to Update this messagereply since you did not create itClient
8212The incident end date has to be set.The incident end date has to be set.Client
8213The incident end date cannot be reported for this event.The incident end date cannot be reported for this event.Client
8214The requested list exceeds the maximum allowed lengthThe requested list exceeds the maximum allowed lengthClient
8232The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeaderClient
8233The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeaderThe Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeaderClient
8234Could not deserialize the Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeaderCould not deserialize the Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeaderClient
8235Could not deserialize the Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeaderCould not deserialize the Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeaderClient
8236ConnectionCouldNotBeEstablishedThe connection could not be establishedClient
8237The interview is not found for the specified personThe interview is not found for the specified personClient
8238The address could not be validated against Eniro/KrakThe address could not be validated against Eniro/KrakClient
8239Joborder does not existJoborder does not existClient
8240The MessageIdentifier cannot be set in this situationThe MessageIdentifier cannot be set in this situationClient
8241The timespan between the fromdate to todate exceeds maximumThe timespan between the fromdate to todate exceeds maximumClient
8242The submitted ActivityTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted ActivityTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
8243The submitted identifier for the category does not belong to the specified personThe submitted identifier for the category does not belong to the specified personClient
8244The submitted from-date is after the submitted to-dateThe submitted from-date is after the submitted to-dateClient
8245The submitted GeographicalAreaIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted GeographicalAreaIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
8246The submitted TradeForJobSearchIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted TradeForJobSearchIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
8248A minimum of at least 1 EscoStar code is requiredA minimum of at least 1 EscoStar code is requiredClient
8250The requested JobSearchDefinition does not exists and cannot be deletedThe requested JobSearchDefinition does not exists and cannot be deletedClient
8254InterviewDeadlineDate has to be in the futureInterviewDeadlineDate has to be in the futureClient
8255InterviewDeadlineActivationDate has to be in the futureInterviewDeadlineActivationDate has to be in the futureClient
8256InterviewDeadlineDate must be at least one day after InterviewDeadlineActivationDateInterviewDeadlineDate must be at least one day after InterviewDeadlineActivationDateClient
8257InterviewDeadline can only be set for InterviewType 4 and 7InterviewDeadline can only be set for InterviewType 4 and 7Client
8258The InterviewDeadline is closed and cannot be updatedThe InterviewDeadline is closed and cannot be updatedClient
8259There is no InterviewDeadline with the given Id and cpr numberThere is no InterviewDeadline with the given Id and cpr numberClient
8260InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 4 when it is in status 1 or 6InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 4 when it is in status 1 or 6Client
8262InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 4 or 5InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 4 or 5Client
8263InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 5 when it is in status 2InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 5 when it is in status 2Client
8264InterviewDeadlineActivationDate has to precede InterviewDeadlineDateInterviewDeadlineActivationDate has to precede InterviewDeadlineDateClient
8265InterviewDeadlineDate is not allowed to precede the date of a deadline satisfying booking.InterviewDeadlineDate is not allowed to precede the date of a deadline satisfying booking.Client
8266InterviewDeadlineActivationDate can only be updated when InterviewDeadlineStatus is 6InterviewDeadlineActivationDate can only be updated when InterviewDeadlineStatus is 6Client
8267Either InterviewDeadlineActivationDate, InterviewDeadline or InterviewDeadlineStatus has to be setEither InterviewDeadlineActivationDate, InterviewDeadline or InterviewDeadlineStatus has to be setClient
8268InterviewDeadlineDate is not allowed to precede a booking with same InterviewTypeInterviewDeadlineDate is not allowed to precede a booking with same InterviewTypeClient
8269InterviewDeadlineActivationDate cannot be in the pastInterviewDeadlineActivationDate cannot be in the pastClient
8270ReBookingPossible has to be false for bookings with interviewtype Id 17 and Id 18ReBookingPossible has to be false for bookings with interviewtype Id 17 and Id 18Client
8272The chosen EmploymentAreaCode is not valid.The chosen EmploymentAreaCode is not valid.Client
8273Citizen already has a booking of type Jobsamtale.Citizen already has a booking of type Jobsamtale.Client
8276The creating system are not allowed to set RebookingPossible or CancellationPossible to trueThe creating system are not allowed to set RebookingPossible or CancellationPossible to trueClient
8277The submitted CouseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted CouseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
8278The combination of CourseTypeIdentifier and CourseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowedThe combination of CourseTypeIdentifier and CourseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowedClient
8279The submitted JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
8280The combination of JobOrderTypeIdentifier and JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowedThe combination of JobOrderTypeIdentifier and JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowedClient
8281Occupation key does not existOccupation key does not existClient
8282Occupation key is out of dateOccupation key is out of dateClient
8283If the activity is with AvailabilityProving, then ReasonForActivity must be suppliedIf the activity is with AvailabilityProving, then ReasonForActivity must be suppliedClient
8284Exactly one job goal needs to be specifiedExactly one job goal needs to be specifiedClient
8285At least one education goal needs to be specifiedAt least one education goal needs to be specifiedClient
8286The CivilRegistrationIdentifier is required.The CivilRegistrationIdentifier is required.Client
8287Job goals not allowed for this plantypeJob goals not allowed for this plantypeClient
8288Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType.Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType.Client
8289Education Plan with job goal not allowedEducation Plan with job goal not allowedClient
8290CorrectionComment is mandatory when InterviewDeadline is closed.CorrectionComment is mandatory when InterviewDeadline is closed.Client
8291The Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the personThe Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the personClient
8292The specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the personThe specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the personClient
8293An error occurred when creating an attachment.An error occurred when creating an attachment.Client
8294AbsenceComment is required for this absenceTypeAbsenceComment is required for this absenceTypeClient
8295CorrectionComent is required when updating this absenceTypeCorrectionComent is required when updating this absenceTypeClient
8296This absence cannot be registered while there is an open InterviewDeadlineThis absence cannot be registered while there is an open InterviewDeadlineClient
8297The absence is required to have start date = registration dateThe absence is required to have start date = registration dateClient
8298The StartDate cannot be updated.The StartDate cannot be updated.Client
8299Absence Fritaget for selvbook is not allowed for people in this contactgroupAbsence Fritaget for selvbook is not allowed for people in this contactgroupClient
8300Correction comment required for messages with status fejloprettetCorrection comment required for messages with status fejloprettetClient
8301InterviewDeadline is incoherent with the citizen's absenceInterviewDeadline is incoherent with the citizen's absenceClient
8302Only current MyPlan can be acknowledgedOnly current MyPlan can be acknowledgedClient
8303Current MyPlan has already been acknowledgedCurrent MyPlan has already been acknowledgedClient
8304ReasonForAcknowledge needs to be specifiedReasonForAcknowledge needs to be specifiedClient
8305Generation of pdf has failedGeneration of pdf has failedClient
8306My plan does not existsMy plan does not existsClient
8307The contact group when the MyPlan was created does not match citizens current contact groupThe contact group when the MyPlan was created does not match citizens current contact groupClient
8308Unable to acknowledge Myplan because Myplan is invalidUnable to acknowledge Myplan because Myplan is invalidClient
8309The MyPlan is already marked as validThe MyPlan is already marked as validClient
8310Person contact enddate cannot be in the pastPerson contact enddate cannot be in the pastClient
8311A default jobcenter or a-kasse for the person does not existA default jobcenter or a-kasse for the person does not existClient
8312Title is required or the length does not meet the minimum length for the channel typeTitle is required or the length does not meet the minimum length for the channel typeClient
8313Title is not allowed for this channel typeTitle is not allowed for this channel typeClient
9001Voucher not foundVoucher not foundClient
9002Forloeb not foundForloeb not foundClient
9003The interview supervisor specified is not allowed for this interview optionThe interview supervisor specified is not allowed for this interview optionClient
9004There is no CitizenDynamicMessage with the given id for the given CvCustomerIdentifier.There is no CitizenDynamicMessage with the given id for the given CvCustomerIdentifier.Client
9006The specified MarkMessageIdentifier is not validThe specified MarkMessageIdentifier is not validClient
9007An archived message cannot be markedAn archived message cannot be markedClient
9008UnemploymentFund should not report CVCommentUnemploymentFund should not report CVCommentClient
9009UnemploymentFund is not allowed to register CVStatus for citizens in this ContactGroupUnemploymentFund is not allowed to register CVStatus for citizens in this ContactGroupClient
9012Cannot create message for senderCannot create message for senderClient
9013The submitted MessageType is not allowed for senderThe submitted MessageType is not allowed for senderClient
9014The submitted ChannelType is not allowed for sender and messagetypeThe submitted ChannelType is not allowed for sender and messagetypeClient
9015The submitted ResponseType is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltypeThe submitted ResponseType is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltypeClient
9016The submitted ArchiveMessage is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltypeThe submitted ArchiveMessage is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltypeClient
9017The submitted ShowInMessageBox is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltypeThe submitted ShowInMessageBox is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltypeClient
9018Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missingSelfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missingClient
9019Html text is not allowedHtml text is not allowedClient
9020Visible from date must atleast be one day in the futureVisible from date must atleast be one day in the futureClient
9021visible to date must be atleast one day in the future and no less than visible from datevisible to date must be atleast one day in the future and no less than visible from dateClient
9022Latest reply must be at least 7 days in the future or 7 days after visible fromLatest reply must be at least 7 days in the future or 7 days after visible fromClient
9023Citizen is not affiliated with CreatedByUser or MessageRecepientCitizen is not affiliated with CreatedByUser or MessageRecepientClient
9024Citizen does not belong to creating UnemploymentfundCitizen does not belong to creating UnemploymentfundClient
9025You are not allowed to update or cancel this group bookingYou are not allowed to update or cancel this group bookingClient
9026The submitted membership cancellation code type is invalidThe submitted membership cancellation code type is invalidClient
9100The submitted MessageImportantIdentifier is invalidThe submitted MessageImportantIdentifier is invalidClient
9101The submitted DocumentExtensionTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted DocumentExtensionTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
9102The submitted DocumentSchemaTypeIdentifier is invalidThe submitted DocumentSchemaTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
9103Organisation type must be specified when usertype is sagsbehandlerOrganisation type must be specified when usertype is sagsbehandlerClient
9104Organisation code must be specified when usertype is sagsbehandlerOrganisation code must be specified when usertype is sagsbehandlerClient
9105Minimum company cvr number must be specified when usertype is virksomhedMinimum company cvr number must be specified when usertype is virksomhedClient
9106Tag cannot be empty or greater than 50 charactorsTag cannot be empty or greater than 50 charactorsClient
9109The submitted NotificationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted NotificationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9110There is no CV saved with the given CVVersionIdentifier for the citizen in questionThere is no CV saved with the given CVVersionIdentifier for the citizen in questionClient
9111There is no CV saved with the required status for the citizen in questionThere is no CV saved with the required status for the citizen in questionClient
9112The given CVVersionIdentifier is incoherent with the CVStatusIdentifierThe given CVVersionIdentifier is incoherent with the CVStatusIdentifierClient
9113Either CVVersionIdentifier or CVStatusIdentifier is requiredEither CVVersionIdentifier or CVStatusIdentifier is requiredClient
9114The message has an ResponseType which does not allow reply from CompanyThe message has an ResponseType which does not allow reply from CompanyClient
9115You are not allowed to reply on this message since you are not MessageCreator or MessageRecipientYou are not allowed to reply on this message since you are not MessageCreator or MessageRecipientClient
9116Latest reply date for message has expiredLatest reply date for message has expiredClient
9117Citizens that are DPM and under 25 with an EducationPlan must have the Withgoal specifiedCitizens that are DPM and under 25 with an EducationPlan must have the Withgoal specifiedClient
9118The submitted CauseTypeIdentifier can only be used by unemploymentfunds.The submitted CauseTypeIdentifier can only be used by unemploymentfunds.Client
9119Eventdate later than today is not allowed for messageEventdate later than today is not allowed for messageClient
9120Eventdate later than today is not allowed for mark messageEventdate later than today is not allowed for mark messageClient
9121Interview in rehab team is not allowed for this contact groupInterview in rehab team is not allowed for this contact groupClient
9122Name change is not allowed. Only DFDG is authorized to change the name of main jobcentersName change is not allowed. Only DFDG is authorized to change the name of main jobcentersClient
9123Valid interval between 00:01 and 23:59 with no overlap and opening hour before closing hour.Valid interval between 00:01 and 23:59 with no overlap and opening hour before closing hour.Client
9124The time format is invalid. The allowed format is [HH:mm] (E.g. 13:45)The time format is invalid. The allowed format is [HH:mm] (E.g. 13:45)Client
9125For conducted interview in rehab team, participant status has to be Id 5 or 6.For conducted interview in rehab team, participant status has to be Id 5 or 6.Client
9126Participant status is required for interview with more authoritiesParticipant status is required for interview with more authoritiesClient
9127The citizen has no plan or the latest plan is not a EducationplanThe citizen has no plan or the latest plan is not a EducationplanClient
9128The Educationplan is not on step 4The Educationplan is not on step 4Client
9129A Jobplan must contain at least one goalA Jobplan must contain at least one goalClient
9130The Booking can not be rescheduled or cancelled by the citizen because it is an immediate bookingThe Booking can not be rescheduled or cancelled by the citizen because it is an immediate bookingClient
9131Invalid CodeListItemIdentifierInvalid CodeListItemIdentifierClient
9132JobSearch joblog requires either a company area, company zipcode or company countryJobSearch joblog requires either a company area, company zipcode or company countryClient
9133Submission date is not allowed to be specified when latest status for joblog is Ikke søgt endnuSubmission date is not allowed to be specified when latest status for joblog is Ikke søgt endnuClient
9134Submission date is required when latest status for joblog is different from Ikke søgt endnuSubmission date is required when latest status for joblog is different from Ikke søgt endnuClient
9135Other entry requires either a codelist value for OtherActivityType or a TitleOther entry requires either a codelist value for OtherActivityType or a TitleClient
9139Start date can max be 180 days back in timeStart date can max be 180 days back in timeClient
9140No active contact group foundNo active contact group foundClient
9141EndDate has to be after start dateEndDate has to be after start dateClient
9142Max zipcodes should be equal or greater than min zipcodesMax zipcodes should be equal or greater than min zipcodesClient
9143Max number of joblogs should be equal or greater than min number of joblogsMax number of joblogs should be equal or greater than min number of joblogsClient
9144Max page size exceededMax page size exceededClient
9145The occupation code is not validThe occupation code is not validClient
9146The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenterThe person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenterClient
9147CreateEnrollmentCV on Jobnet failedCreateEnrollmentCV on Jobnet failedClient
9148The current category does not allow enrollment.The current category does not allow enrollment.Client
9149MaxDaysWithJoblogRequired should be equal or greater than MinDaysWithJoblogRequiredMaxDaysWithJoblogRequired should be equal or greater than MinDaysWithJoblogRequiredClient
9150MinDaysWithJoblogRequired should not be greater than length of search periodMinDaysWithJoblogRequired should not be greater than length of search periodClient
9152CaseWorkers with Authority Municipality are not allowed to edit Jobcenter-created itemsCaseWorkers with Authority Municipality are not allowed to edit Jobcenter-created itemsClient
9153The submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9154The mobile phone number cannot be removed while a subscribtion for text notifications existsThe mobile phone number cannot be removed while a subscribtion for text notifications existsClient
9155The mail address cannot be removed while a subscribtion for email notifications existsThe mail address cannot be removed while a subscribtion for email notifications existsClient
9156The submitted mobile phone number is invalidThe submitted mobile phone number is invalidClient
9157The submitted phone number is invalidThe submitted phone number is invalidClient
9158The submitted mail address is invalidThe submitted mail address is invalidClient
9159No person contact data was registered for the submitted personNo person contact data was registered for the submitted personClient
9160Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 180 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 180 days in the pastClient
9161Recall is only allowed for unemployment fund who has current or latest membership periodRecall is only allowed for unemployment fund who has current or latest membership periodClient
9162The specified UnemploymentFundMembershipRegistrationDate does not match the one registeredThe specified UnemploymentFundMembershipRegistrationDate does not match the one registeredClient
9163The specified UnemploymentFundMembershipCancellationDate does not match the one registeredThe specified UnemploymentFundMembershipCancellationDate does not match the one registeredClient
9164Recall is not allowed since citizen has been enrolled during the membership periodRecall is not allowed since citizen has been enrolled during the membership periodClient
9165Request contains invalid emojiesRequest contains invalid emojiesClient
9166AdditionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier is invalidAdditionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
9167AdditionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier is not coherent with the contactgroup and the absenceAdditionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier is not coherent with the contactgroup and the absenceClient
9168Start date on the additional information is not coherent with the period for the absenceStart date on the additional information is not coherent with the period for the absenceClient
9169End date on the additional information is not coherent with the period for the absenceEnd date on the additional information is not coherent with the period for the absenceClient
9170The additional information registration is not allowed due to an invalid overlapThe additional information registration is not allowed due to an invalid overlapClient
9171The additional information registration does not existThe additional information registration does not existClient
9172The additionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier cant be changedThe additionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier cant be changedClient
9173This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 12 monthsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 12 monthsClient
9174The category update is invalid with the current contactgroup and absence registrationsThe category update is invalid with the current contactgroup and absence registrationsClient
9175CompanyRecruitmentTitle and ConceptURiDa may not both be specifiedCompanyRecruitmentTitle and ConceptURiDa may not both be specifiedClient
9176CompanyRecruitmentTitle too shortCompanyRecruitmentTitle too shortClient
9177ConceptURiDa is not a valid ESCO STAR code for occupationConceptURiDa is not a valid ESCO STAR code for occupationClient
9178The submitted BenefitsPeriodFormTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted BenefitsPeriodFormTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9179The submitted BenefitsGradingBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted BenefitsGradingBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9180Company Recruitment cannot be created in closed stateCompany Recruitment cannot be created in closed stateClient
9181A benefits account was not created for the submitted personA benefits account was not created for the submitted personClient
9182The user is not authorized to read messages on this queueThe user is not authorized to read messages on this queueClient
9183The submitted RateBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted RateBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9184The CompanyRecruitmentStatusTypeIdentifier is 'Lukket'The CompanyRecruitmentStatusTypeIdentifier is 'Lukket'Client
9185Candidate must be represented by either a CPR or a CV numberCandidate must be represented by either a CPR or a CV numberClient
9186Candidate is already subjected to company recruitmentCandidate is already subjected to company recruitmentClient
9187Candidate list cannot contain duplicatesCandidate list cannot contain duplicatesClient
9188The submitted BenefitsExpiryCauseTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted BenefitsExpiryCauseTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9189The submitted BenefitsExpiryActualOrExpectedTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted BenefitsExpiryActualOrExpectedTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9190Joblog entry or document was not accessibleJoblog entry or document was not accessibleClient
9191The Candidate doesn't exists on the CompanyRecruitment or has already been removedThe Candidate doesn't exists on the CompanyRecruitment or has already been removedClient
9192Citizen consent is required to indicate that you have acquired the citizen's acceptCitizen consent is required to indicate that you have acquired the citizen's acceptClient
9193The submitted PersonContactPersonContactDataStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted PersonContactPersonContactDataStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9194The person has no person contact data for the submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifierThe person has no person contact data for the submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifierClient
9195There is already an existing UnemploymentFundBranch with the given UnemploymentFundBranchCodeThere is already an existing UnemploymentFundBranch with the given UnemploymentFundBranchCodeClient
9196The CVEditEndDate must be greater than or equal to the AsylumTransitionDateThe CVEditEndDate must be greater than or equal to the AsylumTransitionDateClient
9197The period between AsylumTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is too longThe period between AsylumTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is too longClient
9198AsylumTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is not allowed to be set for this contact groupAsylumTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is not allowed to be set for this contact groupClient
9199Contact person must specify email address when email notification is set trueContact person must specify email address when email notification is set trueClient
9200CVEditEndDate has passed and updates to CVEditEndDate and AsylumTransitionDate are not allowedCVEditEndDate has passed and updates to CVEditEndDate and AsylumTransitionDate are not allowedClient
9201CVEditEndDate and AsylumTransitionDate is not registered for this citizen and cannot be updatedCVEditEndDate and AsylumTransitionDate is not registered for this citizen and cannot be updatedClient
9202A correction comment is mandatory when changing the AsylumTransitionDateA correction comment is mandatory when changing the AsylumTransitionDateClient
9203UnemploymentFund is not allowed to access planUnemploymentFund is not allowed to access planClient
9206This Authority is not allowed to attach a RecruitmentCaseworker to the CompanyRecruitmentThis Authority is not allowed to attach a RecruitmentCaseworker to the CompanyRecruitmentClient
9207Candidate status cannot be updated to canditate status 'WaitingForApproval'Candidate status cannot be updated to canditate status 'WaitingForApproval'Client
9208Correction comment is required when candidate is removedCorrection comment is required when candidate is removedClient
9209The list of primary recruitment authorities must contain jobcenters and unemployment funds onlyThe list of primary recruitment authorities must contain jobcenters and unemployment funds onlyClient
9210The list of primary recruitment authorities cannot contain duplicatesThe list of primary recruitment authorities cannot contain duplicatesClient
9212The primary recruitment authority is unknown to DFDGThe primary recruitment authority is unknown to DFDGClient
9213BenefitsGradingBasisTypeIdentifierType 13 is only allowed for GradingDates earlier than 01.07.2017BenefitsGradingBasisTypeIdentifierType 13 is only allowed for GradingDates earlier than 01.07.2017Client
9214No data foundNo data foundClient
9215The caller does not have the correct permissions for the updateThe caller does not have the correct permissions for the updateClient
9216Citizen is ContactGroup id 1 and can only have InterviewDeadline with InterviewType 7Citizen is ContactGroup id 1 and can only have InterviewDeadline with InterviewType 7Client
9218InterviewDeadline with this InterviewType is not allowed for the citizen's current ContactGroupInterviewDeadline with this InterviewType is not allowed for the citizen's current ContactGroupClient
9219Citizen has an InterviewDeadline with different InterviewType, that must be closed firstCitizen has an InterviewDeadline with different InterviewType, that must be closed firstClient
9220Citizen already has a booking of type OpfølgningssamtaleCitizen already has a booking of type OpfølgningssamtaleClient
9221The date of deduction is not contained in the reported monthThe date of deduction is not contained in the reported monthClient
9222The holiday period is not contained in the reported holiday yearThe holiday period is not contained in the reported holiday yearClient
9224When company recruitment is created by authority then 'RecruitmentCaseWorkerAllowed' must be trueWhen company recruitment is created by authority then 'RecruitmentCaseWorkerAllowed' must be trueClient
9226The submitted EarlyRetirementTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted EarlyRetirementTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9227The submitted EarlyRetirementRateTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted EarlyRetirementRateTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9228The submitted CompletionCauseTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted CompletionCauseTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9229The submitted identifier does not belong to the specified personThe submitted identifier does not belong to the specified personClient
9230CVEditEndDate has passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowedCVEditEndDate has passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowedClient
9231AsylumTransitionDate has not passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowedAsylumTransitionDate has not passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowedClient
9232ReplaceCV is not allowed to be called for a citizen in this contact groupReplaceCV is not allowed to be called for a citizen in this contact groupClient
9233Failed to replace CV in Jobnet, see details for more informationFailed to replace CV in Jobnet, see details for more informationClient
9234Internal error on JobnetInternal error on JobnetClient
9235The ValidToDate must be in the futureThe ValidToDate must be in the futureClient
9237FromDate must be before or equal to ToDateFromDate must be before or equal to ToDateClient
9238The calling organisation did not register the current data it’s trying to update or deleteThe calling organisation did not register the current data it’s trying to update or deleteClient
9239Delete of early retirement data is not allowedDelete of early retirement data is not allowedClient
9240The registered person contact data is not valid for verificationThe registered person contact data is not valid for verificationClient
9241The submitted verification code is not validThe submitted verification code is not validClient
9242No person contact data registered for verificationNo person contact data registered for verificationClient
9243The early transition dates must be equal to or before the AsylumTransitionDateThe early transition dates must be equal to or before the AsylumTransitionDateClient
9244The municipality code is incoherent with the callerThe municipality code is incoherent with the callerClient
9245Voucher not foundVoucher not foundClient
9246Occupational group already lockedOccupational group already lockedClient
9247The person contact data has already been verifiedThe person contact data has already been verifiedClient
9248You can only call ReplaceCV from EarlyCVTransitionDate and forthYou can only call ReplaceCV from EarlyCVTransitionDate and forthClient
9250The submitted IntegrationProgramStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted IntegrationProgramStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9251The submitted DanishGoalTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted DanishGoalTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9252The submitted UnderstandSpokenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted UnderstandSpokenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9253The submitted SpokenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted SpokenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9254The submitted ReadLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted ReadLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9255The submitted WrittenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted WrittenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9256The submitted EducationEvaluationCaseStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted EducationEvaluationCaseStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9257The submitted ReasonForResidencePermitTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted ReasonForResidencePermitTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9258Failed to save integration contract due to invalid transitiondataFailed to save integration contract due to invalid transitiondataClient
9259Could not find home address geographic coordinates for personCould not find home address geographic coordinates for personClient
9260Service call timeoutService call timeoutClient
9261Service is unavailableService is unavailableClient
9262Geocoding was not possibleGeocoding was not possibleClient
9263Either the startcoordinate or endCoordinate is not located i DenmarkEither the startcoordinate or endCoordinate is not located i DenmarkClient
9264GeoService was not able to create a routeGeoService was not able to create a routeClient
9265Failed to save integration contractFailed to save integration contract. Failed to save integration contract. IntegrationProgramEndDate must be after or equal to IntegrationProgramStartDateClient
9266AsylumTransitionData is missing and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowedAsylumTransitionData is missing and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowedClient
9267Identifier is not validIts not valid to submit an IntegrationContractIdentifier when loading data from the asylum operator (LetAsyl)Client
9268No asylum transition data registeredNo asylum transition data registeredClient
9269No transition to municipality registered in asylum transition dataNo transition to municipality registered in asylum transition dataClient
9270No asylum data registered at the asylum operator (LetAsyl)No asylum data registered at the asylum operator (LetAsyl)Client
9271No data registered in DFDG with the given IntegrationContractIdentifier for the submitted personNo data registered in DFDG with the given IntegrationContractIdentifier for the submitted personClient
9272Citizen is not a member of a required contact group.Citizen is not a member of a required contact group.Client
9273IntegrationContractFirstSigningDate must be today or in the pastIntegrationContractFirstSigningDate must be today or in the pastClient
9274IntegrationContractEndDate must be today or in the pastIntegrationContractEndDate must be today or in the pastClient
9275IntegrationContractEndDate cannot be before IntegrationContractFirstSigningDateIntegrationContractEndDate cannot be before IntegrationContractFirstSigningDateClient
9276All submitted language skills must either have a LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier or a LanguageNameAll submitted language skills must either have a LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier or a LanguageNameClient
9277One or more submitted language skills cannot have both LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier and LanguageNameOne or more submitted language skills cannot have both LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier and LanguageNameClient
9278A submitted LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueA submitted LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9279The submitted LanguageSkillCollection contains language skills which refer the same languageThe submitted LanguageSkillCollection contains language skills which refer the same languageClient
9280The specified identifier already existsThe specified identifier already existsClient
9281The service for LetAsyl is not availableThe service for LetAsyl is not availableClient
9282The person has an absence registration which conflicts with this person categoryThe person has an absence registration which conflicts with this person categoryClient
9283The integration contract does not existThe integration contract does not existClient
9284LastModifiedInformedAboutMissingDanishQualifications must be today or in the pastLastModifiedInformedAboutMissingDanishQualifications must be today or in the pastClient
9285LastModifiedInformedAboutMissingDanishQualificationsRegardingBenefits must be today or in the pastLastModifiedInformedAboutMissingDanishQualificationsRegardingBenefits must be today or in the pastClient
9286LatestGuidedRegardingExistingEducation must be today or in the pastLatestGuidedRegardingExistingEducation must be today or in the pastClient
9287Unable to communicate with the asylum operatorUnable to communicate with the asylum operatorClient
9288Unknown username and password submitted to the asylum operatorUnknown username and password submitted to the asylum operatorClient
9289Invalid URL or unknown person civil registration identifier submitted to the asylum operatorInvalid URL or unknown person civil registration identifier submitted to the asylum operatorClient
9290Invalid municipality code submitted to the asylum operatorInvalid municipality code submitted to the asylum operatorClient
9291Invalid parameters submitted to the asylum operatorInvalid parameters submitted to the asylum operatorClient
9292Communication with the asylum operator has timed outCommunication with the asylum operator has timed outClient
9293Invalid logging headers submittede to the asylum operatorInvalid logging headers submittede to the asylum operatorClient
9294Unhandled error received from the asylum operatorUnhandled error received from the asylum operatorClient
9295Deadline for CV update and transitiondate on Create/Update (AsylumTransitionDate) is not the sameDeadline for CV update and transitiondate on Create/Update (AsylumTransitionDate) is not the sameClient
9296The former transition dates is not supposed to be presentThe former transition dates is not supposed to be presentClient
9298The submitted CauseTypeIdentifier can not be used by unemploymentfundsThe submitted CauseTypeIdentifier can not be used by unemploymentfundsClient
9299The submitted ClientCategoryType can not be used by unemploymentfundsThe submitted ClientCategoryType can not be used by unemploymentfundsClient
9300The submitted CurrentUnemploymentStatus can not be used by unemploymentfundsThe submitted CurrentUnemploymentStatus can not be used by unemploymentfundsClient
9301The document is deleted due to its age.The document is deleted due to its age.Client
9302An asylum transition for the specified citizen already existsAn asylum transition for the specified citizen already existsClient
9303Unhandled error received from the remote systemUnhandled error received from the remote systemClient
9304AvailabilityProving is mandatory for the specified JobOrderTypeIdentifierAvailabilityProving is mandatory for the specified JobOrderTypeIdentifierClient
9305The submitted ClientDestinationID does not existThe submitted ClientDestinationID does not existClient
9306One or more of the submitted ServiceIDs do not existOne or more of the submitted ServiceIDs do not existClient
9307The submitted ClientDestinationID does already subscribe to one or more of the submitted ServiceIDsThe submitted ClientDestinationID does already subscribe to one or more of the submitted ServiceIDsClient
9308The submitted ClientDestinationID does not subscribe to one or more of the submitted ServiceIDsThe submitted ClientDestinationID does not subscribe to one or more of the submitted ServiceIDsClient
9309This absence type is not allowed if the citizen already has/have had the same absence typeThis absence type is not allowed if the citizen already has/have had the same absence typeClient
9310Recipient OrganisationCode cannot be subjobcenter OrganisationCodeRecipient OrganisationCode cannot be subjobcenter OrganisationCodeClient
9312ReportingWeek cannot be earlier than 201601ReportingWeek cannot be earlier than 201601Client
9313One or more weeks indicated are not in the specified range of weeks to handleOne or more weeks indicated are not in the specified range of weeks to handleClient
9314LatestWeekInReport cannot precede EarliestWeekInReportLatestWeekInReport cannot precede EarliestWeekInReportClient
9315The indicated month is earlier than accepted in this serviceThe indicated month is earlier than accepted in this serviceClient
9316The submitted ReobtainBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted ReobtainBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9317The submitted ReobtainSupplementalBenefitsTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted ReobtainSupplementalBenefitsTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueClient
9318CorrectionComment and CorrectionStartDateTime must always both be set when correcting previous inputCorrectionComment and CorrectionStartDateTime must always both be set when correcting previous inputClient
9319One or more counters cannot be empty or null without a correction-indicating CorrectionCommentOne or more counters cannot be empty or null without a correction-indicating CorrectionCommentClient
9320Set both ReobtainSupplementalBenefits and ReobtainedRightWeeks when benefits are reobtainedSet both ReobtainSupplementalBenefits and ReobtainedRightWeeks when benefits are reobtainedClient
9321Create a new benefits account does not comply with minimum counter requirementsCreate a new benefits account does not comply with minimum counter requirementsClient
9322Correction comment required for Rehabilitation with status fejloprettetCorrection comment required for Rehabilitation with status fejloprettetClient
9323Only one RehabilitationProcess with RehabilitationProcessStatus 1, 2, 3 or 7 is allowedOnly one RehabilitationProcess with RehabilitationProcessStatus 1, 2, 3 or 7 is allowedClient
9324Only one RehabilitationProcess with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 4 is allowedOnly one RehabilitationProcess with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 4 is allowedClient
9325Only PDF allowed for DocumentExtensionTypeOnly PDF allowed for DocumentExtensionTypeClient
9327ReobtainedMonthValue is mandatory when ReobtainBasisTypeIdentifier is 3 - MånedReobtainedMonthValue is mandatory when ReobtainBasisTypeIdentifier is 3 - MånedClient
9328Document belongs to a business area for which a specific get method exists, use this insteadDocument belongs to a business area for which a specific get method exists, use this insteadClient
9329Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contractResponse from external planner system violated the wsdl contractClient
9330A Rehab recommendation cannot be combined with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 1, 2 or 7A Rehab recommendation cannot be combined with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 1, 2 or 7Client
9331It is not allowed to create the ContactGroup for jobcenterIt is not allowed to create the ContactGroup for jobcenterClient
9332A Rehab recommendation must be present with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 3 or 4A Rehab recommendation must be present with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 3 or 4Client
9333An evaluation of the same type for the activity already existsAn evaluation of the same type for the activity already existsClient
9334No evaluation for the activity can be foundNo evaluation for the activity can be foundClient
9335The provided search input is not validThe provided search input is not validClient
9336CV number has to be specifiedCV number has to be specifiedClient
9337Call to SetFlexijobApproved failedCall to SetFlexijobApproved failedClient
9338Call to GetCV failedCall to GetCV failedClient
9339Search criteria have to be specifiedSearch criteria have to be specifiedClient
9340Call to SearchCV failedCall to SearchCV failedClient
9341Call to SetCVAvailability failedCall to SetCVAvailability failedClient
9342CV availability has to be specifiedCV availability has to be specifiedClient
9343Call to GetCVUpdateList failedCall to GetCVUpdateList failedClient
9344Missing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrievedMissing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrievedClient
9345Missing or incorrect data gives warningMissing or incorrect data gives warningClient
9346Call to CVServiceForDFDG failedCall to CVServiceForDFDG failedClient
9347Call to UpdateJobnetProfile has warningsCall to UpdateJobnetProfile has warningsClient
9348The specified identifier for rehabilitation process already existsThe specified identifier for rehabilitation process already existsClient
9352For course type 'Mentor' the activity description is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the activity description is mandatoryClient
9353For course type 'Mentor' the reason for activity is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the reason for activity is mandatoryClient
9354For course type 'Mentor' contact information is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' contact information is mandatoryClient
9355For course type 'Mentor' the telephone number in contact information is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the telephone number in contact information is mandatoryClient
9357For course type 'Mentor' the activity location address is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the activity location address is mandatoryClient
9358Plan description is not allowed with the combination of citizens contactgroup and personcategory Plan description is not allowed with the combination of citizens contactgroup and personcategory Client
9359AbsenceCauseType is required when end date is set on Meeting program with unemployment fund.AbsenceCauseType is required when end date is set on Meeting program with unemployment fund.Client
9360Absence end date must be todays date or laterAbsence end date must be todays date or laterClient
9361AbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceTypeAbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceTypeClient
9362Illness NotificationDate must be today or earlierIllness NotificationDate must be today or earlierClient
9369With citizens combination of ContactGroup and PersonCategory at least one occupationcode is requiredWith citizens combination of ContactGroup and PersonCategory at least one occupationcode is requiredClient
9370The contact group can not be ended due to an active absenceThe contact group can not be ended due to an active absenceClient
9371With citizens combination of ContactGroup and PersonCategory only an occupation goal is allowedWith citizens combination of ContactGroup and PersonCategory only an occupation goal is allowedClient
9373Route planning is currently not availableRoute planning is currently not availableClient
9374Recall not allowed, old UnemploymentFund cannot be reactivated, call MembershipCancellation insteadRecall not allowed, old UnemploymentFund cannot be reactivated, call MembershipCancellation insteadClient
9375RecallAvailabilityAssessment is only allowed for unemployment fund who entered the given assessmentRecallAvailabilityAssessment is only allowed for unemployment fund who entered the given assessmentClient
9376AbsenceCauseType is specified without an absence end dateAbsenceCauseType is specified without an absence end dateClient
9377Unemployment funds can only book and register InterviewType 7 and 17 for citizens with absence id 75Unemployment funds can only book and register InterviewType 7 and 17 for citizens with absence id 75Client
9378CourseType or CourseAllocationType not coherent with impersonated authorityCourseType or CourseAllocationType not coherent with impersonated authorityClient
9379Citizen with absence 75 may not book or get booked for meetings in jobcenterCitizen with absence 75 may not book or get booked for meetings in jobcenterClient
9380Unable to communicate with the DUPLA operator (SKAT)Unable to communicate with the DUPLA operator (SKAT)Client
9381Invalid DUPLA service requestInvalid DUPLA service requestClient
9382DUPLA service identification failedDUPLA service identification failedClient
9383DUPLA service authorization failedDUPLA service authorization failedClient
9384DUPLA service request incompleteDUPLA service request incompleteClient
9385DUPLA service request syntax incorrectDUPLA service request syntax incorrectClient
9386DUPLA service unhandled errorDUPLA service unhandled errorClient
9387UnemploymentFunds are only allowed to create or update course- or mentoractivitiesUnemploymentFunds are only allowed to create or update course- or mentoractivitiesClient
9388Activity already existsActivity already existsClient
9389RequestUserMetaData needs to reflect that it is a selfbookingRequestUserMetaData needs to reflect that it is a selfbookingClient
9390Citizen is required to make an immediate booking and can only selfbook via JobnetCitizen is required to make an immediate booking and can only selfbook via JobnetClient
9391Either hours or minutes per week has to be entered for the activity to be validEither hours or minutes per week has to be entered for the activity to be validClient
9392The type of social aid is not allowedThe type of social aid is not allowedClient
9393The end date of social aid is mandatory, when a social aid is terminatedThe end date of social aid is mandatory, when a social aid is terminatedClient
9394The type of social aid is mandatory, when social aid is given or rejectedThe type of social aid is mandatory, when social aid is given or rejectedClient
9395Eindkomst service FejlStrukturTypeEindkomst service FejlStrukturTypeClient
9396Eindkomst service AdvisStrukturTypeEindkomst service AdvisStrukturTypeClient
9397Eindkomst service Unhandled ErrorEindkomst service Unhandled ErrorClient
9398You are not authorized to create a social aid case, due to the citizen Municipality allocationYou are not authorized to create a social aid case, due to the citizen Municipality allocationClient
9399NemSMS service unhandled errorNemSMS service unhandled errorClient
9400Only project type 5 allows adding authoritiesOnly project type 5 allows adding authoritiesClient
9401The participating authority is unknown to DFDGThe participating authority is unknown to DFDGClient
9402The list of participating authorities cannot contain duplicatesThe list of participating authorities cannot contain duplicatesClient
9403The project is not open for adding participating authoritiesThe project is not open for adding participating authoritiesClient
9404The authority is not part of the projectThe authority is not part of the projectClient
9405Enddate cannot be in the pastEnddate cannot be in the pastClient
9406The interviewtime cannot be too far in the pastThe interviewtime cannot be too far in the pastClient
9407Only the creating authority or current jobcenter can update/delete a markingOnly the creating authority or current jobcenter can update/delete a markingClient
9408CommentText needs to be present, to search outside your own organisationCommentText needs to be present, to search outside your own organisationClient
9409MentorTypeIdentifier is invalidMentorTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
9410HealthActivityTypeIdentifier is invalidHealthActivityTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
9411SocialActivityTypeIdentifier is invalidSocialActivityTypeIdentifier is invalidClient
9413ProjectType can not be changed on updateProjectType can not be changed on updateClient
9414JobSearchEvent er ukendt JobSearchEvent er ukendt Client
9415The InterviewTime may not change the interview's status as resetting/non-resettingThe InterviewTime may not change the interview's status as resetting/non-resettingClient
9416The indicated update of InterviewTypeIdentifier is not allowedThe indicated update of InterviewTypeIdentifier is not allowedClient
9417A correction comment is required when deleting this type of a present or historic absenceA correction comment is required when deleting this type of a present or historic absenceClient
9418A CompanyRecruitment can only be updated by a PrimaryAuthorityA CompanyRecruitment can only be updated by a PrimaryAuthorityClient
9419InterruptionDate must be before or equal to ToDateInterruptionDate must be before or equal to ToDateClient
9420InterruptionDate must be after or equal to FromDateInterruptionDate must be after or equal to FromDateClient
9421A Jobcenter is not allowed to have multiple ScreeningTargetGroupTypes enabled A Jobcenter is not allowed to have multiple ScreeningTargetGroupTypes enabled Client
9422This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 monthsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 monthsClient
9423This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 yearsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 yearsClient
9424The provided ESCO STAR occupation is not activeThe provided ESCO STAR occupation is not activeClient
9425The provided ESCO STAR alias is not activeThe provided ESCO STAR alias is not activeClient
9426AliasIdentifier is not a valid alias to the ESCO STAR code for occupationAliasIdentifier is not a valid alias to the ESCO STAR code for occupationClient
9427AliasIdentifier can't be specified without an ESCO STAR code for occupationAliasIdentifier can't be specified without an ESCO STAR code for occupationClient
9428GoalCodeType is not valid. If EscoStarCode is used in version 4 or DiscoCode is used in version v5GoalCodeType is not valid. If EscoStarCode is used in version 4 or DiscoCode is used in version v5Client
9429Plan not foundPlan not foundClient
9430Operation only allowed for legal plan versionsOperation only allowed for legal plan versionsClient
9431Goal not foundGoal not foundClient
9432Operation only allowed for custom goalsOperation only allowed for custom goalsClient
9433Plan description is empty and therefore cannot be rectifiedPlan description is empty and therefore cannot be rectifiedClient
9434Forløb må ikke overlappe andet Tidlig Pension forløbForløb må ikke overlappe andet Tidlig Pension forløbClient
9435When choosing EducationRetentionTypeIdentifier id 1. Then id2 and/or id 3 is not allowedWhen choosing EducationRetentionTypeIdentifier id 1. Then id2 and/or id 3 is not allowedClient
9436When choosing EducationRetentionTypeIdentifier id 4. Then id2 and/or id 3 must be presentWhen choosing EducationRetentionTypeIdentifier id 4. Then id2 and/or id 3 must be presentClient
9437When saving EducationPlan in Step 4, education retention(s) must be presentWhen saving EducationPlan in Step 4, education retention(s) must be presentClient
9438AbsenceCauseType is not allowed for this organisationtypeAbsenceCauseType is not allowed for this organisationtypeClient
9439The person can not be registered with the same ConceptUriDa more than one timeThe person can not be registered with the same ConceptUriDa more than one timeClient
9440The reported price pr. hour is only valid for subsidized employment or job for early retirementThe reported price pr. hour is only valid for subsidized employment or job for early retirementClient
9441The Dawa server is unavailable or failed to process the requestThe Dawa server is unavailable or failed to process the requestClient
9442The Dawa server is unavailable due to too many calls - server is throttling downThe Dawa server is unavailable due to too many calls - server is throttling downClient
9443An element in the request contains only invalid characters (see details in InnerException)An element in the request contains only invalid characters (see details in InnerException)Client
9444Submission date has to be 2015-01-01 or laterSubmission date has to be 2015-01-01 or laterClient
9445Submission deadline date has to be 2015-01-01 or laterSubmission deadline date has to be 2015-01-01 or laterClient
9446The person does not meet the age requirementsThe person does not meet the age requirementsClient
9447Unexpected nonce ID in received Json Web Ticket (SKAT)Unexpected nonce ID in received Json Web Ticket (SKAT)Client
9448IsCreatedByCompany can not be updatedIsCreatedByCompany can not be updatedClient
9449This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 daysClient
9450HoursPaidUltimoRate can not be used for periods previous to [ 2023-05 ]HoursPaidUltimoRate can not be used for periods previous to [ 2023-05 ]Client
9451RatePerMonthForPaymentUltimoRate can not be used for periods previous to [ 2023-05 ]RatePerMonthForPaymentUltimoRate can not be used for periods previous to [ 2023-05 ]Client
9452CauseForDeductionInUnemploymentBenefits id 20 only allowed for ReportingYearMonth 2023-05 or laterCauseForDeductionInUnemploymentBenefits id 20 only allowed for ReportingYearMonth 2023-05 or laterClient
9453PeriodStartDate for QualifyingHours has to be today or in the pastPeriodStartDate for QualifyingHours has to be today or in the pastClient
9454Rate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires CalculationBase > 0,00Rate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires CalculationBase > 0,00Client
9455Rate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RatePerMonth to be setRate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RatePerMonth to be setClient
9456Rate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RatePerHour to be setRate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RatePerHour to be setClient
9457Rate Basis id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RateValidFrom to be setRate Basis id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RateValidFrom to be setClient
9458RateBasis id 6,7 & 9 is only valid if GradingDate for ordinær dagpengeperiode < 2023-05-01RateBasis id 6,7 & 9 is only valid if GradingDate for ordinær dagpengeperiode < 2023-05-01Client
9459The BenefitsGradingBasis Id is only valid if GradingDate for ordinær dagpengeperiode < 2023-05-01The BenefitsGradingBasis Id is only valid if GradingDate for ordinær dagpengeperiode < 2023-05-01Client
9461The citizen is not in Contactgroup 1 on the indicated dateThe citizen is not in Contactgroup 1 on the indicated dateClient
9462Activity CauseRemark must contain at least 20 charactersActivity CauseRemark must contain at least 20 charactersClient
9463JobCenter can not publish plans for KG1 when active absence 75 after 2024/1/1JobCenter can not publish plans for KG1 when active absence 75 after 2024/1/1Client