Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1001 | Invalid cpr | The submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date |
1003 | Duration is negative | The reported duration is negative, start date is greater than end date |
1010 | Unknown cpr | The submitted cpr is unknown to the system |
4405 | The person with specified cpr is dead | The person with specified cpr is dead |
8105 | The PersonContactTypeIdentifier type is unknown. | The PersonContactTypeIdentifier type is unknown. |
8106 | A contact with the given identifier does not exist. | A contact with the given identifier does not exist. |
8310 | Person contact enddate cannot be in the past | Person contact enddate cannot be in the past |
Denne metode henter alle borger med en given kontaktperson. Kontaktpersonen kan angives med navn, rolle, telefonnummer og/eller emailadresse. Alle felter er valgfrie, men mindst et skal angives
En relation mellem en kontaktperson og en borger
Denne metode henter alle kontaktpersoner for en given borger. Hvis samme kontaktperson optræder med forskellige roller for borgern, vil kontaktpersonen bliver vist i listen en gang for hver rolle
Liste af kontaktpersoner for en given borger