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CVService (Version 6, 2017-2)

CVService bruges til at hente borgers CV og oplysninger om CV'et.



Denne metode benyttes til at hente CV, som det aktuelt fremstår på Jobnet.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.
-    MunicipalityMunicipalityType1
-    -    MunicipalityCodeMunicipalityCodeType
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9]{3}1Kommune kode.
-    -    MunicipalityNameAuthorityNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-1001Navn på kommune.
-    CVStatusIdentifierCvStatusIdentifierType
Base: CodeListItemIdentifierType
0 - 1Kodelisteværdi der angiver Cv'ets status, såsom 'Klar til kvalitetssikring', 'CV godkendt', 'CV ej godkendt'
-    CVCommentCvCommentType
Base: string
Length: 0-3750 - 1Kommentar til Cv'et
-    CVProfileCVProfileType0 - 1Borgerens profil på Jobnet
-    -    JobnetCVIdinteger1Borgerens CV ID, som er nøgle på Jobnet. Synonymer: CvCustomerIdentifier, CVNumber.
-    -    PersonalData
Base: PersonalDataType
1Personlige data om borgeren
-    -    -    BaseTypePersonalDataType1Data om borgeren
-    -    -    -    FamilyName
Base: FamilyNameType
0 - 1Efternavn
-    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeFamilyNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-501
-    -    -    -    GivenName
Base: GivenNameType
0 - 1Fornavn
-    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeGivenNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-701
-    -    -    -    MiddleName
Base: MiddleNameType
0 - 1Mellemnavne adskilt af mellemrum
-    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeMiddleNameType
Base: string
MaxLength: 401
-    -    -    -    DateOfBirth0 - 1Fødselsdato
-    -    -    -    Gender
Base: GenderType
0 - 1Køn
-    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeGenderType
Base: string
  • Male
  • Female
  • Unknown
-    -    -    -    PostalAddressPostalAddressType1Adresseoplysninger
-    -    -    -    -    CountryCode
Base: CountryCodeType
1Landekode. Baseret på ISO639, men ikke 100% konform
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeCountryCodeType
Base: string
MaxLength: 21
-    -    -    -    -    AddressLine
Base: AddressLineType
1Adresselinie: vejnavn, husnr , etage mv.
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeAddressLineType
Base: string
MaxLength: 1001
-    -    -    -    -    PostalCode
Base: PostalCodeType
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypePostalCodeType
Base: string
MaxLength: 151
-    -    -    -    -    PostalArea
Base: PostalAreaType
1Bynavn for postnummer
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypePostalAreaType
Base: string
MaxLength: 501
-    -    -    -    -    COAddress
Base: COAddressType
0 - 1CO adresse
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeCOAddressType
Base: string
MaxLength: 751
-    -    -    -    ContactInformationContactInformationType1Kontaktoplysninger, bortset fra adresse
-    -    -    -    -    E-mail
Base: E-mailType
0 - 1E-mail adressse
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeE-mailType
Base: string
MaxLength: 2551
-    -    -    -    -    PhoneNumber
Base: PhoneNumberType
0 - *Telefon- / mobil- / faxnumre
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypePhoneNumberType
Base: string
MaxLength: 161
-    -    JobConditionsJobConditionsType1Betingelser for ansættelse
-    -    -    WillingToUseOwnCarboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger vil bruge egen bil
-    -    -    FullTimeEmploymentboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger fuldtidsjob
-    -    -    PartTimeEmploymentboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger deltidstidsjob
-    -    -    StartAsSoonAsPossibleboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger vil starte på nyt job så hurtigt som muligt
-    -    -    StartAsAgreedOnboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger vil starte på nyt job efter aftale
-    -    -    PermanentJobPositionboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger fast job
-    -    -    TemporaryJobPositionboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger midlertidigt job
-    -    -    StandardJobConditionsboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger job på almindelige vilgår
-    -    -    EarlyRetirementConditionsboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger job, der passer til efterlønnere
-    -    -    DisabilityPensionerConditionsboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger job, der passer til førtidspensionister på særlige vilkår
-    -    JobTargetCollectionJobTargetCollectionType1Borgerens jobønsker (Jeg søger som)
-    -    -    JobTargetJobTargetType0 - *Et af borgerens jobønsker (Jeg søger som)
-    -    -    -    JobTitlestring1Stillingsbetegnelse (fra taxonomi)
-    -    -    -    OccupationTaxonomyReferenceOccupationTaxonomyReferenceType
Base: int
1Reference til taxonomi for stillingsbetegnelser. Er kun udfyldt, hvis JobTitle findes i taxonomi. Se StarWsWiki, TaxonomyService, GETOccupation(s)
-    -    -    -    HasEducationboolean1Har borgeren en uddannelse, som svarer til stillingsbetegnelsen
-    -    -    -    MonthsOfExperiencenonNegativeInteger1Erfaring i antal måneder
-    -    -    -    LastExperiencegYear0 - 1Årstal for seneste ansættelse i jobbet
-    -    CVCVType1Borgerens CV
-    -    -    PreviousJobExperienceCollectionPreviousJobExperienceCollectionType1Tidligere erhvervserfaring
-    -    -    EducationCollectionEducationCollectionType1Uddannelser, kurser og certificeringer
-    -    -    -    EducationEducationType0 - *Uddannelse, kursus eller certifikat
-    -    -    QualificationCollectionQualificationCollectionType1Kvalifikationer
-    -    -    -    QualificationQualificationType0 - *Kvalifikation
-    -    -    -    -    Namestring1Navn på kvalifikationen som borger og arbejdsgiver angiver den
-    -    -    -    -    QualificationTaxonomyReferenceint0 - 1Reference til taxonomi med kvalifikationer
-    -    -    DriverLicenseCollectionDriverLicensCollectionType1Diverse kørekort
-    -    -    -    DriverLicenseDriverLicenseType0 - *Et kørekort
-    -    -    -    -    Codestring1Kode for kørekort. EU kode mv
-    -    -    -    -    Namestring1Dansk navn på kørekort
-    -    -    LanguageSkillCollectionLanguageSkillCollectionType1Sprogkundskaber
-    -    -    -    LanguageSkillLanguageSkillType0 - *Et sprog
-    -    -    -    -    CodeLanguageCodeType
Base: string
MaxLength: 41Kode for sproget. Reference til TaxonomyService.GETLanguages
-    -    -    -    -    NameLanguageNameType
Base: string
MaxLength: 501Dansk navn på sproget
-    -    -    -    -    LevelLanguageSkillLevelType
Base: string
  • Novice
  • AdvancedBeginner
  • Competent
  • Proficient
  • Expert
-    -    -    OtherExperienceCollectionOtherExperienceCollectionType1Andre erfaringer
-    -    -    -    OtherExperienceOtherExperienceType0 - *Anden erfaring
-    -    -    -    -    TitleOtherExperiendeTitleType
Base: string
MaxLength: 1001Stilling eller funktion
-    -    -    -    -    Place
Base: PlaceType
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypePlaceType
Base: string
MaxLength: 1001
-    -    -    -    -    SummaryTextstring1Ansvar / arbejdsopgaver / resultater
-    -    -    -    -    StartDatePartialDate1Start på erfaring. År/måned eller år
-    -    -    -    -    -    YeargYear1Årstal (4 cifre)
-    -    -    -    -    -    MonthgMonth0 - 1Måned i formatet --MM
-    -    -    -    -    EndDatePartialDate0 - 1Slut på erfaring. År/måned eller år
-    -    -    -    -    -    YeargYear1Årstal (4 cifre)
-    -    -    -    -    -    MonthgMonth0 - 1Måned i formatet --MM
-    -    -    ProfessionalSummaryTextFormattedTextType0 - 1Faglig profil. HTML formateret tekst
-    -    -    -    HTMLTextstring1Tekst inkl. HTML formatering
-    -    -    -    PlainTextstring1Tekst uden formatering
-    -    -    OtherCVReferenceCollectionOtherCVReferenceCollectionType1Referencer til andre CV o.l.
-    -    -    -    WebSiteWebsiteType
Base: string
MaxLength: 2550 - *Webside, fx link til andre CV'er (LinkedIn) eller til portfolio


1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
4103Client not registered with CvCustomerNumberThe client is not registered with a CvCustomerNumber
4430Operation failed. No connection to Jobnet could be established. Try again laterOperation failed. No connection to Jobnet could be established.Try again later.
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4753The clients jobnet cv has been archivedThe clients jobnet cv has been archived
4754The clients jobnet cv has been disabledThe clients jobnet cv has been disabled
4755The clients jobnet cv could not be foundThe clients jobnet cv could not be found
4511The External operator is not allowed to view data for the personThe External operator is not allowed to view data for the person
8291The Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the personThe Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the person
8292The specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the personThe specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the person


Denne metode benyttes til at hente CV som PDF i den form, som det aktuelt fremstår på Jobnet og JobKon (dvs. uden "jeg søger job som" mv. som ikke skal vises for fx arbejdsgiver).


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.
-    MunicipalityMunicipalityType1
-    -    MunicipalityCodeMunicipalityCodeType
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9]{3}1Kommune kode.
-    -    MunicipalityNameAuthorityNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-1001Navn på kommune.
-    GetCVAsPdfResultbase64Binary0 - 1Cv'et i pdf format som er base 64 kodet.


4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
4103Client not registered with CvCustomerNumberThe client is not registered with a CvCustomerNumber
4430Operation failed. No connection to Jobnet could be established. Try again laterOperation failed. No connection to Jobnet could be established.Try again later.
1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
4753The clients jobnet cv has been archivedThe clients jobnet cv has been archived
4754The clients jobnet cv has been disabledThe clients jobnet cv has been disabled
4755The clients jobnet cv could not be foundThe clients jobnet cv could not be found
4511The External operator is not allowed to view data for the personThe External operator is not allowed to view data for the person
8291The Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the personThe Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the person
8292The specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the personThe specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the person


Denne metode benyttes til at danne nyt brugernavn og kodeord til Jobnet.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.


-    ServiceReceiptServiceReceiptType1Servicekvittering
-    -    MessageIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}1Unik identifikation af transaktion eller registrering
-    -    EventDatedateTime1Tidspunkt for transaktionen eller registreing


1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
4103Client not registered with CvCustomerNumberThe client is not registered with a CvCustomerNumber
4400CV Customer Number is unknownThe supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system
4430Operation failed. No connection to Jobnet could be established. Try again laterOperation failed. No connection to Jobnet could be established.Try again later.
4431Creation of Jobnet AccountLetter failed due to printservice error Creation of Jobnet AccountLetter failed due to printservice error
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
4511The External operator is not allowed to view data for the personThe External operator is not allowed to view data for the person
8291The Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the personThe Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the person
8292The specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the personThe specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the person


Denne metode benyttes til at sætte CV-status.


-    CvStatusSetCvStatusType1Cv status oplysninger om Cv'et
-    -    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001Personnummer (PNR): Unik identifikation af en person i Det Centrale Personregister indeholder: - Data om personer, der efter 2. april 1968 har været tilmeldt dansk folkeregister – for Grønlands vedkommende dog efter 1. maj 1972. –Personer, der er bosat uden for Danmark, men som i kraft af medlemskab af ATP eller pligt til at svare skat, har fået tildelt et personnummer. Der tildeles desuden personnumre til andet administrativt behov(administrative personnumre). Værdimængde: Personnummeret består af to dele. Første del er en gyldig fødselsdato på formen DDMMÅÅ. Anden del er et serienummer på fire cifre. Personnummeret kan også have værdien 0000000000. Denne værdi bruges hvor personnummeret er påkrævet men ukendt. Livscyklus: Personnummeret genereres og tildeles ved fødsel, optagelse og ændring af personnummer af administrative grunde. Personnummeret kan tildeles via hospitaler. Personnummeret må ikke slettes. Bemærkninger: D. 11. juni 1994 blev personnummeret ændret i henhold til denne beskrivelse.
-    -    CvCustomerIdentifierCvCustomerIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9]{8}1Cv kundenummer
-    -    CvStatusIdentifierCvStatusIdentifierType
Base: CodeListItemIdentifierType
1Kodelisteværdi der angiver cv'ets status, såsom 'Klar til kvalitetssikring', 'CV godkendt', 'CV ej godkendt'
-    -    CvCommentCvCommentType
Base: string
Length: 0-3750 - 1Kommentar til cv'et


-    ServiceReceiptServiceReceiptType1Servicekvittering
-    -    MessageIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}1Unik identifikation af transaktion eller registrering
-    -    EventDatedateTime1Tidspunkt for transaktionen eller registreing


1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
4103Client not registered with CvCustomerNumberThe client is not registered with a CvCustomerNumber
4368CV Status update not allowedOnly Unemploymentfunds are allowed to register CV’s for dagpengemodtagere and arbejdsmarkedsydelsesmodtager
4369CV Status update not allowedOnly Jobcenters and Municipalitys are allowed to register CV’s for ansøgere/modtagere of kontanthjælp/uddannelseshjælp
4370CV Status update not allowedOnly Jobcenters and Municipalitys are allowed to register CV’s for personer der ansøger eller modtager kontanthjælp efter integrationsprogram.
8236The connection could not be establishedThe connection could not be established
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
4511The External operator is not allowed to view data for the personThe External operator is not allowed to view data for the person
8291The Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the personThe Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the person
8292The specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the personThe specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the person
9008UnemploymentFund should not report CVCommentUnemploymentFund should not report CVComment
9009UnemploymentFund is only allowed to register CVStatus for citizens in ContactGroups 1, 8 and 23UnemploymentFund is only allowed to register CVStatus for citizens in ContactGroups 1, 8 and 23


Denne metode benyttes i forbindelse med fritekstsøgning på CV.


-    searchInputSearchInput0 - 1Søgekriterierne der skal bruges til søgningen
-    -    Idguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}1Søge Id - bruges, hvis man ønsker andre sider end side 1 af søgeresultatet
-    -    GroupLimitint1Max antal returnerede grupper for GroupSummations (f.eks 64)
-    -    SearchStringstring0 - 1Fritekst søgestreng
-    -    SearchStringSecondarystring0 - 1Fritekst søgestreng som vægtes lavere. Kan f.eks indeholde synonymer eller hierarkisk relaterede emner
-    -    CloseToPostalCodestring0 - 1Søger i 40 km omkreds fra postnr
-    -    CloseToCitystring0 - 1Søger i 40 km omkreds fra by
-    -    OccupationNamesArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på stillingsbetegnelser ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    CompetencesArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på kompetencer ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    EducationLevelsArrayOfEducationLevelEnum0 - 1Filtrering på uddannelsesniveau ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    EducationLevelEnumEducationLevelEnum
Base: string
  • Unknown
  • PrimarySchoolLastLevel
  • LaborMarketCourses
  • SecondarySchool
  • Vocational
  • OtherCourses
  • PrimarySchoolFoundation
  • ShortTertiaryEducation
  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • PhdOrPostdoc
0 - *
-    -    LanguagesArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på sprog ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    DriversLicensesArrayOfDriverLicenseEnum0 - 1Filtrering på kørekort ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    DriverLicenseEnumDriverLicenseEnum
Base: string
  • A1
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • BE
  • CE
  • DE
  • A
  • A10
  • AMa
  • AMb
  • A2
  • C1
  • D1
  • C1E
  • D1E
  • Taxi
  • Traktor
  • Truck
  • BusErhverv
  • DigitalFartskriver
  • EUGodsErhverv
  • EUBusErhverv
0 - *
-    -    TermsOfEmploymentsArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på ansættelsesbetingelser ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    CitiesArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på byer ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    ShowOnlyEnrolledboolean1Inkluder kun tilmeldte
-    -    PageNumberint1Sidenummer der ønskes returneret (side 1 er første side)
-    -    ResultsPerPageint1Antal resultater på hver side
-    -    OrganisationCodeint1
-    -    OrganisationTypeIdentifierint1
-    -    IsDateIntervalSpecifiedboolean1Hvis angivet så begrænses resultatet til de cver som er opdateret i intervallet UpdatedLaterThan til UpdatedBefore
-    -    UpdatedBeforedateTime1
-    -    UpdatedLaterThandateTime1
-    -    WorkStartArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på ansættelsesstart "Hurtigst muligt" eller "Efter aftale" ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    WorkTimeArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på ugentlig arbejdstid "Fuldtid" eller "Deltid" ud fra GroupSummation grupper. Se også GetWeeklyWorkTimeTypeIdentifier i CodeListService
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    EmploymentTypeArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på ansættelsesform "Fast ansættelse" eller "Tidsbegrænset" ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    OccupationNamesWithEducationArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på stillingsbetegnelser, hvor borgeren har uddannelse ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    OccupationNamesWithExperienceArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på stillingsbetegnelser, hvor borgeren har erhvervserfaring ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    SearchFromGeoPointLatdecimal0 - 1wgs84 latitude for geografisk udgangspunkt
-    -    SearchFromGeoPointLondecimal0 - 1wgs84 longitude for geografisk udgangspunkt
-    -    SearchInGeoDistanceint0 - 1radius i km for cirkulær geografisk afgrænsning
-    -    OccupationNamesWithOutEducationArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på stillingsbetegnelser, hvor borgeren ikke har uddannelse ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    OccupationNamesWithOutExperienceArrayOfString0 - 1Filtrering på stillingsbetegnelser, hvor borgeren ikke har erhvervserfaring ud fra GroupSummation grupper
-    -    -    stringstring0 - *


-    SearchCVTextResultSearchResult0 - 1Resultatet af søgningen
-    -    Idguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}1Søge Id. Skal gives med i efterfølgende requests for at få efterfølgende pages i søgeresultatet
-    -    PageNumberint1Side nummer for den returnerede side af resultater
-    -    TotalResultsint1Antal resultater i søgningen
-    -    CVPersonsArrayOfCVPerson0 - 1
-    -    -    CVPersonCVPerson0 - *
-    -    -    -    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.
-    -    -    -    MunicipalityMunicipalityType1
-    -    -    -    -    MunicipalityCodeMunicipalityCodeType
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9]{3}1Kommune kode.
-    -    -    -    -    MunicipalityNameAuthorityNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-1001Navn på kommune.
-    -    -    -    CVNumberstring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    FirstNamestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    LastNamestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    PostalCodestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Citystring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    MaxEducationNamestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    OccupationNamesArrayOfString0 - 1
-    -    -    -    -    stringstring0 - *
-    -    -    -    GeoPointLatdecimal0 - 1
-    -    -    -    GeoPointLondecimal0 - 1
-    -    OccupationNamesArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper af stillingsbetegnelser i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1
-    -    CompetencesArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper af kompetencer i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1
-    -    MaxEducationLevelIdsArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper af MaxEducationLevelIds i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1
-    -    LanguagesArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper af sprog i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1
-    -    DriversLicenseIdsArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper af kørekortId i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1
-    -    JobconditionsArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper af ansættelsesbetingelser i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1
-    -    CitiesArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper af byer i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1
-    -    EmploymentTypeArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper af ansættelsesform i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1
-    -    WorkTimeArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper af ugentlig arbejdstid i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1
-    -    WorkStartArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper for ansættelsesstart i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1
-    -    OccupationNamesWithExperienceArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper af stillingsbetegnelser, hvor borgeren har erhvervserfaring i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1
-    -    OccupationNamesWithEducationArrayOfGroupSummation0 - 1Grupper af stillingsbetegnelser, hvor borgeren har uddannelse i søgeresultatet med tilhørende count. Kan gives med i efterfølgende requests som filter
-    -    -    GroupSummationGroupSummation0 - *
-    -    -    -    Namestring0 - 1
-    -    -    -    Countint1


1001Invalid cprThe submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date
1002Error converting response messageError converting response message from XML stream to object


Denne metode anvendes til at se aktuel godkendelsesstatus for et CV.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.


-    CvStatusCvStatusType1
-    -    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001Personnummer (PNR): Unik identifikation af en person i Det Centrale Personregister indeholder: - Data om personer, der efter 2. april 1968 har været tilmeldt dansk folkeregister – for Grønlands vedkommende dog efter 1. maj 1972. –Personer, der er bosat uden for Danmark, men som i kraft af medlemskab af ATP eller pligt til at svare skat, har fået tildelt et personnummer. Der tildeles desuden personnumre til andet administrativt behov(administrative personnumre). Værdimængde: Personnummeret består af to dele. Første del er en gyldig fødselsdato på formen DDMMÅÅ. Anden del er et serienummer på fire cifre. Personnummeret kan også have værdien 0000000000. Denne værdi bruges hvor personnummeret er påkrævet men ukendt. Livscyklus: Personnummeret genereres og tildeles ved fødsel, optagelse og ændring af personnummer af administrative grunde. Personnummeret kan tildeles via hospitaler. Personnummeret må ikke slettes. Bemærkninger: D. 11. juni 1994 blev personnummeret ændret i henhold til denne beskrivelse.
-    -    CvCustomerIdentifierCvCustomerIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9]{8}1Cv kundenummer
-    -    CvStatusIdentifierCvStatusIdentifierType
Base: CodeListItemIdentifierType
1Kodelisteværdi der angiver cv'ets status, såsom 'Klar til kvalitetssikring', 'CV godkendt', 'CV ej godkendt'
-    -    CVAvailabilityCVAvailabilityType
Base: string
  • Active
  • Inactive
1Streng der angiver hvorvidt cv'et er aktivt. Eneste lovlige værdier er 'Active' og 'Inactive'
-    -    CvCommentCvCommentType
Base: string
Length: 0-3750 - 1Kommentar til cv'et


4102Client not registered with this CvCustomerNumberThe client is not registered with this CvCustomerNumber
4511The External operator is not allowed to view data for the personThe External operator is not allowed to view data for the person
1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
4511The External operator is not allowed to view data for the personThe External operator is not allowed to view data for the person
8291The Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the personThe Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the person
8292The specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the personThe specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the person


Denne metode bruges til at hente CV'et, som det så ud, da det blev godkendt eller ikke-godkendt (med SetCvStatus). Der kan hentes en bestemt af version af CV'et, hvis det har haft forskellige godkendelsesstatusser gennem tiden.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.
-    CVStatusIdentifierAllowedCVStatusIdentifierType
Base: int
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
0 - 1Den status som man ønsker CV version for.{br}Kun værdierne 2, 3 og 5 er tilladte.
-    CVVersionIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}0 - 1ID på den ønskede CV version.


-    CVOnStatusItemCVOnStatusItemType1
-    -    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001Personnummer (PNR): Unik identifikation af en person i Det Centrale Personregister indeholder: - Data om personer, der efter 2. april 1968 har været tilmeldt dansk folkeregister – for Grønlands vedkommende dog efter 1. maj 1972. –Personer, der er bosat uden for Danmark, men som i kraft af medlemskab af ATP eller pligt til at svare skat, har fået tildelt et personnummer. Der tildeles desuden personnumre til andet administrativt behov(administrative personnumre). Værdimængde: Personnummeret består af to dele. Første del er en gyldig fødselsdato på formen DDMMÅÅ. Anden del er et serienummer på fire cifre. Personnummeret kan også have værdien 0000000000. Denne værdi bruges hvor personnummeret er påkrævet men ukendt. Livscyklus: Personnummeret genereres og tildeles ved fødsel, optagelse og ændring af personnummer af administrative grunde. Personnummeret kan tildeles via hospitaler. Personnummeret må ikke slettes. Bemærkninger: D. 11. juni 1994 blev personnummeret ændret i henhold til denne beskrivelse.
-    -    CompleteCVAsPdfResultbase64Binary1Cv'et i pdf format som er base 64 kodet.
-    -    MunicipalityMunicipalityType1Kommune oplysninger
-    -    -    MunicipalityCodeMunicipalityCodeType
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9]{3}1Kommune kode.
-    -    -    MunicipalityNameAuthorityNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-1001Navn på kommune.
-    -    CVStatusIdentifierCvStatusIdentifierType
Base: CodeListItemIdentifierType
1Kodelisteværdi der angiver cv'ets status, såsom 'Klar til kvalitetssikring', 'CV godkendt', 'CV ej godkendt'
-    -    CVCommentCvCommentType
Base: string
Length: 0-3750 - 1Kommentar til cv'et
-    -    CVVersionIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}1Unik id for cv versionen
-    -    CVVersionTimedateTime1Tidsstempel for cv versionen


1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
4103Client not registered with CvCustomerNumberThe client is not registered with a CvCustomerNumber
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4511The External operator is not allowed to view data for the personThe External operator is not allowed to view data for the person
8291The Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the personThe Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the person
8292The specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the personThe specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the person
9110There is no CV saved with the given CVVersionIdentifier for the citizen in questionThere is no CV saved with the given CVVersionIdentifier for the citizen in question
9111There is no CV saved with the required status for the citizen in questionThere is no CV saved with the required status for the citizen in question
9112The given CVVersionIdentifier is incoherent with the CVStatusIdentifierThe given CVVersionIdentifier is incoherent with the CVStatusIdentifier
9113Either CVVersionIdentifier or CVStatusIdentifier is requiredEither CVVersionIdentifier or CVStatusIdentifier is required


Denne metode benyttes til at udtrække, hvilke versioner af CV'et der er gemt i DFDG.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.
-    CVStatusIdentifierAllowedCVStatusIdentifierType
Base: int
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
0 - 1Den status som man ønsker CV versioner for.{br}Kun værdierne 2, 3 og 5 er tilladte.


-    AvailableCVStatusVersionCollectionAvailableCVStatusVersionCollectionType0 - 1
-    -    CVStatusVersionItemCVStatusVersionItemType1 - *
-    -    -    CVStatusIdentifierCvStatusIdentifierType
Base: CodeListItemIdentifierType
1Godkendelsesstatus for CV’et
-    -    -    CVVersionIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}1ID på den ønskede CV version
-    -    -    CVVersionTimedateTime1Tidspunkt for at CV’et er gemt på DFDG


1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4511The External operator is not allowed to view data for the personThe External operator is not allowed to view data for the person
8291The Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the personThe Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the person
8292The specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the personThe specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the person


Denne metode benyttes til at udtrække en liste over ændrede CV-id'er hos Jobnet.


-    CVChangeStartTimedateTime1Tidspunktet som markerer start på den periode der ønskes CV Id’er for.
-    CVChangeEndTimedateTime0 - 1Tidspunktet som markerer sluttidspunkt for den periode der ønskes CV Id’er for. Hvis feltet ikke er sat, og paging er nødvendig, sætter Jobnet det til kørselstidspunkt.
-    CVListPageint0 - 1Side i resultatsæt. Hvis ej sat, sætter DFDG til 1.


-    CVChangeStartTimedateTime1Tidspunktet som markerer start på den periode der er udtrukket CV Id’er for.
-    CVChangeEndTimedateTime1Tidspunktet som markerer sluttidspunkt for den periode der er udtrukket CV Id’er for.
-    CVChangeExtractTimedateTime1Kørselstidspunktet for udtrækket, Jobnet server-tid.
-    LastPageNumberint1Det højeste sidenummer i resultatsættet.
-    CVUpdateListCVUpdateListType0 - 1
-    -    CVUpdateItemCVUpdateItemType1 - *
-    -    -    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001Borgers personnummer.
-    -    -    RevisionDatedateTime1Tidspunkt for seneste opdatering
-    -    -    CVIsDeletedboolean1Sættes til true hvis CV er blevet slettet i perioden


1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated


Denne metode benyttes til at hente en borgers CV via CV-nummer.


-    CVNumberCvCustomerIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9]{8}1Borgers CV-nummer.
-    CitizenConsentObtainedboolean1Sættes til true som indikation på at borger har givet samtykke til, at CV'et hentes.


-    CVProfileCVProfileType1Borgerens profil på Jobnet
-    -    JobnetCVIdinteger1Borgerens CV ID, som er nøgle på Jobnet. Synonymer: CvCustomerIdentifier, CVNumber.
-    -    PersonalData
Base: PersonalDataType
1Personlige data om borgeren
-    -    -    BaseTypePersonalDataType1Data om borgeren
-    -    -    -    FamilyName
Base: FamilyNameType
0 - 1Efternavn
-    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeFamilyNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-501
-    -    -    -    GivenName
Base: GivenNameType
0 - 1Fornavn
-    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeGivenNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-701
-    -    -    -    MiddleName
Base: MiddleNameType
0 - 1Mellemnavne adskilt af mellemrum
-    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeMiddleNameType
Base: string
MaxLength: 401
-    -    -    -    DateOfBirth0 - 1Fødselsdato
-    -    -    -    Gender
Base: GenderType
0 - 1Køn
-    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeGenderType
Base: string
  • Male
  • Female
  • Unknown
-    -    -    -    PostalAddressPostalAddressType1Adresseoplysninger
-    -    -    -    -    CountryCode
Base: CountryCodeType
1Landekode. Baseret på ISO639, men ikke 100% konform
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeCountryCodeType
Base: string
MaxLength: 21
-    -    -    -    -    AddressLine
Base: AddressLineType
1Adresselinie: vejnavn, husnr , etage mv.
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeAddressLineType
Base: string
MaxLength: 1001
-    -    -    -    -    PostalCode
Base: PostalCodeType
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypePostalCodeType
Base: string
MaxLength: 151
-    -    -    -    -    PostalArea
Base: PostalAreaType
1Bynavn for postnummer
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypePostalAreaType
Base: string
MaxLength: 501
-    -    -    -    -    COAddress
Base: COAddressType
0 - 1CO adresse
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeCOAddressType
Base: string
MaxLength: 751
-    -    -    -    ContactInformationContactInformationType1Kontaktoplysninger, bortset fra adresse
-    -    -    -    -    E-mail
Base: E-mailType
0 - 1E-mail adressse
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeE-mailType
Base: string
MaxLength: 2551
-    -    -    -    -    PhoneNumber
Base: PhoneNumberType
0 - *Telefon- / mobil- / faxnumre
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypePhoneNumberType
Base: string
MaxLength: 161
-    -    JobConditionsJobConditionsType1Betingelser for ansættelse
-    -    -    WillingToUseOwnCarboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger vil bruge egen bil
-    -    -    FullTimeEmploymentboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger fuldtidsjob
-    -    -    PartTimeEmploymentboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger deltidstidsjob
-    -    -    StartAsSoonAsPossibleboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger vil starte på nyt job så hurtigt som muligt
-    -    -    StartAsAgreedOnboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger vil starte på nyt job efter aftale
-    -    -    PermanentJobPositionboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger fast job
-    -    -    TemporaryJobPositionboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger midlertidigt job
-    -    -    StandardJobConditionsboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger job på almindelige vilgår
-    -    -    EarlyRetirementConditionsboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger job, der passer til efterlønnere
-    -    -    DisabilityPensionerConditionsboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger job, der passer til førtidspensionister på særlige vilkår
-    -    JobTargetCollectionJobTargetCollectionType1Borgerens jobønsker (Jeg søger som)
-    -    -    JobTargetJobTargetType0 - *Et af borgerens jobønsker (Jeg søger som)
-    -    -    -    JobTitlestring1Stillingsbetegnelse (fra taxonomi)
-    -    -    -    OccupationTaxonomyReferenceOccupationTaxonomyReferenceType
Base: int
1Reference til taxonomi for stillingsbetegnelser. Er kun udfyldt, hvis JobTitle findes i taxonomi. Se StarWsWiki, TaxonomyService, GETOccupation(s)
-    -    -    -    HasEducationboolean1Har borgeren en uddannelse, som svarer til stillingsbetegnelsen
-    -    -    -    MonthsOfExperiencenonNegativeInteger1Erfaring i antal måneder
-    -    -    -    LastExperiencegYear0 - 1Årstal for seneste ansættelse i jobbet
-    -    CVCVType1Borgerens CV
-    -    -    PreviousJobExperienceCollectionPreviousJobExperienceCollectionType1Tidligere erhvervserfaring
-    -    -    EducationCollectionEducationCollectionType1Uddannelser, kurser og certificeringer
-    -    -    -    EducationEducationType0 - *Uddannelse, kursus eller certifikat
-    -    -    QualificationCollectionQualificationCollectionType1Kvalifikationer
-    -    -    -    QualificationQualificationType0 - *Kvalifikation
-    -    -    -    -    Namestring1Navn på kvalifikationen som borger og arbejdsgiver angiver den
-    -    -    -    -    QualificationTaxonomyReferenceint0 - 1Reference til taxonomi med kvalifikationer
-    -    -    DriverLicenseCollectionDriverLicensCollectionType1Diverse kørekort
-    -    -    -    DriverLicenseDriverLicenseType0 - *Et kørekort
-    -    -    -    -    Codestring1Kode for kørekort. EU kode mv
-    -    -    -    -    Namestring1Dansk navn på kørekort
-    -    -    LanguageSkillCollectionLanguageSkillCollectionType1Sprogkundskaber
-    -    -    -    LanguageSkillLanguageSkillType0 - *Et sprog
-    -    -    -    -    CodeLanguageCodeType
Base: string
MaxLength: 41Kode for sproget. Reference til TaxonomyService.GETLanguages
-    -    -    -    -    NameLanguageNameType
Base: string
MaxLength: 501Dansk navn på sproget
-    -    -    -    -    LevelLanguageSkillLevelType
Base: string
  • Novice
  • AdvancedBeginner
  • Competent
  • Proficient
  • Expert
-    -    -    OtherExperienceCollectionOtherExperienceCollectionType1Andre erfaringer
-    -    -    -    OtherExperienceOtherExperienceType0 - *Anden erfaring
-    -    -    -    -    TitleOtherExperiendeTitleType
Base: string
MaxLength: 1001Stilling eller funktion
-    -    -    -    -    Place
Base: PlaceType
-    -    -    -    -    -    BaseTypePlaceType
Base: string
MaxLength: 1001
-    -    -    -    -    SummaryTextstring1Ansvar / arbejdsopgaver / resultater
-    -    -    -    -    StartDatePartialDate1Start på erfaring. År/måned eller år
-    -    -    -    -    -    YeargYear1Årstal (4 cifre)
-    -    -    -    -    -    MonthgMonth0 - 1Måned i formatet --MM
-    -    -    -    -    EndDatePartialDate0 - 1Slut på erfaring. År/måned eller år
-    -    -    -    -    -    YeargYear1Årstal (4 cifre)
-    -    -    -    -    -    MonthgMonth0 - 1Måned i formatet --MM
-    -    -    ProfessionalSummaryTextFormattedTextType0 - 1Faglig profil. HTML formateret tekst
-    -    -    -    HTMLTextstring1Tekst inkl. HTML formatering
-    -    -    -    PlainTextstring1Tekst uden formatering
-    -    -    OtherCVReferenceCollectionOtherCVReferenceCollectionType1Referencer til andre CV o.l.
-    -    -    -    WebSiteWebsiteType
Base: string
MaxLength: 2550 - *Webside, fx link til andre CV'er (LinkedIn) eller til portfolio


1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
4103Client not registered with CvCustomerNumberThe client is not registered with a CvCustomerNumber
4400CV Customer Number is unknownThe supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system
9192Citizen consent is required to indicate that you have acquired the citizen's acceptCitizen consent is required to indicate that you have acquired the citizen's accept


Denne metode benyttes til at oprette overgangsdato og frist for CV-opdateringer på en "Integrationsydelsesmodtager omfattet af integrationsprogrammet" m.fl.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.
-    CVEditEndDatedate1 Dato for hvornår jobcenter ikke længere kan rette i CV
-    AsylumCVTransitionDatedate1 Overgivelsesdato til kommune


-    ServiceReceiptServiceReceiptType1Servicekvittering
-    -    MessageIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}1Unik identifikation af transaktion eller registrering
-    -    EventDatedateTime1Tidspunkt for transaktionen eller registreing


1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
6005The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeader
9196The CVEditEndDate must be greater than or equal to the AsylumCVTransitionDateThe CVEditEndDate must be greater than or equal to the AsylumCVTransitionDate
9197The period between AsylumCVTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is too longThe period between AsylumCVTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is too long
9198AsylumCVTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is not allowed to be set for this contact groupAsylumCVTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is not allowed to be set for this contact group


Denne metode benyttes til at opdatere overgangsdato og frist for CV-opdateringer.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.
-    CVEditEndDatedate1 Dato for hvornår jobcenter ikke længere kan rette i CV
-    AsylumCVTransitionDatedate1 Overgivelsesdato til kommune
-    CorrectionCommentCorrectionCommentType
Base: string
Length: 0-15000 - 1 Kommentar til evt. ændring


-    ServiceReceiptServiceReceiptType1Servicekvittering
-    -    MessageIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}1Unik identifikation af transaktion eller registrering
-    -    EventDatedateTime1Tidspunkt for transaktionen eller registreing


1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
6005The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeader
9196The CVEditEndDate must be greater than or equal to the AsylumCVTransitionDateThe CVEditEndDate must be greater than or equal to the AsylumCVTransitionDate
9197The period between AsylumCVTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is too longThe period between AsylumCVTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is too long
9198AsylumCVTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is not allowed to be set for this contact groupAsylumCVTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is not allowed to be set for this contact group
9200CVEditEndDate has passed and updates to CVEditEndDate and AsylumCVTransitionDate are not allowedCVEditEndDate has passed and updates to CVEditEndDate and AsylumCVTransitionDate are not allowed
9201CVEditEndDate and AsylumCVTransitionDate is not registered for this citizen and cannot be updatedCVEditEndDate and AsylumCVTransitionDate is not registered for this citizen and cannot be updated
9202A correction comment is mandatory when changing the AsylumCVTransitionDateA correction comment is mandatory when changing the AsylumCVTransitionDate


Denne metode benyttes til at oprette eller erstatte et CV på Jobnet.


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001 CivilRegistrationNumber (PNR) Description: Unique identification of a person The Civil Registration System contains: - Data on persons, who after 1968 April 2nd Danish registry of citizens. As for Greenland the corresponding date is 1972 may 1st. - Danish citizens living outside Denmark (who must pay duty and ATP) has also been given a civil registration number. - Civil registration numbers are also assigned for other administrative purposes. Value space: The civil registration number consists of two parts. The first part is the valid birthday in the form DDMMYY. The following part is a serial number of four digits. The civil registration number may also hold the value 0000000000. This value is used where the civil registration number is required but unknown. Lifecycle: The civil registration number is generated and assigned at birth, entry and change of civil registration number of for administrative reasons. The civil registration number may be assigned via hospitals. The civil registration number is not to be deleted. Remarks: 1994 June 11th the civil registration number was changed according to this description.
-    ContactInformationContactInformationType1Kontaktinformation på borger
-    -    E-mail
Base: E-mailType
0 - 1E-mail
-    -    -    BaseTypeE-mailType
Base: string
MaxLength: 2551
-    -    PhoneNumber
Base: PhoneNumberType
0 - *Telefonnrtype
-    -    -    BaseTypePhoneNumberType
Base: string
MaxLength: 161
-    JobConditionsJobConditionsType1Betingelser for ansættelse
-    -    FullTimeEmploymentboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger fuldtidsjob
-    -    PartTimeEmploymentboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger deltidsjob
-    -    StartAsSoonAsPossibleboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger vil starte på nyt job så hurtigt som muligt
-    -    StartAsAgreedOnboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger vil starte på nyt job efter aftale
-    -    PermanentJobPositionboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger fast job
-    -    TemporaryJobPositionboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger midlertidigt job
-    -    StandardJobConditionsboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger job på almindelige vilkår
-    -    EarlyRetirementConditionsboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger job, der passer til efterlønnere
-    -    DisabilityPensionerConditionsboolean0 - 1Eksisterer, hvis borger søger job, der passer til førtidspensionister på særlige vilkår
-    JobTargetCollectionJobTargetCollectionType1Borgerens jobønsker (Jeg søger som)
-    -    JobTargetJobTargetType0 - *Et af borgerens jobønsker (Jeg søger som)
-    -    -    OccupationTaxonomyReferenceOccupationTaxonomyReferenceType1Reference til taxonomi for stillingsbetegnelser
-    -    -    HasEducationboolean1Har borgeren en uddannelse, som svarer til stillingsbetegnelsen
-    -    -    MonthsOfExperiencenonNegativeInteger1Erfaring i antal måneder
-    -    -    LastExperiencegYear0 - 1Årstal for seneste ansættelse i jobbet
-    CVCVType1Borgerens CV
-    -    PreviousJobExperienceCollectionPreviousJobExperienceCollectionType1Tidligere erhvervserfaring
-    -    EducationCollectionEducationCollectionType1Uddannelser, kurser og certificeringer
-    -    -    EducationEducationType0 - *Uddannelse, kursus eller certifikat
-    -    QualificationCollectionQualificationCollectionType1Kvalifikationer
-    -    -    QualificationQualificationType0 - *Kvalifikation
-    -    -    -    QualificationTaxonomyReferenceQualificationTaxonomyReferenceType1Reference til taxonomi med kvalifikationer
-    -    DriverLicenseCollectionDriverLicenseCollectionType1Diverse kørekort
-    -    -    DriverLicenseDriverLicenseType0 - *Et kørekort
-    -    -    -    Codestring1Kode for kørekort. EU-kode mv.
-    -    LanguageSkillCollectionLanguageSkillCollectionType1Sprogkundskaber
-    -    -    LanguageSkillLanguageSkillType0 - *Et sprog
-    -    -    -    CodeLanguageCodeType1Kode for sproget. Reference til TaxonomyService.GETLanguages
-    -    -    -    LevelLanguageSkillLevelType
Base: string
  • Novice
  • AdvancedBeginner
  • Competent
  • Proficient
  • Expert
-    -    OtherExperienceCollectionOtherExperienceCollectionType1Andre erfaringer
-    -    -    OtherExperienceOtherExperienceType0 - *Anden erfaring
-    -    -    -    TitleOtherExperienceTitleType
Base: string
MaxLength: 1001Stilling eller funktion
-    -    -    -    PlacePlaceType
Base: string
MaxLength: 1001Hvor
-    -    -    -    SummaryTextstring1Ansvar/arbejdsopgaver/resultater
-    -    -    -    StartDatePartialDate1Start på erfaring. År/måned eller år
-    -    -    -    -    YeargYear1Årstal (4 cifre)
-    -    -    -    -    MonthVoid0 - 1Måned i formatet --MM
-    -    -    -    EndDatePartialDate0 - 1Slut på erfaring. År/måned eller år
-    -    -    -    -    YeargYear1Årstal (4 cifre)
-    -    -    -    -    MonthVoid0 - 1Måned i formatet --MM
-    -    ProfessionalSummaryTextFormattedTextType0 - 1Faglig profil. HTML-formateret tekst.
-    -    -    HTMLTextstring1Tekst inkl. evt. HTML-formatering. Jobnet stripper HTML, på nær få accepterede formattering, jf. TinyMCE, dvs. bullets, italic, underline og bold
-    -    OtherCVReferenceCollectionOtherCVReferenceCollectionType1Referencer til andre CV'er o.lign.
-    -    -    WebSiteWebSiteType
Base: string
MaxLength: 2550 - 1Webside, fx link til andre CV'er (LinkedIn) eller til portfolio


-    ServiceReceiptServiceReceiptType1Servicekvittering
-    -    MessageIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}1Unik identifikation af transaktion eller registrering
-    -    EventDatedateTime1Tidspunkt for transaktionen eller registreing


4103Client not registered with CvCustomerNumberThe client is not registered with a CvCustomerNumber
4405The person with specified cpr is deadThe person with specified cpr is dead
4753The clients jobnet cv has been archivedThe clients jobnet cv has been archived
4754The clients jobnet cv has been disabledThe clients jobnet cv has been disabled
4755The clients jobnet cv could not be foundThe clients jobnet cv could not be found
4823The clients jobnet cv is lockedThe clients jobnet cv is locked
6005The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeader
9153The submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value
9154The mobile phone number cannot be removed while a subscribtion for text notifications existsThe mobile phone number cannot be removed while a subscribtion for text notifications exists
9155The mail address cannot be removed while a subscribtion for email notifications existsThe mail address cannot be removed while a subscribtion for email notifications exists
9156The submitted mobile phone number is invalidThe submitted mobile phone number is invalid
9157The submitted phone number is invalidThe submitted phone number is invalid
9158The submitted mail address is invalidThe submitted mail address is invalid
9230CVEditEndDate has passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowedCVEditEndDate has passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowed
9231AsylumCVTransitionDate has not passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowedAsylumCVTransitionDate has not passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowed
9232ReplaceCV is not allowed to be called for a citizen in this contact groupReplaceCV is not allowed to be called for a citizen in this contact group
9233Failed to replace CV in Jobnet, see details for more informationFailed to replace CV in Jobnet, see details for more information
9234Internal error on JobnetInternal error on Jobnet