*** Dette indhold er under udvikling ***
Fejlkode | FaultString | Beskrivelse | FaultCode | Aktør |
100 | dfdgping | dfdgping | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
1000 | Message can not be null | The message can not be null | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
1001 | Invalid cpr | The submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
1002 | Error converting response message | Error converting response message from XML stream to object | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
1003 | Duration is negative | The reported duration is negative, start date is greater than end date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
1008 | Message replay detected | It was detected that this exact message has been transmitted before | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
1009 | Configuration error | System incorrectly configured | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
1010 | Unknown cpr | The submitted cpr is unknown to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
1011 | Internal error on server | Internal error - unexpected end of data query | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
1012 | Logon failed | Logon failed for user | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
1013 | Insufficient permissions | User has insufficient permissions to access this webservice | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
1015 | The speciefied client is not enrolled | The specified client is not enrolled | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4001 | Sequence is terminated | The WS-RM Sequence Status is set to terminated | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/wsrm |
4002 | Sequence is faulted | The WS-RM Sequence Status is set to Faulted | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/wsrm |
4003 | Sequence is ended | The WS-RM Sequence Status is set to Ended | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/wsrm |
4004 | Sequence is None | The WS-RM Sequence Status is set to None | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/wsrm |
4006 | Create sequence refused | Create WS-RM Sequence refused, open sequence exists | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/wsrm |
4007 | Message not transmitted | The message has not been transmitted | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/wsrm |
4008 | Not all messages transmitted | Not all messages in the WS-RM Sequence was transmitted | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/wsrm |
4009 | Max transmit attempts exceeded | The number of WS-RM MaxTransmitAttempts has been exceeded | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/wsrm |
4010 | Service not in inventory | This service is not part of the selected sequence inventory | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/wsrm |
4011 | Service requires WS-RM | This service requires the use of WS-RM | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/wsrm |
4013 | Unknown Client Destination | Unknown Client Destination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4015 | Unable to get document - wrong ID | Unable to get document - wrong ID | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4016 | Unable to get document - unknown error | Unable to get document - unknown error | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4017 | Unable to get template from DB- unknown error | Unable to get template from DB - unknown error | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4018 | Unable to get template - template not found | Unable to get template - template not found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4019 | Can't generate documents | Can't generate documents | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4020 | Can't transform XMl to PDF - Altsoft error | Can't transform XMl to PDF - Altsoft error | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4030 | SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR | SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4031 | WORDML_ELEMENT_MISSING | WORDML_ELEMENT_MISSING | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4035 | Insufficient non-citizen recipient identification | Insufficient non-citizen recipient identification | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4047 | Invalid state change | Invalid state change | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4100 | CVCustomer in use | The CVCustomerIdentifier is in use on a different client | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4101 | Client has CVCustomerNumber | The client already has a CvCustomerNumber | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4102 | Client not registered with this CvCustomerNumber | The client is not registered with this CvCustomerNumber | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4103 | Client not registered with CvCustomerNumber | The client is not registered with a CvCustomerNumber | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4105 | The person is not Enrolled | The person is not Enrolled, the CvCustomerNumber is only registred for Enrolled persons | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4106 | The submitted CPR number does not match a CV number | The submitted CPR number does not match a CV number | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4300 | The period is not within an enrollment duration | The period is not within an enrollment duration | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4301 | Reported ill allready | The person has an open illness period, must be reported recovered before an new illness period can be reported | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4302 | Not reported ill | The person does not have an open illness period to recover from | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4303 | Illness overlaps existing illness | The reported illness overlaps an existing illness | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4304 | Illness duration to long | The reported ilness duration is longer than the allowed 21 days | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4305 | Vacation is more than five weeks | The duration of the reported vacation is to long, the maximum duration of a vacation is five weeks | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4306 | Vacation overlaps an existing vacation | The reported vacation overlaps an existing vacation | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4308 | Not allowed to vacate, to much vacation registered | Clients are only allowed 25 days of vacation each year | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4310 | Exemption overlaps an existing exemption | The reported exemption overlaps an existing exemption | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4311 | Exmption reason not known | The submitted exemption reason is inknown | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4312 | No such vacation exists | Attempted to delete a nonexisting vacation | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4313 | Invalid client category type | The submitted client category type is no recognized as a valid client category type | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4314 | Invalid current unemployment status type identifier | The submitted identifier is not recognized as a valid unemployment status type identifier | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4315 | Invalid unemployment fund | The submitted combination of unemployment fund and branch is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4316 | Enrollment overlap | The submitted enrollment date lies within or before an existing enrollment period | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4317 | No enrollment to end | The submitted person does not have an open enrollment to end | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4318 | One or more profession is invalid | The submitted request contains one or more invalid profession identifiers | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4319 | Invalid profession prioritizing | The submitted request contains one or more invalid profession priorities | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4320 | Missing client insurance category | The submitted contained no unemployment insurance category | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4321 | Invalid insurance category | The submitted request contained an invalid insurance category, only categories 'Deltidsforsikret' and 'Heltidsforsikret' are allowed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4322 | The cancellation date must be today, maximum 30 days after or 60 in case of a less intensive effort | The cancellation date must be today, maximum 30 days after or 60 in case of a less intensive effort | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4323 | Exemption was not found | The submitted exemption does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4324 | Only allowed to delete future exemption | The requested delete could not be completed, only deletion of future exemptions is allowed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4325 | Invalid date update | It is not allowed to set either the start or end date of an existing exemption to a date prior to current date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4326 | Missing exemption end date | The exemption is missing an end date which is required for this type of exemption | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4327 | Duration overlaps an existing duration | The submitted duration overlaps an existing duration. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4328 | Duration is missing an required enddate | The submitted duration is missing an enddate where it was required | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4329 | The periodic circumstance was not found | The periodic circumstance could not be deleted/changed as it does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4330 | Social aid duration overlap | The reported social aid duration overlaps or lies within an existing social aid duration | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4331 | No social aid duration exists to end | There is no existing social aid duration to end | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4332 | An open duration exists | An open social aid duration exixts, it must be closed before an new can be comitted | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4333 | Client is not enrolled | The Client is not enrolled | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4334 | The duration lies outside an active enrollment | The reported duration lies outside an active current enrollment | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4335 | Change not allowed, either the old date or new date lies before today | Change not allowed, either the old date or new date lies before today | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4336 | The request could not be signed | The request could not be signed | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/tass |
4337 | The request could not be encrypted | The request could not be encrypted | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/tass |
4338 | The enrollment date must be of todays date or a maximum of 10 days prior to todays date | The enrollment date must be of todays date or a maximum of 10 days prior to todays date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4339 | Only clients Tilmeldt uden ydelse can have the unemploymentstatus ikke ledig | Only clients Tilmeldt uden ydelse can have the unemploymentstatus ikke ledig | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4340 | The submitted CauseTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted CauseTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4341 | Delete not allowed, the startdate lies before today | Delete not allowed, the startdate lies before today | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4342 | The Job Order Contact details did not contain all relevant information | The Job Order Contact details did not contain all relevant information | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4343 | The JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not known - value range 1>14 inclusive | The JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not known - value range 1>14 inclusive | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4344 | The DISCO AMS ID cannot be null | The DISCO AMS ID cannot be null | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4345 | The Hiring Org Id cannot be null | The Hiring Org Id cannot be null | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4346 | The JobOrder Start Date Cannot be null | The JobOrder Start Date Cannot be null | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4347 | The JobOrder CVR number Cannot be null | The JobOrder CVR number Cannot be null | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4348 | The JobNet User ID is invalid | The JobNet User ID is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4349 | The JobLight Status is invalid | The JobLight Status is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4350 | The amount of job placements is not valid | The amount of job placements is not valid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4351 | The Company name is either empty or corrupt | The Company name is either empty or corrupt | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4352 | There is a maximum of 14 days when submitting historic illness reports | There is a maximum of 14 days when submitting historic illness reports | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4353 | The combination of CVR and PNR doesn't exists | The combination of CVR and PNR doesn't exists | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4354 | ResponseType was not supplied | There was an error in the response from AMP | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4355 | No RID was found in ResponseType. | There is a problem in the response - missing RID | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4356 | Invalid SAML request. | There is an internal error regarding the SAML request | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4357 | Did not find any office in Jobnet that matched the supplied office identifier. | Did not find any office in Jobnet that matched the supplied office identifier. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4358 | Role does not have permission to perform action. | Your user role does not have permission to perform action. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4359 | Failed unpublishing job ad. | There was an error closing the JobOrder in Jobnet | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4360 | An unexpected error occured. | An unexpected error occured. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4361 | Data is invalid. | There is a data error which means message was possibly invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4362 | The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is malformed. | The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is malformed. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4363 | The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing a mandatory tag. | The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing a mandatory tag. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4364 | The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing mandatory data. | The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing mandatory data. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4365 | The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing data and therefore cannot be published. | The XML/data for the job ad in the job order is missing data and therefore cannot be published. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4366 | Historical date not allowed | The date must be a current or future date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4367 | The person is not enrolled | The person is not enrolled | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4368 | CV Status update not allowed | Only Unemploymentfunds are allowed to register CV’s for dagpengemodtagere | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4369 | CV Status update not allowed | Only Jobcenters and Municipalitys are allowed to register CV’s for ansøgere/modtagere of kontanthjælp/uddannelseshjælp | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4370 | CV Status update not allowed | Only Jobcenters and Municipalitys are allowed to register CV’s for personer der ansøger eller modtager kontanthjælp efter integrationsprogram. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4371 | Invalid date update | The end date when changing a vacation period can not be before today | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4372 | Invalid date update | The end date when changing a periodic circumstance period can not be before today | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4373 | ReferralIdentifier is unknown | ReferralIdentifier is unknown | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4374 | Can not allow textnotification when no mobilenumberidentifier is specified | Can not allow textnotification when no mobilenumberidentifier is specified | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4375 | Can not allow e-mail notification when no EmailAddressIdentifier is specified | Can not allow e-mail notification when no EmailAddressIdentifier is specified | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4376 | The maximum duration of a temporary address is 90 days | The maximum duration of a temporary address is 90 days | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4377 | The residence criterion is not satisfied. Hence access to view data is prohibited | The residence criterion is not satisfied. Hence access to view data is prohibited | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4378 | Temporary foreign address can not be registered for persons with ClientCategory 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 | Temporary foreign address can not be registered for persons with ClientCategory 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (Kontanthælpsansøgere/modtagere, herunder efter integrationsprogram, and uddannelseshjælpsansøgere/modtagere) | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4379 | Unemploymentfundmembership registration failed | Unemploymentfundmembership registration failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4380 | Unemploymentfundmembership registration failed because that exact registration already exits | Unemploymentfundmembership registration failed because that exact registration already exits | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4381 | Creating a new unemployment registration failed | Creating a new unemployment registration failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4382 | Creating a future unemployment registration failed | Creating a future unemployment registration failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4383 | The operation can only be performed by the clients unemploymentfund | The operation can only be performed by the clients unemploymentfund | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4384 | Deleting the current unemploymentfund registration failed | Deleting the current unemployment registration failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4385 | The client does not have an unemploymentfund registration | The client does not have an unemploymentfund registration | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4386 | Removing the unemploymentfund registration in error failed | Removing the current unemploymentfund registration failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4387 | Replacing the unemploymentfund registration in error with the previous registration failed | Replacing the unemploymentfund registration in error with the previous registration failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4388 | Retrieving the list of unemploymentfund registrationlist failed | Retrieving the list of unemploymentfund registrationlist failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4389 | Retrieving the unemploymentfund registration log failed | Retrieving the unemploymentfund registration log failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4392 | Deleting the future unemploymentfundmembership registration failed | Deleting the future unemploymentfundmembership registration failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4393 | The sum of messages in the sms and email collection do not match the value NumberOfNotificationItems | The sum of messages in the sms and email collection do not match the value NumberOfNotificationItems | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4394 | The value NumberOfNotificationItems is above the limit of 800 | The value NumberOfNotificationItems is above the limit of 800 | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4395 | No address text line specified | A address text line was not specified | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4396 | No street name specified in address text line | A street name was not specified in address text line | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4397 | Incorrect format of floor in address text line | Incorrect format of floor in address text line | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4398 | Incorrect format of suite in address text line | Incorrect format of suite in address text line | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4400 | CV Customer Number is unknown | The supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4401 | The end date has to be greater than start date for a temporary address | The end date has to be greater than start date for a temporary address | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4402 | The end date has to be greater than today for a temporary address | The end date has to be greater than today for a temporary address | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4403 | The start date and the end date has to be set for temporary address | The start date and the end date has to be set for temporary address | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4404 | The person with specified cpr does not exist | The person with specified cpr does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/tass |
4405 | The person with specified cpr is dead | The person with specified cpr is dead | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/tass |
4406 | The country specified for a foreign temporary address can not be Denmark (DK) | The country specified for a foreign temporary address can not be Denmark (DK) | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4407 | Retrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failed | Retrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4408 | Retrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failed | Retrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4409 | Retrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failed | Retrieving the CvCustomerNumberlist failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4410 | The specified KPI identifier is not valid | The specified KPI identifier is not valid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4411 | Illness registration not allowed when under 'løntilskud' | Illness registration not allowed when under 'løntilskud' | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4412 | The Jobordertype or CvrNumber has an invalid value | The Jobordertype or CvrNumber has an invalid value | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4413 | The authoritytype of the requestheader is invalid | The authoritytype of the requestheader is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4414 | Failed to save the cv collection | Failed to save the cv collection | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4415 | The retrieved JobOrder is not valid | The retrieved JobOrder is not valid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4416 | The JobOrder is not valid | The JobOrder is not valid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4417 | Client must be a member of an unemploymentfund to be an unemploymentfundrecipient | Client must be a member of an unemploymentfund to be an unemploymentfundrecipient | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4418 | An error occurred while trying to close joborder | An error occurred while trying to close joborder | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4419 | An error occurred while trying to update joborder | An error occurred while trying to update joborder | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4420 | An error occurred while trying to create joborder | An error occurred while trying to create joborder | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4421 | Retrieving joborder failed | Retrieving joborder failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4422 | Failed to distribute joborder update to subscribers | Failed to distribute joborder to subscribers | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4423 | Failed to distribute cvcollection to subscribers | Failed to distribute cvcollection to subscribers | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4424 | An error occured while calling Jobnet method SetCVAvailabillity | An error occured while calling Jobnet method SetCVAvailabillity | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/ |
4425 | The JobOrder that is being closed, does not exist | The JobOrder that is being closed, does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4426 | The MobileNumberIdentifier for foreign numbers must be Swedish or German (+46 or +49) | The MobileNumberIdentifier for foreign numbers must be Swedish or German (+46 or +49) | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4427 | The MobileNumberIdentifier for danish numbers must be 8 digits | The MobileNumberIdentifier for danish numbers must be 8 digits, first two digits cannot be 00, optional +45 prefix | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4428 | Exemption of type availability cannot be registered for social aid applicant and receiptant | Exemption of type availability cannot be registered for social aid applicant and receiptant | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4429 | Only unemploymentfunds are permitted to perform the operation | Only unemploymentfunds are permitted to perform the operation | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4430 | Operation failed. No connection to Jobnet could be established. Try again later | Operation failed. No connection to Jobnet could be established.Try again later. | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4432 | The specified unemployment enrollment warning is not know to the system | The specified unemployment enrollment warning is not know to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4433 | Periodic circumstance of type 'Midlertidigt arbejde' can max be of length 14 days | Periodic circumstance of type 'Midlertidigt arbejde' can max be of length 14 days | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4434 | Periodic circumstance registration must have an end date | Periodic circumstance registration must have an end date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4435 | User has insufficient rights to perform this operation | Only caseworkers of the unemploymentfund that the client is being transferred to can perform this operation | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4436 | Vacation overlaps an existing periodic circumstance | Vacation overlaps an existing periodic circumstance | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4437 | The organisationtypeidentifier does not match the corresponding value in the requestcertificate. | The organisationtypeidentifier does not match the corresponding value in the requestcertificate. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4438 | The organisationcode does not match the corresponding value in the requestcertificate. | The organisationcode does not match the corresponding value in the requestcertificate. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4439 | The specified exemption does not exist | The specified exemption does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4440 | The specified exemption is registered for a different client | The specified exemption is registered for a diffrent client | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4441 | The specified illness does not exist | The specified illness does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4442 | The specified illness is registered for a different client | The specified illness is registered for a different client | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4443 | The specified periodic circumstance does not exist | The specified periodic circumstance does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4444 | The specified periodic circumstance is registered for a different client | The specified periodic circumstance is registered for a different client | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4445 | The specified vacation does not exist | The specified vacation does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4446 | The specified vacation is registered for a different client | The specified vacation is registered for a different client | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4447 | Openended exemption exists | A new exemption can not be registrered if an openended exemption exists | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4448 | Exemption startdate must be after lastest exemption enddate | An exemption registrered without an enddate the startdate must be later than any other exemption enddate for this client | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4449 | The specified vacacation is historic and cannot be deleted | The specified vacacation is historic and cannot be deleted | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4450 | Cannot update other exemption when openended exemption exists | If exemption had an open enddate it must be the one updated | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4451 | Openended illness exists | A new illness can not be registrered if an openended illness exists | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4452 | The openended illness registration overlaps an existing illness registration | if the illness registration does not have an enddate the startdate must not overlap an existing illness | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4453 | Caller not logged in and principal object not retrievable | Caller not logged in and principal object not retrievable | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4454 | Cannot update other illness when openended illness exists | If illness registration had an open enddate it must be the one updated | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4455 | Invalid delete of periodic circumstance | A historic or active periodic circumstance must not deleted | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4456 | Openended periodiccircumstance exists | A new periodiccircumstance can not be registrered if an openended periodiccircumstance exists of the same type | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4457 | The openended pc registration overlaps an existing pc registration | An periodic circumstance registrered without an enddate the startdate must be later than any other periodic circumstance enddate for this client | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4458 | Cannot update other pc when openended pc exists | An illness can not be updated if an openended periodiccircumstance exists of the same type with an open enddate | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4459 | Validationerror- Max. 4 different openinghours for jobcenter allowed | Validationerror- Max. 4 different openinghours for jobcenter allowed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4460 | An historic enddate for a periodic circumstance period can not be changed | An historic enddate for a periodic circumstance period can not be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4501 | The identifier for referral program type not valid according to codelist | The identifier for referral program type not valid according to codelist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4502 | Invalid organisationtype used | Invalid organisationtype used | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4503 | Invalid periodiccircumstancetype specified | Invalid periodiccircumstancetype specified | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4504 | The specified vacation starts in the past and cannot be deleted | The specified vacation starts in the past and cannot be deleted | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4505 | The specified vacation has startdate in the past, which is not allowed | The specified vacation has startdate in the past, which is not allowed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4506 | The start date for an exemption period cannot be before today | The start date for an exemption period cannot be before today | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4507 | The start date for a periodic circumstance cannot be before today | The start date for a periodic circumstance cannot be before today | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4508 | The start date when changing an illness cannot be before today | The start date when changing an illness cannot be before today | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4509 | Periodic circumstance of type 'Barsel (max 14 dage)' can max be of length 14 days | Periodic circumstance of type 'Barsel (max 14 dage)' can max be of length 14 days | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4510 | The specified periodic circumstance period matches several periods and cannot be updated | The specified periodic circumstance period matches several periods and cannot be updated | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4511 | The External operator is not allowed to view data for the person | The External operator is not allowed to view data for the person | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4512 | The start date must be the old start date when updating an already started illness | The start date must be the old start date when changing an already started illness | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4513 | The start date must be the old start date when updating an already started exemption | The start date must be the old start date when updating an already started exemption | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4514 | The start date must be the old start date when updating an already started periodic circumstance | The start date must be the old start date when updating an already started periodic circumstance | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4515 | The start date must be the old start date when updating an already started vacation | The start date must be the old start date when updating an already started vacation | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4516 | An historic startdate for a periodic circumstance period can not be changed | An historic startdate for a periodic circumstance period can not be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4560 | The delivery subtype identifier does not match the provided delivery type identifier | The delivery subtype identifier does not match the provided delivery type identifier | CLIENT | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4561 | The delivery id cannot be retrived from database | The delivery id cannot be retrived from database | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4562 | The uploaded fileformat does not match the chosen file type | The uploaded fileformat does not match the chosen file type | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4563 | The authoritycode of the requestheader is invalid | The authoritycode of the requestheader is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4564 | The supplied EventIdentifier does not exist in the database | The supplied EventIdentifier does not exist in the database | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/akmservice |
4565 | The supplied FileIdentifier does not exist in the database | The supplied FileIdentifier does not exist in the database | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/akmservice |
4566 | The supplied RetransmissionIdentifier does not exist in the database | The supplied RetransmissionIdentifier does not exist in the database | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/akmservice |
4567 | The person with supplied CPR number does not exist in the database | The person with supplied CPR number does not exist in the database | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/akmservice |
4568 | The person is CPR Inactive | The person is CPR Inactive | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/akmservice |
4569 | The person is not enrolled or insured | The person is not enrolled or insured | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/akmservice |
4571 | Person does not allow SMS notification | Person does not allow SMS notification | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4572 | Unsupported move | Unsupported move | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/transferdataservice |
4575 | You are not authorized | You are not authorized to execute the operation | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4576 | The submitted benefit registration overlaps a previously registered benefit registration | The submitted benefit registration overlaps a previously registered benefit registration | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4577 | Benefit restriction covers duration with no unemploymentfund membership | Benefit restriction covers duration with no unemploymentfund membership | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4578 | startdate must lie before enddate | The Startdate of an benefit restriction must lie before the enddate of the registration | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4579 | StartDate must not lie before current date | StartDate must not lie before current date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4580 | No matching batchjobinvokation, server name and invokation identifier was found | No matching batchjobinvokation, server name and invokation identifier was found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/BatchLogService |
4581 | Benefit restriction registration could not be found | Benefit restriction registration could not be found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4582 | Membershipstartdate predates previously registered membershipregistration | Membershipstartdate predates previously registered membershipregistration | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4583 | The cancellation of the membership predates the membershipstartdate | The cancellation of the membership predates the membershipstartdate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4584 | The specified UnemploymentFundBranchCode is invalid | The specified UnemploymentFundBranchCode is invalid (either the branch is no longer active or it does not exist) | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4585 | The startdate of a membershipregistration must not lie in the future | The startdate of a membershipregistration must not lie in the future | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4586 | Membershipregistrations must be made on behalf of the current requesting fund | Membershipregistrations must be made on behalf of the current requesting fund | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4587 | Membershipcancellation is not allowed to be registrered in the future | Membershipcancellation is not allowed to be registrered in the future | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4588 | Method cannot be used | This method has been deprecated | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4589 | Unknown identifier | The submitted Identifier is unknown to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4590 | The insurance benefit startdate must not predate the membership startdate | The insurance benefit startdate must not predate the membership startdate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4591 | Education is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Education cannot be registered for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4592 | Temp work with duration less than 15 days not allowed for this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Temporary work with duration less than 15 days is not valid for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4593 | Two weeks maternity leave is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Two weeks maternity leave cannot be registred for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4594 | People in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are under 18 years of age | People in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are under 18 years of age | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4595 | People in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are eligible for pension. | People in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are eligible for pension. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4596 | Maternity leave is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Maternity leave cannot be registred for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4597 | Absence because of vacant period is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Absence because of a vacant period is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4598 | Vacation is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Vacation cannot be registered for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4599 | Illness (AbsenceType 11) cannot be registered for current contactgroup/personcategory combination | Illness (AbsenceType 11) cannot be registered for current contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4600 | Absence because of Person cannot work is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcat. | Absence because of illness (Person cannot work) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcategory | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4601 | Person cannot be activated is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcategory | Absence because of person cannot be activated is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcategory | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4602 | Absence due to uncurable illness is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Absence because of uncurable illness cannot be registered for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4603 | Parttime employed (> 20 hours/week) not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Parttime employed (more than 20 hours/week) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4604 | Employment within 4 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Employment within 4 weeks cannot be registred for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4605 | Maternity leave within 4 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Maternity leave within 4 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4606 | People in this CG/PC combination cannot be exempted because of participation in employmentoffers | People in this contactgroup/personcategory combination cannot be exempted because of participation in employmentoffers | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4607 | Absence taking care of own children not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Absence because of taking care of own children (illness) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4608 | Absence taking care of ill people not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Absence because of a taking care of ill people is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4609 | Absence because of draft is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Absence because of draft is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4610 | Special other absence is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Special other absence is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4611 | Selfappointed education (Parttime) not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Selfappointed education (Parttime) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4612 | Selfappointed education (Fulltime) not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Selfappointed education (Fulltime) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4613 | Absence because of seniorjob is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Absence because of seniorjob is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4614 | The absence registration is not allowed due to invalid overlap between absence types | The absence registration is not allowed due to invalid overlap between absence types | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4615 | This absenceregistration must have an end-date | This absenceregistration must have an end-date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4618 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 months | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 months | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4622 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 30 days | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 30 days | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4623 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 28 days | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 28 days | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4631 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 54 weeks | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 54 weeks | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4632 | The specified Absenceregistration is not known to the system | The specified Absenceregistration is not known to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4633 | The end date when changing a reported absenceperiod cannot be in the past | The end date when changing a reported absenceperiod cannot be in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4634 | It is not allowed to delete this registration because the start date is in the past | It is not allowed to delete this registration because the start date is in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4635 | The reported startdate is in the past and cannot be changed | The reported startdate is in the past and cannot be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4636 | Enddate cannot be before startdate | Enddate cannot be before startdate | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4637 | The reported absence overlaps an existing absence of the same type | The reported absence overlaps an existing absence of the same type | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4638 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 14 days | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 14 days | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4640 | Not required to meet at the jobcenter the next day | This client has been enrolled in the past seven days and it is not required to meet at the jobcenter the next day | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4641 | This category is not allowed to be enrolled | This category is not allowed to be enrolled | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4642 | The submitted Identifier is unknown to the system | The submitted Identifier is unknown to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4643 | The start time must not be in the past | The start time must not be in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4644 | This Client has an open existing contactgroup | This Client has an open existing contactgroup | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4645 | This person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this Contactgroup | This person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this Contactgroup | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4646 | The ContactGroupTypeIdentifier cannot be changed | The ContactGroupTypeIdentifier cannot be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4647 | The Startdate cannot be changed | The Startdate cannot be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4648 | The Enddate cannot be before todays date | The Enddate cannot be before todays date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4649 | The InterviewNoticeTime cannot be before todays date | The InterviewNoticeTime cannot be before todays date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4650 | It is not allowed to delete this registration because the startdate lies in the past | It is not allowed to delete this registration because the startdate lies in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4651 | The CorrectionComment can not be used | The CorrectionComment can not be used | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4652 | The submitted personcategory value is invalid | The submitted personcategory value is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4653 | The submitted date is not valid because it took place more than 7 days in the past | The submitted date is not valid because it took place more than 7 days in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4654 | This person has an absenceregistration that conflicts with the submitted personcategory | This person has an absenceregistration that conflicts with the submitted personcategory | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4655 | This person must be unenrolled before this personcategory value can be applied | This person must be unenrolled before this personcategory value can be applied | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4656 | This personcategory is not coherent with the person's enrollment | This personcategory is not coherent with the person's enrollment | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4657 | The interviewtime cannot be in the future | The interviewtime cannot be in the future | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4658 | Took place more than 7 days before the original registration | The submitted date is not valid because it took place more than 7 days before the original registration | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4659 | The personcategory type identifier cannot be changed | The personcategory type identifier cannot be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4660 | The interviewtime cannot be a future date from the registrationtime | The interviewtime cannot be a future date from the registrationtime | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4661 | Only Jobcenters and Municipalitys are allowed to approve CV’s for Introduktionsydelse | Only Jobcenters and Municipalitys are allowed to approve CV’s for Introduktionsydelsesansøgere or Introduktionsydelsesmodtagere | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4662 | This client does not have a finished CV | This client does not have a finished CV | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4663 | CvStatusTypeIdentifier cannot be changed | CvStatusTypeIdentifier cannot be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4664 | The submitted PersonCategory value is invalid | The submitted PersonCategory value is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4665 | The PersonCategory cannot be changed | The PersonCategory cannot be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4666 | The submitted PersonGroupProjectIdentifier is unknown to the system | The submitted PersonGroupProjectIdentifier is unknown to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4667 | You are not allowed to see this project | You are not allowed to see this project | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4668 | The startdate must not be in the past | The startdate must not be in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4669 | The enddate must not be earlier than the start date | The enddate must not be earlier than the start date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4670 | The startdate must not be earlier than the project startdate | The startdate must not be earlier than the project startdate | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4671 | The enddate must not be later than the project enddate | The enddate must not be later than the project enddate | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4672 | This person is already associated with this project within this time frame | This person is already associated with this project within this time frame | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4674 | The person has a positive consent and therefore you cannot create a new consent | The person has a positive consent and therefore you cannot create a new consent | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4675 | The ContactGroupTypeIdentifier is invalid | The ContactGroupTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4676 | The Client Interview Id does not exists | The Client Interview Id does not exists | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4677 | This person does not have a submitted JobnetFlag attached | This person does not have a submitted JobnetFlag attached | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4678 | Unemploymentfundbranchcode is already in use | Unemploymentfundbranchcode is already in use | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4679 | The submitted unemploymentfundbranchname is not unique | The submitted unemploymentfundbranchname is not unique | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4680 | Date predates the branchs activationdate | Date predates the branchs activationdate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4681 | The specified UnemploymentFundBranch is closed | The specified UnemploymentFundBranch is closed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4682 | The specified absence is not registered with this client | The specified absence is not registered with this client | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4683 | The CorrectionComment must contain content | The CorrectionComment must contain content | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4684 | The absence type is not a valid type | The absence type is not a valid type | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4685 | The reported absence has a start date before todays date | The reported absence has a start date before todays date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4686 | This person must have an active contact group registration | This person must have an active contactgroupregistration | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4687 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 weeks | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 weeks | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4688 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 10 weeks | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 10 weeks | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4689 | The client must be enrolled to register this absence type | The client must be enrolled to register this absence type | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4690 | The client must have a CV to register this absence type | The client must have a CV to register this absence type | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4691 | The reported absence has a start date before 13 days from todays date | The reported absence has a start date before 13 days from todays date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4692 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 weeks | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 weeks | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4693 | The client must have a registered personcategory to register this absence type | The client must have a registered personcategory to register this absence type | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4694 | This absence type is not allowed for a client with this contact group and personcategory | This absence type is not allowed for a client with this contact group and personcategory | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4695 | The jobcenter does not exist | The jobcenter does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4696 | The absencetype cannot be different from the registred | The absencetype cannot be different from the registred | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4697 | Invalid cv number | Invalid cv number | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4698 | Parameter is negative | Parameter is negative | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4699 | Startdate for an membershipregistration must lie max 14 days before current date | Startdate for an membershipregistration must lie max 14 days before current date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/akmserivce |
4700 | The weekday must be between 1 and 5 | The weekday must be between 1 and 5 | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4701 | The hour must be between 00:01 and 23:59. Opening hour must be before closing hour | The hour must be between 00:01 and 23:59. Opening hour must be before closing hour | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4702 | The submitted project type identifier is invalid | The submitted project type identifier is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4703 | The submitted startdate have to be present | The submitted startdate have to be present | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4704 | This submitted enddate must be earlier than the 18th year birthday | This submitted enddate must be earlier than the 18th year birthday | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4705 | The startdate must be 14 days in the future | The startdate must be 14 days in the future | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4706 | This Clientcategory cannot be visitated | This Clientcategory cannot be visitated | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4707 | The submitted CvStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted CvStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4708 | The submitted InterviewContactTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted InterviewContactTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4709 | The submitted InterviewTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted InterviewTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4710 | The submitted value of YearLastUsed is not a valid year | The submitted value of YearLastUsed is not a valid year | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4711 | The submitted country code is not valid | The submitted country code is not valid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4712 | The specified time frame conflicts with the registered group markings | The specified time frame conflicts with the registered group markings | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4713 | Only one schedule type can be specified for a job | Only one schedule type can be specified for a job | Client | http://service.bm.dk/BatchLogService |
4714 | The batch job status has a date in the future. | The batch job status has a date in the future. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/BatchLogService |
4715 | The batch job invokation guid has already been used | The batch job invokation guid has already been used | Client | http://service.bm.dk/batchLogService |
4716 | This personcategory is not coherent with the person's contact group | This personcategory is not coherent with the person's contact group | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4717 | No such email group | No such email group | Client | http://service.bm.dk/BatchLogService |
4718 | No such job was found | A job with the given name/server combination could not be found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/BatchLogService |
4719 | A matching log entry could not be found | A matching log entry could not be found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/BatchLogService |
4720 | Person is not allowed to be enrolled because person is abroad | Person is not allowed to be enrolled because person is abroad | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4721 | There already exists a client interview with the specified identifier | There already exists a client interview with the specified identifier | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4722 | The reported vacation cannot be registered because it overlaps an activation | The reported vacation cannot be registered because it overlaps an activation | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4723 | The reported vacation cannot be registered because it overlaps a meeting | The reported vacation cannot be registered because it overlaps a meeting | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4724 | The interview time cannot be updated if older than 7 days. | The interview time cannot be updated if older than 7 days. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4725 | This person cannot be enrolled because the person has a temporary foreign address registered | This person cannot be enrolled because the person has a temporary foreign address registered | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4726 | It is not allowed to confirm enrollment because confirmation deadline is in the past | It is not allowed to confirm enrollment because confirmation deadline is in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4727 | Not a valid email | The email is not in a valid format | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4728 | The interview must be later than the previous interview. | The interview must be later than the previous interview. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4729 | The interview cannot be earlier than the current contact group. | The interview cannot be earlier than the current contact group. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4730 | The project overlaps an existing project with identical name. | The project overlaps an existing project with identical name. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4731 | Registration is not allowed because of an illegal combination of the contactgroup and enrollment | Registration is not allowed because of an illegal combination of the contactgroup and enrollment | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4732 | It is not possible to update this interview, because it was registered as resetting | It is not possible to update this interview, because it was registered as resetting | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4733 | The agreement description cannot contain html tags | The agreement description cannot contain html tags | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4734 | The agreement description must contain text | The agreement description must contain text | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4735 | Invalid insurance category type | The submitted insurance category type is no recognized as a valid insurance category type | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4736 | The project has active group markings | The project has active group markings | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4737 | Invalid base calender month | BaseCalenderMonth cannot be earlier than last full month or more than 3 months from today | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4738 | Invalid metrics calculation date | MetricsCalculationDate cannot be earlier than the first day in the month after BaseCalenderMonth. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4739 | It it mandatory to submit a country identification code | It it mandatory to submit a country identification code | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4740 | Country identification code can only be ‘DK’ | Country identification code can only be ‘DK’ | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4741 | It is mandatory to submit a valid postal code | It is mandatory to submit a valid postal code | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4742 | The enddate must not be before today | The enddate must not be before today | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4743 | This registration cannot be deleted | This registration cannot be deleted | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4744 | People in contactgroup For-revalident is not allowed in this personcategory | People in contactgroup For-revalident is not allowed in this personcategory | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4745 | Interview time must be within time interval of original contact group. | Interview time must be within time interval of original contact group. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4746 | The interview must be before the next interview. | The interview must be before the next interview. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4747 | The specified UnemploymentFundBranch cannot be closed as there are members associated to it | The specified UnemploymentFundBranch cannot be closed as there are members associated to it | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4748 | The Enddate cannot be changed | The Enddate cannot be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4749 | The enrollment date must be of todays date | The enrollment date must be of todays date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4750 | The client has an absence registration that does not allow enrollment | The client has an absence registration that does not allow enrollment | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4751 | The InterviewType cannot be changed because this interview has been conducted | The InterviewType cannot be changed because this interview has been conducted | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4752 | Cannot register personcategory since warning letter date for an active illness reg. has passed | Cannot register personcategory since warning letter date for an active illness reg. has passed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4753 | The clients jobnet cv has been archived | The clients jobnet cv has been archived | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4754 | The clients jobnet cv has been disabled | The clients jobnet cv has been disabled | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4755 | The clients jobnet cv could not be found | The clients jobnet cv could not be found | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4756 | Authentication failed | Authentication failed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4757 | Sms message could not be found | Sms message could not be found | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4758 | The client interview has a cv status part and cannot be deleted with this method | The client interview has a cv status part and cannot be deleted with this method | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4760 | The client interview has an illness benefit part and cannot be deleted with this method | The client interview has an illness benefit part and cannot be deleted with this method | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4761 | It is not possible to update this illness because enddate is in the past | It is not possible to update this illness because enddate is in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4763 | A person who is 65 or older can only enroll as 'uden ydelse' from jobnet | A person who is 65 or older can only enroll as 'uden ydelse' from jobnet | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4764 | No search criteria is defined in the request | No search criteria is defined in the request | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4765 | The InterviewTime cannot be changed | The InterviewTime cannot be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4766 | It is not allowed to send activation code for this client category | It is not allowed to send activation code for this client category | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4767 | The booking has already been taken | The booking has already been taken | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4768 | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4769 | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4770 | There are no available booking options | There are no available booking options | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4771 | Prevented from personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Prevented from personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4772 | Expected full time work within 13 week is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Expected full time work within 13 week is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4773 | Work partially resumed is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Work partially resumed is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4774 | Planned operation within 13 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Planned operation within 13 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4775 | Illness prevents personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Illness prevents personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4776 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 13 weeks | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 13 weeks | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4781 | The Submitted input is not known | The Submitted input is not known | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4782 | The AppendixIdentifier is unknown to the system | The AppendixIdentifier is unknown to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4783 | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4784 | There submitted BookingIdentifier correlates with an existing BookingIdentifier | There submitted BookingIdentifier correlates with an existing BookingIdentifier | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4785 | There submitted GroupBookingIdentifier correlates with an existing GroupBookingIdentifier | There submitted GroupBookingIdentifier correlates with an existing GroupBookingIdentifier | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4786 | The person does not have a Jobnet Cv account | The person does not have a Jobnet Cv account | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4787 | The BookingList contains one or more cpr numbers that are unknown to the system | The BookingList contains one or more cpr numbers that are unknown to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4788 | The BookingList contains one or more cpr numbers that are dead | The BookingList contains one or more cpr numbers that are dead | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4789 | The BookingListIdentifier is unknown in the system. | The BookingListIdentifier is unknown in the system. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4790 | The AppendixIdentifier is unknown to the system | The AppendixIdentifier is unknown to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4791 | The CancellationCause is required when InterviewStatus is 'Cancelled' | The CancellationCause is required when InterviewStatus is 'Cancelled' | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4792 | The BookingEndTime cannot be before BookingStartTime | The BookingEndTime cannot be before BookingStartTime | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4793 | The SelfBookingDeadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | The SelfBookingDeadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4794 | It is not allowed to create a booking with this InterviewStatusTypeIdentifier | It is not allowed to create a booking with this InterviewStatusTypeIdentifier | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4795 | The absence comment may not contain html | The absence comment may not contain html | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4796 | Expected to return to full time within 14 days after next contact is not allowed for this contactgr | Expected to return to full time within 14 days after next contact is not allowed for this contactgroup | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4797 | Follow up with no contact is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Follow up with no contact is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4798 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 15 weeks | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 15 weeks | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4799 | The appendix name is not unique | The appendix name is not unique | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4800 | Booking length is too long | Booking length is too long | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4801 | Deadline cannot be specified if self booking is not possible. | Deadline cannot be specified if self booking is not possible. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4802 | Deadline must be specified if self booking is possible. | Deadline must be specified if self booking is possible. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4803 | The appendix exists in a active booking | The appendix exists in a active booking | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4804 | The booking print comment must not include HTML tags | The booking print comment must not include HTML tags | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4805 | The submitted InterviewFormTypeIdentifier is invalid. | The submitted InterviewFormTypeIdentifier is invalid. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4806 | The submitted InterviewStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid. | The submitted InterviewStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4807 | The submitted CancellationCauseTypeIdentifier is invalid. | The submitted CancellationCauseTypeIdentifier is invalid. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4808 | Parameter is invalid | Parameter is invalid | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4809 | The correction comment may not contain html | The correction comment may not contain html | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4810 | Cancellationcause cannot be set unless interviewstatus is cancelled Aflyst | Cancellationcause cannot be set unless interviewstatus is cancelled Aflyst | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4811 | The self booking deadline must not be before todays date | The self booking deadline must not be before todays date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4812 | The booking does not allow selfbooking | The booking does not allow selfbooking | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4813 | The booking cannot have a negative duration | The booking cannot have a negative duration | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4815 | The booking has a cv status part and cannot be deleted with this method | The booking has a cv status part and cannot be deleted with this method | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4816 | The booking has a illness benefit part and cannot be deleted with this method | The booking has a illness benefit part and cannot be deleted with this method | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4817 | The agreement description may not contain HTML | The agreement description may not contain HTML | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4818 | The correction comment may not contain HTML | The correction comment may not contain HTML | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4819 | The BookingStartTime is no longer available | The BookingStartTime is no longer available | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4820 | Cancellation is not allowed | Cancellation is not allowed, or cancellation deadline is exceeded | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
4821 | The case does not belong to the specified personCivilregistrationIdentifier | The case does not belong to the specified personCivilregistrationIdentifier | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/dfdg |
4822 | Could not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RID | Could not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RID | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
4823 | The clients jobnet cv is locked | The clients jobnet cv is locked | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4827 | The submitted JoblogEntryCategoryTypeIdentifier is invalid. | The submitted JoblogEntryCategoryTypeIdentifier is invalid. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4828 | The submitted JoblogEntryStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid. | The submitted JoblogEntryStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4829 | The submitted JoblogEntryTypeOfSubmissionTypeIdentifier is invalid. | The submitted JoblogEntryTypeOfSubmissionTypeIdentifier is invalid. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4830 | The JoblogEntry was not found | The JoblogEntry was not found | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4831 | The JoblogEntryTask was not found | The JoblogEntryTask was not found | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4833 | The Joblog contains an invalid argument | The Joblog contains an invalid argument | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4834 | The JoblogEntry status is already set to the same value | The JoblogEntry status is already set to the same value | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4835 | Too many results found | Too many results found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
4850 | Citizen has already completed screening | Citizen has already completed screening | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4851 | Citizen not allowed to take screening | Citizen not allowed to take screening | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4852 | Screening result not found | Screening result not found | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4853 | Screening error | Screening error | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4855 | Citizen belongs to different jobcenter | Citizen belongs to different jobcenter | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4856 | Citizen not member of unemployment fund | Citizen not member of unemployment fund | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4857 | Citizen belongs to different unemployment fund | Citizen belongs to different unemployment fund | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4900 | The framework agreement does not exist | The framework agreement does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4901 | The framework agreement is blocked and partial agreement cannot be created | The framework agreement is blocked and partial agreement cannot be created | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4902 | The target group does not exist | The target group does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4903 | The production unit identifier is not associated to the CVR number on the framework agreement | The production unit identifier is not associated to the CVR number on the framework agreement | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4904 | The framework agreement is blocked and partial agreement cannot be updated | The framework agreement is blocked and partial agreement cannot be updated | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4905 | The partial agreement does not exist | The partial agreement does not exist | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4909 | The submitted cpr is not identical to the previous reported cpr for this run | The submitted cpr is not identical to the previous reported cpr for this run | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4911 | The start date was more than eight months ago and cancellation is no longer possible | The start date was more than eight months ago and cancellation is no longer possible | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4912 | The invoicing statement for the submitted partial agreement and month has not been calculated yet | The invoicing statement for the submitted partial agreement and month has not been calculated yet | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4913 | The reconciliation statement for the partial agreement and month has not been calculated yet | The reconciliation statement for the submitted partial agreement and month has not been calculated yet | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4914 | The submitted end date can not be prior to previous submitted end date | The submitted end date can not be prior to previous submitted end date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4915 | It is only possible to update id, name, production unit identifier and end date | It is only possible to update id, name, production unit identifier and end date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4916 | This CV number has an existing relation to another CPR number | This CV number has an existing relation to another CPR number | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4917 | The partial agreement belongs to a jobcenter not associated with the request certificate | The partial agreement belongs to a jobcenter which does not match any corresponding value associated with the request certificate | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4918 | The jobcenter identifier does not match any value associated with the request certificate | The jobcenter identifier does not match any corresponding value associated with the request certificate | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4919 | The contact group can not be ended due to an active enrollment | The contact group can not be ended due to an active enrollment | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4920 | The specified item does not exist | The specified item does not exist | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4921 | User is not allowed to use webservices | User is not allowed to use webservices | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4922 | User is not allowed to access the specified person | User is not allowed to access the specified person | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4923 | User is not allowed to use the specified organisation | User is not allowed to use the specified organisation | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4924 | User does not exists | User does not exists | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4925 | User is not allowed to access the specified item | User is not allowed to access the specified item | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4926 | Invalid authority type | Invalid authority type | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4927 | The jobcenter identifier does not match any jobcenter associated with the framework agreement | The jobcenter identifier does not match any jobcenter associated with the framework agreement | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4928 | The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter associated with the partial agreement | The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter associated with the specified partial agreement | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4930 | The content must not include HTML tags | The content must not include HTML tags | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4932 | It is not possible to remove future cancellation due to absence | It is not possible to remove future cancellation due to absence | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4933 | The comment text cannot contain html tags | The comment text cannot contain html tags | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4934 | Invalid authority code | Invalid authority code | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4935 | Invalid date | Invalid date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4936 | Invalid itemidentifier | Invalid itemidentifier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4937 | Invalid time | Invalid time | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4938 | It is not possible to update a cancelled run | It is not possible to update a cancelled run | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4939 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 weeks | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 weeks | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4940 | Absence work distribution is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Absence work distribution is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4941 | Absence efterloen within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Absence efterloen within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4942 | Absence pension within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Absence pension within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4943 | Absence work within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combi | Absence work within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4944 | Absence maternity leave within 6 weeks not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcat. combi | Absence maternity leave within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4945 | Invalid type identifier | Invalid type identifier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4946 | The framework agreement could not be verified | The framework agreement could not be verified | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4947 | Invalid feed type | Invalid feed type | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4948 | The requested media type or version is unsupported | The requested media type or version is unsupported | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassrest |
4949 | A partial agreement has already been created with the specified partial agreement identifier. | A partial agreement has already been created with the specified partial agreement identifier. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4950 | A run has already been created with the specified run identifier. | A run has already been created with the specified run identifier. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4951 | The partial agreement identifier is unknown | The partial agreement identifier is unknown | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4952 | The run identifier is unknown | The run identifier is unknown | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4953 | The jobplan status type identifier is unknown or not allowed | The jobplan status type identifier is unknown or not allowed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4954 | The activity status type identifier is unknown | The activity status type identifier is unknown | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4955 | The activity status cause type identifier is unknown | The activity status cause type identifier is unknown | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4956 | The activity status type need activity status cause type | The activity status type need activity status cause type | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4957 | The activity end date must be specified | The activity end date must be specified | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4958 | The illness could not be found | The illness could not be found | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4959 | The transtion in activity is not allowed new jobplan is required | The transtion in activity is not allowed new jobplan is required | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4960 | The course type identifier is unknown | The course type identifier is unknown | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4961 | The job type identifier is unknown | The job type identifier is unknown | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4962 | The identifier is registered on another person | The identifier is registered on another person | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4963 | Registration cannot be completed because start date is in the past | Registration cannot be completed because start date is in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4964 | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 7 days in the past | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 7 days in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4965 | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 13 days in the past | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 13 days in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4966 | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 4 weeks in the past | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 4 weeks in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4967 | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 8 weeks in the past | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 8 weeks in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4968 | Registration cannot be completed because start date is before the latest person category | Registration cannot be completed because start date is before the latest person category | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4969 | Registration cannot be completed because end date is more than 7 days in the past | Registration cannot be completed because end date is more than 7 days in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4970 | The submitted ItemIdentifier is unknown to the system | The submitted ItemIdentifier is unknown to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4971 | The ministerial department type identifier is unknown | The ministerial department type identifier is unknown | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4972 | The Client does not have an active CVCustomerNumber to be used for cancellation of JobNet enrollment | The Client does not have an active CVCustomerNumber to be used for cancellation of JobNet enrollment | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4973 | The sustenance type is unknown | The sustenance type is unknown | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4974 | Vacation on socialaid is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Vacation on socialaid is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4976 | The activation type identifier is unknown | The activation type identifier is unknown | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4977 | The submitted identifier already exists | The submitted identifier already exists | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4978 | At least one CompanySearchItemType is corrupt | At least one CompanySearchItemType is corrupt | Server | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4979 | The specified absence cause type identifier is not known to the system | The specified absence cause type identifier is not known to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4980 | Cause type identifier is required when setting illness end date | Cause type identifier is required when setting illness end date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4981 | Absence comment required when updating illness start date and end date | Absence comment required when updating illness start date and end date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4982 | JobPositionPosting/JobPostionInformation/PositionTitle is Mandatory | JobPositionPosting/JobPostionInformation/PositionTitle is Mandatory | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4983 | JobPositionPosting/AmsHrXmlExtension/HiringOrganisationCVRnumberIdentifier is Mandatory | JobPositionPosting/AmsHrXmlExtension/HiringOrganisationCVRnumberIdentifier is Mandatory | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4984 | JobPositionPosting/AmsHrXmlExtension/HiringOrganisationCVRnumberIdentifier has invalid value | JobPositionPosting/AmsHrXmlExtension/HiringOrganisationCVRnumberIdentifier has invalid value | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4985 | Unknown unemploymentfundcode | Unknown unemploymentfundcode | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4986 | Unknown jobcentercode | Unknown jobcentercode | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4987 | Unknown municipalitycode | Unknown municipalitycode | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4989 | No NemRefusion registration match with the submitted data | The submitted NemRefusionIdentfier does not exist, or does not match the submitted CvCustomerIdentifier | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4990 | Illness is not possible because of open enrollment | Illness is not possible because of open enrollment | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4992 | The person must be enrolled or contactgroup ended | The person must be enrolled or contactgroup ended | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4993 | The person has an open illness | The person has an open illness | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4994 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 8 weeks | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 8 weeks | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4995 | The submitted Compulsory Notification Event Type is not known to the system | The submitted Compulsory Notification Event Type is not known to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4996 | The submitted Compulsory Notification Event Type NUPH is not similar to whats known to the system | The submitted Compulsory Notification Event Type NUPH is not similar to whats known to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4997 | The submitted Job Referral Notification Event Type NUPH is not similar to whats known to the system | The submitted Job Referral Notification Event Type NUPH is not similar to whats known to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4998 | The submitted Job Referral Notification Event Type NUPH is not known to the system | The submitted Job Referral Notification Event Type NUPH is not known to the system | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
4999 | The submitted Job Referral Notification Event is already recalled. | The submitted Job Referral Notification Event is already recalled. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
5000 | The submitted Compulsory Notification Event is already recalled. | The submitted Compulsory Notification Event is already recalled. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
5001 | The submitted Compulsory Notification Event is unknown to the system. | The submitted Compulsory Notification Event is unknown to the system. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
5002 | The submitted Job Referral Notification Event is unknown to the system. | The submitted Job Referral Notification Event is unknown to the system. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
5003 | The submitted Availability Assessment Registration Type is not known to the system. | The submitted Availability Assessment Registration Type is not known to the system. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
5004 | The submitted Availability Assessment Event is already recalled. | The submitted Availability Assessment Event is already recalled. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
5005 | The submitted Availability Assessment Event is unknown to the system. | The submitted Availability Assessment Event is unknown to the system. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
5007 | Illness recovery and enrollment requires new contactgroup for illnessbenefit recipient | Illness recovery and enrollment requires new contactgroup for illnessbenefit recipient | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
5008 | When absence end date is today, Enrollment date and ContactGroup start date must not be today. | When absence end date is today, Enrollment date and ContactGroup start date must not be today. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
5009 | When absence end date is today, ContactGroup start date must not be today. | When absence end date is today, ContactGroup start date must not be today. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
5010 | When absence end date is today, Enrollment date must not be today. | When absence end date is today, Enrollment date must not be today. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
5011 | The person was not enrolled at the time of the incident. | The person was not enrolled at the time of the incident. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
5012 | The person was not enrolled at the time of the incident. | The person was not insured at the time of the incident. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
5013 | Unemployment-level must be set when current ContactGroup is 1, Dagpengemodtager | Unemployment-level must be set when current ContactGroup is 1, Dagpengemodtager | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
5014 | Unemployment-level only valid when current ContactGroup is 1, Dagpengemodtager | Unemployment-level only valid when current ContactGroup is 1, Dagpengemodtager | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
5015 | Unemployment-level can not be changed | Unemployment-level can not be changed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
5016 | Cvr number is required when contact group is 24, Sygedagpengemodtager for beskæftigelse | Cvr number is required when contact group is 24, Sygedagpengemodtager for beskæftigelse | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
5017 | Cvr number and p number cannot be changed | Cvr number and p number cannot be changed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
5018 | Update of illness for contactgroup 24 and 25 is not allowed | Update of illness for contactgroup 24 and 25 is not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
5019 | CVR and P number are not allowed for the contactgroup | CVR and P number are not allowed for the contactgroup | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
5020 | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 60 days in the past | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 60 days in the past | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6000 | Unknown DB error | Unknown DB error | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
6001 | Can't generate document | Can't generate document | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
6002 | Can't get XSD from DB | Unable to get the XSD document from the DB. Sql Error | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
6003 | Can't get XSD | Unable to get the XSD document | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
6004 | Unable to get document due to missing access rights | Unable to get document due to missing access rights | Client | http://service.bm.dk/dfdg |
6005 | The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeader | The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeader | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6006 | There is no open illness from work for this person | There is no open illness from work for this person | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6007 | It is not allowed to update Jobordertype with a new Jobordertype | It is not allowed to update Jobordertype with a new Jobordertype | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6008 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 190 days | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 190 days | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6009 | Invalid registrationdate | The absence registration for the absencetype may not start later than 30 days from the registrationdate | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6014 | Illegal combination of the client category and unemployment status | Registration is not allowed because of an illegal combination of the client category and unemployment status | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6015 | Visitationgroup is not coherent with the person's contact group | Visitationgroup is not coherent with the person's contact group | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6016 | Visitationgroup is missing | Visitationgroup is missing | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6017 | Visitationgroup cannot be changed in frozen zone | Visitationgroup cannot be changed in frozen zone | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6018 | The InterviewTypeIdentifier cannot be changed | The InterviewTypeIdentifier cannot be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6020 | The VisitationGroupTypeIdentifier cannot be changed | The VisitationGroupTypeIdentifier cannot be changed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6021 | Illness benefit category is missing | Illness benefit category is missing | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6022 | Personcategory is not coherent | Personcategory is not coherent | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6023 | The activity supplement is not coherent with the person's contact, visitation group or age | The activity supplement is not coherent with the person's contact, visitation group or age | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6024 | The activity supplement can not be within first 3 month of the visitation group | The activity supplement can not be within first 3 month of the visitation group | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6026 | CV Status update not allowed | For Kontanthjælpsansøgere, Kontanthjælpsmodtagere, Uddannelseshjælpsansøger or Uddannelseshjælpsmodtager is it not allowed to register CV’s. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6027 | The interviewtype is not allowed | The interviewtype is not allowed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6029 | Visitationgroup “ikke visiteret” is not allowed | Visitationgroup “ikke visiteret” is not allowed | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6030 | The enddate must not be earlier than the eventdate | The enddate must not be earlier than the eventdate | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6031 | The new eventdate is before the eventdate or enddate for an existing request for activation. | The new eventdate is before the eventdate or enddate for an existing request for activation. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6033 | ContactGroup is not coherent with age | Contactgroup cannot be created if age requirements are not met | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
6034 | Create contact group is only allowed if latest contact group was 13 or an open 6, 24, or 25. | Create contact group is only allowed if latest contact group was 13 or an open 6, 24, or 25. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
6040 | Date Publishing period is too long, max days: 35 | Date Publishing period is too long, max days: 35 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
6041 | Startdate must be later than application deadline | Startdate must be later than application deadline | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
6042 | Error in joborder search list | Error in joborder search list | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
6043 | It is not allowed to change P-number | It is not allowed to change P-number | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
6044 | PositionTitle field should not contain open html tags or the double quotes | PositionTitle field should not contain open html tags or the double quotes | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
6045 | Call to jobnet service failed | Call to jobnet service failed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
6052 | Codelist value is only for internal use | Codelist value is only for internal use | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
6054 | InterviewWithMoreAuthorities must be true for this InterviewType | InterviewWithMoreAuthorities must be true for this InterviewType | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
6055 | InterviewParticipant must be stated | InterviewParticipant must be stated | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
6056 | ParticipationStatus must be stated | ParticipationStatus must be stated | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
6057 | The BookingIdentifier is unknown for the Citizen | The BookingIdentifier is unknown for the Citizen | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
6058 | Interviewtype is only allowed for this contactgroup when citizen has an illness | The specified interviewtype is only allowed for this contactgroup, if citizen has a current absencetypeidentifier = 11 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7000 | Could not create data | Could not create data | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7001 | Could not read data | Could not read data | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7002 | Could not update data | Could not update data | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7003 | Could not delete data | Could not delete data | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7004 | Could not process course case | Could not process course case | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7005 | Could not process application | Could not process application | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7006 | Qualification failed for course case | Qualification failed for course case | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7007 | Course not specified | Course not specified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7008 | Educational institution not found | Educational institution not found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7009 | Subject not specified | Subject not specified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7010 | Subject not found | Subject not found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7011 | Civil registration number not found | Civil registration number not found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7012 | Signup deadline exceeded | Signup deadline exceeded | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7013 | Startdate exceeded | Startdate exceeded | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7014 | Available seats exceeds max number of participants | Available seats exceeds max number of participants | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7015 | Could not delete class | Could not delete class | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7016 | SubjectDefinition must be set. | SubjectDefinition must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7017 | No subject ID given. | No subject ID given. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7018 | Title of subject must be set. | Title of subject must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7019 | Subject number of subject must be set. | Subject number of subject must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7020 | Id of parent category must be set. | Id of parent category must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7021 | Id of subcategory must be set. | Id of subcategory must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7022 | Name of subcategory must be set. | Name of subcategory must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7023 | Subcategory must be set. | Subcategory must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7024 | Country of location address must be set. | Country of location address must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7025 | City of location address must be set. | City of location address must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7026 | Postal code of location address must be set. | Postal code of location address must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7027 | Street name of location address must be set. | Street name of location address must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7028 | Name of location must be set. | Name of location must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7029 | Location address must be set. | Location address must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7030 | Location must be set. | Location must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7031 | A course must be set. | A course must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7032 | No course ID given. | No course ID given. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7033 | No course name given. | No course name given. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7034 | A course must have a location defined. | A course must have a location defined. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7035 | A course must have at least one subject definition. | A course must have at least one subject definition. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7036 | CourseCase does not originate from AKA | CourseCase does not originate from AKA | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7037 | CourseCase is not in the correct state | CourseCase is not in the correct state | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7038 | CourseCase is not in the correct phase | CourseCase is not in the correct phase | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7039 | The citizen is already enrolled in a class | The citizen is already enrolled in a class | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7040 | The application has already been received. | The application has already been received. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7041 | Class must be set. | Class must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7042 | No class ID given. | No class ID given. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7043 | Category name is not valid. | Category name is not valid. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7044 | Id is empty. | Id is empty. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7045 | Category must be set. | Category must be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7046 | AKA connector failed to add application. | AKA connector failed to add application. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7047 | Invalid originator for applications course case. | Invalid originator for applications course case. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7048 | EASY connector failed to add application. | EASY connector failed to add application. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7049 | Course case missing for application. | Course case missing for application. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7050 | EASY returned an error. | EASY returned an error. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7051 | EASY activity not mapped to class. | EASY activity not mapped to class. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7052 | EASY activity not mapped to course. | EASY activity not mapped to course. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7053 | Failed to fetch data from the EASY webservice. | Failed to fetch data from the EASY webservice. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7054 | Educational institution is missing a CVR number. | Educational institution is missing a CVR number. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7055 | Educational institution is missing a name. | Educational institution is missing a name. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7056 | Educational institution is missing. | Educational institution is missing. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7057 | AKA service failed to add application to class. | AKA service failed to add application to class. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7058 | AKA service failed to cancel enrollment. | AKA service failed to cancel enrollment. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7059 | AKA service failed to cancel class attendance. | AKA service failed to cancel class attendance. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
7060 | The absencetype is not allowed for visitationgroup 'ikke visiteret' | The absencetype is not allowed for a client with this contactgroup and visitationgroup 'ikke visiteret' | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
7061 | AbsenceCause is not coherent with contact group. | AbsenceCause is not coherent with contact group. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
7062 | A ProfessionType must be set for this ClientCategory. | A ProfessionType must be set for this ClientCategory. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8001 | A plan with the specified plan version identifier could not be found | A plan with the specified plan version identifier could not be found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8002 | The specified citizen has no active plan | The specified citizen has no active plan | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8005 | The Activity could not be found | The Activity could not be found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8006 | The specified citizen has no draft plan | The specified citizen has no draft plan | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8008 | The PlanObjectiveIdentifier is readonly | The PlanObjectiveIdentifier is readonly | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8011 | The IsActive is readonly | The IsActive is readonly | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8012 | The CreateDate is readonly | The CreateDate is readonly | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8013 | The LastModified is readonly | The LastModified is readonly | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8014 | The acknowledged date has to be after version create date | The acknowledged date has to be after version create date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8015 | Goal has to be specified when publishing this plan type | Goal has to be specified when publishing a jobplan or an education plan in step 2 or step 3 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8018 | The EducationPlanType.DeadlineDate (pålægsfrist) has to be greater than todays date | The EducationPlanType.DeadlineDate (pålægsfrist) has to be greater than todays date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8021 | The specified plan type identifier is not valid | The specified plan type identifier is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8022 | The EducationPlanIdentifier is read only | The EducationPlanIdentifier is read only | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8023 | The EducationPlanStepIdentifier is not valid | The EducationPlanStepIdentifier is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8024 | The ReportToCaseWorkerDate is readonly | The ReportToCaseWorkerDate is readonly | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8025 | The ActivityIdentifer is read only | The ActivityIdentifer is read only | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8027 | HoursPerWeek is not allowed to be negative | HoursPerWeek is not allowed to be negative | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8028 | MinutesPerWeek is not allowed to be negative | MinutesPerWeek is not allowed to be negative | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8029 | The specified ActivityStatusTypeIdentifier is not valid | The specified ActivityStatusTypeIdentifier is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8031 | The specified SustenanceTypeIdentifier is not valid | The specified SustenanceTypeIdentifier is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8032 | The specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not valid | The specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8034 | The specified FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifier is not valid | The specified FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifier is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8035 | The specified EducationIdentifier is not valid | The specified EducationIdentifier is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8036 | This is not historical activity. Not published in status Annulleret or EndDate is greater than today | This is not historical activity. Not published in status Annulleret or EndDate is greater than today | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8037 | NumberOfWeeksWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative | NumberOfWeeksWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8038 | HoursPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative | HoursPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8039 | MinutesPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative | MinutesPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8040 | The specified CourseTypeIdentifier is not valid | The specified CourseTypeIdentifier is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8041 | The specified activity status is not allowed | The specified activity status is not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8042 | Goal in education has to be specified when educationplan in step 2, 3, 4 | Goal in education has to be specified when educationplan in step 2, 3, 4 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8043 | Wrong plantype | Cannot use service, wrong plantype | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8044 | Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 30 | Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 30 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8045 | The specified education does not belong to active plan | The specified education does not belong to the active plan | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8051 | The specified goal identifier does not exist | The specified goal identifier does not exist | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8052 | The specified goal identifier is in use and cannot be deleted | The specified goal identifier is in use and cannot be deleted | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8053 | The specified goal does not exist on the education plan | The specified goal does not exist on the education plan | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8054 | The specified education identifier does not exist | The specified education identifier does not exist | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8055 | Responsible caseworker needs to be specified | Responsible caseworker needs to be specified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8057 | The specified citizen has no legal plan | The specified citizen has no legal plan | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8058 | The specified interviewtype is not coherent with the current contactgroup | The specified interviewtype is not coherent with the current contactgroup | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8059 | Missing a legal personcategory | Missing a legal personcategory | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8060 | Operation is not allowed when citizen has no active contact group | Operation is not allowed when citizen has no active contact group | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8061 | Jobplan goal has to be specified as a valid occupationcode | Jobplan goal has to be specified as a valid occupationcode | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8062 | A valid combination of contact group and person category is required for publish | A valid combination of contact group and person category is required for publish | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8063 | EventTime must be equal to or before contactgroup start. | EventTime must be equal to or before contactgroup start. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8065 | EventTime can not be changed. | EventTime can not be changed. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8066 | Subscription not possible. Citizen does not have an education plan | Subscription not possible. Citizen does not have an education plan | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8067 | Subscription not possible. Citizen has to be under 30 years old | Subscription not possible. Citizen has to be under 30 years old | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8068 | Subscription not possible. Citizen does not have an active contact group | Subscription not possible. Citizen does not have an active contact group | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8069 | Cancel subscription is not possible. Citizen does not have an education event subscription | Subscription not possible. Citizen does not have an education event subscription | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8070 | Subscription is not possible. Citizen does not have a danish residence | Subscription not possible. Citizen does not have a danish residence | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8071 | Enddate has to be before current date | Enddate has to be before current date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8072 | Enddate can not be set so far back in the past | Enddate can not be set so far back in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8073 | The person has moved to another unemploymentfund. | The person has moved to another unemploymentfund. | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktassWCF |
8074 | Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 25 | Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 25 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8075 | Plan description exceeds limit of characters | Plan description exceeds limit of characters | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8076 | Education plan does not contain education plan pdf | Education plan does not contain education plan pdf | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8077 | When publishing in Step 4, ResponsibleCaseWorker Telephone and Email required | When publishing in Step 4, ResponsibleCaseWorker Telephone and Email required | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8078 | When saving EducationPlan in Step 4, educations must be present | When saving EducationPlan in Step 4, educations must be present | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8079 | The specified citizen has an open contactgroup 24 | The specified citizen has an open contactgroup 24 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8081 | Cvr number or p number must be specified. | Cvr number or p number must be specified. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8082 | CVR is not valid for paper form. | CVR is not valid for paper form. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8084 | Activity start date should be less than 2 years back. | Activity start date should be less than 2 years back. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8085 | Get company activity summaries result list has exceeded max count. | Get company activity summaries result list has exceeded max count. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8086 | The NemRefusionIdentifier is already in use | The NemRefusionIdentifier is already in use on an other person or an absence without the same start date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8087 | The SustenanceSystemCase type is unknown. | The SustenanceSystemCase type is unknown. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8088 | Unknown NemRefusionIdentifier | Unknown NemRefusionIdentifier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8089 | Cannot perform Recovery on absence, already recovered | Cannot perform Recovery on absence, already recovered | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8090 | ActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifier is required | ActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifier is required | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8091 | HoursPerWeek is required if WeeklyWorkTimeType is set to part time. | HoursPerWeek is required if WeeklyWorkTimeType is set to part time. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8092 | The submitted JobSeekingStatusType is invalid. | The submitted JobSeekingStatusType is invalid. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8093 | The submitted WeeklyWorkTimeType is invalid. | The submitted WeeklyWorkTimeType is invalid. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8094 | HoursPerWeek can only be set if WeeklyWorkTime is set to part time. | HoursPerWeek can only be set if WeeklyWorkTime is set to part time. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8095 | Delete only allowed for open illness | Delete only allowed for open illness | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8096 | The contact group change is not allowed. | The contact group change is not allowed. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8097 | The JoblogEntry is not active | The JoblogEntry is not active | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8098 | The format of the document is not valid. | The format of the document is not valid. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8099 | The submitted DocumentTypeIdentifier is not valid. | The submitted DocumentTypeIdentifier is not valid. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8101 | The document size is over maximum limit or empty. | The document size is over maximum limit or empty. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8102 | The document is already deleted | The document is already deleted | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8103 | The Document does not exist. | The Document does not exist. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8104 | The submitted DocumentType is not valid. | The submitted DocumentType is not valid. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8105 | The PersonContactTypeIdentifier type is unknown. | The PersonContactTypeIdentifier type is unknown. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8107 | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8108 | The specified InterviewOptionID is not active or is unknown to the system | The specified InterviewOptionID is not active or is unknown to the system | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8109 | The booking time is NOT within the allowed range of dates for this interview option | The booking time is NOT within the allowed range of dates for this interview option | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8110 | The caseworker specified is not allowed for this interview option | The caseworker specified is not allowed for this interview option | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8111 | An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier | An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8112 | Price per hour should be greater than zero | Price per hour should be greater than zero | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8113 | Price other should be greater than zero | Price other should be greater than zero | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8114 | Price per hour is required | Price per hour is required | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8115 | Price other is required | Price other is required | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8116 | A jobplan must max contain one goal. | A jobplan must max contain one goal. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8117 | The submitted JoblogApplicationSourceTypeIdentifier is invalid. | The submitted JoblogApplicationSourceTypeIdentifier is invalid. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8118 | The UnemploymentBenefitRightsPeriodTypeIdentifier type is unknown. | The UnemploymentBenefitRightsPeriodTypeIdentifier type is unknown. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8119 | JobSeekingStatusTypeIdentifier is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning' | JobSeekingStatusTypeIdentifier is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning' | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8120 | WeeklyWorkTimeTypeIdentifier is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning' | WeeklyWorkTimeTypeIdentifier is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning' | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8121 | JobSeekingStatusTypeIdentifier can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet' | JobSeekingStatusTypeIdentifier can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet' | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8122 | WeeklyWorkTimeTypeIdentifier can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet' | WeeklyWorkTimeTypeIdentifier can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet' | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8123 | JobApplicationSource is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning' | JobApplicationSource is required when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Jobsøgning' | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8124 | JobApplicationSource can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet' | JobApplicationSource can not be set when JoblogEntryCategory is 'Anden aktivitet' | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8125 | Rebooking deadline cannot be specified if rebooking is not possible | Rebooking deadline cannot be specified if rebooking is not possible | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8126 | Rebooking deadline must be specified if rebooking is possible | Rebooking deadline must be specified if rebooking is possible | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8127 | Cancellation deadline cannot be specified if cancel booking is not possible | Cancellation deadline cannot be specified if cancel booking is not possible | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8128 | Cancellation deadline must be specified if cancel booking is possible | Cancellation deadline must be specified if cancel booking is possible | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8129 | An address is required for meetings with personal contact | An address is required for meetings with personal contact | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8130 | End time or duration is required for bookings with this interview type | End time or duration is required for bookings with this interview type | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8131 | Phonenumber is required for bookings where the citizen is expected to initiate the interview | Phonenumber is required for bookings where the citizen is expected to initiate the interview | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8132 | The rebooking deadline must not be before todays date | The rebooking deadline must not be before todays date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8133 | The cancellation deadline must not be before todays date | The cancellation deadline must not be before todays date | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8134 | The rebooking deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | The rebooking deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8135 | Booking duration is greater than one day | Booking duration is greater than one day | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8136 | The cancellation deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | The cancellation deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
8137 | The submitted CitizenMessageChannelTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted CitizenMessageChannelTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8138 | The submitted CitizenMessageContextTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted CitizenMessageContextTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8139 | The submitted CitizenMessageResponseTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted CitizenMessageResponseTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8140 | The submitted CitizenMessageStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted CitizenMessageStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8141 | The submitted CitizenMessageEventTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted CitizenMessageEventTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8142 | The submitted UserTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted UserTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8143 | The submitted text length exceeds maximum length for the channeltype | The submitted text length exceeds maximum length for the channeltype | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8144 | The requested message could not be found | The requested message could not be found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8145 | The message has an ResponseType which does not allow new replies. | The message has an ResponseType which does not allow new replies. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8146 | The message has an ChannelType which does not allow new replies. | The message has an ChannelType which does not allow new replies. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8147 | The message has a StatusType which does not allow new replies. | The message has a StatusType which does not allow new replies. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8148 | The citizen does not belong to the requested recipient Jobcenter | The citizen does not belong to the requested recipient Jobcenter | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8149 | A receiver must be specified when channel is 'MyndighedTilMyndighed' | A receiver must be specified when channel is 'MyndighedTilMyndighed' | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8150 | OrganisationType must be either A-kasse or Jobcenter | OrganisationType must be either A-kasse or Jobcenter | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8151 | OrganisationCode must be specified when channel is 'MyndighedTilMyndighed' | OrganisationCode must be specified when channel is 'MyndighedTilMyndighed' | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8152 | Only a message with channel 'Notifikation' or 'Myndighed til myndighed' can mark message as read | Only a message with channel 'Notifikation' or 'Myndighed til myndighed' can mark message as read | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8153 | ResponseType is invalid.'Kan ikke besvares' is only allowed option | ResponseType is invalid.'Kan ikke besvares' is only allowed option | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8154 | Title is not allowed when channelType is SMS | Title is not allowed when channelType is SMS | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8155 | The citizen does not belong to the requested recipient Unemploymentfund | The citizen does not belong to the requested recipient Unemploymentfund | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8156 | The reply has to be created by either the sending or receiving organization | The reply has to be created by either the sending or receiving organization | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8157 | When ChannelType is not 'MyndighedTilMyndighed' then MessasgeRecipient must be null | When ChannelType is not 'MyndighedTilMyndighed' then MessasgeRecipient must be null | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8158 | Borger kan ikke svare på besked med given beskedtype | Borger kan ikke svare på besked med given beskedtype | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8159 | Sagsbehandler kan ikke svare på besked med given beskedtype | Sagsbehandler kan ikke svare på besked med given beskedtype | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8160 | Status kan kun skiftes, hvis status er Aktiv | Status kan kun skiftes, hvis status er Aktiv | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8162 | The requested change in status is not allowed | The requested change in status is not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8163 | The status of the reply is required to be active to allow status change | The status of the reply is required to be active to allow status change | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8164 | The requested reply could not be found | The requested reply could not be found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8165 | InterviewUnemploymentFundParticipation can only be set for bookings with InterviewType 17 | InterviewUnemploymentFundParticipation can only be set for bookings with InterviewType 17 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8166 | The element InterviewUnemploymentFundParticipation is mandatory for bookings with InterviewType 17 | The element InterviewUnemploymentFundParticipation is mandatory for bookings with InterviewType 17 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8167 | InterviewWithMoreAuthorities can only be set for bookings with InterviewType 17 | InterviewWithMoreAuthorities can only be set for bookings with InterviewType 17 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8173 | OrganisationType is invalid according to the organisationTypeIdentifierCodeList. | OrganisationType is invalid according to the organisationTypeIdentifierCodeList. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8174 | UserType is invalid according to the requestUserTypeIdentifierCodeList. | UserType is invalid according to the requestUserTypeIdentifierCodeList. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8176 | The submitted ParticipationStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid. | The submitted ParticipationStatusTypeIdentifier is invalid. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8177 | The submitted InterviewParticipantContactTypeIdentifier is invalid. | The submitted InterviewParticipantContactTypeIdentifier is invalid. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8178 | The submitted ParticipantTypeIdentifier is invalid. | The submitted ParticipantTypeIdentifier is invalid. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8179 | Price type registration is only allowed for subsidized employment and adult apprentice | Price type registration is only allowed for subsidized employment and adult apprentice | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8180 | The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for subsidized employment | The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for subsidized employment | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8181 | The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for adult apprentice | The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for adult apprentice | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8182 | The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for jobrotaton | The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for jobrotaton | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8184 | You are not allowed to update the date of the interview | You are not allowed to update the date of the interview | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8186 | You are not allowed to update InterviewIdentifier | You are not allowed to update InterviewIdentifier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8187 | You are not allowed to update InterviewTypeIdentifier | You are not allowed to update InterviewTypeIdentifier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8188 | You are not allowed to update InterviewWithMoreAuthorities | You are not allowed to update InterviewWithMoreAuthorities | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8190 | An active absenceregistration must exist to create the given category | An active absenceregistration must exist to create the given category | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8192 | Person category cannot be created, there is a later person category or contactgroup registration | Person category cannot be created, there is a later person category or contactgroup registration | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8193 | The PersonCategory is not coherent with the ContactGroup | The PersonCategory is not coherent with the ContactGroup | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8194 | The PersonCategory cannot be in the future | The PersonCategory cannot be in the future | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8195 | The PersonCategoryType is invalid | The PersonCategoryType is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8196 | It is only possible to change status if the message channel is M2M or jobnet beskedbakke | It is only possible to change status if the message channel is M2M or jobnet beskedbakke | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8197 | Participant is not found for the specified person | Participant is not found for the specified person | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8198 | Participant is not found for the specified person interview | Participant is not found for the specified person interview | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8199 | Existing end date is too fare in the past. | Existing end date is too fare in the past. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8200 | Max lenth of the title is 200 characters | Max lenth of the title is 200 characters | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8201 | PersonalAssistance1TypeIdentifier is invalid | PersonalAssistance1TypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8202 | PersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifier is invalid | PersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8203 | PersonalAssistancePopulation has to be greater than zero | PersonalAssistancePopulation has to be greater than zero | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8204 | HelpingDevicePrice has to be greater than or equal zero | HelpingDevicePrice has to be greater than or equal zero | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8205 | HelpingDeviceTypeIdentifier is invalid | HelpingDeviceTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8206 | HelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalTypeIdentifier is invalid | HelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8207 | HelpingDevice1TypeIdentifier is invalid | HelpingDevice1TypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8208 | Activity end date must be activity start date or later | Activity end date must be activity start date or later | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8209 | The interviewtype is not allowed in bookings for UnemploymentFund meetings | The interviewtype is not allowed in bookings for UnemploymentFund meetings | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8210 | You are not allowed to Update or Cancel this booking since you did not create it. | You are not allowed to Update or Cancel this booking since you did not create it. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8211 | You are not allowed to Update this messagereply since you did not create it | You are not allowed to Update this messagereply since you did not create it | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8212 | The incident end date has to be set. | The incident end date has to be set. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8213 | The incident end date cannot be reported for this event. | The incident end date cannot be reported for this event. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8214 | The requested list exceeds the maximum allowed length | The requested list exceeds the maximum allowed length | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8232 | The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader | The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8233 | The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader | The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8234 | Could not deserialize the Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader | Could not deserialize the Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8235 | Could not deserialize the Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader | Could not deserialize the Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8236 | ConnectionCouldNotBeEstablished | The connection could not be established | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8237 | The interview is not found for the specified person | The interview is not found for the specified person | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8238 | The address could not be validated against Eniro/Krak | The address could not be validated against Eniro/Krak | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8239 | Joborder does not exist | Joborder does not exist | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8240 | The MessageIdentifier cannot be set in this situation | The MessageIdentifier cannot be set in this situation | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8241 | The timespan between the fromdate to todate exceeds maximum | The timespan between the fromdate to todate exceeds maximum | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8242 | The submitted ActivityTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted ActivityTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8243 | The submitted identifier for the category does not belong to the specified person | The submitted identifier for the category does not belong to the specified person | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8244 | The submitted from-date is after the submitted to-date | The submitted from-date is after the submitted to-date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8245 | The submitted GeographicalAreaIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted GeographicalAreaIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8246 | The submitted TradeForJobSearchIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted TradeForJobSearchIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8248 | A minimum of at least 1 EscoStar code is required | A minimum of at least 1 EscoStar code is required | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8250 | The requested JobSearchDefinition does not exists and cannot be deleted | The requested JobSearchDefinition does not exists and cannot be deleted | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8254 | InterviewDeadlineDate has to be in the future | InterviewDeadlineDate has to be in the future | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8255 | InterviewDeadlineActivationDate has to be in the future | InterviewDeadlineActivationDate has to be in the future | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8256 | InterviewDeadlineDate must be at least one day after InterviewDeadlineActivationDate | InterviewDeadlineDate must be at least one day after InterviewDeadlineActivationDate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8257 | InterviewDeadline can only be set for InterviewType 4 and 7 | InterviewDeadline can only be set for InterviewType 4 and 7 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8258 | The InterviewDeadline is closed and cannot be updated | The InterviewDeadline is closed and cannot be updated | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8259 | There is no InterviewDeadline with the given Id and cpr number | There is no InterviewDeadline with the given Id and cpr number | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8260 | InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 4 when it is in status 1 or 6 | InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 4 when it is in status 1 or 6 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8262 | InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 4 or 5 | InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 4 or 5 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8263 | InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 5 when it is in status 2 | InterviewDeadlineStatus can only be updated to id 5 when it is in status 2 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8264 | InterviewDeadlineActivationDate has to precede InterviewDeadlineDate | InterviewDeadlineActivationDate has to precede InterviewDeadlineDate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8265 | InterviewDeadlineDate is not allowed to precede the date of a deadline satisfying booking. | InterviewDeadlineDate is not allowed to precede the date of a deadline satisfying booking. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8266 | InterviewDeadlineActivationDate can only be updated when InterviewDeadlineStatus is 6 | InterviewDeadlineActivationDate can only be updated when InterviewDeadlineStatus is 6 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8267 | Either InterviewDeadlineActivationDate, InterviewDeadline or InterviewDeadlineStatus has to be set | Either InterviewDeadlineActivationDate, InterviewDeadline or InterviewDeadlineStatus has to be set | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8268 | InterviewDeadlineDate is not allowed to precede a booking with same InterviewType | InterviewDeadlineDate is not allowed to precede a booking with same InterviewType | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8269 | InterviewDeadlineActivationDate cannot be in the past | InterviewDeadlineActivationDate cannot be in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8270 | ReBookingPossible has to be false for bookings with interviewtype Id 17 and Id 18 | ReBookingPossible has to be false for bookings with interviewtype Id 17 and Id 18 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8272 | The chosen EmploymentAreaCode is not valid. | The chosen EmploymentAreaCode is not valid. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8273 | Citizen already has a booking of type Jobsamtale. | Citizen already has a booking of type Jobsamtale. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8276 | The creating system are not allowed to set RebookingPossible or CancellationPossible to true | The creating system are not allowed to set RebookingPossible or CancellationPossible to true | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8277 | The submitted CouseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted CouseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8278 | The combination of CourseTypeIdentifier and CourseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowed | The combination of CourseTypeIdentifier and CourseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8279 | The submitted JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8280 | The combination of JobOrderTypeIdentifier and JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowed | The combination of JobOrderTypeIdentifier and JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8281 | Occupation key does not exist | Occupation key does not exist | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8282 | Occupation key is out of date | Occupation key is out of date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8283 | If the activity is with AvailabilityProving, then ReasonForActivity must be supplied | If the activity is with AvailabilityProving, then ReasonForActivity must be supplied | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8284 | Exactly one job goal needs to be specified | Exactly one job goal needs to be specified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8285 | At least one education goal needs to be specified | At least one education goal needs to be specified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8286 | The CivilRegistrationIdentifier is required. | The CivilRegistrationIdentifier is required. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8287 | Job goals not allowed for this plantype | Job goals not allowed for this plantype | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8288 | Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType. | Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8289 | Education Plan with job goal not allowed | Education Plan with job goal not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8290 | CorrectionComment is mandatory when InterviewDeadline is closed. | CorrectionComment is mandatory when InterviewDeadline is closed. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8291 | The Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the person | The Unemploymentfund is not allowed to view data for the person | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8292 | The specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the person | The specified organisationtypeidentifier is not allowed to view data for the person | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8293 | An error occurred when creating an attachment. | An error occurred when creating an attachment. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8294 | AbsenceComment is required for this absenceType | AbsenceComment is required for this absenceType | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8295 | CorrectionComent is required when updating this absenceType | CorrectionComent is required when updating this absenceType | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8296 | This absence cannot be registered while there is an open InterviewDeadline | This absence cannot be registered while there is an open InterviewDeadline | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8297 | The absence is required to have start date = registration date | The absence is required to have start date = registration date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8298 | The StartDate cannot be updated. | The StartDate cannot be updated. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8299 | Absence Fritaget for selvbook is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Absence Fritaget for selvbook is not allowed for people in this contactgroup | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8300 | Correction comment required for messages with status fejloprettet | Correction comment required for messages with status fejloprettet | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8301 | InterviewDeadline is incoherent with the citizen's absence | InterviewDeadline is incoherent with the citizen's absence | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8302 | Only current MyPlan can be acknowledged | Only current MyPlan can be acknowledged | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8303 | Current MyPlan has already been acknowledged | Current MyPlan has already been acknowledged | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8304 | ReasonForAcknowledge needs to be specified | ReasonForAcknowledge needs to be specified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8305 | Generation of pdf has failed | Generation of pdf has failed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8306 | My plan does not exists | My plan does not exists | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8307 | The contact group when the MyPlan was created does not match citizens current contact group | The contact group when the MyPlan was created does not match citizens current contact group | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8308 | Unable to acknowledge Myplan because Myplan is invalid | Unable to acknowledge Myplan because Myplan is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8309 | The MyPlan is already marked as valid | The MyPlan is already marked as valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8310 | Person contact enddate cannot be in the past | Person contact enddate cannot be in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8311 | A default jobcenter or a-kasse for the person does not exist | A default jobcenter or a-kasse for the person does not exist | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8312 | Title is required or the length does not meet the minimum length for the channel type | Title is required or the length does not meet the minimum length for the channel type | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
8313 | Title is not allowed for this channel type | Title is not allowed for this channel type | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9001 | Voucher not found | Voucher not found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9002 | Forloeb not found | Forloeb not found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9003 | The interview supervisor specified is not allowed for this interview option | The interview supervisor specified is not allowed for this interview option | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9004 | There is no CitizenDynamicMessage with the given id for the given CvCustomerIdentifier. | There is no CitizenDynamicMessage with the given id for the given CvCustomerIdentifier. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9006 | The specified MarkMessageIdentifier is not valid | The specified MarkMessageIdentifier is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9007 | An archived message cannot be marked | An archived message cannot be marked | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9008 | UnemploymentFund should not report CVComment | UnemploymentFund should not report CVComment | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9009 | UnemploymentFund is not allowed to register CVStatus for citizens in this ContactGroup | UnemploymentFund is not allowed to register CVStatus for citizens in this ContactGroup | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9012 | Cannot create message for sender | Cannot create message for sender | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9013 | The submitted MessageType is not allowed for sender | The submitted MessageType is not allowed for sender | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9014 | The submitted ChannelType is not allowed for sender and messagetype | The submitted ChannelType is not allowed for sender and messagetype | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9015 | The submitted ResponseType is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltype | The submitted ResponseType is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltype | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9016 | The submitted ArchiveMessage is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltype | The submitted ArchiveMessage is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltype | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9017 | The submitted ShowInMessageBox is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltype | The submitted ShowInMessageBox is not allowed for messagetype, sender and channeltype | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9018 | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9019 | Html text is not allowed | Html text is not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9020 | Visible from date must atleast be one day in the future | Visible from date must atleast be one day in the future | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9021 | visible to date must be atleast one day in the future and no less than visible from date | visible to date must be atleast one day in the future and no less than visible from date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9022 | Latest reply must be at least 7 days in the future or 7 days after visible from | Latest reply must be at least 7 days in the future or 7 days after visible from | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9023 | Citizen is not affiliated with CreatedByUser or MessageRecepient | Citizen is not affiliated with CreatedByUser or MessageRecepient | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9024 | Citizen does not belong to creating Unemploymentfund | Citizen does not belong to creating Unemploymentfund | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9025 | You are not allowed to update or cancel this group booking | You are not allowed to update or cancel this group booking | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9026 | The submitted membership cancellation code type is invalid | The submitted membership cancellation code type is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9100 | The submitted MessageImportantIdentifier is invalid | The submitted MessageImportantIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9101 | The submitted DocumentExtensionTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted DocumentExtensionTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9102 | The submitted DocumentSchemaTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted DocumentSchemaTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9103 | Organisation type must be specified when usertype is sagsbehandler | Organisation type must be specified when usertype is sagsbehandler | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9104 | Organisation code must be specified when usertype is sagsbehandler | Organisation code must be specified when usertype is sagsbehandler | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9105 | Minimum company cvr number must be specified when usertype is virksomhed | Minimum company cvr number must be specified when usertype is virksomhed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9106 | Tag cannot be empty or greater than 50 charactors | Tag cannot be empty or greater than 50 charactors | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9109 | The submitted NotificationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted NotificationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9110 | There is no CV saved with the given CVVersionIdentifier for the citizen in question | There is no CV saved with the given CVVersionIdentifier for the citizen in question | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9111 | There is no CV saved with the required status for the citizen in question | There is no CV saved with the required status for the citizen in question | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9112 | The given CVVersionIdentifier is incoherent with the CVStatusIdentifier | The given CVVersionIdentifier is incoherent with the CVStatusIdentifier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9113 | Either CVVersionIdentifier or CVStatusIdentifier is required | Either CVVersionIdentifier or CVStatusIdentifier is required | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9114 | The message has an ResponseType which does not allow reply from Company | The message has an ResponseType which does not allow reply from Company | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9115 | You are not allowed to reply on this message since you are not MessageCreator or MessageRecipient | You are not allowed to reply on this message since you are not MessageCreator or MessageRecipient | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9116 | Latest reply date for message has expired | Latest reply date for message has expired | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9117 | Citizens that are DPM and under 25 with an EducationPlan must have the Withgoal specified | Citizens that are DPM and under 25 with an EducationPlan must have the Withgoal specified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9118 | The submitted CauseTypeIdentifier can only be used by unemploymentfunds. | The submitted CauseTypeIdentifier can only be used by unemploymentfunds. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9119 | Eventdate later than today is not allowed for message | Eventdate later than today is not allowed for message | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9120 | Eventdate later than today is not allowed for mark message | Eventdate later than today is not allowed for mark message | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9121 | Interview in rehab team is not allowed for this contact group | Interview in rehab team is not allowed for this contact group | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9122 | Name change is not allowed. Only DFDG is authorized to change the name of main jobcenters | Name change is not allowed. Only DFDG is authorized to change the name of main jobcenters | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9123 | Valid interval between 00:01 and 23:59 with no overlap and opening hour before closing hour. | Valid interval between 00:01 and 23:59 with no overlap and opening hour before closing hour. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9124 | The time format is invalid. The allowed format is [HH:mm] (E.g. 13:45) | The time format is invalid. The allowed format is [HH:mm] (E.g. 13:45) | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9125 | For conducted interview in rehab team, participant status has to be Id 5 or 6. | For conducted interview in rehab team, participant status has to be Id 5 or 6. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9126 | Participant status is required for interview with more authorities | Participant status is required for interview with more authorities | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9127 | The citizen has no plan or the latest plan is not a Educationplan | The citizen has no plan or the latest plan is not a Educationplan | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9128 | The Educationplan is not on step 4 | The Educationplan is not on step 4 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9129 | A Jobplan must contain at least one goal | A Jobplan must contain at least one goal | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9130 | The Booking can not be rescheduled or cancelled by the citizen because it is an immediate booking | The Booking can not be rescheduled or cancelled by the citizen because it is an immediate booking | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9131 | Invalid CodeListItemIdentifier | Invalid CodeListItemIdentifier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9132 | JobSearch joblog requires either a company area, company zipcode or company country | JobSearch joblog requires either a company area, company zipcode or company country | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9133 | Submission date is not allowed to be specified when latest status for joblog is Ikke søgt endnu | Submission date is not allowed to be specified when latest status for joblog is Ikke søgt endnu | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9134 | Submission date is required when latest status for joblog is different from Ikke søgt endnu | Submission date is required when latest status for joblog is different from Ikke søgt endnu | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9135 | Other entry requires either a codelist value for OtherActivityType or a Title | Other entry requires either a codelist value for OtherActivityType or a Title | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9139 | Start date can max be 180 days back in time | Start date can max be 180 days back in time | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9140 | No active contact group found | No active contact group found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9141 | EndDate has to be after start date | EndDate has to be after start date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9142 | Max zipcodes should be equal or greater than min zipcodes | Max zipcodes should be equal or greater than min zipcodes | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9143 | Max number of joblogs should be equal or greater than min number of joblogs | Max number of joblogs should be equal or greater than min number of joblogs | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9144 | Max page size exceeded | Max page size exceeded | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9145 | The occupation code is not valid | The occupation code is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9146 | The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter | The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9147 | CreateEnrollmentCV on Jobnet failed | CreateEnrollmentCV on Jobnet failed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9148 | The current category does not allow enrollment. | The current category does not allow enrollment. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9149 | MaxDaysWithJoblogRequired should be equal or greater than MinDaysWithJoblogRequired | MaxDaysWithJoblogRequired should be equal or greater than MinDaysWithJoblogRequired | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9150 | MinDaysWithJoblogRequired should not be greater than length of search period | MinDaysWithJoblogRequired should not be greater than length of search period | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9152 | CaseWorkers with Authority Municipality are not allowed to edit Jobcenter-created items | CaseWorkers with Authority Municipality are not allowed to edit Jobcenter-created items | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9153 | The submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9154 | The mobile phone number cannot be removed while a subscribtion for text notifications exists | The mobile phone number cannot be removed while a subscribtion for text notifications exists | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9155 | The mail address cannot be removed while a subscribtion for email notifications exists | The mail address cannot be removed while a subscribtion for email notifications exists | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9156 | The submitted mobile phone number is invalid | The submitted mobile phone number is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9157 | The submitted phone number is invalid | The submitted phone number is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9158 | The submitted mail address is invalid | The submitted mail address is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9159 | No person contact data was registered for the submitted person | No person contact data was registered for the submitted person | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9160 | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 180 days in the past | Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 180 days in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9161 | Recall is only allowed for unemployment fund who has current or latest membership period | Recall is only allowed for unemployment fund who has current or latest membership period | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9162 | The specified UnemploymentFundMembershipRegistrationDate does not match the one registered | The specified UnemploymentFundMembershipRegistrationDate does not match the one registered | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9163 | The specified UnemploymentFundMembershipCancellationDate does not match the one registered | The specified UnemploymentFundMembershipCancellationDate does not match the one registered | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9164 | Recall is not allowed since citizen has been enrolled during the membership period | Recall is not allowed since citizen has been enrolled during the membership period | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9165 | Request contains invalid emojies | Request contains invalid emojies | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9166 | AdditionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier is invalid | AdditionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9167 | AdditionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier is not coherent with the contactgroup and the absence | AdditionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier is not coherent with the contactgroup and the absence | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9168 | Start date on the additional information is not coherent with the period for the absence | Start date on the additional information is not coherent with the period for the absence | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9169 | End date on the additional information is not coherent with the period for the absence | End date on the additional information is not coherent with the period for the absence | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9170 | The additional information registration is not allowed due to an invalid overlap | The additional information registration is not allowed due to an invalid overlap | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9171 | The additional information registration does not exist | The additional information registration does not exist | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9172 | The additionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier cant be changed | The additionalInformationOnAbsenceTypeIdentifier cant be changed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9173 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 12 months | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 12 months | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9174 | The category update is invalid with the current contactgroup and absence registrations | The category update is invalid with the current contactgroup and absence registrations | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9175 | CompanyRecruitmentTitle and ConceptURiDa may not both be specified | CompanyRecruitmentTitle and ConceptURiDa may not both be specified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9176 | CompanyRecruitmentTitle too short | CompanyRecruitmentTitle too short | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9177 | ConceptURiDa is not a valid ESCO STAR code for occupation | ConceptURiDa is not a valid ESCO STAR code for occupation | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9178 | The submitted BenefitsPeriodFormTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted BenefitsPeriodFormTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9179 | The submitted BenefitsGradingBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted BenefitsGradingBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9180 | Company Recruitment cannot be created in closed state | Company Recruitment cannot be created in closed state | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9181 | A benefits account was not created for the submitted person | A benefits account was not created for the submitted person | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9182 | The user is not authorized to read messages on this queue | The user is not authorized to read messages on this queue | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9183 | The submitted RateBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted RateBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9184 | The CompanyRecruitmentStatusTypeIdentifier is 'Lukket' | The CompanyRecruitmentStatusTypeIdentifier is 'Lukket' | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9185 | Candidate must be represented by either a CPR or a CV number | Candidate must be represented by either a CPR or a CV number | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9186 | Candidate is already subjected to company recruitment | Candidate is already subjected to company recruitment | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9187 | Candidate list cannot contain duplicates | Candidate list cannot contain duplicates | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9188 | The submitted BenefitsExpiryCauseTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted BenefitsExpiryCauseTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9189 | The submitted BenefitsExpiryActualOrExpectedTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted BenefitsExpiryActualOrExpectedTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9190 | Joblog entry or document was not accessible | Joblog entry or document was not accessible | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9191 | The Candidate doesn't exists on the CompanyRecruitment or has already been removed | The Candidate doesn't exists on the CompanyRecruitment or has already been removed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9192 | Citizen consent is required to indicate that you have acquired the citizen's accept | Citizen consent is required to indicate that you have acquired the citizen's accept | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9193 | The submitted PersonContactPersonContactDataStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted PersonContactPersonContactDataStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9194 | The person has no person contact data for the submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifier | The person has no person contact data for the submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9195 | There is already an existing UnemploymentFundBranch with the given UnemploymentFundBranchCode | There is already an existing UnemploymentFundBranch with the given UnemploymentFundBranchCode | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9196 | The CVEditEndDate must be greater than or equal to the AsylumTransitionDate | The CVEditEndDate must be greater than or equal to the AsylumTransitionDate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9197 | The period between AsylumTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is too long | The period between AsylumTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is too long | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9198 | AsylumTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is not allowed to be set for this contact group | AsylumTransitionDate and CVEditEndDate is not allowed to be set for this contact group | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9199 | Contact person must specify email address when email notification is set true | Contact person must specify email address when email notification is set true | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9200 | CVEditEndDate has passed and updates to CVEditEndDate and AsylumTransitionDate are not allowed | CVEditEndDate has passed and updates to CVEditEndDate and AsylumTransitionDate are not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9201 | CVEditEndDate and AsylumTransitionDate is not registered for this citizen and cannot be updated | CVEditEndDate and AsylumTransitionDate is not registered for this citizen and cannot be updated | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9202 | A correction comment is mandatory when changing the AsylumTransitionDate | A correction comment is mandatory when changing the AsylumTransitionDate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9203 | UnemploymentFund is not allowed to access plan | UnemploymentFund is not allowed to access plan | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9206 | This Authority is not allowed to attach a RecruitmentCaseworker to the CompanyRecruitment | This Authority is not allowed to attach a RecruitmentCaseworker to the CompanyRecruitment | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9207 | Candidate status cannot be updated to canditate status 'WaitingForApproval' | Candidate status cannot be updated to canditate status 'WaitingForApproval' | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9208 | Correction comment is required when candidate is removed | Correction comment is required when candidate is removed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9209 | The list of primary recruitment authorities must contain jobcenters and unemployment funds only | The list of primary recruitment authorities must contain jobcenters and unemployment funds only | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9210 | The list of primary recruitment authorities cannot contain duplicates | The list of primary recruitment authorities cannot contain duplicates | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9212 | The primary recruitment authority is unknown to DFDG | The primary recruitment authority is unknown to DFDG | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9213 | BenefitsGradingBasisTypeIdentifierType 13 is only allowed for GradingDates earlier than 01.07.2017 | BenefitsGradingBasisTypeIdentifierType 13 is only allowed for GradingDates earlier than 01.07.2017 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9214 | No data found | No data found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9215 | The caller does not have the correct permissions for the update | The caller does not have the correct permissions for the update | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9216 | Citizen is ContactGroup id 1 and can only have InterviewDeadline with InterviewType 7 | Citizen is ContactGroup id 1 and can only have InterviewDeadline with InterviewType 7 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9218 | InterviewDeadline with this InterviewType is not allowed for the citizen's current ContactGroup | InterviewDeadline with this InterviewType is not allowed for the citizen's current ContactGroup | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9219 | Citizen has an InterviewDeadline with different InterviewType, that must be closed first | Citizen has an InterviewDeadline with different InterviewType, that must be closed first | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9220 | Citizen already has a booking of type Opfølgningssamtale | Citizen already has a booking of type Opfølgningssamtale | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9221 | The date of deduction is not contained in the reported month | The date of deduction is not contained in the reported month | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9222 | The holiday period is not contained in the reported holiday year | The holiday period is not contained in the reported holiday year | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9224 | When company recruitment is created by authority then 'RecruitmentCaseWorkerAllowed' must be true | When company recruitment is created by authority then 'RecruitmentCaseWorkerAllowed' must be true | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9226 | The submitted EarlyRetirementTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted EarlyRetirementTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9227 | The submitted EarlyRetirementRateTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted EarlyRetirementRateTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9228 | The submitted CompletionCauseTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted CompletionCauseTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9229 | The submitted identifier does not belong to the specified person | The submitted identifier does not belong to the specified person | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9230 | CVEditEndDate has passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowed | CVEditEndDate has passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9231 | AsylumTransitionDate has not passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowed | AsylumTransitionDate has not passed and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9232 | ReplaceCV is not allowed to be called for a citizen in this contact group | ReplaceCV is not allowed to be called for a citizen in this contact group | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9233 | Failed to replace CV in Jobnet, see details for more information | Failed to replace CV in Jobnet, see details for more information | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9234 | Internal error on Jobnet | Internal error on Jobnet | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9235 | The ValidToDate must be in the future | The ValidToDate must be in the future | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9237 | FromDate must be before or equal to ToDate | FromDate must be before or equal to ToDate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9238 | The calling organisation did not register the current data it’s trying to update or delete | The calling organisation did not register the current data it’s trying to update or delete | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9239 | Delete of early retirement data is not allowed | Delete of early retirement data is not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9240 | The registered person contact data is not valid for verification | The registered person contact data is not valid for verification | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9241 | The submitted verification code is not valid | The submitted verification code is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9242 | No person contact data registered for verification | No person contact data registered for verification | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9243 | The early transition dates must be equal to or before the AsylumTransitionDate | The early transition dates must be equal to or before the AsylumTransitionDate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9244 | The municipality code is incoherent with the caller | The municipality code is incoherent with the caller | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9245 | Voucher not found | Voucher not found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9246 | Occupational group already locked | Occupational group already locked | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9247 | The person contact data has already been verified | The person contact data has already been verified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9248 | You can only call ReplaceCV from EarlyCVTransitionDate and forth | You can only call ReplaceCV from EarlyCVTransitionDate and forth | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9250 | The submitted IntegrationProgramStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted IntegrationProgramStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9251 | The submitted DanishGoalTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted DanishGoalTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9252 | The submitted UnderstandSpokenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted UnderstandSpokenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9253 | The submitted SpokenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted SpokenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9254 | The submitted ReadLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted ReadLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9255 | The submitted WrittenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted WrittenLanguageTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9256 | The submitted EducationEvaluationCaseStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted EducationEvaluationCaseStatusTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9257 | The submitted ReasonForResidencePermitTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted ReasonForResidencePermitTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9258 | Failed to save integration contract due to invalid transitiondata | Failed to save integration contract due to invalid transitiondata | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9259 | Could not find home address geographic coordinates for person | Could not find home address geographic coordinates for person | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9260 | Service call timeout | Service call timeout | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9261 | Service is unavailable | Service is unavailable | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9262 | Geocoding was not possible | Geocoding was not possible | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9263 | Either the startcoordinate or endCoordinate is not located i Denmark | Either the startcoordinate or endCoordinate is not located i Denmark | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9264 | GeoService was not able to create a route | GeoService was not able to create a route | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9265 | Failed to save integration contract | Failed to save integration contract. Failed to save integration contract. IntegrationProgramEndDate must be after or equal to IntegrationProgramStartDate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9266 | AsylumTransitionData is missing and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowed | AsylumTransitionData is missing and calls to ReplaceCV are not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9267 | Identifier is not valid | Its not valid to submit an IntegrationContractIdentifier when loading data from the asylum operator (LetAsyl) | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9268 | No asylum transition data registered | No asylum transition data registered | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9269 | No transition to municipality registered in asylum transition data | No transition to municipality registered in asylum transition data | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9270 | No asylum data registered at the asylum operator (LetAsyl) | No asylum data registered at the asylum operator (LetAsyl) | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9271 | No data registered in DFDG with the given IntegrationContractIdentifier for the submitted person | No data registered in DFDG with the given IntegrationContractIdentifier for the submitted person | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9272 | Citizen is not a member of a required contact group. | Citizen is not a member of a required contact group. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9273 | IntegrationContractFirstSigningDate must be today or in the past | IntegrationContractFirstSigningDate must be today or in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9274 | IntegrationContractEndDate must be today or in the past | IntegrationContractEndDate must be today or in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9275 | IntegrationContractEndDate cannot be before IntegrationContractFirstSigningDate | IntegrationContractEndDate cannot be before IntegrationContractFirstSigningDate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9276 | All submitted language skills must either have a LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier or a LanguageName | All submitted language skills must either have a LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier or a LanguageName | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9277 | One or more submitted language skills cannot have both LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier and LanguageName | One or more submitted language skills cannot have both LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier and LanguageName | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9278 | A submitted LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | A submitted LanguageCodeTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9279 | The submitted LanguageSkillCollection contains language skills which refer the same language | The submitted LanguageSkillCollection contains language skills which refer the same language | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9280 | The specified identifier already exists | The specified identifier already exists | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9281 | The service for LetAsyl is not available | The service for LetAsyl is not available | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9282 | The person has an absence registration which conflicts with this person category | The person has an absence registration which conflicts with this person category | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9283 | The integration contract does not exist | The integration contract does not exist | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9284 | LastModifiedInformedAboutMissingDanishQualifications must be today or in the past | LastModifiedInformedAboutMissingDanishQualifications must be today or in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9285 | LastModifiedInformedAboutMissingDanishQualificationsRegardingBenefits must be today or in the past | LastModifiedInformedAboutMissingDanishQualificationsRegardingBenefits must be today or in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9286 | LatestGuidedRegardingExistingEducation must be today or in the past | LatestGuidedRegardingExistingEducation must be today or in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9287 | Unable to communicate with the asylum operator | Unable to communicate with the asylum operator | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9288 | Unknown username and password submitted to the asylum operator | Unknown username and password submitted to the asylum operator | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9289 | Invalid URL or unknown person civil registration identifier submitted to the asylum operator | Invalid URL or unknown person civil registration identifier submitted to the asylum operator | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9290 | Invalid municipality code submitted to the asylum operator | Invalid municipality code submitted to the asylum operator | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9291 | Invalid parameters submitted to the asylum operator | Invalid parameters submitted to the asylum operator | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9292 | Communication with the asylum operator has timed out | Communication with the asylum operator has timed out | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9293 | Invalid logging headers submittede to the asylum operator | Invalid logging headers submittede to the asylum operator | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9294 | Unhandled error received from the asylum operator | Unhandled error received from the asylum operator | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9295 | Deadline for CV update and transitiondate on Create/Update (AsylumTransitionDate) is not the same | Deadline for CV update and transitiondate on Create/Update (AsylumTransitionDate) is not the same | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9296 | The former transition dates is not supposed to be present | The former transition dates is not supposed to be present | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9298 | The submitted CauseTypeIdentifier can not be used by unemploymentfunds | The submitted CauseTypeIdentifier can not be used by unemploymentfunds | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9299 | The submitted ClientCategoryType can not be used by unemploymentfunds | The submitted ClientCategoryType can not be used by unemploymentfunds | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9300 | The submitted CurrentUnemploymentStatus can not be used by unemploymentfunds | The submitted CurrentUnemploymentStatus can not be used by unemploymentfunds | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9301 | The document is deleted due to its age. | The document is deleted due to its age. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9302 | An asylum transition for the specified citizen already exists | An asylum transition for the specified citizen already exists | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9303 | Unhandled error received from the remote system | Unhandled error received from the remote system | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9304 | AvailabilityProving is mandatory for the specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier | AvailabilityProving is mandatory for the specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9305 | The submitted ClientDestinationID does not exist | The submitted ClientDestinationID does not exist | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9306 | One or more of the submitted ServiceIDs do not exist | One or more of the submitted ServiceIDs do not exist | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9307 | The submitted ClientDestinationID does already subscribe to one or more of the submitted ServiceIDs | The submitted ClientDestinationID does already subscribe to one or more of the submitted ServiceIDs | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9308 | The submitted ClientDestinationID does not subscribe to one or more of the submitted ServiceIDs | The submitted ClientDestinationID does not subscribe to one or more of the submitted ServiceIDs | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9309 | This absence type is not allowed if the citizen already has/have had the same absence type | This absence type is not allowed if the citizen already has/have had the same absence type | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9310 | Recipient OrganisationCode cannot be subjobcenter OrganisationCode | Recipient OrganisationCode cannot be subjobcenter OrganisationCode | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9312 | ReportingWeek cannot be earlier than 201601 | ReportingWeek cannot be earlier than 201601 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9313 | One or more weeks indicated are not in the specified range of weeks to handle | One or more weeks indicated are not in the specified range of weeks to handle | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9314 | LatestWeekInReport cannot precede EarliestWeekInReport | LatestWeekInReport cannot precede EarliestWeekInReport | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9315 | The indicated month is earlier than accepted in this service | The indicated month is earlier than accepted in this service | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9316 | The submitted ReobtainBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted ReobtainBasisTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9317 | The submitted ReobtainSupplementalBenefitsTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted ReobtainSupplementalBenefitsTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9318 | CorrectionComment and CorrectionStartDateTime must always both be set when correcting previous input | CorrectionComment and CorrectionStartDateTime must always both be set when correcting previous input | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9319 | One or more counters cannot be empty or null without a correction-indicating CorrectionComment | One or more counters cannot be empty or null without a correction-indicating CorrectionComment | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9320 | Set both ReobtainSupplementalBenefits and ReobtainedRightWeeks when benefits are reobtained | Set both ReobtainSupplementalBenefits and ReobtainedRightWeeks when benefits are reobtained | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9321 | Create a new benefits account does not comply with minimum counter requirements | Create a new benefits account does not comply with minimum counter requirements | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9322 | Correction comment required for Rehabilitation with status fejloprettet | Correction comment required for Rehabilitation with status fejloprettet | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9323 | Only one RehabilitationProcess with RehabilitationProcessStatus 1, 2, 3 or 7 is allowed | Only one RehabilitationProcess with RehabilitationProcessStatus 1, 2, 3 or 7 is allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9324 | Only one RehabilitationProcess with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 4 is allowed | Only one RehabilitationProcess with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 4 is allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9325 | Only PDF allowed for DocumentExtensionType | Only PDF allowed for DocumentExtensionType | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9327 | ReobtainedMonthValue is mandatory when ReobtainBasisTypeIdentifier is 3 - Måned | ReobtainedMonthValue is mandatory when ReobtainBasisTypeIdentifier is 3 - Måned | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9328 | Document belongs to a business area for which a specific get method exists, use this instead | Document belongs to a business area for which a specific get method exists, use this instead | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9329 | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9330 | A Rehab recommendation cannot be combined with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 1, 2 or 7 | A Rehab recommendation cannot be combined with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 1, 2 or 7 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9331 | It is not allowed to create the ContactGroup for jobcenter | It is not allowed to create the ContactGroup for jobcenter | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9332 | A Rehab recommendation must be present with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 3 or 4 | A Rehab recommendation must be present with RehabilitationProcessStatusTypeIdentifier 3 or 4 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9333 | An evaluation of the same type for the activity already exists | An evaluation of the same type for the activity already exists | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9334 | No evaluation for the activity can be found | No evaluation for the activity can be found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9335 | The provided search input is not valid | The provided search input is not valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9336 | CV number has to be specified | CV number has to be specified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9337 | Call to SetFlexijobApproved failed | Call to SetFlexijobApproved failed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9338 | Call to GetCV failed | Call to GetCV failed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9339 | Search criteria have to be specified | Search criteria have to be specified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9340 | Call to SearchCV failed | Call to SearchCV failed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9341 | Call to SetCVAvailability failed | Call to SetCVAvailability failed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9342 | CV availability has to be specified | CV availability has to be specified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9343 | Call to GetCVUpdateList failed | Call to GetCVUpdateList failed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9344 | Missing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrieved | Missing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrieved | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9345 | Missing or incorrect data gives warning | Missing or incorrect data gives warning | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9346 | Call to CVServiceForDFDG failed | Call to CVServiceForDFDG failed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9347 | Call to UpdateJobnetProfile has warnings | Call to UpdateJobnetProfile has warnings | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9348 | The specified identifier for rehabilitation process already exists | The specified identifier for rehabilitation process already exists | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9352 | For course type 'Mentor' the activity description is mandatory | For course type 'Mentor' the activity description is mandatory | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9353 | For course type 'Mentor' the reason for activity is mandatory | For course type 'Mentor' the reason for activity is mandatory | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9354 | For course type 'Mentor' contact information is mandatory | For course type 'Mentor' contact information is mandatory | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9355 | For course type 'Mentor' the telephone number in contact information is mandatory | For course type 'Mentor' the telephone number in contact information is mandatory | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9357 | For course type 'Mentor' the activity location address is mandatory | For course type 'Mentor' the activity location address is mandatory | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9358 | Plan description is not allowed with the combination of citizens contactgroup and personcategory | Plan description is not allowed with the combination of citizens contactgroup and personcategory | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9359 | AbsenceCauseType is required when end date is set on Meeting program with unemployment fund. | AbsenceCauseType is required when end date is set on Meeting program with unemployment fund. | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9360 | Absence end date must be todays date or later | Absence end date must be todays date or later | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9361 | AbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceType | AbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceType | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9362 | Illness NotificationDate must be today or earlier | Illness NotificationDate must be today or earlier | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9369 | With citizens combination of ContactGroup and PersonCategory at least one occupationcode is required | With citizens combination of ContactGroup and PersonCategory at least one occupationcode is required | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9370 | The contact group can not be ended due to an active absence | The contact group can not be ended due to an active absence | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9371 | With citizens combination of ContactGroup and PersonCategory only an occupation goal is allowed | With citizens combination of ContactGroup and PersonCategory only an occupation goal is allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9373 | Route planning is currently not available | Route planning is currently not available | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9374 | Recall not allowed, old UnemploymentFund cannot be reactivated, call MembershipCancellation instead | Recall not allowed, old UnemploymentFund cannot be reactivated, call MembershipCancellation instead | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9375 | RecallAvailabilityAssessment is only allowed for unemployment fund who entered the given assessment | RecallAvailabilityAssessment is only allowed for unemployment fund who entered the given assessment | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9376 | AbsenceCauseType is specified without an absence end date | AbsenceCauseType is specified without an absence end date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9377 | Unemployment funds can only book and register InterviewType 7 and 17 for citizens with absence id 75 | Unemployment funds can only book and register InterviewType 7 and 17 for citizens with absence id 75 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9378 | CourseType or CourseAllocationType not coherent with impersonated authority | CourseType or CourseAllocationType not coherent with impersonated authority | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9379 | Citizen with absence 75 may not book or get booked for meetings in jobcenter | Citizen with absence 75 may not book or get booked for meetings in jobcenter | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9380 | Unable to communicate with the DUPLA operator (SKAT) | Unable to communicate with the DUPLA operator (SKAT) | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9381 | Invalid DUPLA service request | Invalid DUPLA service request | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9382 | DUPLA service identification failed | DUPLA service identification failed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9383 | DUPLA service authorization failed | DUPLA service authorization failed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9384 | DUPLA service request incomplete | DUPLA service request incomplete | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9385 | DUPLA service request syntax incorrect | DUPLA service request syntax incorrect | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9386 | DUPLA service unhandled error | DUPLA service unhandled error | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9387 | UnemploymentFunds are only allowed to create or update course- or mentoractivities | UnemploymentFunds are only allowed to create or update course- or mentoractivities | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9388 | Activity already exists | Activity already exists | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9389 | RequestUserMetaData needs to reflect that it is a selfbooking | RequestUserMetaData needs to reflect that it is a selfbooking | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9390 | Citizen is required to make an immediate booking and can only selfbook via Jobnet | Citizen is required to make an immediate booking and can only selfbook via Jobnet | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9391 | Either hours or minutes per week has to be entered for the activity to be valid | Either hours or minutes per week has to be entered for the activity to be valid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9392 | The type of social aid is not allowed | The type of social aid is not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9393 | The end date of social aid is mandatory, when a social aid is terminated | The end date of social aid is mandatory, when a social aid is terminated | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9394 | The type of social aid is mandatory, when social aid is given or rejected | The type of social aid is mandatory, when social aid is given or rejected | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9395 | Eindkomst service FejlStrukturType | Eindkomst service FejlStrukturType | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9396 | Eindkomst service AdvisStrukturType | Eindkomst service AdvisStrukturType | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9397 | Eindkomst service Unhandled Error | Eindkomst service Unhandled Error | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9398 | You are not authorized to create a social aid case, due to the citizen Municipality allocation | You are not authorized to create a social aid case, due to the citizen Municipality allocation | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9399 | NemSMS service unhandled error | NemSMS service unhandled error | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9400 | Only project type 5 allows adding authorities | Only project type 5 allows adding authorities | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9401 | The participating authority is unknown to DFDG | The participating authority is unknown to DFDG | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9402 | The list of participating authorities cannot contain duplicates | The list of participating authorities cannot contain duplicates | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9403 | The project is not open for adding participating authorities | The project is not open for adding participating authorities | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9404 | The authority is not part of the project | The authority is not part of the project | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9405 | Enddate cannot be in the past | Enddate cannot be in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9406 | The interviewtime cannot be too far in the past | The interviewtime cannot be too far in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9407 | Only the creating authority or current jobcenter can update/delete a marking | Only the creating authority or current jobcenter can update/delete a marking | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9408 | CommentText needs to be present, to search outside your own organisation | CommentText needs to be present, to search outside your own organisation | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9409 | MentorTypeIdentifier is invalid | MentorTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9410 | HealthActivityTypeIdentifier is invalid | HealthActivityTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9411 | SocialActivityTypeIdentifier is invalid | SocialActivityTypeIdentifier is invalid | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9413 | ProjectType can not be changed on update | ProjectType can not be changed on update | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9414 | JobSearchEvent er ukendt | JobSearchEvent er ukendt | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9415 | The InterviewTime may not change the interview's status as resetting/non-resetting | The InterviewTime may not change the interview's status as resetting/non-resetting | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9416 | The indicated update of InterviewTypeIdentifier is not allowed | The indicated update of InterviewTypeIdentifier is not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9417 | A correction comment is required when deleting this type of a present or historic absence | A correction comment is required when deleting this type of a present or historic absence | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9418 | A CompanyRecruitment can only be updated by a PrimaryAuthority | A CompanyRecruitment can only be updated by a PrimaryAuthority | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9419 | InterruptionDate must be before or equal to ToDate | InterruptionDate must be before or equal to ToDate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9420 | InterruptionDate must be after or equal to FromDate | InterruptionDate must be after or equal to FromDate | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9421 | A Jobcenter is not allowed to have multiple ScreeningTargetGroupTypes enabled | A Jobcenter is not allowed to have multiple ScreeningTargetGroupTypes enabled | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9422 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 months | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 months | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9423 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 years | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 years | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9424 | The provided ESCO STAR occupation is not active | The provided ESCO STAR occupation is not active | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9425 | The provided ESCO STAR alias is not active | The provided ESCO STAR alias is not active | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9426 | AliasIdentifier is not a valid alias to the ESCO STAR code for occupation | AliasIdentifier is not a valid alias to the ESCO STAR code for occupation | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9427 | AliasIdentifier can't be specified without an ESCO STAR code for occupation | AliasIdentifier can't be specified without an ESCO STAR code for occupation | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9428 | GoalCodeType is not valid. If EscoStarCode is used in version 4 or DiscoCode is used in version v5 | GoalCodeType is not valid. If EscoStarCode is used in version 4 or DiscoCode is used in version v5 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9429 | Plan not found | Plan not found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9430 | Operation only allowed for legal plan versions | Operation only allowed for legal plan versions | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9431 | Goal not found | Goal not found | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9432 | Operation only allowed for custom goals | Operation only allowed for custom goals | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9433 | Plan description is empty and therefore cannot be rectified | Plan description is empty and therefore cannot be rectified | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9434 | Forløb må ikke overlappe andet Tidlig Pension forløb | Forløb må ikke overlappe andet Tidlig Pension forløb | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9435 | When choosing EducationRetentionTypeIdentifier id 1. Then id2 and/or id 3 is not allowed | When choosing EducationRetentionTypeIdentifier id 1. Then id2 and/or id 3 is not allowed | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9436 | When choosing EducationRetentionTypeIdentifier id 4. Then id2 and/or id 3 must be present | When choosing EducationRetentionTypeIdentifier id 4. Then id2 and/or id 3 must be present | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9437 | When saving EducationPlan in Step 4, education retention(s) must be present | When saving EducationPlan in Step 4, education retention(s) must be present | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9438 | AbsenceCauseType is not allowed for this organisationtype | AbsenceCauseType is not allowed for this organisationtype | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9439 | The person can not be registered with the same ConceptUriDa more than one time | The person can not be registered with the same ConceptUriDa more than one time | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9440 | The reported price pr. hour is only valid for subsidized employment or job for early retirement | The reported price pr. hour is only valid for subsidized employment or job for early retirement | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9441 | The Dawa server is unavailable or failed to process the request | The Dawa server is unavailable or failed to process the request | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9442 | The Dawa server is unavailable due to too many calls - server is throttling down | The Dawa server is unavailable due to too many calls - server is throttling down | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9443 | An element in the request contains only invalid characters (see details in InnerException) | An element in the request contains only invalid characters (see details in InnerException) | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9444 | Submission date has to be 2015-01-01 or later | Submission date has to be 2015-01-01 or later | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9445 | Submission deadline date has to be 2015-01-01 or later | Submission deadline date has to be 2015-01-01 or later | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9446 | The person does not meet the age requirements | The person does not meet the age requirements | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9447 | Unexpected nonce ID in received Json Web Ticket (SKAT) | Unexpected nonce ID in received Json Web Ticket (SKAT) | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9448 | IsCreatedByCompany can not be updated | IsCreatedByCompany can not be updated | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9449 | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 days | This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 days | Client | http://amportal.bm.dk/pjaktass |
9450 | HoursPaidUltimoRate can not be used for periods previous to [ 2023-05 ] | HoursPaidUltimoRate can not be used for periods previous to [ 2023-05 ] | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9451 | RatePerMonthForPaymentUltimoRate can not be used for periods previous to [ 2023-05 ] | RatePerMonthForPaymentUltimoRate can not be used for periods previous to [ 2023-05 ] | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9452 | CauseForDeductionInUnemploymentBenefits id 20 only allowed for ReportingYearMonth 2023-05 or later | CauseForDeductionInUnemploymentBenefits id 20 only allowed for ReportingYearMonth 2023-05 or later | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9453 | PeriodStartDate for QualifyingHours has to be today or in the past | PeriodStartDate for QualifyingHours has to be today or in the past | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9454 | Rate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires CalculationBase > 0,00 | Rate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires CalculationBase > 0,00 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9455 | Rate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RatePerMonth to be set | Rate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RatePerMonth to be set | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9456 | Rate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RatePerHour to be set | Rate Basis id 1 Indplacering and id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RatePerHour to be set | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9457 | Rate Basis id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RateValidFrom to be set | Rate Basis id 5 Genberegning efter dimittend requires RateValidFrom to be set | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9458 | RateBasis id 6,7 & 9 is only valid if GradingDate for ordinær dagpengeperiode < 2023-05-01 | RateBasis id 6,7 & 9 is only valid if GradingDate for ordinær dagpengeperiode < 2023-05-01 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9459 | The BenefitsGradingBasis Id is only valid if GradingDate for ordinær dagpengeperiode < 2023-05-01 | The BenefitsGradingBasis Id is only valid if GradingDate for ordinær dagpengeperiode < 2023-05-01 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9461 | The citizen is not in Contactgroup 1 on the indicated date | The citizen is not in Contactgroup 1 on the indicated date | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9462 | Activity CauseRemark must contain at least 20 characters | Activity CauseRemark must contain at least 20 characters | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
9463 | JobCenter can not publish plans for KG1 when active absence 75 after 2024/1/1 | JobCenter can not publish plans for KG1 when active absence 75 after 2024/1/1 | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
100053 | Invalid client category type | Invalid client category type | Client | http://service.bm.dk/pjaktasswcf |
, multiple selections available,