Overtager JCSS' opgave for alt med kontaktforløbsdata. Den nye JCSS v10: JobnetCitizenStatusService (Version 10, 2022-3) [UDV]
Input: [Personnummer i header]
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
KanSelvbooke | boolean |
| 1 | Angiver om borgeren har mulighed for selvbbooking |
Frister | InterviewDeadlineTypeCollection |
| 0 - 1 | Samling af borgerens frister |
| InterviewDeadlineType |
| 0 - * | Frist datastruktur |
| 1 | Status for fristen. | |
| 1 | Id på den samtaletype som borger har frist på at booke. | |
| date |
| 1 | Frist for borgers selvbook |
| date |
| 1 | Den sidste accepterede afholdelsesdato for mødet ved selvbook. |
StraksbookingPaakraevet | boolean |
| 1 | Angiver om borgeren skal straksbooke |
Fejlkode (GL) | Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1014 | 1014 | Beskeden kunne ikke valideres | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
| 1010 | Ukendt personnummer |
GetSelvbookingMoedetilbud (GetSelfbookInterviewOptions)
Benyttes ved selvbooking til at give mulige mødetilbud (online tilbud)
[Peronnummer i header]
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
MoedetilbudSamling |
| 0 - 1 |
(InterviewOption) | InterviewOptionType |
| 0 - * | Mødetilbud |
| guid | Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Identifikation af et online tilbud med GUID. ID skal anvendes ved efterfølgende forespørgsler i selvbookingflowet. |
(InterviewTypeIdentifier) |
| 1 | Angiver hvilken samtaletype der skal afholdes | |
(InterviewFormTypeIdentifier) |
| 1 | Angiver om det er et fælles eller individuelt møde. | |
| 1 | En liste med tilgængelige samtaleformer for mødet |
| 1 - * | Angiver samtaleformen, dvs. om mødet skal være personligt fremmøde, telefonisk osv. | |
(InterviewLocationDetail) | InterviewLocationDetailType |
| 0 - 1 | Information om hvor mødet skal afholdes |
(InterviewLocationDescription) | InterviewLocationDescriptionType | Length: 1-200 | 0 - 1 | Beskrivelse af mødestedet i det omfang adressen ikke er tilstrækkelig. |
| AddressPostalType |
| 0 - 1 | Adresse |
| StreetNameType | Length: 1-40 | 1 | Vejnavn. |
| StreetBuildingIdentifierType | Pattern: ([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]{2})|([1-9][A-Z]|[1-9][0-9][A-Z]|[1-9][0-9]{2}[A-Z]) | 1 |
| FloorIdentifierType | Pattern: [1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|KL|ST|kl|st|k[2-9]|K[2-9] | 0 - 1 |
| SuiteIdentifierType | Length: 1-4 | 0 - 1 |
| PostCodeIdentifierType | Pattern: [0-9]{4} | 1 | Postnummer |
| DistrictNameType | Length: 1-20 | 1 | Bynavn |
| string |
| 0 - 1 | Landekode. |
(MeetingDurationMinutes) | int |
| 1 | Mødets varighed i minutter |
(FirstTimeslot) | dateTime |
| 0 - 1 | Første mulige mødedato og tid. |
(LastTimeslot) | dateTime |
| 0 - 1 | Seneste mulige mødetidspunkt, som tilbuddet udstilles til. For individuelle møder kan datoen være "åben" og dermed ikke sat. For fællesmøder vil der altid være angivet en dato/tid. Denne kan være identisk med FoersteMoedetid hvis der er tale om et fællesmøde, der kun foregår på en enkelt specifik dag |
(AllowChoiceOfSupervisor) | boolean |
| 1 | Angiver hvorvidt borger kan se og vælge en specifik sagsbehandler. For fællesmøder altid false |
(MeetingTitle) | MeetingTitleType | Length: 1-100 | 1 | Mødetitel. Vises på Jobnet |
(MeetingDescription) | MeetingDescriptionType | Length: 0-500 | 0 - 1 | Beskrivelse til møde med dagsorden og uddybende information. Vises på Jobnet |
(SupervisorCollection) | SupervisorCollectionType |
| 0 - 1 | Samling af relevante sagsbehandlere |
(Supervisor) | CaseWorkerStructureType |
| 0 - * | Sagsbehandler |
(CaseWorkerGivenName) | PersonGivenNameType | Length: 1-50 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens fornavn(e). |
(CaseWorkerMiddleName) | PersonMiddleNameType | Length: 1-40 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandlerens mellemnavn. |
(CaseWorkerSurname) | PersonSurnameNameType | Length: 1-40 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens efternavn. |
(CaseWorkerIdentifier) | CaseWorkerIdentifierType | Length: 1-255 | 1 | Sagsbehandler-id |
Fejlkode (GL) | Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1014 | STAR Foundation Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated | |
4769 + 9018 | Der er ikke kontakt med jobcentrets bookingsystem | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | |
8111 | STAR Foundation Ukendt personnummer | An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier | |
9303+9329 | Systemfejl i kontakten med jobcentrets bookingsystem | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract |
GetSelvbookingMoedetider (GetSelfbookTimeslots)
Metoden bruges ved selvbook til at hente mulige mødetidpunkter.
[ Personnummer i HEADER ]
MoedetilbudId i URL
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
StartMoedetidsinterval | dateTime |
| 1 | Starttidspunkt for tidsrummet der ønskes mødetider i |
SlutMoedetidsinterval | dateTime |
| 1 | Sluttidspunkt for tidsrummet der ønskes mødetider i |
SamtaleformType |
| 0 - 1 | Samtaleform hvis denne er valgt på dette punkt i flowet | |
EksterntId | CaseWorkerIdentifierType | Length: 1-255 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandler-id hvis dette er valgt på dette punkt i flowet |
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
GetSelvbookingMoedetiderResponse |
| 1 |
| 0 - 1 | Samling af sagsbehandlere som kan bookes |
| 0 - * |
| int |
| 1 |
(Supervisor) | CaseWorkerStructureType |
| 1 | Sagsbehandler |
(CaseWorkerGivenName) | PersonGivenNameType | Length: 1-50 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens fornavn(e). |
(CaseWorkerMiddleName) | PersonMiddleNameType | Length: 1-40 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandlerens mellemnavn. |
(CaseWorkerSurname) | PersonSurnameNameType | Length: 1-40 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens efternavn. |
(CaseWorkerIdentifier) | CaseWorkerIdentifierType | Length: 1-255 | 1 | Sagsbehandler-id |
(BookingTimeslotCollection) | BookingTimeslotCollectionType |
| 0 - 1 | Samling af mødetider der kan bookes |
(BookingTimeslot) | BookingTimeslotType |
| 0 - * | Mødetid med detaljer |
(StartTime) | dateTime |
| 1 | Starttidspunkt for møde |
| 1 | En liste med tilgængelige samtaleformer for mødet |
| 1 - * | Samtaleform, dvs. fysisk fremmøde/ telefonisk / videomøde | |
(RebookingPossible) | boolean |
| 1 | Kan der ombookes for dette mødetilbud |
(CancellationPossible) | boolean |
| 1 | Kan der aflyses på dette mødetilbud |
MaksimaltMoededeltagerantal | int |
| 0 - 1 | Det højeste antal deltagere i mødet |
(AvailableNoOfSeats) | int |
| 0 - 1 | Ledige pladser for mødet |
(CaseWorkerIDCollection) | CaseWorkerIDType |
| 1 | Samling af Id’er på sagsbehandlere som kan bookes til denne mødetid |
(CaseWorkerID) | int |
| 1 - * | Sagsbehandler-id |
Fejlkode (GL) | Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Fejltekst (GL) | Beskrivelse |
1014 | 99000 | STAR Foundation Failed to validate message | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
4769+9018 | Der er ikke kontakt med jobcentrets bookingsystem | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | |
4770 | Der er ikke nogen ledige mødetider | There are no available booking options | There are no available booking options | |
8107 | Der er sket en systemfejl imellem Jobnet og DFDG | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier | |
8111 | 99012 |
| An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier | An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier |
9018 | Der er sket en systemfejl imellem Jobnet og DFDG | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | |
9303 | Der er sket en systemfejl i kontakten med jobcentrets bookingsystem | Unhandled error received from the remote system | Unhandled error received from the remote system |
Metoden bruges ved selvbooking til at oprette selve mødet
[Personnummer i Header]
MoedetilbudId i URL
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
MoedeStarttidspunkt (BookingStartTime) | dateTime |
| 1 | Starttidspunkt for bookingen |
SamtaleformType | Samtaleform, dvs. fysisk fremmøde/ telefonisk / videomøde | |||
SagsbehandlerEksterntId (CaseWorkerIdentifier) | CaseWorkerIdentifierType | Length: 1-255 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandler-id |
Fejlkode (GL) | Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Fejltekst (GL) | Beskrivelse |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated | ||
4400 | CV Customer Number is unknown | The supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system | ||
4405 | The person with specified cpr is dead | The person with specified cpr is dead | ||
4708 | The submitted InterviewContactTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted InterviewContactTypeIdentifier is invalid | ||
4709 | The submitted InterviewTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted InterviewTypeIdentifier is invalid | ||
4769 | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | ||
4783 | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date | ||
4792 | The BookingEndTime cannot be before BookingStartTime | The BookingEndTime cannot be before BookingStartTime | ||
4804 | The booking print comment must not include HTML tags | The booking print comment must not include HTML tags | ||
4805 | The submitted InterviewFormTypeIdentifier is invalid. | The submitted InterviewFormTypeIdentifier is invalid. | ||
4819 | The BookingStartTime is no longer available | The BookingStartTime is no longer available | ||
4822 | Could not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RID | Could not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RID | ||
8108 | The specified InterviewOptionID is not active or is unknown to the system | The specified InterviewOptionID is not active or is unknown to the system | ||
8109 | The booking time is NOT within the allowed range of dates for this interview option | The booking time is NOT within the allowed range of dates for this interview option | ||
8111 | An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier | An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier | ||
8126 | Rebooking deadline must be specified if rebooking is possible | Rebooking deadline must be specified if rebooking is possible | ||
8127 | Cancellation deadline cannot be specified if cancel booking is not possible | Cancellation deadline cannot be specified if cancel booking is not possible | ||
8128 | Cancellation deadline must be specified if cancel booking is possible | Cancellation deadline must be specified if cancel booking is possible | ||
8129 | An address is required for meetings with personal contact | An address is required for meetings with personal contact | ||
8130 | End time or duration is required for bookings with this interview type | End time or duration is required for bookings with this interview type | ||
8131 | Phonenumber is required for bookings where the citizen is expected to initiate the interview | Phonenumber is required for bookings where the citizen is expected to initiate the interview | ||
8132 | The rebooking deadline must not be before todays date | The rebooking deadline must not be before todays date | ||
8133 | The cancellation deadline must not be before todays date | The cancellation deadline must not be before todays date | ||
8134 | The rebooking deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | The rebooking deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | ||
8135 | Booking duration is greater than one day | Booking duration is greater than one day | ||
8136 | The cancellation deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | The cancellation deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | ||
8270 | ReBookingPossible has to be false for bookings with interviewtype Id 17 and Id 18 | ReBookingPossible has to be false for bookings with interviewtype Id 17 and Id 18 | ||
8273 | Citizen already has a booking of type Jobsamtale. | Citizen already has a booking of type Jobsamtale. | ||
8288 | Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType. | Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType. | ||
9003 | The interview supervisor specified is not allowed for this interview option | The interview supervisor specified is not allowed for this interview option | ||
9018 | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | ||
9121 | Interview in rehab team is not allowed for this contact group | Interview in rehab team is not allowed for this contact group | ||
9220 | Citizen already has a booking of type Opfølgningssamtale | Citizen already has a booking of type Opfølgningssamtale | ||
9303 | Unhandled error received from the remote system | Unhandled error received from the remote system | ||
9329 | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract |
CreateOmbooking (RescheduleBooking)
Bruges ombooking flow til selve det at ombooke et møde. Dette kan både være et indkaldt og et selvbooket møde. Dette ses samtidigt som en accept af mødet.
[Personnummer i header]
IndkaldelseId i URL
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
CreateOmbookingRequest |
| 1 |
| dateTime |
| 1 | Starttidspunkt for bookingen |
| 0 - 1 | Borgers valgte samtaleform | |
| CaseWorkerIdentifierType | Length: 1-255 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandler-id |
Fejlkode (GL) | Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1014 | Failed to validate message STAR Foundation | The submitted message could not be validated | |
Ukendt personnummer STAR Foundation | The supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system | ||
4405 | The person with specified cpr is dead STAR Foundation | The person with specified cpr is dead | |
4708 | The submitted InterviewContactTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted InterviewContactTypeIdentifier is invalid | |
4709 | The submitted InterviewTypeIdentifier is invalid | The submitted InterviewTypeIdentifier is invalid | |
4767 | The booking has already been taken | The booking has already been taken | |
4768 | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system | |
4769 | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | |
4783 | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date | |
4792 | The BookingEndTime cannot be before BookingStartTime | The BookingEndTime cannot be before BookingStartTime | |
4822 | Could not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RID | Could not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RID | |
8107 | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier | |
8126 | Rebooking deadline must be specified if rebooking is possible | Rebooking deadline must be specified if rebooking is possible | |
8127 | Cancellation deadline cannot be specified if cancel booking is not possible | Cancellation deadline cannot be specified if cancel booking is not possible | |
8128 | Cancellation deadline must be specified if cancel booking is possible | Cancellation deadline must be specified if cancel booking is possible | |
8129 | An address is required for meetings with personal contact | An address is required for meetings with personal contact | |
8130 | End time or duration is required for bookings with this interview type | End time or duration is required for bookings with this interview type | |
8131 | Phonenumber is required for bookings where the citizen is expected to initiate the interview | Phonenumber is required for bookings where the citizen is expected to initiate the interview | |
8132 | The rebooking deadline must not be before todays date | The rebooking deadline must not be before todays date | |
8133 | The cancellation deadline must not be before todays date | The cancellation deadline must not be before todays date | |
8134 | The rebooking deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | The rebooking deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | |
8135 | Booking duration is greater than one day | Booking duration is greater than one day | |
8136 | The cancellation deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | The cancellation deadline cannot be after BookingStartTime | |
8270 | ReBookingPossible has to be false for bookings with interviewtype Id 17 and Id 18 | ReBookingPossible has to be false for bookings with interviewtype Id 17 and Id 18 | |
8288 | Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType. | Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType. | |
9018 | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | |
9121 | Interview in rehab team is not allowed for this contact group | Interview in rehab team is not allowed for this contact group | |
9130 | The Booking can not be rescheduled or cancelled by the citizen because it is an immediate booking | The Booking can not be rescheduled or cancelled by the citizen because it is an immediate booking | |
9303 | Unhandled error received from the remote system | Unhandled error received from the remote system | |
9329 | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract |
DeleteBooking (CancelBooking)
Metoden bruges til at aflyse et møde fra Jobnet
[Personnummer i Header] [IndkaldelseId i URL]
Input empty
Output empty
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
4650 | It is not allowed to delete this registration because the startdate lies in the past | It is not allowed to delete this registration because the startdate lies in the past |
4768 | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system |
4769 | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established |
4820 | Cancellation is not allowed | Cancellation is not allowed, or cancellation deadline is exceeded |
8107 | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier |
9018 | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing |
9130 | The Booking can not be rescheduled or cancelled by the citizen because it is an immediate booking | The Booking can not be rescheduled or cancelled by the citizen because it is an immediate booking |
9303 | Unhandled error received from the remote system | Unhandled error received from the remote system |
SaveIndkaldelsesaccept (AcceptBooking)
Bruges til at acceptere en indkaldelse fra borger
[Personnummer i header] IndkaldelseId i URL
Input empty
Output empty
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
4400 | CV Customer Number is unknown | The supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system |
4768 | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system |
4769 | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established |
8107 | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier |
9018 | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing |
9303 | Unhandled error received from the remote system | Unhandled error received from the remote system |
GetOmbookingSagsbehandlere (GetRescheduleCaseWorkers)
Metoden bruges ved ombookning til at hente en liste af mulige sagsbehandlere. Alle mulige sagsbehandlere returneres uanset om de har tid
[Personnummer i header]
IndkaldelseId i URL.
[Empty body]
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
GetOmbookingSagsbehandlereResponse | GetRescheduleSupervisorsResponseType |
| 1 |
| boolean |
| 1 | Angiver hvorvidt borger kan se og vælge en specifik sagsbehandler. For fællesmøder altid false |
(SupervisorCollection) | SupervisorCollectionType |
| 0 - 1 | Samling af relevante sagsbehandlere |
(Supervisor) | CaseWorkerStructureType |
| 0 - * | Sagsbehandler |
(CaseWorkerGivenName) | PersonGivenNameType | Length: 1-50 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens fornavn(e). |
(CaseWorkerMiddleName) | PersonMiddleNameType | Length: 1-40 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandlerens mellemnavn. |
(CaseWorkerSurname) | PersonSurnameNameType | Length: 1-40 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens efternavn. |
(CaseWorkerIdentifier) | CaseWorkerIdentifierType | Length: 1-255 | 1 | Sagsbehandler-id |
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
4400 | CV Customer Number is unknown | The supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system |
4768 | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system |
4769 | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established |
4770 | There are no available booking options | There are no available booking options |
4783 | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date |
8107 | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier |
9018 | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing |
9303 | Unhandled error received from the remote system | Unhandled error received from the remote system |
9329 | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract |
GetOmbookingMoedetider (GetRescheduleTimeslots)
Metoden bruges ved ombook til at hente mulige mødetidpunkter. Metoden kalder direkte igennem til tilsvarende metode i ExternalBookingService
Personnummer i header
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
GetOmbookingMoedetiderRequest |
| 1 |
| guid | Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Identifikation af et online tilbud med GUID. ID skal anvendes ved efterfølgende forespørgsler i selvbooking flowet. |
| dateTime |
| 1 | Starttidspunkt for tidsrummet der ønskes mødetider i |
| dateTime |
| 1 | Sluttidspunkt for tidsrummet der ønskes mødetider i |
| 0 - 1 | Samtaleform hvis denne er valgt på dette punkt i flowet | |
| CaseWorkerIdentifierType | Length: 1-255 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandler-id hvis dette er valgt på dette punkt i flowet |
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
GetOmbookingMoedetiderResponse |
| 1 |
| 0 - 1 |
| 0 - * |
| int |
| 1 |
(Supervisor) | CaseWorkerStructureType |
| 0 - * | Sagsbehandler |
(CaseWorkerGivenName) | PersonGivenNameType | Length: 1-50 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens fornavn(e). |
(CaseWorkerMiddleName) | PersonMiddleNameType | Length: 1-40 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandlerens mellemnavn. |
(CaseWorkerSurname) | PersonSurnameNameType | Length: 1-40 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens efternavn. |
(CaseWorkerIdentifier) | CaseWorkerIdentifierType | Length: 1-255 | 1 | Sagsbehandler-id |
(BookingTimeslotCollection) | BookingTimeslotCollectionType |
| 0 - 1 | Samling af mødetider der kan bookes |
(BookingTimeslot) | BookingTimeslotType |
| 0 - * | Mødetid med detaljer |
(StartTime) | dateTime |
| 1 | Starttidspunkt for møde |
| 1 | En liste med tilgængelige samtaleformer for mødet |
| 1 - * | Samtaleform, dvs. fysisk fremmøde/ telefonisk / videomøde | |
(RebookingPossible) | boolean |
| 1 | Kan der ombookes for dette mødetilbud |
(CancellationPossible) | boolean |
| 1 | Kan der aflyses på dette mødetilbud |
(TotalNoOfSeats) | int |
| 0 - 1 | Det højeste antal deltagere i mødet |
(AvailableNoOfSeats) | int |
| 0 - 1 | Ledige pladser for mødet |
(CaseWorkerIDCollection) | CaseWorkerIDType |
| 1 | Samling af Id’er på sagsbehandlere som kan bookes til denne mødetid |
(CaseWorkerID) | int |
| 1 - * | Sagsbehandler-id |
| 1 | Angiver hvilken samtaletype der skal afholdes |
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
4400 | CV Customer Number is unknown | The supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system |
4768 | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system | The submitted BookingIdentifier is unknown to the system |
4769 | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established |
4770 | There are no available booking options | There are no available booking options |
4783 | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date |
4812 | The booking does not allow selfbooking | The booking does not allow selfbooking |
9018 | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing |
9303 | Unhandled error received from the remote system | Unhandled error received from the remote system |
9329 | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract |
GetBookings (udgår - Indkaldelseservice.GetIndkaldelser bruges i stedet)
Metoden henter alle borgerens aktuelle møder. Dette inkluderer både indkaldte og selvbookede møder. I “aktuelle” indkluderes alle møder dags dato i modsætning til tidligere, hvor der var tale om “kommende”
Jobnet skal bruge IndkaldelseService.GetIndkaldelser. Følgende felter udestår: Indkalder (BookingOriginator)
GetStraksbookingMoedetider (GetImmediateBookingTimeslots)
Denne metode udstilles for at give Jobnet en liste af mødetidspunkter som borgeren kan straksbooke og som indfrier den fristtype som straksbookingen er foranlediget af.
Personnummer i header
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
GetStraksbookingMoedetiderResponse |
| 1 |
| 0 - 1 |
| 0 - * |
| int |
| 1 |
(Supervisor) | CaseWorkerStructureType |
| 0 - * | Sagsbehandler |
(CaseWorkerGivenName) | PersonGivenNameType | Length: 1-50 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens fornavn(e). |
(CaseWorkerMiddleName) | PersonMiddleNameType | Length: 1-40 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandlerens mellemnavn. |
(CaseWorkerSurname) | PersonSurnameNameType | Length: 1-40 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens efternavn. |
(CaseWorkerIdentifier) | CaseWorkerIdentifierType | Length: 1-255 | 1 | Sagsbehandler-id |
| 0 - 1 | Samling af mødetider der kan straksbookes. | |
(BookingTimeslot) | BookingTimeslotType |
| 0 - * | Mødetid med detaljer |
(StartTime) | dateTime |
| 1 | Starttidspunkt for møde |
| 1 | En liste med tilgængelige samtaleformer for mødet |
| 1 - * | Samtaleform, dvs. fysisk fremmøde/ telefonisk / videomøde | |
(RebookingPossible) | boolean |
| 1 | Kan der ombookes for dette mødetilbud |
(CancellationPossible) | boolean |
| 1 | Kan der aflyses på dette mødetilbud |
(TotalNoOfSeats) | int |
| 0 - 1 | Det højeste antal deltagere i mødet |
(AvailableNoOfSeats) | int |
| 0 - 1 | Ledige pladser for mødet |
(CaseWorkerIDCollection) | CaseWorkerIDType |
| 1 | Samling af Id’er på sagsbehandlere som kan bookes til denne mødetid |
(CaseWorkerID) | int |
| 1 - * | Sagsbehandler-id |
(InterviewOptionID) | guid | Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Identifikation af et online tilbud med GUID. ID skal anvendes ved efterfølgende forespørgsler i selvbookingflowet. |
(MeetingTitle) | MeetingTitleType | Length: 1-100 | 1 | Mødetitel. Vises på Jobnet |
(MeetingDescription) | MeetingDescriptionType | Length: 0-500 | 0 - 1 | Beskrivelse til møde med dagsorden og uddybende information. Vises på Jobnet |
(MeetingDurationMinutes) | int |
| 1 | Mødets varighed i minutter |
(InterviewTypeIdentifier) |
| 1 | Angiver hvilken samtaletype der skal afholdes | |
(InterviewFormTypeIdentifier) |
| 1 | Angiver om det er et fælles eller individuelt møde. | |
(InterviewLocationDetail) | InterviewLocationDetailType |
| 0 - 1 | Information om hvor mødet skal afholdes |
(InterviewLocationDescription) | InterviewLocationDescriptionType | Length: 1-200 | 0 - 1 | Beskrivelse af mødestedet i det omfang adressen ikke er tilstrækkelig. |
(AddressPostal) | AddressPostalType |
| 0 - 1 | Adresse |
| StreetNameType | Length: 1-40 | 1 | Vejnavn. |
| StreetBuildingIdentifierType | Pattern: ([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]{2})|([1-9][A-Z]|[1-9][0-9][A-Z]|[1-9][0-9]{2}[A-Z]) | 1 |
| FloorIdentifierType | Pattern: [1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|KL|ST|kl|st|k[2-9]|K[2-9] | 0 - 1 |
| SuiteIdentifierType | Length: 1-4 | 0 - 1 |
| PostCodeIdentifierType | Pattern: [0-9]{4} | 1 | Postnummer |
| DistrictNameType | Length: 1-20 | 1 | Bynavn |
| string |
| 0 - 1 | Landekode. |
(AllowChoiceOfSupervisor) | boolean |
| 1 | Angiver hvorvidt borger kan se og vælge en specifik sagsbehandler. For fællesmøder altid false |
| JobnetGetBookingsResponseType |
| 0 - 1 |
| 0 - 1 |
| JobnetBookingDetailsType |
| 0 - * |
| guid | Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Booking ID. |
| BookingOriginatorType |
| 1 | Hvor/hvem bookingen stammer fra/er oprettet af. |
| OrganisationCodeType | MinInclusive: 0 | 1 | Unik kode for den organisation, som bookingen er oprettet af eller på vegne af. |
| 1 | Organisationstype for den organisation, som bookingen er oprettet af eller på vegne af. | |
| boolean |
| 1 | Om borger skal acceptere bookingen. |
| boolean |
| 1 | Om bookingen er accepteret. |
| boolean |
| 1 | Kan der ombookes for dette mødetilbud. |
| dateTime |
| 0 - 1 | Obligatorisk hvis RebookingPossible er sat til true. |
| boolean |
| 1 | Kan der aflyses på dette mødetilbud. |
| dateTime |
| 0 - 1 | Sluttidsdpunkt for borgers aflysningsmulighed. |
| boolean |
| 1 | Har borger selvbooket denne aftale. |
| boolean |
| 1 | Om fremmøde er obligatorisk. |
| dateTime |
| 1 | Startdato og tidspunkt for planlagt møde. |
| dateTime |
| 0 - 1 | Slutdato og tidspunkt for planlagt møde. |
| 1 | Samtaletype for indkaldelser. | |
| 1 | Form for indkaldelse. | |
| MeetingTitleType | Length: 1-100 | 1 | Mødetitel. Vises på Jobnet |
| MeetingDescriptionType | Length: 0-500 | 0 - 1 | Beskrivelse til møde med dagsorden og uddybende information. Vises på Jobnet |
| boolean |
| 1 |
| CaseWorkerStructureType |
| 1 | Afholdende sagsbehandler. |
| PersonGivenNameType | Length: 1-50 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens fornavn. |
| PersonMiddleNameType | Length: 1-40 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandlerens mellemnavn. |
| PersonSurnameNameType | Length: 1-40 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens efternavn. |
| CaseWorkerIdentifierType | Length: 1-255 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens RID fra medarbejder OCES certifikatet. |
| InterviewLocationDetailType |
| 0 - 1 | Information om hvor mødet skal afholdes |
| InterviewLocationDescriptionType | Length: 1-200 | 0 - 1 | Beskrivelse af mødestedet i det omfang adressen ikke er tilstrækkelig. |
| AddressPostalType |
| 0 - 1 |
| MailDeliverySublocationIdentifierType | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
| StreetNameType | Length: 1-40 | 1 | Vejnavn. |
| StreetNameForAddressingNameType | Length: 1-20 | 0 - 1 |
| StreetBuildingIdentifierType | Pattern: ([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]{2})|([1-9][A-Z]|[1-9][0-9][A-Z]|[1-9][0-9]{2}[A-Z]) | 1 |
| FloorIdentifierType | Pattern: [1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|KL|ST|kl|st|k[2-9]|K[2-9] | 0 - 1 |
| SuiteIdentifierType | Length: 1-4 | 0 - 1 |
| DistrictSubdivisionIdentifierType | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
| PostOfficeBoxIdentifierType | MinInclusive: 1 | 0 - 1 |
| PostCodeIdentifierType | Pattern: [0-9]{4} | 1 | Postnummer |
| DistrictNameType | Length: 1-20 | 1 |
| CountryIdentificationCodeType |
| 0 - 1 | Landekode. |
| _CountryIdentificationCodeType | Pattern: [a-z,A-Z]{2}|[a-z,A-Z]{3}|[0-9]{3}|[0-9]{4} | 1 | Dette er en støttetype til CountryIdentificationCodeType. Det regulære udtryk er et valg for de 4 forskellige regulære udtryk for de forskellige formater. ISO 3166 standard, alpha 2: [a-z,A-Z]{2}. Eksempel "DK" for Danmark. ISO 3166 standard, alpha 3: [a-z,A-Z]{3}. Eksempel "DKN" for Danmark. UN Statistics Divisions country codes: [0-9]{3}. Eksempel "208" for Danmark AuthorityCode from the Central Office of Civil Registration: [0-9]{4}. Eksempel "5100" for Danmark. |
| InterviewContactDetailType |
| 0 - 1 | Angiver detaljer om mødet når det ikke er med personligt fremmøde. |
| DigitalContactIdentifierType | Length: 0-255 | 0 - 1 | Kontaktinformation hvis mødet er digitalt |
| TelephoneNumberIdentifierType | Pattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20} | 0 - 1 | Vil være udfyldt med vejlederens telefonnummer, alternativt hovednummer til jobcenter. Skal angives, hvis det er borger, der skal ringe. |
| boolean |
| 0 - 1 | Angiver hvorvidt borgeren skal ringe i forbindelse med et telefonisk møde. |
| 1 | Angiver om mødet skal være personligt fremmøde, telefonisk, per mail eller andet. | |
| boolean |
| 1 | Om InterviewSupervisor (afholdende sagsbehandler)-Navn må vises for borger |
| boolean |
| 0 - 1 | For Jobsamtale med deltagelse af a-kasse: A-kassen forventes deltage i mødet, og skal inviteres til mødet |
| boolean |
| 0 - 1 | Angiver at samtalen er indkaldt med deltagelse af anden myndighed. |
| BookingParticipantCollectionType |
| 0 - 1 | Øvrige deltagere på mødet der ikke borger eller ansvarlig sagsbehandler. |
| BookingParticipantTypeType |
| 1 - * | Mødedeltager |
| InterviewParticipantNameType | Length: 1-256 | 0 - 1 | Navn på deltageren. |
| ExternalAuthorityParticipantIdType | Length: 1-256 | 0 - 1 | Eksternt id på deltageren. |
| 1 | Hvilken rolle mødedeltageren har | |
| ContactDetailsType | Length: 1-3000 | 0 - 1 | Kontaktinformation |
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
4400 | CV Customer Number is unknown | The supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system |
4769 | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established |
4770 | There are no available booking options | There are no available booking options |
8107 | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier | The BookingIdentifier does not correspond to the person civil registration identifier |
8111 | An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier | An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier |
9303 | Unhandled error received from the remote system | Unhandled error received from the remote system |
9329 | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract | Response from external planner system violated the wsdl contract |
Metode til tilbagemeldinger om fejl på Jobnet, booking-tilbud som ikke kan validere i DFDG med mere
[ Personnummer i HEADER ]
Element | Type | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
CreateFejlmeldingRequest |
| GUID | 0 - 1 | Hvis fejlmeldingen er knyttet til et specifikt mødetilbud angives ID |
| GUID | 0 - 1 | Hvis fejlmeldingen er knyttet til et specifikt møde angives ID |
| Int | 1 | Fejl på Jobnet og fejl fanget i DFDGs validering på baggrund af data modtaget fra kald til BorgerBookingService med mere [] |
| String (500) | 0 - 1 | Beskrivelse af fejlsituationen, herunder manuelt fra borger på Jobnet |
| 1 | Hvilket system fejlen er opstået i (Jobnet/DFDG) | |
| dateTime | 1 | Tidspunkt for fejlens registrering |
Fejlkode kodelisten
Id | Navn | Beskrivelse |
¤ |
Id | Navn | Beskrivelse |
Id | Navn | Beskrivelse |
¤ | Ulovligt system angivet som ophav | Kun Id 30 - DFDG og Id 32 - Jobnet er lovlige værdier for system som er ophav til fejl |
¤ | Ukendt borger (¤ genbrug eksisterende kode) | Den angivne borger kendes ikke af plannersystemet |
¤ | Ukendt MødetilbudId | Det angivne id på et mødetilbud findes ikke i plannersystemet |
¤ | Ukendt IndkaldelseId | Det angivne id på en indkaldelse findes ikke i plannersystemet |
¤ | Ukendt fejlkode | Det angivne fejlkodenummer kendes ikke i plannersystemet |
| ¤flere…? |
StraksbookOgTilmeld (tidl. UnemploymentEnrollmentAndBook på UnemploymentEnrollmentService)
Denne composite-metode sikrer at man i samme kald, og kun sammenhængende kan tilmelde borgeren og lave en booking af et møde. Metodens forretningsregler er de samme som for JobnetBookingService.
Tilladte organisationer
| Alle borgere | Egne borgere | Tidligere egne borgere | Gæsteadgang | Anden Aktør - egne borgere | Anden Aktør - gæsteadgang |
STAR | X |
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
UnemploymentEnrollmentAndBookRequest | UnemploymentEnrollmentAndBookRequestType |
| 1 |
| UnemploymentEnrollmentAndBookType |
| 1 | Tilmelding af borger og booking af møde. |
| PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType | Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|0000000000 | 1 |
| 1 | Klientkategori som fremsøgte borgere skal matche. | |
| dateTime |
| 1 | Tilmeldedatoen hvor det angivne tilmeldeforhold starter. Dette er datoen, hvor den ledige har henvendt sig enten gennem Jobnet eller Jobcentret. |
| 1 | Ledighedsgrad. | |
| ProfessionTypeCollection |
| 0 - 1 | Stillingsbetegnelse. |
| ProfessionType |
| 0 - 200 |
| string |
| 1 | Unik ESCO STAR identifikation på stillingsbetegnelse. |
| guid | Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12} | 0 - 1 | Unik ESCO STAR identifikation på alias. |
| boolean |
| 1 | Angivelse af om personen har uddannelse for den angivne stillingsbetegnelse. |
| int |
| 1 | Angivelse hvornår personen senest var aktiv indenfor stillingen. |
| int |
| 1 | Angivelse hvor mange måneder personen har erfaring fra stillingen. |
| dateTime |
| 1 |
| guid | Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12} | 1 |
Samtaleform | ||||
| string | Length: 1-255 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandler-ID |
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
UnemploymentEnrollmentAndBookResponse | UnemploymentEnrollmentAndBookResponseType |
| 1 |
| ServiceReceiptType |
| 1 | kvittering for transaktionen. |
| dateTime |
| 1 | Tidspunkt for transaktionen eller registrering. |
| guid | Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Unik identifikation af transaktion eller registrering. |
| string | Length: 0-10000 | 1 | Kvittering fra jobcentret. |
| string |
| 0 - 1 | Telefonnummer. |
| string |
| 0 - 1 | Faxnummer. |
| boolean |
| 1 |
| JobnetBookingDetailsType |
| 1 |
| guid | Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12} | 1 | Identifikation af booking. |
| BookingOriginatorType |
| 1 |
| int | MinInclusive: 0 | 1 | Unik kode for den organisation, som bookingen er oprettet af eller på vegne af. |
| OrganisationTypeIdentifierType1 |
| 1 | Organisationstype for den organisation, som bookingen er oprettet af eller på vegne af. |
| CodeListItemIdentifierType1 |
| 1 |
| int | MinInclusive: 0 | 1 |
| boolean |
| 1 | Om borgeren selv skal acceptere bookingen. |
| boolean |
| 1 | Om bookingen er accepteret. |
| boolean |
| 1 | Kan der ombookes for dette mødetilbud. |
| dateTime |
| 0 - 1 | Deadline for ombooking af mødet. |
| boolean |
| 1 | Kan der aflyses på dette mødetilbud. |
| dateTime |
| 0 - 1 | Deadline for aflysning af mødetilbud. |
| boolean |
| 1 | Om mødet er selv-booket. |
| boolean |
| 1 | Om mødet er obligatorisk for borgeren. |
| dateTime |
| 1 | Starttidspunkt for det bookede møde. |
| dateTime |
| 0 - 1 | Sluttidspunkt for det bookede møde. |
| InterviewTypeIdentifierType |
| 1 | Angiver hvilken samtaletype borgeren skal booke. |
| CodeListItemIdentifierType1 |
| 1 |
| int | MinInclusive: 0 | 1 |
| InterviewFormTypeIdentifierType |
| 1 | Mødeform. |
| CodeListItemIdentifierType1 |
| 1 |
| int | MinInclusive: 0 | 1 |
| string | Length: 1-100 | 1 | Mødetitel. |
| string | Length: 0-500 | 0 - 1 | Mødeinformation. |
| boolean |
| 1 |
| CaseWorkerStructureType |
| 1 | Tilsynsførende på mødet. |
| string | Length: 1-50 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens fornavn. |
| string | Length: 1-40 | 0 - 1 | Sagsbehandlerens mellemnavn. |
| string | Length: 1-40 | 1 | Sagsbehandlerens efternavn. |
| string | Length: 1-255 | 1 | Sagsbehandler-ID |
| InterviewLocationDetailType |
| 0 - 1 | Detaljer om jobcentret hvor mødet afholdes. |
| string | Length: 1-200 | 0 - 1 | Beskrivelse af jobcentret hvor mødet afholdes. |
| AddressPostalType |
| 0 - 1 |
| MailDeliverySublocationIdentifierType | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
| StreetNameType | Length: 1-40 | 1 | Vejnavn. |
| StreetNameForAddressingNameType | Length: 1-20 | 0 - 1 |
| StreetBuildingIdentifierType | Pattern: ([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]{2})|([1-9][A-Z]|[1-9][0-9][A-Z]|[1-9][0-9]{2}[A-Z]) | 1 |
| FloorIdentifierType | Pattern: [1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|KL|ST|kl|st|k[2-9]|K[2-9] | 0 - 1 |
| SuiteIdentifierType | Length: 1-4 | 0 - 1 |
| DistrictSubdivisionIdentifierType | Length: 1-34 | 0 - 1 |
| PostOfficeBoxIdentifierType | MinInclusive: 1 | 0 - 1 |
| PostCodeIdentifierType | Pattern: [0-9]{4} | 1 | Postnummer |
| DistrictNameType | Length: 1-20 | 1 |
| CountryIdentificationCodeType |
| 0 - 1 | Landekode. |
| _CountryIdentificationCodeType | Pattern: [a-z,A-Z]{2}|[a-z,A-Z]{3}|[0-9]{3}|[0-9]{4} | 1 | Dette er en støttetype til CountryIdentificationCodeType. Det regulære udtryk er et valg for de 4 forskellige regulære udtryk for de forskellige formater. ISO 3166 standard, alpha 2: [a-z,A-Z]{2}. Eksempel "DK" for Danmark. ISO 3166 standard, alpha 3: [a-z,A-Z]{3}. Eksempel "DKN" for Danmark. UN Statistics Divisions country codes: [0-9]{3}. Eksempel "208" for Danmark AuthorityCode from the Central Office of Civil Registration: [0-9]{4}. Eksempel "5100" for Danmark. |
| InterviewContactDetailType |
| 0 - 1 | Angiver detaljer om mødet når det ikke er med personligt fremmøde. |
| string | Length: 0-255 | 0 - 1 | Kontaktinformation hvis mødet er digitalt. |
| string | Pattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20} | 0 - 1 | Vil være udfyldt med vejlederens telefonnummer, alternativt hovednummer til jobcenter. Skal angives, hvis det er borger, der skal ringe. |
| boolean |
| 0 - 1 | Angiver hvorvidt borgeren skal ringe i forbindelse med et telefonisk møde. |
| InterviewContactTypeIdentifierType |
| 1 | Angiver om mødet skal være personligt fremmøde, telefonisk, per mail eller andet. |
| CodeListItemIdentifierType1 |
| 1 |
| int | MinInclusive: 0 | 1 |
| boolean |
| 1 | Om InterviewSupervisor (afholdende sagsbehandler)-Name må vises for borger. |
| boolean |
| 0 - 1 | For Jobsamtale med deltagelse af a-kasse: A-kassen forventes deltage i mødet, og skal inviteres til mødet |
| boolean |
| 0 - 1 | Angiver at samtalen er indkaldt med deltagelse af anden myndighed. |
| BookingParticipantTypeTypeCollection |
| 0 - 1 | Øvrige deltagere på mødet der ikke er borger eller ansvarlig sagsbehandler. |
| BookingParticipantTypeType |
| 0 - * |
| string | Length: 1-256 | 0 - 1 | Navn på deltageren. |
| string | Length: 1-256 | 0 - 1 | Eksternt id på deltageren. |
| ParticipantTypeIdentifierType |
| 1 | Hvilken rolle mødedeltageren har. |
| CodeListItemIdentifierType1 |
| 1 |
| int | MinInclusive: 0 | 1 |
| string | Length: 1-3000 | 0 - 1 | Kontaktinformation. |
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1001 | Invalid cpr | The submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date |
1010 | Unknown cpr | The submitted cpr is unknown to the system |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
4313 | Invalid client category type | The submitted client category type is no recognized as a valid client category type |
4314 | Invalid current unemployment status type identifier | The submitted identifier is not recognized as a valid unemployment status type identifier |
4316 | Enrollment overlap | The submitted enrollment date lies within or before an existing enrollment period |
4318 | One or more profession is invalid | The submitted request contains one or more invalid profession identifiers |
4338 | The enrollment date must be of todays date or a maximum of 10 days prior to todays date | The enrollment date must be of todays date or a maximum of 10 days prior to todays date |
4405 | The person with specified cpr is dead | The person with specified cpr is dead |
4641 | This category is not allowed to be enrolled | This category is not allowed to be enrolled |
4645 | This person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this Contactgroup | This person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this Contactgroup |
4698 | Parameter is negative | Parameter is negative |
4710 | The submitted value of YearLastUsed is not a valid year | The submitted value of YearLastUsed is not a valid year |
4720 | Person is not allowed to be enrolled because person is abroad | Person is not allowed to be enrolled because person is abroad |
4725 | This person cannot be enrolled because the person has a temporary foreign address registered | This person cannot be enrolled because the person has a temporary foreign address registered |
4750 | The client has an absence registration that does not allow enrollment | The client has an absence registration that does not allow enrollment |
4763 | A person who is 65 or older can only enroll as 'uden ydelse' from jobnet | A person who is 65 or older can only enroll as 'uden ydelse' from jobnet |
4769 | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established | The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established |
4783 | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date | The BookingTime cannot be before todays date |
4786 | The person does not have a Jobnet Cv account | The person does not have a Jobnet Cv account |
4819 | The BookingStartTime is no longer available | The BookingStartTime is no longer available |
4822 | Could not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RID | Could not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RID |
6014 | Illegal combination of the client category and unemployment status | Registration is not allowed because of an illegal combination of the client category and unemployment status |
6033 | ContactGroup is not coherent with age | Contactgroup cannot be created if age requirements are not met |
7062 | A ProfessionType must be set for this ClientCategory. | A ProfessionType must be set for this ClientCategory. |
8108 | The specified InterviewOptionID is not active or is unknown to the system | The specified InterviewOptionID is not active or is unknown to the system |
8109 | The booking time is NOT within the allowed range of dates for this interview option | The booking time is NOT within the allowed range of dates for this interview option |
8111 | An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier | An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier |
8273 | Citizen already has a booking of type Jobsamtale. | Citizen already has a booking of type Jobsamtale. |
8281 | Occupation key does not exist | Occupation key does not exist |
8288 | Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType. | Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType. |
9003 | The interview supervisor specified is not allowed for this interview option | The interview supervisor specified is not allowed for this interview option |
9018 | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing | Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing |
9344 | Missing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrieved | Missing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrieved |
9345 | Missing or incorrect data gives warning | Missing or incorrect data gives warning |