Fejlkode | Fejltekst | Beskrivelse |
1001 | Invalid cpr | The submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date |
1013 | Insufficient permissions | User has insufficient permissions to access this webservice |
1014 | Failed to validate message | The submitted message could not be validated |
4400 | CV Customer Number is unknown | The supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system |
9153 | The submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value | The submitted PersonContactDataTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value |
9159 | Ingen kontaktinformationer på borger var registreret (No person contact data was registered for the submitted person) | Ingen kontaktinformationer på borger var registreret (No person contact data was registered for the submitted person) |
9240 | Verifikation af den angivne kontaktdatatype er ikke tilladt The registered person contact data is not valid for verification | Verifikation af den angivne kontaktdatatype er ikke tilladt The registered person contact data is not valid for verification |
9242 | Ingen kontaktdatatype registeret til verfikation No person contact data registered for verification | Ingen kontaktdatatype registeret til verfikation No person contact data registered for verification |
9247 | Kontaktdatatype er allerede verificeret The person contact data has already been verified | Kontaktdatatype er allerede verificeret The person contact data has already been verified |
GetKontaktinformationMobilNr (GET /v1/kontaktinformation/mobiltelefon/{mobiltelefon})
(Gl. DFDG PersonNotificationReminderService (Version 1, 2020-3).GetPersonByMobilePhoneNumber)
Element | Type | Detaljer | Forekomst | Beskrivelse |
GetKontaktinformationResponse | GetKontaktinformationResponseType | 1 | ||
- borgerer (CprCollection) | BorgererDto | 0 - * | Kollektion af personnumre. | |
- - civilregistrationIdentifier (PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier) | string | Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|0000000000 | 1 | Borgers personnummer |
- - starttidspunkt (RegistrationStartDate) | dateTime | 1 | Startdato for udsøgningsperiode. | |
- - sluttidspunkt (RegistrationEndDate) | dateTime | 0 - 1 | Slutdato for udsøgningsperiode. |
Ingen fejlkoder
GetKontaktinformationemail (GET /v1/kontaktinformation/emailaddresse/{email})
(Gl. DFDG PersonNotificationReminderService (Version 1, 2020-3).GetPersonByEmailAddress)