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1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
1001Invalid cprThe submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date
1003Duration is negativeThe reported duration is negative, start date is greater than end date
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4317No enrollment to endThe submitted person does not have an open enrollment to end
4322The cancellation date must be today, maximum 30 days after or 60 in case of a less intensive effortThe cancellation date must be today, maximum 30 days after or 60 in case of a less intensive effort
4334The duration lies outside an active enrollmentThe reported duration lies outside an active current enrollment
4405The person with specified cpr is deadThe person with specified cpr is dead
4575You are not authorizedYou are not authorized to execute the operation
4591Education is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationEducation cannot be registered for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4592Temp work with duration less than 15 days not allowed for this contactgroup/personcategory combiTemporary work with duration less than 15 days is not valid for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4593Two weeks maternity leave is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationTwo weeks maternity leave cannot be registred for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4594People in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are under 18 years of agePeople in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are under 18 years of age
4595People in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are eligible for pension.People in this contactgroup cannot be absent because they are eligible for pension.
4596Maternity leave is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationMaternity leave cannot be registred for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4597Absence because of vacant period is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence because of a vacant period is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4598Vacation is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationVacation cannot be registered for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4599Illness (AbsenceType 11) cannot be registered for current contactgroup/personcategory combinationIllness (AbsenceType 11) cannot be registered for current contactgroup/personcategory combination
4600Absence because of Person cannot work is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcat.Absence because of illness (Person cannot work) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcategory
4601Person cannot be activated is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcategoryAbsence because of person cannot be activated is not allowed for people in this contactgroup or personcategory
4603Parttime employed (> 20 hours/week) not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiParttime employed (more than 20 hours/week) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4604Employment within 4 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationEmployment within 4 weeks cannot be registred for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4605Maternity leave within 4 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiMaternity leave within 4 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4606People in this CG/PC combination cannot be exempted because of participation in employmentoffersPeople in this contactgroup/personcategory combination cannot be exempted because of participation in employmentoffers
4607Absence taking care of own children not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence because of taking care of own children (illness) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4608Absence taking care of ill people not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence because of a taking care of ill people is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4609Absence because of draft is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationAbsence because of draft is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4610Special other absence is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationSpecial other absence is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4611Selfappointed education (Parttime) not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiSelfappointed education (Parttime) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4612Selfappointed education (Fulltime) not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiSelfappointed education (Fulltime) is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4613Absence because of seniorjob is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence because of seniorjob is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4614The absence registration is not allowed due to invalid overlap between absence typesThe absence registration is not allowed due to invalid overlap between absence types
4615This absenceregistration must have an end-dateThis absenceregistration must have an end-date
4618This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 monthsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 months
4622This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 30 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 30 days
4623This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 28 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 28 days
4631This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 54 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 54 weeks
4637The reported absence overlaps an existing absence of the same typeThe reported absence overlaps an existing absence of the same type
4638This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 14 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 14 days
4684The absence type is not a valid typeThe absence type is not a valid type
4685The reported absence has a start date before todays dateThe reported absence has a start date before todays date
4686This person must have an active contact group registrationThis person must have an active contactgroupregistration
4688This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 10 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 10 weeks
4689The client must be enrolled to register this absence typeThe client must be enrolled to register this absence type
4690The client must have a CV to register this absence typeThe client must have a CV to register this absence type
4691The reported absence has a start date before 13 days from todays dateThe reported absence has a start date before 13 days from todays date
4692This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 weeks
4693The client must have a registered personcategory to register this absence typeThe client must have a registered personcategory to register this absence type
4704This submitted enddate must be earlier than the 18th year birthdayThis submitted enddate must be earlier than the 18th year birthday
4771Prevented from personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroupPrevented from personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup
4772Expected full time work within 13 week is not allowed for people in this contactgroupExpected full time work within 13 week is not allowed for people in this contactgroup
4773Work partially resumed is not allowed for people in this contactgroupWork partially resumed is not allowed for people in this contactgroup
4774Planned operation within 13 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroupPlanned operation within 13 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup
4775Illness prevents personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup Illness prevents personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup
4776This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 13 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 13 weeks
4796Expected to return to full time within 14 days after next contact is not allowed for this contactgrExpected to return to full time within 14 days after next contact is not allowed for this contactgroup
4797Follow up with no contact is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationFollow up with no contact is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4798This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 15 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 15 weeks
4795The absence comment may not contain htmlThe absence comment may not contain html
4809The correction comment may not contain htmlThe correction comment may not contain html
4939This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 weeks
4940Absence work distribution is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationAbsence work distribution is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4941Absence efterloen within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence efterloen within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4942Absence pension within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence pension within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4943Absence work within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence work within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4944Absence maternity leave within 6 weeks not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcat. combiAbsence maternity leave within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4963Registration cannot be completed because start date is in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is in the past
4964Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 7 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 7 days in the past
4965Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 13 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 13 days in the past
4966Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 4 weeks in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 4 weeks in the past
4967Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 8 weeks in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 8 weeks in the past
4968Registration cannot be completed because start date is before the latest person categoryRegistration cannot be completed because start date is before the latest person category
4969Registration cannot be completed because end date is more than 7 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because end date is more than 7 days in the past
4974Vacation on socialaid is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationVacation on socialaid is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4980Cause type identifier is required when setting illness end dateCause type identifier is required when setting illness end date
4990Illness is not possible because of open enrollmentIllness is not possible because of open enrollment
4994This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 8 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 8 weeks
6008This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 190 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 190 days
6052Codelist value is only for internal useCodelist value is only for internal use
7061AbsenceCause is not coherent with contact group.AbsenceCause is not coherent with contact group.
8294AbsenceComment is required for this absenceTypeAbsenceComment is required for this absenceType
8296This absence cannot be registered while there is an open InterviewDeadlineThis absence cannot be registered while there is an open InterviewDeadline
8297The absence is required to have start date = registration dateThe absence is required to have start date = registration date
8299Absence Fritaget for selvbook is not allowed for people in this contactgroupAbsence Fritaget for selvbook is not allowed for people in this contactgroup
9160Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 180 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 180 days in the past
9173This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 12 monthsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 12 months
9309This absence type is not allowed if the citizen already has/have had the same absence typeThis absence type is not allowed if the citizen already has/have had the same absence type
9359AbsenceCauseType is required when end date is set on Meeting program with unemployment fund.AbsenceCauseType is required when end date is set on Meeting program with unemployment fund.
9361AbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceTypeAbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceType
9376AbsenceCauseType is specified without an absence end dateAbsenceCauseType is specified without an absence end date
9422This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 monthsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 months
9423This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 yearsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 years
9449This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 days


Denne metode bruges til at opdatere en fraværsregistrering


1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
1001Invalid cprThe submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date
1003Duration is negativeThe reported duration is negative, start date is greater than end date
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4334The duration lies outside an active enrollmentThe reported duration lies outside an active current enrollment
4335Change not allowed, either the old date or new date lies before todayChange not allowed, either the old date or new date lies before today
4405The person with specified cpr is deadThe person with specified cpr is dead
4575You are not authorizedYou are not authorized to execute the operation
4614The absence registration is not allowed due to invalid overlap between absence typesThe absence registration is not allowed due to invalid overlap between absence types
4615This absenceregistration must have an end-dateThis absenceregistration must have an end-date
4618This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 monthsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 3 months
4622This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 30 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 30 days
4623This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 28 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 28 days
4631This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 54 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 54 weeks
4632The specified Absenceregistration is not known to the systemThe specified Absenceregistration is not known to the system
4633The end date when changing a reported absenceperiod cannot be in the pastThe end date when changing a reported absenceperiod cannot be in the past
4635The reported startdate is in the past and cannot be changedThe reported startdate is in the past and cannot be changed
4637The reported absence overlaps an existing absence of the same typeThe reported absence overlaps an existing absence of the same type
4638This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 14 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 14 days
4682The specified absence is not registered with this clientThe specified absence is not registered with this client
4685The reported absence has a start date before todays dateThe reported absence has a start date before todays date
4686This person must have an active contact group registrationThis person must have an active contactgroupregistration
4688This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 10 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 10 weeks
4689The client must be enrolled to register this absence typeThe client must be enrolled to register this absence type
4690The client must have a CV to register this absence typeThe client must have a CV to register this absence type
4691The reported absence has a start date before 13 days from todays dateThe reported absence has a start date before 13 days from todays date
4693The client must have a registered personcategory to register this absence typeThe client must have a registered personcategory to register this absence type
4696The absencetype cannot be different from the registredThe absencetype cannot be different from the registred
4704This submitted enddate must be earlier than the 18th year birthdayThis submitted enddate must be earlier than the 18th year birthday
4761It is not possible to update this illness because enddate is in the pastIt is not possible to update this illness because enddate is in the past
4771Prevented from personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroupPrevented from personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup
4772Expected full time work within 13 week is not allowed for people in this contactgroupExpected full time work within 13 week is not allowed for people in this contactgroup
4773Work partially resumed is not allowed for people in this contactgroupWork partially resumed is not allowed for people in this contactgroup
4774Planned operation within 13 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroupPlanned operation within 13 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup
4775Illness prevents personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup Illness prevents personal attendance is not allowed for people in this contactgroup
4776This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 13 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 13 weeks
4796Expected to return to full time within 14 days after next contact is not allowed for this contactgrExpected to return to full time within 14 days after next contact is not allowed for this contactgroup
4797Follow up with no contact is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationFollow up with no contact is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4798This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 15 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 15 weeks
4795The absence comment may not contain htmlThe absence comment may not contain html
4809The correction comment may not contain htmlThe correction comment may not contain html
4939This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 weeksThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 weeks
4940Absence work distribution is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationAbsence work distribution is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4941Absence efterloen within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence efterloen within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4942Absence pension within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence pension within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4943Absence work within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combiAbsence work within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4944Absence maternity leave within 6 weeks not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcat. combiAbsence maternity leave within 6 weeks is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4963Registration cannot be completed because start date is in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is in the past
4964Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 7 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 7 days in the past
4965Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 13 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 13 days in the past
4966Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 4 weeks in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 4 weeks in the past
4967Registration cannot be completed because start date is more than 8 weeks in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because start date is more than 8 weeks in the past
4968Registration cannot be completed because start date is before the latest person categoryRegistration cannot be completed because start date is before the latest person category
4969Registration cannot be completed because end date is more than 7 days in the pastRegistration cannot be completed because end date is more than 7 days in the past
4974Vacation on socialaid is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combinationVacation on socialaid is not allowed for people in this contactgroup/personcategory combination
4980Cause type identifier is required when setting illness end dateCause type identifier is required when setting illness end date
4981Absence comment required when updating illness start date and end dateAbsence comment required when updating illness start date and end date
4990Illness is not possible because of open enrollmentIllness is not possible because of open enrollment
6008This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 190 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 190 days
6052Codelist value is only for internal useCodelist value is only for internal use
7061AbsenceCause is not coherent with contact group.AbsenceCause is not coherent with contact group.
8295CorrectionComent is required when updating this absenceTypeCorrectionComent is required when updating this absenceType
8296This absence cannot be registered while there is an open InterviewDeadlineThis absence cannot be registered while there is an open InterviewDeadline
8298The StartDate cannot be updated.The StartDate cannot be updated.
9173This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 12 monthsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 12 months
9359AbsenceCauseType is required when end date is set on Meeting program with unemployment fund.AbsenceCauseType is required when end date is set on Meeting program with unemployment fund.
9360Absence end date must be todays date or laterAbsence end date must be todays date or later
9361AbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceTypeAbsenceCause is illegal for this AbsenceType
9376AbsenceCauseType is specified without an absence end dateAbsenceCauseType is specified without an absence end date
9422This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 monthsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 6 months
9423This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 yearsThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 years
9449This absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 daysThis absence registration may not have a duration longer than 5 days


Denne metode bruges til at slette en fraværsregistrering
