Versions Compared


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1001Ugyldigt cpr-nummerUgyldigt cpr-nummer1001
1010Unknown cprUnknown cpr1010
1011Internal error on serverInternal error on server1011
1012Logon failedLogon failed1012
1013User has insufficient permissions to access this webserviceUser has insufficient permissions to access this webservice1013
1014The submitted message is not validThe submitted message is not valid1014
1100An error has occurredAn error has occurred1100
1101Client certificate missing from requestClient certificate missing from request1101
2001Invalid CodeList nameInvalid CodeList name2001
2002Invalid CodeList valueInvalid CodeList value2002
2003Use of expired CodeList value not allowedUse of expired CodeList value not allowed2003
4318Kaldet indeholder en eller flere ugyldige jobønskerKaldet indeholder en eller flere ugyldige jobønsker4318
4353Den angivne kombination af CVR- og P-nummer findes ikkeDen angivne kombination af CVR- og P-nummer findes ikke4353
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration4385
4405Borgeren med det specificerede CPR nummer er dødBorgeren med det specificerede CPR nummer er død4405
4413The authoritytype of the requestheader is invalidThe authoritytype of the requestheader is invalid4413
4575You are not authorized to execute the operationYou are not authorized to execute the operation4575
4589Id ikke fundetId ikke fundet4589
4695Det angivne jobcenter findes ikkeDet angivne jobcenter findes ikke4695
4698En parameter er ulovligt negativEn parameter er ulovligt negativ4698
4710AarSidstBrugt er ikke et lovligt årAarSidstBrugt er ikke et lovligt år4710
4856Borgeren er ikke medlem af en a-kasseBorgeren er ikke medlem af en a-kasse4856
4933Kommentaren må ikke indeholde HTMLKommentaren må ikke indeholde HTML4933
4977Det angivne id findes alleredeDet angivne id findes allerede4977
8173OrganisationType is invalid according to the organisationTypeIdentifierCodeList.OrganisationType is invalid according to the organisationTypeIdentifierCodeList.8173
8174UserType is invalid according to the requestUserTypeIdentifierCodeList.UserType is invalid according to the requestUserTypeIdentifierCodeList.8174
8232The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader8232
8233The Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeaderThe Soap request message is missing its required Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader8233
8234Could not deserialize the Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeaderCould not deserialize the Soap header: ActiveOrganisationHeader8234
8235Could not deserialize the Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeaderCould not deserialize the Soap header: RequestUserMetadataHeader8235
8281ConceptUriDa findes ikkeConceptUriDa findes ikke8281
8282ConceptUriDa er udløbetConceptUriDa er udløbet8282
9439En borger kan ikke registreres med samme ConceptUriDa mere end en gangEn borger kan ikke registreres med samme ConceptUriDa mere end en gang9439
9460Det er ikke tilladt at registrere oplysninger på borgers ikke-aktuelle personnummerDet er ikke tilladt at registrere oplysninger på borgers ikke-aktuelle personnummer9460
9470Din søgning gav for mange resultater. Begræns din filtreringDin søgning gav for mange resultater. Begræns din filtrering9470
30001Cv does not exist for given cpr number.Cv does not exist for given cpr number.30001
30003Cv element to be deleted does not exist.Cv element to be deleted does not exist.30003
30004Cv element to be updated does not exist.Cv element to be updated does not exist.30004
30005The specified CourseTypeId does not exist.The specified CourseTypeId does not exist.30005
30006The specified ItExperienceTypeId does not exist.The specified ItExperienceTypeId does not exist.30006
30007The specified EducationTypeId does not exist.The specified EducationTypeId does not exist.30007
30008The specified SpokenLanguageTypeId does not exist.The specified SpokenLanguageTypeId does not exist.30008
30009The profile picure exceeds the allowed size. Max 5Mb is allowedThe profile picure exceeds the allowed size. Max 5Mb is allowed30009
30010The specified DriverLicenseType already exists.The specified DriverLicenseType already exists.30010
30011The DriversLicensesStatus already exists. It will be automatically updated to true/false when adding/deleting drivers licensesThe DriversLicensesStatus already exists. It will be automatically updated to true/false when adding/deleting drivers licenses30011
30012The specified DiscoWebIdentifier does not exist.The specified DiscoWebIdentifier does not exist.30012
30013The specified CertificationTypeId does not exist.The specified CertificationTypeId does not exist.30013
30014The PreviousJobExperienceStatus already exists. It will be automatically updated to true/false when adding/deleting previous job experiencesThe PreviousJobExperienceStatus already exists. It will be automatically updated to true/false when adding/deleting previous job experiences30014
30015'Dagpengemodtager' is not allowed to delete last previous job experience'Dagpengemodtager' is not allowed to delete last previous job experience30015
30016Not allowed to update cv status for a person without an active contact group.Not allowed to update cv status for a person without an active contact group.30016
30017Only allowed to set either 'CV godkendt' or 'CV ej godkendt'.Only allowed to set either 'CV godkendt' or 'CV ej godkendt'.30017
30018Only allowed to set 'CV godkendt' when Cv is available.Only allowed to set 'CV godkendt' when Cv is available.30018
30020CvStatusUpdate not allowed for citizenCvStatusUpdate not allowed for citizen30020
30021StartDate should be before EndDateStartDate should be before EndDate30021
30022Minimum date is 01-01-1920Minimum date is 01-01-192030022
30023Date should be before end of current monthDate should be before end of current month30023
30024Date should be before end of current yearDate should be before end of current year30024
30025Maximum date is 31-12-2099Maximum date is 31-12-209930025
30026The specified DiscoWebIdentifier already exists.The specified DiscoWebIdentifier already exists.30026
30027The specified SpokenLanguageType already exists.The specified SpokenLanguageType already exists.30027
30028Minimum one of the LanguageSkillLevelId has to be different from 'IngenKendskab' .Minimum one of the LanguageSkillLevelId has to be different from 'IngenKendskab' .30028
30029The specified SignLanguageType already exists.The specified SignLanguageType already exists.30029
30030The specified ItExperienceType already exists.The specified ItExperienceType already exists.30030
30031Profile picture not correct format. Only jpeg allowedProfile picture not correct format. Only jpeg allowed30031
30032Profile picture ratio not correct. Height and width should be equalProfile picture ratio not correct. Height and width should be equal30032
30033Changes are only allowed for citizens that are 'Ikke Jobparat' or 'Fleksjob'Changes are only allowed for citizens that are 'Ikke Jobparat' or 'Fleksjob'30033
30034Changes are only allowed for citizens that are 'Rehab'Changes are only allowed for citizens that are 'Rehab'30034
30035Person does not exist for given cpr number.Person does not exist for given cpr number.30035
30036Minimum requirements for Searchable CV not metMinimum requirements for Searchable CV not met30036
30037Searchable CV requiredSearchable CV required30037
30038A matching CV restricted access to rule already existsA matching CV restricted access to rule already exists30038
30039The specified OccupationQualificationId does not exist.The specified OccupationQualificationId does not exist.30039
30040No historical Cv PDF found.No historical Cv PDF found.30040
30041Unemploymentfund has no access to Cv, due to contactgroup restrictionsUnemploymentfund has no access to Cv, due to contactgroup restrictions30041
30042This person may not have a cv due to its current status in the CPR registry.This person may not have a cv due to its current status in the CPR registry.30042
30043Only allowed to set 'CV godkendt, 'CV ej godkendt' or 'JobcentretAnbefalerAtCVetOpdateres'.Only allowed to set 'CV godkendt, 'CV ej godkendt' or 'JobcentretAnbefalerAtCVetOpdateres'.30043
30044Only allowed to set 'JobcentretAnbefalerAtCVetOpdateres' when current status is 'CV godkendt'.Only allowed to set 'JobcentretAnbefalerAtCVetOpdateres' when current status is 'CV godkendt'.30044
30045The specified ConceptUriDa does not exist.The specified ConceptUriDa does not exist.30045
30046The specified AliasIdentifier does not exist.The specified AliasIdentifier does not exist.30046
30047The specified AliasIdentifier does not belong to the specified conceptUriDa.The specified AliasIdentifier does not belong to the specified conceptUriDa.30047
30048The specified EventDate should be in the pastThe specified EventDate should be in the past30048
30049Cv does already exist for the given cpr number.Cv does already exist for the given cpr number.30049
30051Unknown username and password submitted to the asylum operatorUnknown username and password submitted to the asylum operator30051
30052Invalid URL or unknown person civil registration identifier submitted to the asylum operatorInvalid URL or unknown person civil registration identifier submitted to the asylum operator30052
30053Invalid municipality code submitted to the asylum operatorInvalid municipality code submitted to the asylum operator30053
30054Invalid parameters submitted to the asylum operatorInvalid parameters submitted to the asylum operator30054
30055Communication with the asylum operator has timed outCommunication with the asylum operator has timed out30055
30056Invalid logging headers submittede to the asylum operatorInvalid logging headers submittede to the asylum operator30056
30057Unhandled error received from the asylum operatorUnhandled error received from the asylum operator30057
30058Unable to communicate with the asylum operatorUnable to communicate with the asylum operator30058
30059Der må kun søges i søgbare CvDer må kun søges i søgbare Cv30059
30060A-kasse skal specificere eget a-kasse idA-kasse skal specificere eget a-kasse id30060
30061Fejl under deseralisering af LetAsyl responseFejl under deseralisering af LetAsyl response30061
30072Enten startkoordinat eller slutkoordinat er ikke placeret i DanmarkEnten startkoordinat eller slutkoordinat er ikke placeret i Danmark30072
30073Tidspunkt for afrejse må ikke ligge i fortidenTidspunkt for afrejse må ikke ligge i fortiden30073
30075Timeout i beregnerenTimeout i beregneren30075
30076Tilmeldte må ikke slette før der er mindst én aktiv stillingsbetegnelse eller alias.Tilmeldte må ikke slette før der er mindst én aktiv stillingsbetegnelse eller alias.30076
30077JoboenskeIdentifier findes ikke.JoboenskeIdentifier findes ikke.30077
30079Metoden tillader ikke, at der rettes på selve stillingsbetegnelsen (ConceptURIda).Metoden tillader ikke, at der rettes på selve stillingsbetegnelsen (ConceptURIda).30079
30080Rejsetid kan ikke beregnesRejsetid kan ikke beregnes30080