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Comment: de to berigtigelsesmetoder hedder Rectify...

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Siden opdateres af FA når version blive tilgængelig vil den automatisk afspejle koden. CodeFirst.


1001Invalid cprThe submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date
1009Configuration errorSystem incorrectly configured
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4013Unknown Client DestinationUnknown Client Destination
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
4695The jobcenter does not existThe jobcenter does not exist
6005The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeader
8006The specified citizen has no draft planThe specified citizen has no draft plan
8008The PlanObjectiveIdentifier is readonlyThe PlanObjectiveIdentifier is readonly
8012The CreateDate is readonlyThe CreateDate is readonly
8013The LastModified is readonlyThe LastModified is readonly
8015Goal has to be specified when publishing this plan typeGoal has to be specified when publishing a jobplan or an education plan in step 2 or step 3
8018The EducationPlanType.DeadlineDate (pålægsfrist) has to be greater than todays dateThe EducationPlanType.DeadlineDate (pålægsfrist) has to be greater than todays date
8021The specified plan type identifier is not validThe specified plan type identifier is not valid
8043Wrong plantypeCannot use service, wrong plantype
8044Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 30Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 30
8055Responsible caseworker needs to be specifiedResponsible caseworker needs to be specified
8060Operation is not allowed when citizen has no active contact groupOperation is not allowed when citizen has no active contact group
8061Jobplan goal has to be specified as a valid ESCO STAR DISCO codeJobplan goal has to be specified as a valid ESCO STAR DISCO code
8062A valid contact group is required for publishA valid contact group is required for publish
8069Cancel subscription is not possible. Citizen does not have an education event subscriptionSubscription not possible. Citizen does not have an education event subscription
8074Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 25Education plan type is not allowed for citizen above age 25
8075Plan description exceeds limit of charactersPlan description exceeds limit of characters
8077When publishing in Step 4, ResponsibleCaseWorker Telephone and Email requiredWhen publishing in Step 4, ResponsibleCaseWorker Telephone and Email required
8281Occupation key does not existOccupation key does not exist
8282Occupation key is out of dateOccupation key is out of date
8284Exactly one job goal needs to be specifiedExactly one job goal needs to be specified
8285At least one education goal needs to be specifiedAt least one education goal needs to be specified
8287Job goals not allowed for this plantypeJob goals not allowed for this plantype
8289Education Plan with job goal not allowedEducation Plan with job goal not allowed
9129A Jobplan must contain at least one goalA Jobplan must contain at least one goal



RectifyPlanDescription (Epic 955.15)

Tilladte organisationer

Alle borgereEgne borgereTidligere egne borgereGæsteadgangAnden Aktør - egne borgereAnden Aktør - gæsteadgang




1001Invalid cprThe submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date
1009Configuration errorSystem incorrectly configured
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4013Unknown Client DestinationUnknown Client Destination
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
4695The jobcenter does not existThe jobcenter does not exist
6005The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeader
8006The specified citizen has no draft planThe specified citizen has no draft plan
8075Plan description exceeds limit of charactersPlan description exceeds limit of characters

PlanVersionIdentifierGuid is unknown for citizenPlanVersionIdentifierGuid is unknown for citizen

The PlanDescription is empty and cannot be correctedThe PlanDescription is empty and cannot be corrected


RectifyGoalDescription (Epic 955.15)

Tilladte organisationer

Alle borgereEgne borgereTidligere egne borgereGæsteadgangAnden Aktør - egne borgereAnden Aktør - gæsteadgang




-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001Personnummer
-    PlanObjectiveIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}1Objekt id'et for PlanObjectiveType, der ønskes berigtiget.
-   GoalIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}1Id for pågældende custom-mål, der ønskes berigtiget. Kan kun være af type Custom
-   GoalDescriptionstring
1Er typen Custom specificeret, er feltet påkrævet.


1001Invalid cprThe submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date
1009Configuration errorSystem incorrectly configured
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4013Unknown Client DestinationUnknown Client Destination
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
4695The jobcenter does not existThe jobcenter does not exist
6005The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeader
8006The specified citizen has no draft planThe specified citizen has no draft plan
8075Plan description exceeds limit of charactersPlan description exceeds limit of characters

PlanObjectiveIdentifier unknown for citizenPlanVersionIdentifierGuid unknown for citizen

GoalIdentifier is unknown for citizenGoalIdentifier is unknown for citizen

The GoalDescription is empty and cannot be corrected

The PlanDescription is empty and cannot be corrected
