Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: JobTypeIdentifier --> JobOrderTypeIdentifier

Image Modified



-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001Borgerens CPR-nummer.
-    ActivityItemActivityItemType
1En specifik aktivitet for en borger.
-    -    ActivityCoreItemActivityCoreItemType
1Indeholder basisdata for en aktivitet.
-    -    -    ActivityIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}0 - 1Id for aktiviteten.
-    -    -    StartDatedate
1Startdato for den pågældende aktivitet.
-    -    -    EndDatedate
1Slutdato for den pågældende aktivitet.
-    -    -    ActivationTypeIdentifierActivityCoreItemActivationTypeIdentifierCodeListType
0 - 1Aktiveringstype - Se GetActivationTypeIdentifierCodeList for definition af udfaldsrum. Fx: løstilskud og virksomhedspraktik.
-    -    -    BottleneckSectorActivityCoreItemBottleneckSectorCodeListType
0 - 1Stillingsbetegnelse, der er på flaskehalslisten i den pågældende region, når tilbuddet bliver afgivet.- I forbindelse med flaskehals tillades kun DISCO-Web angivelse på niveau 3. De aktuelle flaskehalslister for hver region lægges ud som codelist.
-    -    -    HoursPerWeekintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 59
1Timer om ugen.
-    -    -    MinutesPerWeekintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 59
1Minutter om ugen.
-    -    -    ResponsibleAuthorityResponsibleAuthorityType
1Angivelse af den ansvarlige sagsbehandler.
-    -    -    -    AuthorityStructureAuthorityStructureType
1Detaljer på myndigheden.
-    -    -    -    -    AuthorityCodestringPattern: [-][1]|[0-9]{1,8}1Myndighedskode.
-    -    -    -    -    AuthorityNamestringLength: 1-1001Myndighedsnavn.
-    -    -    -    -    OrganisationTypeIdentifierOrganisationTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Myndighedstype
-    -    -    -    CaseWorkerResponsibleCaseWorkerStructureType
1Detaljer på sagsbehandleren.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerGivenNamestringLength: 1-501Sagsbehandlerens fornavn.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerMiddleNamestringLength: 1-400 - 1Sagsbehandlerens mellemnavn.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerSurnamestringLength: 1-401Sagsbehandlerens efternavn.
-    -    -    -    -    TelephoneNumberIdentifierstringPattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20}0 - 1Sagsbehandlerens telefonnummer.
-    -    -    -    -    EmailAddressIdentifierEmailAddressIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ([^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{0,191}@[^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{1,64})0 - 1Sagsbehandlerens email.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerIdentifierstringLength: 1-2551Sagsbehandlerens id.
-    -    -    ActivityProviderActivityProviderType
1Angiver den virksomhed der udbyder aktiviteten.
-    -    -    -    CVRNumberIdentifierCVRnumberIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 81Unique and generally usable identifier for all legal units included i CVR.
-    -    -    -    ProductionUnitIdentifierProductionUnitIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 101Unique and generally usable identifier for all production units (“workplaces”).
-    -    -    ActivityLocationNamestringLength: 0-5000 - 1Aktivitetsudbyder. Angiver den virksomhed der udbyder aktiviteten.
-    -    -    ActivityLocationAddressAddressPostalType
0 - 1Stedsangivelse for aktiviteten.
-    -    -    -    MailDeliverySublocationIdentifierMailDeliverySublocationIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-340 - 1
-    -    -    -    StreetNameStreetNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-401
-    -    -    -    StreetNameForAddressingNameStreetNameForAddressingNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-200 - 1
-    -    -    -    StreetBuildingIdentifierstringPattern: ^([1-9][0-9]{0,2}[a-zA-Z]?)(-[1-9][0-9]{0,2}[a-zA-Z]?)?$1Numeric identification (da: house number ~ 'husnummer') including an optional letter, which identifies a certain access to a building, a plot/piece of land or a plant etc. based on the named road or street which gives access hereto. The identifier is determined in increasing numerical and letter order along the road, normally with even numbers on the right side and odd numbers on the left side of the road. Optionally allow dash (-): 14E-14F
-    -    -    -    FloorIdentifierFloorIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: [1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|KL|ST|kl|st|k[2-9]|K[2-9]0 - 1
-    -    -    -    SuiteIdentifierSuiteIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-40 - 1
-    -    -    -    DistrictSubdivisionIdentifierDistrictSubdivisionIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-340 - 1
-    -    -    -    PostOfficeBoxIdentifierPostOfficeBoxIdentifierType
Base: integer
MinInclusive: 1
MaxInclusive: 9999
0 - 1
-    -    -    -    PostCodeIdentifierPostCodeIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9]{4}1
-    -    -    -    DistrictNameDistrictNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-201
-    -    -    -    CountryIdentificationCodestringPattern: [a-zA-Z]{2}0 - 1Landekode.
-    -    -    -    CoNamestringMaxLength: 1000 - 1C/o-adresse.
-    -    -    ContactInformationContactInformationType
0 - 1Kontaktperson hos aktivitetsudbyder.
-    -    -    -    PersonGivenNamestringLength: 1-501Fornavn.
-    -    -    -    PersonMiddleNamestringLength: 1-400 - 1Mellemnavn.
-    -    -    -    PersonSurnameNamestringLength: 1-401Efternavn.
-    -    -    -    TelephoneNumberIdentifierstringPattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20}0 - 1Telefonnummer.
-    -    -    -    EmailAddressIdentifierEmailAddressIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ([^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{0,191}@[^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{1,64})0 - 1E-mailadresse.
-    -    -    ActivityStatusTypeIdentifierActivityCoreItemActivityStatusTypeIdentifierCodeListType
1Status på aktiviteten.
-    -    -    ActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifierActivityCoreItemActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifierCodeListType
0 - 1Årsag for status på aktiviteten.
-    -    -    CauseRemarkstringLength: 1-20000 - 1Bemærkninger til status, årsag eller datoskift. Medsendes til a-kasse ved status/årsag eller datoskift.
-    -    -    IncidentDatedateTime
1Hændelsesdato for hvornår den forretningsmæssige begivenhed faktisk fandt sted.
-    -    -    ReasonForActivitystringLength: 1-24000 - 1Begrundelse til aktivitet.
-    -    -    ActivityDescriptionstringLength: 1-20000 - 1Aktivitetsbeskrivelse.
-    -    -    ExternalReferenceCollectionExternalReferenceTypeCollection
1Samling af referencer til andre registreringer i DFDG eller lokalt hos jobcenter.
-    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceTypeExternalReferenceType
0 - *
-    -    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceIdentifierstringLength: 1-1001Nøgle til referencen. Interne referencer til andet i DFDG skal være en GUID.
-    -    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceTypeIdentifierExternalReferenceTypeIdentifierType
1Hvilken type af reference identifikationen peger på. F.eks. en ordinær joborder.
-    -    -    -    -    ClientSystemTypeIdentifierClientSystemTypeIdentifierType
1System der ejer referencen.
-    -    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceDescriptionstringLength: 1-1000 - 1Beskrivelse af referencen
-    -    -    LatestLegalPlanVersionIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}0 - 1Seneste Min plan version som aktiviteten er tilknyttet.
-    -    -    HasChangesBeenPublishedboolean
0 - 1Flag som angiver om rettelsen er blevet publiceret, vil altid være true da publicering for aktiviteter er udfaset.
-    -    -    HasBeenUpdatedByRevisionboolean
0 - 1Flag som angiver at en aktivitet er blevet historisk opdateret.
-    -    CompanyActivityCompanyActivityType
0 - 1Indeholder virksomhedsrettet aktivitetsdetaljer. Er denne type til stede er aktiviteten af typen 'virksomhed'.
-    -    -    DiscoWebint
1Numerisk kode for den stillingsbetegnelse,der er valgt som beskæftigelsesmål.
-    -    -    EmploymentGoalConceptUriDastring
1Unik ESCO STAR identifikation - defineret af STAR for den stillingsbetegnelse,der er valgt som beskæftigelsesmål.

-    -    -    EmploymentGoalAliasIdentifier

0 - 1Unik ESCO STAR identifikation på alias.
-    -    -    JobOrderIdentifierintMinInclusive: 10 - 1Joborder id’en for joborder, der er oprettet i jobnet.
-    -    -    JobDescriptionstringLength: 1-5000 - 1Beskrivelse af jobbet, som er hentet fra jobordre eller jobannonce.

-    -    -    JobTypeIdentifier

-    -    -


1Virksomhedsrettet tilbud. Fortæller om det er alminding job, virksomhedspraktik, løntilskud etc.
-    -    -    FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifierFlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Værdi til at angive om der er tale om gammel eller ny ordning. Se FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifierCodeList for udfaldsrum.
-    -    -    JobOrderPriceHourTypeIdentifierJobOrderPriceHourTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Registrering af timetilskudsats.
-    -    -    AvailabilityProvingboolean
1Flag der markerer om aktiviteten er rådighedsafprøvende.
-    -    -    JobAllocationTypeIdentifierJobAllocationTypeIdentifierType
-    -    -    PurposeOfCompanyInternshipTypeIdentifierPurposeOfCompanyInternshipTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Formålskode for virksomhedspraktik.
-    -    CourseActivityCourseActivityType
0 - 1Indeholder kursusrettet aktivitetsdetaljer. Er denne type til stede er aktiviteten af typen 'kursus'.
-    -    -    CourseTitlestringLength: 1-1001Titlen på det valgte kursus.
-    -    -    EducationTypeEducationTypeType
Base: string
  • DUN
  • AMU
0 - 1Format: DUN, AMU.
-    -    -    EducationIdentifierint
0 - 1Se kodeliste DUN/AMU kode værdierne udstilles i en kodeliste, seGet(DUN/AMU)CodeList for definitioner.
-    -    -    CourseIdentificationstringLength: 1-401Entydig identifikation af kurset.
-    -    -    NumberOfWeeksWithPracticalTrainingintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 9999
0 - 1Praktik. Angives i antal uger.
-    -    -    HoursPerWeeksWithPracticalTrainingintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 37
0 - 1Praktik. Angives i antal timer pr. uge.
-    -    -    MinutesPerWeekWithPracticalTrainingintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 59
0 - 1Praktik. Angives i antal minutter pr. uge.
-    -    -    CourseTypeIdentifierCourseTypeIdentifierType
1Angivelse af afholdelseskategorien. - Se ”GetCourseTypeIdentifierCodelist (afholdelseskategorier)” herunder for beskrivelse af mulige værdier.
-    -    -    AvailabilityProvingboolean
1Flag der markerer om aktiviteten er rådighedsafprøvende.
-    -    -    CourseAllocationTypeIdentifierCourseAllocationTypeIdentifierType
-    -    HelpingDeviceActivityHelpingDeviceType
0 - 1Hjælpemiddel.
-    -    -    HelpingDeviceIdentifierHelpingDeviceIdentifierType
1Hjælpemiddel art.
-    -    -    HelpingDeviceTypeIdentifierHelpingDeviceTypeIdentifierType
1Hjælpemiddel art type.
-    -    -    HelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalIdentifierHelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalIdentifierType
1Ejerskab, råderet.
-    -    -    HelpingDevicePricefloat
1Pris for den angivne enhed i den angivne gyldighedsperiode. Ekskl. moms.
-    -    PersonalAssistanceActivityPersonalAssistanceType
0 - 1Personlig assistent.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistanceIdentifierPersonalAssistanceIdentifierType
1Personlig assistance art.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifierPersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifierType
1Personlig assistance art type.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePopulationint
1Antal assistenter.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceHourIdentifierPersonalAssistancePriceHourIdentifierType
0 - 1Pristype timer.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceHourfloat
1Kr. pr. time for den personlige assistent. Skal være > 0 hvis pristype timer er udfyldt.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceOtherIdentifierPersonalAssistancePriceOtherIdentifierType
0 - 1Pristype andet. Hvis beløb andet > 0, skal dette felt udfyldes.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceOtherfloat
1Beløb andet. Skal være > 0 hvis pristype andet er udfyldt
-    -    HealthActivityHealthActivityType
0 - 1Sundhedsindsats.
-    -    -    HealthActivityTypeIdentifierHealthActivityTypeIdentifierType
1Type af helbredsmæssige indsatser efter sundhedsloven/serviceloven.
-    -    -    HealthActivityTitlestringLength: 1-1000 - 1Titlen på den valgte helbredsindsats.
-    -    SocialActivitySocialActivityType
0 - 1Socialindsats.
-    -    -    SocialActivityTypeIdentifierSocialActivityTypeIdentifierType
1Type af Socialindsats.
-    -    -    SocialActivityTitlestringLength: 1-1000 - 1Titlen på den valgte socialindsats.
-    -    MentorActivityMentorActivityType
0 - 1Mentorindsats.
-    -    -    MentorTypeIdentifierMentorTypeIdentifierType
1Type af mentor.
-    -    -    MentorTitlestringLength: 1-1000 - 1Titlen til den valgte mentor.


JobTypeIdentifier JobTypeIdentifier JobTypeIdentifier JobTypeIdentifier
1001Invalid cprThe submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
4386Removing the unemploymentfund registration in error failedRemoving the current unemploymentfund registration failed
6005The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeader
8005The Activity could not be foundThe Activity could not be found
8027HoursPerWeek is not allowed to be negativeHoursPerWeek is not allowed to be negative
8028MinutesPerWeek is not allowed to be negativeMinutesPerWeek is not allowed to be negative
8025The ActivityIdentifer is read onlyThe ActivityIdentifer is read only
8026The specified ActivationTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified ActivationTypeIdentifier is not valid
8029The specified ActivityStatusTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified ActivityStatusTypeIdentifier is not valid
8032The specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not valid
8034The specified FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifier is not valid
8037NumberOfWeeksWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeNumberOfWeeksWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative
8038HoursPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeHoursPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative
8039MinutesPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeMinutesPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative
8040The specified CourseTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified CourseTypeIdentifier is not valid
8041The specified activity status is not allowedThe specified activity status is not allowed
8057The specified citizen has no legal planThe specified citizen has no legal plan
8090ActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifier is requiredActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifier is required
8112Price per hour should be greater than zeroPrice per hour should be greater than zero
8113Price other should be greater than zeroPrice other should be greater than zero
8114Price per hour is requiredPrice per hour is required
8115Price other is requiredPrice other is required
8179Price type registration is only allowed for subsidized employment and adult apprenticePrice type registration is only allowed for subsidized employment and adult apprentice
8180The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for subsidized employmentThe reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for subsidized employment
8181The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for adult apprenticeThe reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for adult apprentice
8182The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for jobrotatonThe reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for jobrotaton
8201PersonalAssistance1TypeIdentifier is invalidPersonalAssistance1TypeIdentifier is invalid
8202PersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifier is invalidPersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifier is invalid
8203PersonalAssistancePopulation has to be greater than zeroPersonalAssistancePopulation has to be greater than zero
8204HelpingDevicePrice has to be greater than or equal zeroHelpingDevicePrice has to be greater than or equal zero
8205HelpingDeviceTypeIdentifier is invalidHelpingDeviceTypeIdentifier is invalid
8206HelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalTypeIdentifier is invalidHelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalTypeIdentifier is invalid
8207HelpingDevice1TypeIdentifier is invalidHelpingDevice1TypeIdentifier is invalid
8208Activity end date must be activity start date or laterActivity end date must be activity start date or later
8277The submitted CouseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted CouseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value
8278The combination of CourseTypeIdentifier and CourseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowedThe combination of CourseTypeIdentifier and CourseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowed
8279The submitted JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value
8280The combination of JobOrderTypeIdentifier and JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowedThe combination of JobOrderTypeIdentifier and JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowed
8283If the activity is with AvailabilityProving, then ReasonForActivity must be suppliedIf the activity is with AvailabilityProving, then ReasonForActivity must be supplied
9131Invalid CodeListItemIdentifierInvalid CodeListItemIdentifier
9145The ESCO STAR Discocode is not validThe ESCO STAR Discocode is not valid
9304AvailabilityProving is mandatory for the specified JobOrderTypeIdentifierAvailabilityProving is mandatory for the specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier
9352For course type 'Mentor' the activity description is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the activity description is mandatory
9353For course type 'Mentor' the reason for activity is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the reason for activity is mandatory
9354For course type 'Mentor' contact information is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' contact information is mandatory
9355For course type 'Mentor' the telephone number in contact information is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the telephone number in contact information is mandatory

9357For course type 'Mentor' the activity location address is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the activity location address is mandatory
9378CourseType or CourseAllocationType not coherent with impersonated authorityCourseType or CourseAllocationType not coherent with impersonated authority
9387UnemploymentFunds are only allowed to create or update course- or mentoractivitiesUnemploymentFunds are only allowed to create or update course- or mentoractivities
9388Activity already existsActivity already exists
9391Either hours or minutes per week has to be entered for the activity to be validEither hours or minutes per week has to be entered for the activity to be valid
9409MentorTypeIdentifier is invalidMentorTypeIdentifier is invalid
9410HealthActivityTypeIdentifier is invalidHealthActivityTypeIdentifier is invalid
9411SocialActivityTypeIdentifier is invalidSocialActivityTypeIdentifier is invalid


-    PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierPersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ((((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])(01|03|05|07|08|10|12))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|30)(04|06|09|11))|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])(02)))[0-9]{6})|00000000001Borgerens CPR-nummer.
-    ActivityItemActivityItemType
1En specifik aktivitet for en borger.
-    -    ActivityCoreItemActivityCoreItemType
1Indeholder basisdata for en aktivitet.
-    -    -    ActivityIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}0 - 1Id for aktiviteten.
-    -    -    StartDatedate
1Startdato for den pågældende aktivitet.
-    -    -    EndDatedate
1Slutdato for den pågældende aktivitet.
-    -    -    ActivationTypeIdentifierActivityCoreItemActivationTypeIdentifierCodeListType
0 - 1Aktiveringstype - Se GetActivationTypeIdentifierCodeList for definition af udfaldsrum. Fx: løstilskud og virksomhedspraktik.
-    -    -    BottleneckSectorActivityCoreItemBottleneckSectorCodeListType
0 - 1Stillingsbetegnelse, der er på flaskehalslisten i den pågældende region, når tilbuddet bliver afgivet.- I forbindelse med flaskehals tillades kun DISCO-Web angivelse på niveau 3. De aktuelle flaskehalslister for hver region lægges ud som codelist.
-    -    -    HoursPerWeekintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 59
1Timer om ugen.
-    -    -    MinutesPerWeekintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 59
1Minutter om ugen.
-    -    -    ResponsibleAuthorityResponsibleAuthorityType
1Angivelse af den ansvarlige sagsbehandler.
-    -    -    -    AuthorityStructureAuthorityStructureType
1Detaljer på myndigheden.
-    -    -    -    -    AuthorityCodestringPattern: [-][1]|[0-9]{1,8}1Myndighedskode.
-    -    -    -    -    AuthorityNamestringLength: 1-1001Myndighedsnavn.
-    -    -    -    -    OrganisationTypeIdentifierOrganisationTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Myndighedstype
-    -    -    -    CaseWorkerResponsibleCaseWorkerStructureType
1Detaljer på sagsbehandleren.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerGivenNamestringLength: 1-501Sagsbehandlerens fornavn.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerMiddleNamestringLength: 1-400 - 1Sagsbehandlerens mellemnavn.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerSurnamestringLength: 1-401Sagsbehandlerens efternavn.
-    -    -    -    -    TelephoneNumberIdentifierstringPattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20}0 - 1Sagsbehandlerens telefonnummer.
-    -    -    -    -    EmailAddressIdentifierEmailAddressIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ([^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{0,191}@[^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{1,64})0 - 1Sagsbehandlerens email.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerIdentifierstringLength: 1-2551Sagsbehandlerens id.
-    -    -    ActivityProviderActivityProviderType
1Angiver den virksomhed der udbyder aktiviteten.
-    -    -    -    CVRNumberIdentifierCVRnumberIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 81Unique and generally usable identifier for all legal units included i CVR.
-    -    -    -    ProductionUnitIdentifierProductionUnitIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 101Unique and generally usable identifier for all production units (“workplaces”).
-    -    -    ActivityLocationNamestringLength: 0-5000 - 1Aktivitetsudbyder. Angiver den virksomhed der udbyder aktiviteten.
-    -    -    ActivityLocationAddressAddressPostalType
0 - 1Stedsangivelse for aktiviteten.
-    -    -    -    MailDeliverySublocationIdentifierMailDeliverySublocationIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-340 - 1
-    -    -    -    StreetNameStreetNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-401
-    -    -    -    StreetNameForAddressingNameStreetNameForAddressingNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-200 - 1
-    -    -    -    StreetBuildingIdentifierstringPattern: ^([1-9][0-9]{0,2}[a-zA-Z]?)(-[1-9][0-9]{0,2}[a-zA-Z]?)?$1Numeric identification (da: house number ~ 'husnummer') including an optional letter, which identifies a certain access to a building, a plot/piece of land or a plant etc. based on the named road or street which gives access hereto. The identifier is determined in increasing numerical and letter order along the road, normally with even numbers on the right side and odd numbers on the left side of the road. Optionally allow dash (-): 14E-14F
-    -    -    -    FloorIdentifierFloorIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: [1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|KL|ST|kl|st|k[2-9]|K[2-9]0 - 1
-    -    -    -    SuiteIdentifierSuiteIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-40 - 1
-    -    -    -    DistrictSubdivisionIdentifierDistrictSubdivisionIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-340 - 1
-    -    -    -    PostOfficeBoxIdentifierPostOfficeBoxIdentifierType
Base: integer
MinInclusive: 1
MaxInclusive: 9999
0 - 1
-    -    -    -    PostCodeIdentifierPostCodeIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9]{4}1
-    -    -    -    DistrictNameDistrictNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-201
-    -    -    -    CountryIdentificationCodestringPattern: [a-zA-Z]{2}0 - 1Landekode.
-    -    -    -    CoNamestringMaxLength: 1000 - 1C/o-adresse.
-    -    -    ContactInformationContactInformationType
0 - 1Kontaktperson hos aktivitetsudbyder.
-    -    -    -    PersonGivenNamestringLength: 1-501Fornavn.
-    -    -    -    PersonMiddleNamestringLength: 1-400 - 1Mellemnavn.
-    -    -    -    PersonSurnameNamestringLength: 1-401Efternavn.
-    -    -    -    TelephoneNumberIdentifierstringPattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20}0 - 1Telefonnummer.
-    -    -    -    EmailAddressIdentifierEmailAddressIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ([^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{0,191}@[^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{1,64})0 - 1E-mailadresse.
-    -    -    ActivityStatusTypeIdentifierActivityCoreItemActivityStatusTypeIdentifierCodeListType
1Status på aktiviteten.
-    -    -    ActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifierActivityCoreItemActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifierCodeListType
0 - 1Årsag for status på aktiviteten.
-    -    -    CauseRemarkstringLength: 1-20000 - 1Bemærkninger til status, årsag eller datoskift. Medsendes til a-kasse ved status/årsag eller datoskift.
-    -    -    IncidentDatedateTime
1Hændelsesdato for hvornår den forretningsmæssige begivenhed faktisk fandt sted.
-    -    -    ReasonForActivitystringLength: 1-24000 - 1Begrundelse til aktivitet.
-    -    -    ActivityDescriptionstringLength: 1-20000 - 1Aktivitetsbeskrivelse.
-    -    -    ExternalReferenceCollectionExternalReferenceTypeCollection
1Samling af referencer til andre registreringer i DFDG eller lokalt hos jobcenter.
-    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceTypeExternalReferenceType
0 - *
-    -    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceIdentifierstringLength: 1-1001Nøgle til referencen. Interne referencer til andet i DFDG skal være en GUID.
-    -    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceTypeIdentifierExternalReferenceTypeIdentifierType
1Hvilken type af reference identifikationen peger på. F.eks. en ordinær joborder.
-    -    -    -    -    ClientSystemTypeIdentifierClientSystemTypeIdentifierType
1System der ejer referencen.
-    -    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceDescriptionstringLength: 1-1000 - 1Beskrivelse af referencen
-    -    -    LatestLegalPlanVersionIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}0 - 1Seneste Min plan version som aktiviteten er tilknyttet.
-    -    -    HasChangesBeenPublishedboolean
0 - 1Flag som angiver om rettelsen er blevet publiceret, vil altid være true da publicering for aktiviteter er udfaset.
-    -    -    HasBeenUpdatedByRevisionboolean
0 - 1Flag som angiver at en aktivitet er blevet historisk opdateret.
-    -    CompanyActivityCompanyActivityType
0 - 1Indeholder virksomhedsrettet aktivitetsdetaljer. Er denne type til stede er aktiviteten af typen 'virksomhed'.
-    -    -    DiscoWebint
1Numerisk kode for den stillingsbetegnelse,der er valgt som beskæftigelsesmål.
-    -    -    EmploymentGoalConceptUriDastring
1Unik ESCO STAR identifikation - defineret af STAR for den stillingsbetegnelse,der er valgt som beskæftigelsesmål.

-    -    -    EmploymentGoalAliasIdentifier

0 - 1Unik ESCO STAR identifikation på alias.
-    -    -    JobOrderIdentifierintMinInclusive: 10 - 1Joborder id’en for joborder, der er oprettet i jobnet.
-    -    -    JobDescriptionstringLength: 1-5000 - 1Beskrivelse af jobbet, som er hentet fra jobordre eller jobannonce.

-    -    -    JobTypeIdentifier

-    -    -


1Virksomhedsrettet tilbud. Fortæller om det er alminding job, virksomhedspraktik, løntilskud etc.
-    -    -    FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifierFlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Værdi til at angive om der er tale om gammel eller ny ordning. Se FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifierCodeList for udfaldsrum.
-    -    -    JobOrderPriceHourTypeIdentifierJobOrderPriceHourTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Registrering af timetilskudsats.
-    -    -    AvailabilityProvingboolean
1Flag der markerer om aktiviteten er rådighedsafprøvende.
-    -    -    JobAllocationTypeIdentifierJobAllocationTypeIdentifierType
-    -    -    PurposeOfCompanyInternshipTypeIdentifierPurposeOfCompanyInternshipTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Formålskode for virksomhedspraktik.
-    -    CourseActivityCourseActivityType
0 - 1Indeholder kursusrettet aktivitetsdetaljer. Er denne type til stede er aktiviteten af typen 'kursus'.
-    -    -    CourseTitlestringLength: 1-1001Titlen på det valgte kursus.
-    -    -    EducationTypeEducationTypeType
Base: string
  • DUN
  • AMU
0 - 1Format: DUN, AMU.
-    -    -    EducationIdentifierint
0 - 1Se kodeliste DUN/AMU kode værdierne udstilles i en kodeliste, seGet(DUN/AMU)CodeList for definitioner.
-    -    -    CourseIdentificationstringLength: 1-401Entydig identifikation af kurset.
-    -    -    NumberOfWeeksWithPracticalTrainingintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 9999
0 - 1Praktik. Angives i antal uger.
-    -    -    HoursPerWeeksWithPracticalTrainingintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 37
0 - 1Praktik. Angives i antal timer pr. uge.
-    -    -    MinutesPerWeekWithPracticalTrainingintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 59
0 - 1Praktik. Angives i antal minutter pr. uge.
-    -    -    CourseTypeIdentifierCourseTypeIdentifierType
1Angivelse af afholdelseskategorien. - Se ”GetCourseTypeIdentifierCodelist (afholdelseskategorier)” herunder for beskrivelse af mulige værdier.
-    -    -    AvailabilityProvingboolean
1Flag der markerer om aktiviteten er rådighedsafprøvende.
-    -    -    CourseAllocationTypeIdentifierCourseAllocationTypeIdentifierType
-    -    HelpingDeviceActivityHelpingDeviceType
0 - 1Hjælpemiddel.
-    -    -    HelpingDeviceIdentifierHelpingDeviceIdentifierType
1Hjælpemiddel art.
-    -    -    HelpingDeviceTypeIdentifierHelpingDeviceTypeIdentifierType
1Hjælpemiddel art type.
-    -    -    HelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalIdentifierHelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalIdentifierType
1Ejerskab, råderet.
-    -    -    HelpingDevicePricefloat
1Pris for den angivne enhed i den angivne gyldighedsperiode. Ekskl. moms.
-    -    PersonalAssistanceActivityPersonalAssistanceType
0 - 1Personlig assistent.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistanceIdentifierPersonalAssistanceIdentifierType
1Personlig assistance art.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifierPersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifierType
1Personlig assistance art type.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePopulationint
1Antal assistenter.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceHourIdentifierPersonalAssistancePriceHourIdentifierType
0 - 1Pristype timer.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceHourfloat
1Kr. pr. time for den personlige assistent. Skal være > 0 hvis pristype timer er udfyldt.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceOtherIdentifierPersonalAssistancePriceOtherIdentifierType
0 - 1Pristype andet. Hvis beløb andet > 0, skal dette felt udfyldes.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceOtherfloat
1Beløb andet. Skal være > 0 hvis pristype andet er udfyldt
-    -    HealthActivityHealthActivityType
0 - 1Sundhedsindsats.
-    -    -    HealthActivityTypeIdentifierHealthActivityTypeIdentifierType
1Type af helbredsmæssige indsatser efter sundhedsloven/serviceloven.
-    -    -    HealthActivityTitlestringLength: 1-1000 - 1Titlen på den valgte helbredsindsats.
-    -    SocialActivitySocialActivityType
0 - 1Socialindsats.
-    -    -    SocialActivityTypeIdentifierSocialActivityTypeIdentifierType
1Type af Socialindsats.
-    -    -    SocialActivityTitlestringLength: 1-1000 - 1Titlen på den valgte socialindsats.
-    -    MentorActivityMentorActivityType
0 - 1Mentorindsats.
-    -    -    MentorTypeIdentifierMentorTypeIdentifierType
1Type af mentor.
-    -    -    MentorTitlestringLength: 1-1000 - 1Titlen til den valgte mentor.


JobTypeIdentifier JobTypeIdentifier JobTypeIdentifier JobTypeIdentifier
1001Invalid cprThe submitted cpr is either to long or short or contains data not interpretable as a date
1010Unknown cprThe submitted cpr is unknown to the system
4385The client does not have an unemploymentfund registrationThe client does not have an unemploymentfund registration
4386Removing the unemploymentfund registration in error failedRemoving the current unemploymentfund registration failed
6005The person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeaderThe person with specified cpr does not belong to the jobcenter specified in ActiveOrganisationHeader
8005The Activity could not be foundThe Activity could not be found
8027HoursPerWeek is not allowed to be negativeHoursPerWeek is not allowed to be negative
8028MinutesPerWeek is not allowed to be negativeMinutesPerWeek is not allowed to be negative
8026The specified ActivationTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified ActivationTypeIdentifier is not valid
8029The specified ActivityStatusTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified ActivityStatusTypeIdentifier is not valid
8032The specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier is not valid
8034The specified FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifier is not valid
8037NumberOfWeeksWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeNumberOfWeeksWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative
8038HoursPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeHoursPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative
8039MinutesPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negativeMinutesPerWeekWithPracticalTraining is not allowed to be negative
8040The specified CourseTypeIdentifier is not validThe specified CourseTypeIdentifier is not valid
8041The specified activity status is not allowedThe specified activity status is not allowed
8090ActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifier is requiredActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifier is required
8112Price per hour should be greater than zeroPrice per hour should be greater than zero
8113Price other should be greater than zeroPrice other should be greater than zero
8114Price per hour is requiredPrice per hour is required
8115Price other is requiredPrice other is required
8179Price type registration is only allowed for subsidized employment and adult apprenticePrice type registration is only allowed for subsidized employment and adult apprentice
8180The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for subsidized employmentThe reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for subsidized employment
8181The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for adult apprenticeThe reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for adult apprentice
8182The reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for jobrotatonThe reported type (price pr. hour) is only valid for jobrotaton
8199Existing end date is too fare in the past.Existing end date is too fare in the past.
8201PersonalAssistance1TypeIdentifier is invalidPersonalAssistance1TypeIdentifier is invalid
8202PersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifier is invalidPersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifier is invalid
8203PersonalAssistancePopulation has to be greater than zeroPersonalAssistancePopulation has to be greater than zero
8204HelpingDevicePrice has to be greater than or equal zeroHelpingDevicePrice has to be greater than or equal zero
8205HelpingDeviceTypeIdentifier is invalidHelpingDeviceTypeIdentifier is invalid
8206HelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalTypeIdentifier is invalidHelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalTypeIdentifier is invalid
8207HelpingDevice1TypeIdentifier is invalidHelpingDevice1TypeIdentifier is invalid
8208Activity end date must be activity start date or laterActivity end date must be activity start date or later
8277The submitted CouseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted CouseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value
8278The combination of CourseTypeIdentifier and CourseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowedThe combination of CourseTypeIdentifier and CourseAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowed
8279The submitted JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist valueThe submitted JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not a valid codelist value
8280The combination of JobOrderTypeIdentifier and JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowedThe combination of JobOrderTypeIdentifier and JobAllocationTypeIdentifier is not allowed
9131Invalid CodeListItemIdentifierInvalid CodeListItemIdentifier
9304AvailabilityProving is mandatory for the specified JobOrderTypeIdentifierAvailabilityProving is mandatory for the specified JobOrderTypeIdentifier
9352For course type 'Mentor' the activity description is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the activity description is mandatory
9353For course type 'Mentor' the reason for activity is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the reason for activity is mandatory
9354For course type 'Mentor' contact information is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' contact information is mandatory
9355For course type 'Mentor' the telephone number in contact information is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the telephone number in contact information is mandatory

9357For course type 'Mentor' the activity location address is mandatoryFor course type 'Mentor' the activity location address is mandatory
9378CourseType or CourseAllocationType not coherent with impersonated authorityCourseType or CourseAllocationType not coherent with impersonated authority
9387UnemploymentFunds are only allowed to create or update course- or mentoractivitiesUnemploymentFunds are only allowed to create or update course- or mentoractivities
9391Either hours or minutes per week has to be entered for the activity to be validEither hours or minutes per week has to be entered for the activity to be valid
9409MentorTypeIdentifier is invalidMentorTypeIdentifier is invalid
9410HealthActivityTypeIdentifier is invalidHealthActivityTypeIdentifier is invalid
9411SocialActivityTypeIdentifier is invalidSocialActivityTypeIdentifier is invalid


-    ActivityItemActivityItemGetType
1En specifik aktivitet for en borger.
-    -    ActivityCoreItemActivityCoreItemGetType
1Indeholder basisdata for en aktivitet.
-    -    -    ActivityIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}0 - 1Id for aktiviteten.
-    -    -    StartDatedate
1Startdato for den pågældende aktivitet.
-    -    -    EndDatedate
1Slutdato for den pågældende aktivitet.
-    -    -    ActivationTypeIdentifierActivityCoreItemActivationTypeIdentifierCodeListType
0 - 1Aktiveringstype - Se GetActivationTypeIdentifierCodeList for definition af udfaldsrum. Fx: løstilskud og virksomhedspraktik.
-    -    -    BottleneckSectorActivityCoreItemBottleneckSectorCodeListType
0 - 1Stillingsbetegnelse, der er på flaskehalslisten i den pågældende region, når tilbuddet bliver afgivet.- I forbindelse med flaskehals tillades kun DISCO-Web angivelse på niveau 3. De aktuelle flaskehalslister for hver region lægges ud som codelist.
-    -    -    HoursPerWeekint
1Timer om ugen.
-    -    -    MinutesPerWeekint
1Minutter om ugen.
-    -    -    ResponsibleAuthorityResponsibleAuthorityType
1Angivelse af den ansvarlige sagsbehandler.
-    -    -    -    AuthorityStructureAuthorityStructureType
1Detaljer på myndigheden.
-    -    -    -    -    AuthorityCodestringPattern: [-][1]|[0-9]{1,8}1Myndighedskode.
-    -    -    -    -    AuthorityNamestringLength: 1-1001Myndighedsnavn.
-    -    -    -    -    OrganisationTypeIdentifierOrganisationTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Myndighedstype
-    -    -    -    CaseWorkerResponsibleCaseWorkerStructureType
1Detaljer på sagsbehandleren.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerGivenNamestringLength: 1-501Sagsbehandlerens fornavn.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerMiddleNamestringLength: 1-400 - 1Sagsbehandlerens mellemnavn.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerSurnamestringLength: 1-401Sagsbehandlerens efternavn.
-    -    -    -    -    TelephoneNumberIdentifierstringPattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20}0 - 1Sagsbehandlerens telefonnummer.
-    -    -    -    -    EmailAddressIdentifierEmailAddressIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ([^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{0,191}@[^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{1,64})0 - 1Sagsbehandlerens email.
-    -    -    -    -    CaseWorkerIdentifierstringLength: 1-2551Sagsbehandlerens id.
-    -    -    ActivityProviderActivityProviderType
1Angiver den virksomhed der udbyder aktiviteten.
-    -    -    -    CVRNumberIdentifierCVRnumberIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 81Unique and generally usable identifier for all legal units included i CVR.
-    -    -    -    ProductionUnitIdentifierProductionUnitIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 101Unique and generally usable identifier for all production units (“workplaces”).
-    -    -    ActivityLocationNamestringLength: 0-5000 - 1Aktivitetsudbyder. Angiver den virksomhed der udbyder aktiviteten.
-    -    -    ActivityLocationAddressAddressPostalType
0 - 1Stedsangivelse for aktiviteten.
-    -    -    -    MailDeliverySublocationIdentifierMailDeliverySublocationIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-340 - 1
-    -    -    -    StreetNameStreetNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-401
-    -    -    -    StreetNameForAddressingNameStreetNameForAddressingNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-200 - 1
-    -    -    -    StreetBuildingIdentifierstringPattern: ^([1-9][0-9]{0,2}[a-zA-Z]?)(-[1-9][0-9]{0,2}[a-zA-Z]?)?$1Numeric identification (da: house number ~ 'husnummer') including an optional letter, which identifies a certain access to a building, a plot/piece of land or a plant etc. based on the named road or street which gives access hereto. The identifier is determined in increasing numerical and letter order along the road, normally with even numbers on the right side and odd numbers on the left side of the road. Optionally allow dash (-): 14E-14F
-    -    -    -    FloorIdentifierFloorIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: [1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|KL|ST|kl|st|k[2-9]|K[2-9]0 - 1
-    -    -    -    SuiteIdentifierSuiteIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-40 - 1
-    -    -    -    DistrictSubdivisionIdentifierDistrictSubdivisionIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-340 - 1
-    -    -    -    PostOfficeBoxIdentifierPostOfficeBoxIdentifierType
Base: integer
MinInclusive: 1
MaxInclusive: 9999
0 - 1
-    -    -    -    PostCodeIdentifierPostCodeIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9]{4}1
-    -    -    -    DistrictNameDistrictNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-201
-    -    -    -    CountryIdentificationCodestringPattern: [a-zA-Z]{2}0 - 1Landekode.
-    -    -    -    CoNamestringMaxLength: 1000 - 1C/o-adresse.
-    -    -    ContactInformationContactInformationType
0 - 1Kontaktperson hos aktivitetsudbyder.
-    -    -    -    PersonGivenNamestringLength: 1-501Fornavn.
-    -    -    -    PersonMiddleNamestringLength: 1-400 - 1Mellemnavn.
-    -    -    -    PersonSurnameNamestringLength: 1-401Efternavn.
-    -    -    -    TelephoneNumberIdentifierstringPattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20}0 - 1Telefonnummer.
-    -    -    -    EmailAddressIdentifierEmailAddressIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ([^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{0,191}@[^>\(\)\[\]\\,;:@\s]{1,64})0 - 1E-mailadresse.
-    -    -    ActivityStatusTypeIdentifierActivityCoreItemActivityStatusTypeIdentifierCodeListType
1Status på aktiviteten.
-    -    -    ActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifierActivityCoreItemActivityStatusCauseTypeIdentifierCodeListType
0 - 1Årsag for status på aktiviteten.
-    -    -    CauseRemarkstringLength: 1-20000 - 1Bemærkninger til status, årsag eller datoskift. Medsendes til a-kasse ved status/årsag eller datoskift.
-    -    -    IncidentDatedateTime
1Hændelsesdato for hvornår den forretningsmæssige begivenhed faktisk fandt sted.
-    -    -    ReasonForActivitystringLength: 1-24000 - 1Begrundelse til aktivitet.
-    -    -    ActivityDescriptionstringLength: 1-20000 - 1Aktivitetsbeskrivelse.
-    -    -    ExternalReferenceCollectionExternalReferenceTypeCollection
1Samling af referencer til andre registreringer i DFDG eller lokalt hos jobcenter.
-    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceTypeExternalReferenceType
0 - *
-    -    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceIdentifierstringLength: 1-1001Nøgle til referencen. Interne referencer til andet i DFDG skal være en GUID.
-    -    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceTypeIdentifierExternalReferenceTypeIdentifierType
1Hvilken type af reference identifikationen peger på. F.eks. en ordinær joborder.
-    -    -    -    -    ClientSystemTypeIdentifierClientSystemTypeIdentifierType
1System der ejer referencen.
-    -    -    -    -    ExternalReferenceDescriptionstringLength: 1-1000 - 1Beskrivelse af referencen
-    -    -    LatestLegalPlanVersionIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}0 - 1Seneste Min plan version som aktiviteten er tilknyttet.
-    -    -    HasChangesBeenPublishedboolean
0 - 1Flag som angiver om rettelsen er blevet publiceret, vil altid være true da publicering for aktiviteter er udfaset.
-    -    -    HasBeenUpdatedByRevisionboolean
0 - 1Flag som angiver at en aktivitet er blevet historisk opdateret.
-    -    -    RecordingAuthoritystringPattern: [-][1]|[0-9]{1,8}0 - 1Myndighedskode på det oprettende jobcenter.
-    -    -    FirstPublishedDateTimedateTime
0 - 1Hændelsesdato for hvornår den aktiviteten første gang blev publiceret.
-    -    CompanyActivityCompanyActivityType
0 - 1Indeholder virksomhedsrettet aktivitetsdetaljer. Er denne type til stede er aktiviteten af typen 'virksomhed'.
-    -    -    DiscoWebint
1Numerisk kode for den stillingsbetegnelse,der er valgt som beskæftigelsesmål.
-    -    -    EmploymentGoalConceptUriDastring
1Unik ESCO STAR identifikation - defineret af STAR for den stillingsbetegnelse,der er valgt som beskæftigelsesmål.

-    -    -    EmploymentGoalAliasIdentifier

0 - 1Unik ESCO STAR identifikation på alias.
-    -    -    JobOrderIdentifierintMinInclusive: 10 - 1Joborder id’en for joborder, der er oprettet i jobnet.
-    -    -    JobDescriptionstringLength: 1-5000 - 1Beskrivelse af jobbet, som er hentet fra jobordre eller jobannonce.

-    -    -


-    -    -    JobOrderTypeIdentifier

1Virksomhedsrettet tilbud. Fortæller om det er alminding job, virksomhedspraktik, løntilskud etc.
-    -    -    FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifierFlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Værdi til at angive om der er tale om gammel eller ny ordning. Se FlexJobEmploymentTypeIdentifierCodeList for udfaldsrum.
-    -    -    JobOrderPriceHourTypeIdentifierJobOrderPriceHourTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Registrering af timetilskudsats.
-    -    -    AvailabilityProvingboolean
1Flag der markerer om aktiviteten er rådighedsafprøvende.
-    -    -    JobAllocationTypeIdentifierJobAllocationTypeIdentifierType
-    -    -    PurposeOfCompanyInternshipTypeIdentifierPurposeOfCompanyInternshipTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Formålskode for virksomhedspraktik.
-    -    CourseActivityCourseActivityType
0 - 1Indeholder kursusrettet aktivitetsdetaljer. Er denne type til stede er aktiviteten af typen 'kursus'.
-    -    -    CourseTitlestringLength: 1-1001Titlen på det valgte kursus.
-    -    -    EducationTypeEducationTypeType
Base: string
  • DUN
  • AMU
0 - 1Format: DUN, AMU.
-    -    -    EducationIdentifierint
0 - 1Se kodeliste DUN/AMU kode værdierne udstilles i en kodeliste, seGet(DUN/AMU)CodeList for definitioner.
-    -    -    CourseIdentificationstringLength: 1-401Entydig identifikation af kurset.
-    -    -    NumberOfWeeksWithPracticalTrainingintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 9999
0 - 1Praktik. Angives i antal uger.
-    -    -    HoursPerWeeksWithPracticalTrainingintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 37
0 - 1Praktik. Angives i antal timer pr. uge.
-    -    -    MinutesPerWeekWithPracticalTrainingintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 59
0 - 1Praktik. Angives i antal minutter pr. uge.
-    -    -    CourseTypeIdentifierCourseTypeIdentifierType
1Angivelse af afholdelseskategorien. - Se ”GetCourseTypeIdentifierCodelist (afholdelseskategorier)” herunder for beskrivelse af mulige værdier.
-    -    -    AvailabilityProvingboolean
1Flag der markerer om aktiviteten er rådighedsafprøvende.
-    -    -    CourseAllocationTypeIdentifierCourseAllocationTypeIdentifierType
-    -    HelpingDeviceActivityHelpingDeviceType
0 - 1Hjælpemiddel.
-    -    -    HelpingDeviceIdentifierHelpingDeviceIdentifierType
1Hjælpemiddel art.
-    -    -    HelpingDeviceTypeIdentifierHelpingDeviceTypeIdentifierType
1Hjælpemiddel art type.
-    -    -    HelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalIdentifierHelpingDeviceOwnershipDisposalIdentifierType
1Ejerskab, råderet.
-    -    -    HelpingDevicePricefloat
1Pris for den angivne enhed i den angivne gyldighedsperiode. Ekskl. moms.
-    -    PersonalAssistanceActivityPersonalAssistanceType
0 - 1Personlig assistent.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistanceIdentifierPersonalAssistanceIdentifierType
1Personlig assistance art.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifierPersonalAssistanceTypeIdentifierType
1Personlig assistance art type.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePopulationint
1Antal assistenter.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceHourIdentifierPersonalAssistancePriceHourIdentifierType
0 - 1Pristype timer.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceHourfloat
1Kr. pr. time for den personlige assistent. Skal være > 0 hvis pristype timer er udfyldt.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceOtherIdentifierPersonalAssistancePriceOtherIdentifierType
0 - 1Pristype andet. Hvis beløb andet > 0, skal dette felt udfyldes.
-    -    -    PersonalAssistancePriceOtherfloat
1Beløb andet. Skal være > 0 hvis pristype andet er udfyldt
-    -    HealthActivityHealthActivityType
0 - 1Sundhedsindsats.
-    -    -    HealthActivityTypeIdentifierHealthActivityTypeIdentifierType
1Type af helbredsmæssige indsatser efter sundhedsloven/serviceloven.
-    -    -    HealthActivityTitlestringLength: 1-1000 - 1Titlen på den valgte helbredsindsats.
-    -    SocialActivitySocialActivityType
0 - 1Socialindsats.
-    -    -    SocialActivityTypeIdentifierSocialActivityTypeIdentifierType
1Type af Socialindsats.
-    -    -    SocialActivityTitlestringLength: 1-1000 - 1Titlen på den valgte socialindsats.
-    -    MentorActivityMentorActivityType
0 - 1Mentorindsats.
-    -    -    MentorTypeIdentifierMentorTypeIdentifierType
1Type af mentor.
-    -    -    MentorTitlestringLength: 1-1000 - 1Titlen til den valgte mentor.


-    CompanyActivitySummaryCollectionCompanyActivitySummaryTypeCollection
1Virksomhedens aktiviteter.
-    -    CompanyActivitySummaryTypeCompanyActivitySummaryType
0 - *
-    -    -    CVRnumberIdentifierCVRnumberIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 80 - 1CVR nummer for virksomheden.
-    -    -    ProductionUnitIdentifierProductionUnitIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 100 - 1P-nummer for virksomheden.
-    -    -    OrganisationCodestring
-    -    -    JobOrderTypeIdentifierJobOrderTypeIdentifierType
0 - 1Angivelse af overordnet type af virksomhedsrettede tilbud.
-    -    -    ActivityIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}1ID på aktiviteten.
-    -    -    ActivityStartDatedateTime
-    -    -    ActivityEndDatedateTime
-    -    -    Birthdaydate
-    -    -    ContactGroupTypeIdentifierContactGroupTypeIdentifierType
1Typen af kontaktgruppe.
-    -    -    ActivityStatusActivityCoreItemActivityStatusTypeIdentifierCodeListType
1Denne værdi er relateret til ActivityStatusTypeIdentifierType codelist og fortæller om aktivitetsstatussen fx. står i planlagt, optaget, annulleret, afbrudt etc.
-    -    -    DiscoAms08int
1Fagområde defineret ud fra DiscoAms08-kode.
-    -    -   EmploymentGoalConceptUriDa

1Unik ESCO STAR identifikation - defineret af STAR for den stillingsbetegnelse,der er valgt som beskæftigelsesmål.
-    -    -    EmploymentGoalAliasIdentifierstring
0 - 1Unik ESCO STAR identifikation på alias.
