Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
4400CV Customer Number is unknownThe supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system
4313Invalid client category typeThe submitted client category type is no recognized as a valid client category type
4314Invalid current unemployment status type identifierThe submitted identifier is not recognized as a valid unemployment status type identifier
4316Enrollment overlapThe submitted enrollment date lies within or before an existing enrollment period
4318One or more profession is invalidThe submitted request contains one or more invalid profession identifiers
4338The enrollment date must be of todays date or a maximum of 10 days prior to todays dateThe enrollment date must be of todays date or a maximum of 10 days prior to todays date
4405The person with specified cpr is deadThe person with specified cpr is dead
4641This category is not allowed to be enrolledThis category is not allowed to be enrolled
4645This person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this ContactgroupThis person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this Contactgroup
4698Parameter is negativeParameter is negative
4710The submitted value of YearLastUsed is not a valid yearThe submitted value of YearLastUsed is not a valid year
4720Person is not allowed to be enrolled because person is abroadPerson is not allowed to be enrolled because person is abroad
4725This person cannot be enrolled because the person has a temporary foreign address registeredThis person cannot be enrolled because the person has a temporary foreign address registered
4750The client has an absence registration that does not allow enrollmentThe client has an absence registration that does not allow enrollment
4763A person who is 65 or older can only enroll as 'uden ydelse' from jobnetA person who is 65 or older can only enroll as 'uden ydelse' from jobnet
6014Illegal combination of the client category and unemployment statusRegistration is not allowed because of an illegal combination of the client category and unemployment status
6033ContactGroup is not coherent with ageContactgroup cannot be created if age requirements are not met
7062A ProfessionType must be set for this ClientCategory.A ProfessionType must be set for this ClientCategory.
9320Set both ReobtainSupplementalBenefits and ReobtainedRightWeeks when benefits are reobtainedSet both ReobtainSupplementalBenefits and ReobtainedRightWeeks when benefits are reobtained
9336CV number has to be specifiedCV number has to be specified
9344Missing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrievedMissing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrieved
9345Missing or incorrect data gives warningMissing or incorrect data gives warning
9346Call to CVServiceForDFDG failedCall to CVServiceForDFDG failed


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Denne composite-metode sikrer at man i samme kald, og kun sammenhængende kan tilmelde borgeren og lave en booking af et møde. Metodens forretningsregler er de samme som for UnemploymentEnrollmentCV og JobnetBookingService.


-    ServiceReceiptServiceReceiptType
1kvittering for transaktionen.
-    -    EventDatedateTime
1Tidspunkt for transaktionen eller registrering.
-    -    MessageIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}1Unik identifikation af transaktion eller registrering.
-    JobCenterReceiptstringLength: 0-100001Kvittering fra jobcentret.
-    Phonestring
0 - 1Telefonnummer.
-    Faxstring
0 - 1Faxnummer.
-    NoSelfActivatingCodeNeededboolean
-    JobnetBookingDetailsJobnetBookingDetailsType
-    -    BookingIdentifierguid
Base: string
Pattern: [\da-fA-F]{8}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{4}-[\da-fA-F]{12}1Identifikation af booking.
-    -    BookingOriginatorBookingOriginatorType
-    -    -    OrganisationCodeintMinInclusive: 0
MaxExclusive: 100000000
1Unik kode for den organisation, som bookingen er oprettet af eller på vegne af.
-    -    -    OrganisationTypeIdentifierOrganisationTypeIdentifierType1
Base: CodeListItemIdentifierType1

1Organisationstype for den organisation, som bookingen er oprettet af eller på vegne af.
-    -    -    -    BaseTypeCodeListItemIdentifierType1
-    -    -    -    -    CodeListItemIdentifierintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 100000000
-    -    CitizenShouldAcceptBookingboolean
1Om borgeren selv skal acceptere bookingen.
-    -    AcceptedBookingboolean
1Om bookingen er accepteret.
-    -    ReBookingPossibleboolean
1Kan der ombookes for dette mødetilbud.
-    -    ReBookingDeadlinedateTime
0 - 1Deadline for ombooking af mødet.
-    -    CancellationPossibleboolean
1Kan der aflyses på dette mødetilbud.
-    -    CancellationDeadlinedateTime
0 - 1Deadline for aflysning af mødetilbud.
-    -    SelfBookedboolean
1Om mødet er selv-booket.
-    -    CompulsoryAttendanceboolean
1Om mødet er obligatorisk for borgeren.
-    -    BookingStartTimedateTime
1Starttidspunkt for det bookede møde.
-    -    BookingEndTimedateTime
0 - 1Sluttidspunkt for det bookede møde.
-    -    InterviewTypeIdentifierInterviewTypeIdentifierType
Base: CodeListItemIdentifierType1

1Angiver hvilken samtaletype borgeren skal booke.
-    -    -    BaseTypeCodeListItemIdentifierType1
-    -    -    -    CodeListItemIdentifierintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 100000000
-    -    InterviewFormTypeIdentifierInterviewFormTypeIdentifierType
Base: CodeListItemIdentifierType1

-    -    -    BaseTypeCodeListItemIdentifierType1
-    -    -    -    CodeListItemIdentifierintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 100000000
-    -    MeetingTitlestringLength: 1-1001Mødetitel.
-    -    MeetingDescriptionstringLength: 0-5000 - 1Mødeinformation.
-    -    ReferenceInterviewboolean
-    -    InterviewSupervisorCaseWorkerStructureType
1Tilsynsførende på mødet.
-    -    -    CaseWorkerGivenNamestringLength: 1-501Sagsbehandlerens fornavn.
-    -    -    CaseWorkerMiddleNamestringLength: 1-400 - 1Sagsbehandlerens mellemnavn.
-    -    -    CaseWorkerSurnamestringLength: 1-401Sagsbehandlerens efternavn.
-    -    -    CaseWorkerIdentifierstringLength: 1-2551Sagsbehandler-ID
-    -    InterviewLocationDetailInterviewLocationDetailType
0 - 1Detaljer om jobcentret hvor mødet afholdes.
-    -    -    InterviewLocationDescriptionstringLength: 1-2000 - 1Beskrivelse af jobcentret hvor mødet afholdes.
-    -    -    AddressPostalAddressPostalType
0 - 1
-    -    -    -    MailDeliverySublocationIdentifierMailDeliverySublocationIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-340 - 1
Navn på bygning
-    -    -    -    StreetNameStreetNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-401Vejnavn.
-    -    -    -    StreetNameForAddressingNameStreetNameForAddressingNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-200 - 1
Forkortet vejnavn. Må ikke må overstige 20 tegn.
-    -    -    -    StreetBuildingIdentifierStreetBuildingIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: ([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]{2})|([1-9][A-Z]|[1-9][0-9][A-Z]|[1-9][0-9]{2}[A-Z])1
-    -    -    -    FloorIdentifierFloorIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: [1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|KL|ST|kl|st|k[2-9]|K[2-9]0 - 1
-    -    -    -    SuiteIdentifierSuiteIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-40 - 1
Dør-angivelse, fx th.
-    -    -    -    DistrictSubdivisionIdentifierDistrictSubdivisionIdentifierType
Base: string
Length: 1-340 - 1
Yderligere bynavn eller områdenavn hvor nødvendigt.
-    -    -    -    PostOfficeBoxIdentifierPostOfficeBoxIdentifierType
Base: integer
MinInclusive: 1
MaxInclusive: 9999
0 - 1
-    -    -    -    PostCodeIdentifierPostCodeIdentifierType
Base: string
Pattern: [0-9]{4}1Postnummer
-    -    -    -    DistrictNameDistrictNameType
Base: string
Length: 1-201
-    -    -    -    CountryIdentificationCodeCountryIdentificationCodeType
Base: _CountryIdentificationCodeType

0 - 1Landekode.
-    -    -    -    -    BaseType_CountryIdentificationCodeType
Base: string
Pattern: [a-z,A-Z]{2}|[a-z,A-Z]{3}|[0-9]{3}|[0-9]{4}1Dette er en støttetype til CountryIdentificationCodeType. Det regulære udtryk er et valg for de 4 forskellige regulære udtryk for de forskellige formater. ISO 3166 standard, alpha 2: [a-z,A-Z]{2}. Eksempel "DK" for Danmark. ISO 3166 standard, alpha 3: [a-z,A-Z]{3}. Eksempel "DKN" for Danmark. UN Statistics Divisions country codes: [0-9]{3}. Eksempel "208" for Danmark AuthorityCode from the Central Office of Civil Registration: [0-9]{4}. Eksempel "5100" for Danmark.
-    -    InterviewContactDetailInterviewContactDetailType
0 - 1Angiver detaljer om mødet når det ikke er med personligt fremmøde.
-    -    -    DigitalContactIdentifierstringLength: 0-2550 - 1Kontaktinformation hvis mødet er digitalt.
-    -    -    PhoneNumberstringPattern: (\+)?[0-9]{3,20}0 - 1Vil være udfyldt med vejlederens telefonnummer, alternativt hovednummer til jobcenter. Skal angives, hvis det er borger, der skal ringe.
-    -    -    ShouldCitizenCallboolean
0 - 1Angiver hvorvidt borgeren skal ringe i forbindelse med et telefonisk møde.
-    -    InterviewContactTypeIdentifierInterviewContactTypeIdentifierType
Base: CodeListItemIdentifierType1

1Angiver om mødet skal være personligt fremmøde, telefonisk, per mail eller andet.
-    -    -    BaseTypeCodeListItemIdentifierType1
-    -    -    -    CodeListItemIdentifierintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 100000000
-    -    ShowCaseWorkerboolean
1Om InterviewSupervisor (afholdende sagsbehandler)-Name må vises for borger.
-    -    InterviewUnemploymentFundParticipationboolean
0 - 1For Jobsamtale med deltagelse af a-kasse: A-kassen forventes deltage i mødet, og skal inviteres til mødet
-    -    InterviewWithMoreAuthoritiesboolean
0 - 1Angiver at samtalen er indkaldt med deltagelse af anden myndighed.
-    -    BookingParticipantCollectionBookingParticipantTypeTypeCollection
0 - 1Øvrige deltagere på mødet der ikke er borger eller ansvarlig sagsbehandler.
-    -    -    BookingParticipantTypeTypeBookingParticipantTypeType
0 - *
-    -    -    -    InterviewParticipantNamestringLength: 1-2560 - 1Navn på deltageren.
-    -    -    -    ExternalAuthorityParticipantIdstringLength: 1-2560 - 1Eksternt id på deltageren.
-    -    -    -    ParticipantTypeIdentifierParticipantTypeIdentifierType
Base: CodeListItemIdentifierType1

1Hvilken rolle mødedeltageren har.
-    -    -    -    -    BaseTypeCodeListItemIdentifierType1
-    -    -    -    -    -    CodeListItemIdentifierintMinInclusive: 0
MaxInclusive: 100000000
-    -    -    -    ContactDetailsstringLength: 1-30000 - 1Kontaktinformation.


1014Failed to validate messageThe submitted message could not be validated
4313Invalid client category typeThe submitted client category type is no recognized as a valid client category type
4314Invalid current unemployment status type identifierThe submitted identifier is not recognized as a valid unemployment status type identifier
4316Enrollment overlapThe submitted enrollment date lies within or before an existing enrollment period
4318One or more profession is invalidThe submitted request contains one or more invalid profession identifiers
4338The enrollment date must be of todays date or a maximum of 10 days prior to todays dateThe enrollment date must be of todays date or a maximum of 10 days prior to todays date
4400CV Customer Number is unknownThe supplied CV Customer Number is unknown to the system
4405The person with specified cpr is deadThe person with specified cpr is dead
4641This category is not allowed to be enrolledThis category is not allowed to be enrolled
4645This person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this ContactgroupThis person has a absenceregistration that conflicts with this Contactgroup
4698Parameter is negativeParameter is negative
4710The submitted value of YearLastUsed is not a valid yearThe submitted value of YearLastUsed is not a valid year
4720Person is not allowed to be enrolled because person is abroadPerson is not allowed to be enrolled because person is abroad
4725This person cannot be enrolled because the person has a temporary foreign address registeredThis person cannot be enrolled because the person has a temporary foreign address registered
4750The client has an absence registration that does not allow enrollmentThe client has an absence registration that does not allow enrollment
4763A person who is 65 or older can only enroll as 'uden ydelse' from jobnetA person who is 65 or older can only enroll as 'uden ydelse' from jobnet
4769The connection to an external bookingsystem could not be establishedThe connection to an external bookingsystem could not be established
4783The BookingTime cannot be before todays dateThe BookingTime cannot be before todays date
4819The BookingStartTime is no longer availableThe BookingStartTime is no longer available
4822Could not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RIDCould not find the caseworker with the specified CVR-RID
6014Illegal combination of the client category and unemployment statusRegistration is not allowed because of an illegal combination of the client category and unemployment status
6033ContactGroup is not coherent with ageContactgroup cannot be created if age requirements are not met
7062A ProfessionType must be set for this ClientCategory.A ProfessionType must be set for this ClientCategory.
8108The specified InterviewOptionID is not active or is unknown to the systemThe specified InterviewOptionID is not active or is unknown to the system
8109The booking time is NOT within the allowed range of dates for this interview optionThe booking time is NOT within the allowed range of dates for this interview option
8111An error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifierAn error occured when trying to look up the supplied PersonCivilRegistrationIdentifier
8273Citizen already has a booking of type Jobsamtale.Citizen already has a booking of type Jobsamtale.
8288Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType.Booking is later than deadline of existing InterviewDeadline with same InterviewType.
9003The interview supervisor specified is not allowed for this interview optionThe interview supervisor specified is not allowed for this interview option
9018Selfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missingSelfbooking failed because an External bookingsystem configuration is missing
9336CV number has to be specifiedCV number has to be specified
9344Missing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrievedMissing or incorrect data, profile cannot be retrieved
9345Missing or incorrect data gives warningMissing or incorrect data gives warning
9346Call to CVServiceForDFDG failedCall to CVServiceForDFDG failed

